Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * This is a prototype implementation of the concept of Feature-Sen
 * sitive Dataflow Analysis. More details in the AOSD'12 paper:
 * Dataflow Analysis for Software Product Lines
 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
 * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
 * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site:

package br.ufal.cideei.soot.instrument;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.commons.collections.BidiMap;
import org.apache.commons.collections.bidimap.DualHashBidiMap;
import org.apache.commons.collections.bidimap.UnmodifiableBidiMap;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.CompilationUnit;

import soot.Body;
import soot.BodyTransformer;
import soot.SootClass;
import soot.Unit;
import soot.tagkit.SourceFileTag;
import soot.tagkit.SourceLnPosTag;
import br.ufal.cideei.features.AlloyConfigurationCheck;
import br.ufal.cideei.features.FeatureSetChecker;
import br.ufal.cideei.features.IFeatureExtracter;
import br.ufal.cideei.soot.instrument.bitrep.BitConfigRep;
import br.ufal.cideei.soot.instrument.bitrep.BitFeatureRep;
import br.ufal.cideei.soot.instrument.bitrep.BitVectorConfigRep;
import br.ufal.cideei.soot.instrument.bitrep.BitVectorFeatureRep;
import br.ufal.cideei.soot.instrument.bitrep.SetBitConfigRep;
import br.ufal.cideei.util.CachedICompilationUnitParser;

//#ifdef LAZY
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import br.ufal.cideei.util.SetUtil;


import br.ufal.cideei.util.count.AbstractMetricsSink;

 * The Class FeatureModelInstrumentor is a Soot transformation for transcribing feature information to every Unit. This
 * is done via Tag annonations (FeatureTag).
// TODO: change class name to something more appropriate, like
// "FeatureInstrumentorTransformer"
public class FeatureModelInstrumentorTransformer extends BodyTransformer {

    /** Feature extracter. */
    private static IFeatureExtracter extracter;
    /** Current compilation unit the transformation is working on */
    private IFile file;

     * XXX: Workaround for the preTransform method. See comments on FeatureModelInstrumentorTransformer#preTransform()
     * method.
    private static String classPath;
    private CachedICompilationUnitParser cachedParser = new CachedICompilationUnitParser();
    private CachedLineNumberMapper cachedLineColorMapper = new CachedLineNumberMapper();
    private Map<Integer, Set<String>> currentColorMap;

    // #ifdef METRICS
    protected static long transformationTime = 0;
    protected static long parsingTime = 0;
    protected static long colorLookupTableBuildingTime = 0;
    protected AbstractMetricsSink sink;
    protected static String COLOR_LOOKUP = "color table";
    protected static String PARSING = "parsing";
    protected static String INSTRUMENTATION = "instrumentation";

    // #endif

    // #ifdef FEATUREMODEL
    //@   private FeatureSetChecker checker;
    //@   public FeatureModelInstrumentorTransformer setFeatureModelChecker(FeatureSetChecker checker) {
    //@      this.checker = checker;
    //@      return this;
    //@   }
    // #endif

     * TODO: maybe injecting the sink depency in a different way could make this funcionality less intrusive.

    public FeatureModelInstrumentorTransformer(IFeatureExtracter extracter, String classPath) {
        FeatureModelInstrumentorTransformer.classPath = classPath;
        FeatureModelInstrumentorTransformer.extracter = extracter;

    // #ifdef METRICS
    public FeatureModelInstrumentorTransformer setMetricsSink(AbstractMetricsSink sink) {
        this.sink = sink;
        return this;

    // #endif

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see soot.BodyTransformer#internalTransform(soot.Body, java.lang.String, java.util.Map)
    protected void internalTransform(Body body, String phase, Map options) {

        // #ifdef METRICS
        long startTransform = System.nanoTime();
        // #endif

         * Iterate over all units, look up for their colors and add a new FeatureTag to each of them, and also compute
         * all the colors found in the whole body. Units with no colors receive an empty FeatureTag.
        Iterator<Unit> unitIt = body.getUnits().iterator();

         * After the following loop, allPresentFeatures will hold all the colors found in the body. Used to calculate a
         * "local" power set.
        Set<String> allPresentFeatures = new HashSet<String>();

         * The set of features are represented as bits, for a more compact representation. The mapping between a feature
         * and it's ID is stored in the FeatureTag of the body.
         * This is necessary so that clients, such as r.d. analysis, can safely iterate over all configurations without
         * explicitly invoking Set operations like containsAll();
         * TODO: check redundancy between allPresentFeatures & allPresentFeaturesId

        // String->Integer
        BidiMap allPresentFeaturesId = new DualHashBidiMap();
        FeatureTag emptyFeatureTag;
        // #ifdef LAZY
        BitVectorFeatureRep emptyBitVectorRep = new BitVectorFeatureRep(Collections.EMPTY_SET,
        emptyFeatureTag = new FeatureTag(emptyBitVectorRep);

        // #else
        //@      emptyFeatureTag = new FeatureTag(new BitFeatureRep(Collections.EMPTY_SET, allPresentFeaturesId));
        // #endif

        // #ifdef LAZY
         * in the lazy approach, the representation can only be consolidate after all features have been discovery. All
         * IFeatureRep will stored so that it is possible to consolidate later.
        List<BitVectorFeatureRep> generateVectorLater = new ArrayList<BitVectorFeatureRep>();
        // #endif

        int idGen = 1;
        while (unitIt.hasNext()) {
            Unit nextUnit =;
            SourceLnPosTag lineTag = (SourceLnPosTag) nextUnit.getTag("SourceLnPosTag");
            if (lineTag == null) {
            } else {
                int unitLine = lineTag.startLn();
                Set<String> nextUnitColors = currentColorMap.get(unitLine);
                if (nextUnitColors != null) {

                    for (String color : nextUnitColors) {
                        if (!allPresentFeaturesId.containsKey(color)) {
                            allPresentFeaturesId.put(color, idGen);
                            idGen = idGen << 1;
                     * increment local powerset with new found colors.

