Java tutorial
/* ############################################################################################# # Copyright(c) 2009 by IBM Brasil Ltda and others # # This file is part of ivela project, an open-source # # Program URL : # # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms # # of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # # version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; # # without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # # ############################################################################################# # File: # # Document: Course Stateless Bean # # Date - Author(Company) - Issue# - Summary # # 07-JAN-2009 - Maristella Myrian (UFC) - XXXXXX - Initial Version # # 16-SEP-2009 - Otofuji (Instituto Eldorado) - 000016 - General Fixes # # 06-OCT-2009 - Fabio Fantato (Instituto Eldorado)- 000017 - Table of Contents # # 09-OCT-2009 - Rafael Lagoa (Instituto Eldorado) - 000017 - Time Left method # ############################################################################################# */ package br.ufc.ivela.ejb.impl; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils; import; import br.ufc.ivela.commons.dao.DaoFactory; import br.ufc.ivela.commons.dao.GenericDao; import br.ufc.ivela.commons.dao.Page; import br.ufc.ivela.commons.model.Course; import br.ufc.ivela.commons.model.Discipline; import br.ufc.ivela.commons.model.Exam; import br.ufc.ivela.commons.model.Exercise; import br.ufc.ivela.commons.model.Grade; import br.ufc.ivela.commons.model.SystemUser; import br.ufc.ivela.commons.model.Unit; import br.ufc.ivela.commons.model.UnitContent; import br.ufc.ivela.commons.model.SystemUser.AUTHORITY; import br.ufc.ivela.commons.util.Thumbnail2; import br.ufc.ivela.ejb.interfaces.CourseRemote; @Stateless(mappedName = "CourseBean") public class CourseBean implements CourseRemote { private GenericDao<Course> daoCourse = DaoFactory.getInstance(Course.class); private GenericDao<Grade> daoGrade = DaoFactory.getInstance(Grade.class); private GenericDao<Discipline> daoDisc = DaoFactory.getInstance(Discipline.class); private GenericDao<SystemUser> daoSu = DaoFactory.getInstance(SystemUser.class); private GenericDao<Unit> daoUnit = DaoFactory.getInstance(Unit.class); private GenericDao<UnitContent> daoUContent = DaoFactory.getInstance(UnitContent.class); private GenericDao<UnitContent> daoExercise = DaoFactory.getInstance(Exercise.class); private GenericDao<UnitContent> daoExam = DaoFactory.getInstance(Exam.class); /** * Connect to the server and add a new course * @param course * @return true if the new course can be add, and false if can't */ public Long add(Course course) { return (Long); } /** * Connect to the server and get the course by id * @param id * @return course */ public Course get(Long id) { if (id == null) { return null; } return daoCourse.get(id); } /** * Connect to the server and remove a course by id * @param id * @return true if the new course can be remove, and false if cannot */ public boolean remove(Long id) { return daoCourse.remove(id); } /** * try to connect to the server and get all course and lists * * @return a list of course */ public List<Course> getAll() { return (List<Course>) daoCourse.find("from Course c WHERE = true", new Object[] {}); //return daoCourse.getAll(); } /** * try to connect to the server and update a course * @param course * @return */ public boolean update(Course course) { return daoCourse.update(course); } public List<Course> getRequisiteByCourse(Long courseId) { Object[] params = new Object[] { courseId }; return (List<Course>) daoCourse.find("select cr.requisite from CourseRequisite cr WHERE = ?", params); } public List<Course> getCourseByUserApproved(Long userId) { Object[] params = new Object[] { userId }; return (List<Course>) daoCourse.find( "select t.grade.course from Transcript t where = ? and t.status = 1) ", params); } public Page getAllPage(int page, int pageSize) { if (page == 0) { page = 1; } Object[] params = null; String countQuery = "select count(id) from Course where active = true"; String query = "from Course where active = true"; Page p = new Page(query, countQuery, params, params, page, pageSize); return p; } public String getJsonStructure() { List<Course> list = getStructure(); StringBuffer jsonBuffer = new StringBuffer(); String json = null; jsonBuffer.append("{\"id\":\"0\", \"name\":\"Cursos\", \"children\":[ "); if (!list.