                    IFeatureRep featRep;
                    FeatureTag featureTag;
                    // #ifdef LAZY
                    featRep = new BitVectorFeatureRep(nextUnitColors, allPresentFeaturesId);
                    generateVectorLater.add((BitVectorFeatureRep) featRep);
                    featureTag = new FeatureTag(featRep);
                    // #else
                    //@                featRep = new BitFeatureRep(nextUnitColors, allPresentFeaturesId);
                    // #endif
                    featureTag = new FeatureTag(featRep);
                } else {
        UnmodifiableBidiMap unmodAllPresentFeaturesId = (UnmodifiableBidiMap) UnmodifiableBidiMap

        // #ifdef LAZY
         * generate vectors

        for (BitVectorFeatureRep featureRep : generateVectorLater) {
        // #endif

        // #ifdef METRICS
        long transformationDelta = System.nanoTime() - startTransform;
        if (sink != null) {
            sink.flow(body, FeatureModelInstrumentorTransformer.INSTRUMENTATION, transformationDelta);
        FeatureModelInstrumentorTransformer.transformationTime += transformationDelta;
        // #endif

        ConfigTag configTag;

        // #ifdef LAZY

        BitVectorConfigRep localConfigurations = BitVectorConfigRep.localConfigurations(idGen,
        // #ifdef FEATUREMODEL
        //@            , checker
        // #endif

        Set<IConfigRep> lazyConfig = new HashSet<IConfigRep>();
        configTag = new ConfigTag(lazyConfig);

        // #else
        //@      configTag = new ConfigTag(BitConfigRep.localConfigurations(idGen, unmodAllPresentFeaturesId
        // #ifdef FEATUREMODEL
        //@      , checker
        // #endif
        //@      ).getConfigs());
        //@      body.addTag(configTag);
        // #endif

     * Do the transformation on the body. To accomplish this, the class that declares this SootMethod needs to be tagged
     * with the SourceFileTag.
     * @param body
     *            the body
     * @param compilationUnit
     *            the compilation unit
    public void transform2(Body body, String classPath) {
        FeatureModelInstrumentorTransformer.classPath = classPath;

    private void preTransform(Body body) {
        SootClass sootClass = body.getMethod().getDeclaringClass();
        if (!sootClass.hasTag("SourceFileTag")) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("the body cannot be traced to its source file");
         * XXX: WARNING! tag.getAbsolutePath() returns an INCORRECT value for the absolute path AFTER the first body
         * transformation. In this workaround, since this method depends on the classpath , it is injected on this class
         * constructor. We will use tag.getSourceFile() in order to resolve the file name.
         * Yes, this is ugly.
        SourceFileTag sourceFileTag = (SourceFileTag) body.getMethod().getDeclaringClass().getTag("SourceFileTag");

         * The String absolutePath will be transformed to the absolute path to the Class which body belongs to. See the
         * XXX above for the explanation.
        String absolutePath = sootClass.getName();
        int lastIndexOf = absolutePath.lastIndexOf(".");
        if (lastIndexOf != -1) {
            absolutePath = absolutePath.substring(0, lastIndexOf);
        } else {
            absolutePath = "";

         * XXX String#replaceAll does not work properly when replacing "special" chars like File.separator. The Matcher
         * and Pattern composes a workaround for that.
        absolutePath = absolutePath.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("."), Matcher.quoteReplacement(File.separator));
        absolutePath = classPath + File.separator + absolutePath + File.separator + sourceFileTag.getSourceFile();

        IPath path = new Path(sourceFileTag.getAbsolutePath());
        this.file = org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFileForLocation(path);

        // #ifdef METRICS
        long startCompilationUnitParser = System.nanoTime();
        // #endif
        CompilationUnit compilationUnit = cachedParser.parse(file);
        // #ifdef METRICS
        long parsingDelta = System.nanoTime() - startCompilationUnitParser;
        if (sink != null)
            sink.flow(body, FeatureModelInstrumentorTransformer.PARSING, parsingDelta);
        FeatureModelInstrumentorTransformer.parsingTime += parsingDelta;

        long startBuilderColorLookUpTable = System.nanoTime();
        // #endif
        this.currentColorMap = cachedLineColorMapper.makeAccept(compilationUnit, file, extracter, compilationUnit);
        // #ifdef METRICS
        long builderColorLookUpTableDelta = System.nanoTime() - startBuilderColorLookUpTable;
        if (sink != null)
            sink.flow(body, FeatureModelInstrumentorTransformer.COLOR_LOOKUP, builderColorLookUpTableDelta);
        FeatureModelInstrumentorTransformer.colorLookupTableBuildingTime += builderColorLookUpTableDelta;
        // #endif