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { Course course = list.get(i); jsonBuffer.append("{\"id\":\"c" + course.getId() + "\", \"name\":\"" + course.getName() + "\", \"children\":["); if (course.getDisciplines() != null) { for (int j = 0; j < course.getDisciplines().size(); j++) { Discipline discipline = (Discipline) ((List) course.getDisciplines()).get(j); jsonBuffer.append("{\"id\":\"d" + discipline.getId() + "\", \"name\":\"" + discipline.getName() + "\", \"children\":["); if (discipline.getUnits() != null) { for (int k = 0; k < discipline.getUnits().size(); k++) { Unit unit = (Unit) ((List) discipline.getUnits()).get(k); jsonBuffer.append("{\"id\":\"u" + unit.getId() + "\", \"name\":\"" + unit.getName() + "\", \"children\":["); if (unit.getUnitContents() != null) { for (int l = 0; l < unit.getUnitContents().size(); l++) { UnitContent unitContent = (UnitContent) ((List) unit.getUnitContents()) .get(l); jsonBuffer.append("{\"id\":\"a" + unitContent.getId() + "\", \"name\":\"" + unitContent.getTitle() + "\", \"children\":[] }"); if (l != unit.getUnitContents().size() - 1) { jsonBuffer.append(","); } } } jsonBuffer.append("] }"); if (k != discipline.getUnits().size() - 1) { jsonBuffer.append(","); } } } jsonBuffer.append("] }"); if (j != course.getDisciplines().size() - 1) { jsonBuffer.append(","); } } } jsonBuffer.append("] }"); if (i != list.size() - 1) { jsonBuffer.append(","); } } } jsonBuffer.append("] }"); json = jsonBuffer.toString(); return json; } public String getCourseJsonStructure(Long courseId) { Course course = getCourseStructure(courseId); StringBuffer jsonBuffer = new StringBuffer(); String json = null; if (course != null) { jsonBuffer.append( "{\"id\":\"c" + course.getId() + "\", \"name\":\"" + course.getName() + "\", \"children\":["); if (course.getDisciplines() != null) { for (int j = 0; j < course.getDisciplines().size(); j++) { Discipline discipline = (Discipline) ((List) course.getDisciplines()).get(j); jsonBuffer.append("{\"id\":\"d" + discipline.getId() + "\", \"name\":\"" + discipline.getName() + "\", \"children\":["); if (discipline.getUnits() != null) { for (int k = 0; k < discipline.getUnits().size(); k++) { Unit unit = (Unit) ((List) discipline.getUnits()).get(k); jsonBuffer.append("{\"id\":\"u" + unit.getId() + "\", \"name\":\"" + unit.getName() + "\", \"children\":["); if (unit.getUnitContents() != null) { for (int l = 0; l < unit.getUnitContents().size(); l++) { UnitContent unitContent = (UnitContent) ((List) unit.getUnitContents()).get(l); jsonBuffer.append("{\"id\":\"a" + unitContent.getId() + "\", \"name\":\"" + unitContent.getTitle() + "\", \"children\":[] }"); if (l != unit.getUnitContents().size() - 1) { jsonBuffer.append(","); } } } jsonBuffer.append("] }"); if (k != discipline.getUnits().size() - 1) { jsonBuffer.append(","); } } } jsonBuffer.append("] }"); if (j != course.getDisciplines().size() - 1) { jsonBuffer.append(","); } } } jsonBuffer.append("] }"); } json = jsonBuffer.toString(); return json; } public List<Course> getStructure() { List<Course> list = getAll(); buildCourseListContent(list); return list; } public Course getCourseStructure(Long courseId) { if (courseId == null) { return null; } Course course = get(courseId); course.setDisciplines(daoDisc.getByFK("courseId", course.getId())); if (course.getDisciplines() != null) { for (Discipline discipline : course.getDisciplines()) { discipline.setUnits(daoUnit.getByFK("disciplineId", discipline.getId())); if (discipline.getUnits() != null) { for (Unit unit : discipline.getUnits()) { unit.setUnitContents(daoUContent.getByFK("unitId", unit.getId())); if (unit.getUnitContents() != null) { for (UnitContent unitContent : unit.getUnitContents()) { //unitContent.setExercises(daoExercise.getByFK("unitContentId", unitContent.getId())); unitContent.setExercises(daoExercise.find( "from Exercise e where e.unitContentId = ? and = ? order by e.order", new Object[] { unitContent.getId(), true })); //unitContent.setExams(daoExam.getByFK("unitContentId", unitContent.getId())); unitContent.setExams(daoExam.find( "from Exam e where e.unitContentId = ? and = ? order by e.order", new Object[] { unitContent.getId(), true })); } } } } } } return course; } public Integer getStudentsCount(Long courseId) { Object[] params = new Object[] { courseId }; List result = daoSu.find( "select count(e) from SystemUser su, Enrollment e, Grade g where g.courseId = ? and = and = and e.systemUser.enabled = true", params); if (result == null || result.get(0) == null) { return 0; } return ((Long) result.get(0)).intValue(); } public List<SystemUser> getCoordinators(Long courseId) { return daoGrade.find("select g.coordinator from Grade g where g.courseId = ? ", new Object[] { courseId }); } public List<SystemUser> getProfessors(Long courseId) { return daoGrade.find("select g.professors from Grade g where g.courseId = ? ", new Object[] { courseId }); } public Integer getGradesCount(Long courseId) { Object[] params = new Object[] { courseId }; List results = daoGrade.find("select count(g) from Grade g where g.courseId = ?", params); if (results == null || results.get(0) == null) { return 0; } return ((Long) results.get(0)).intValue(); } public Integer getGraduatedStudentsCount(Long courseId) { Object[] params = new Object[] { courseId }; List results = daoSu.find( "select count(e) from SystemUser su, Enrollment e, Grade g where g.courseId = ? and = and = and e.systemUser.enabled = true", params); if (results == null || results.get(0) == null) { results = new ArrayList<SystemUser>(); } return ((Long) results.get(0)).intValue(); } public List<SystemUser> getTutors(Long courseId) { return daoGrade.find("select g.tutors from Grade g where g.courseId = ? ", new Object[] { courseId }); } public List<Discipline> getDisciplines(Long courseId) { Object[] params = new Object[] { courseId }; List<Discipline> results = daoDisc.find("from Discipline d where d.courseId = ?", params); if (results == null) { results = new ArrayList<Discipline>(); } return results; } public boolean remove(Course course) { return daoCourse.remove(course); } public Integer getProgress(Long systemUserId, Long courseId) { List allUnitContents = daoCourse.find( "select uc from UnitContent uc, Unit u, " + "Discipline d where uc.unitId = and u.disciplineId = " + "and d.courseId = ?", new Object[] { courseId }); List finishedUnitContents = daoCourse.find( "select f.unitContent from FinishedUnitContent f " + "where f.course = ? and f.systemUser = ?", new Object[] { courseId, systemUserId }); int cUnitContents = (allUnitContents != null) ? allUnitContents.size() : 0; int cFinishedUnitContents = (finishedUnitContents != null) ? finishedUnitContents.size() : 0; int all = cUnitContents; int done = cFinishedUnitContents; double rate = (double) ((double) done / (double) all) * 100; return (int) rate; } public String getTotalTimeLeft(Long systemUserId, Long courseId) { List<UnitContent> allUnitContents = daoCourse.find( "select uc from UnitContent uc, Unit u, " + "Discipline d where uc.unitId = and u.disciplineId = " + "and d.courseId = ?", new Object[] { courseId }); List<Long> finishedUnitContents = daoCourse.find( "select f.unitContent from FinishedUnitContent f " + "where f.course = ? and f.systemUser = ?", new Object[] { courseId, systemUserId }); Date date = new Date(70, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); for (UnitContent unitContent : allUnitContents) { if (!finishedUnitContents.contains(unitContent.getId())) { date = DateUtils.addHours(date, unitContent.getDuration().getHours()); date = DateUtils.addMinutes(date, unitContent.getDuration().getMinutes()); } } return ((((date.getDay()) * 24) + date.getHours()) != 0 ? ((date.getDay()) * 24) + date.getHours() + " hora(s) e " : "") + date.getMinutes() + " minuto(s)"; } public String getTimeLeft(Long systemUserId, Long courseId, Long disciplineId) { List<UnitContent> allUnitContents = daoCourse.find("select uc from UnitContent uc, Unit u, " + "Discipline d where uc.unitId = and u.disciplineId = " + "and d.courseId = ? and u.disciplineId = ?", new Object[] { courseId, disciplineId }); List<Long> finishedUnitContents = daoCourse.find( "select f.unitContent from FinishedUnitContent f " + "where f.course = ? and f.systemUser = ?", new Object[] { courseId, systemUserId }); Date date = new Date(70, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); for (UnitContent unitContent : allUnitContents) { if (!finishedUnitContents.contains(unitContent.getId())) { date = DateUtils.addHours(date, unitContent.getDuration().getHours()); date = DateUtils.addMinutes(date, unitContent.getDuration().getMinutes()); } } return ((((date.getDay()) * 24) + date.getHours()) != 0 ? ((date.getDay()) * 24) + date.getHours() + " hora(s) e " : "") + date.getMinutes() + " minuto(s)"; } public void savePhoto(Course p, File file) { InputStream data = null; try { f = new; data = new FileInputStream(file); OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(f); byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; int len; while ((len = > 0) { out.write(buf, 0, len); } out.close(); data.close(); Thumbnail2.processSquareThumbnail(f.getPath(), f.getPath(), 80, "80"); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public int isFinishedCourse(Long studentId, Long courseId, long gradeId) { int res = 1; String sql = "select id from Discipline d where d.courseId=?"; Object[] params = new Object[] { courseId }; List<Long> disciplines = daoDisc.find(sql, params); DisciplineBean disciplineBean = new DisciplineBean(); int total = disciplines.size(); int finished = 0; for (Long disciplineId : disciplines) { if (disciplineBean.isDisciplineFinished(studentId, disciplineId, courseId, gradeId) == 0) finished++; } double resd = finished / (double) total; res = (int) (resd * 10); return res; } public List<Course> getCourses(String name, String description) { if (name == null || name.trim().length() == 0) name = "%"; else name = "%" + name.toUpperCase() + "%"; if (description == null || description.trim().length() == 0) description = "%"; else description = "%" + description.toUpperCase() + "%"; Object[] params = new Object[] { name, description }; List<Course> results = daoCourse.find( "from Course c where upper( like ? and upper(c.description) like ? and = true", params); if (results == null) results = new ArrayList<Course>(); return results; } public List<Course> getCoursesByCoordinator(Long userId) { Object[] params = new Object[] { userId }; return daoCourse.find("select c from Grade g, Course c WHERE g.courseId = and g.coordinatorId = ?", params); } public List<Course> getCoursesByProfessor(Long userId) { Object[] params = new Object[] { userId }; return daoCourse.find( "select c from Professor p, Course c WHERE = p.grade.courseId and = ?", params); } public List<Course> getCoursesByTutor(Long userId) { Object[] params = new Object[] { userId }; return daoCourse.find( "select c from Tutor t, Course c WHERE = t.grade.courseId and = ?", params); } public List<Course> getStructure(SystemUser systemUser) { List<Course> list = new ArrayList<Course>(0); if (systemUser == null || systemUser.getId() == null) { return list; } GrantedAuthority[] authorities = systemUser.getAuthorities(); String authority_ = authorities != null && authorities.length > 0 ? authorities[0].getAuthority() : null; if (AUTHORITY.ROLE_ADMIN.hasAuthority(authority_)) { list = getAll(); } else if (AUTHORITY.ROLE_PROFESSOR.hasAuthority(authority_)) { list = getCoursesByProfessor(systemUser.getId()); } else if (AUTHORITY.ROLE_TUTOR.hasAuthority(authority_)) { list = getCoursesByTutor(systemUser.getId()); } else if (AUTHORITY.ROLE_COORD.hasAuthority(authority_)) { list = getCoursesByCoordinator(systemUser.getId()); } buildCourseListContent(list); return list; } private void buildCourseListContent(List<Course> courseList) { for (Course course : courseList) { course.setDisciplines(daoDisc.getByFK("courseId", course.getId())); if (course.getDisciplines() != null) { for (Discipline discipline : course.getDisciplines()) { discipline.setUnits(daoUnit.getByFK("disciplineId", discipline.getId())); if (discipline.getUnits() != null) { for (Unit unit : discipline.getUnits()) { unit.setUnitContents(daoUContent.getByFK("unitId", unit.getId())); if (unit.getUnitContents() != null) { for (UnitContent unitContent : unit.getUnitContents()) { //unitContent.setExercises(daoExercise.getByFK("unitContentId", unitContent.getId())); unitContent.setExercises(daoExercise.find( "from Exercise e where e.unitContentId = ? and = ? order by e.order", new Object[] { unitContent.getId(), true })); //unitContent.setExams(daoExam.getByFK("unitContentId", unitContent.getId())); unitContent.setExams(daoExam.find( "from Exam e where e.unitContentId = ? and = ? order by e.order", new Object[] { unitContent.getId(), true })); } } } } } } } } }