Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2006, 2009 Hugo Corbucci and others.<br> * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at *<br> * <br> * Contributors:<br> * Jeferson R. Silva - initial API and implementation<br> * Hugo Corbucci, Wellington R. Pinheiro, Marcos P. Moreti - later contributions<br> * <br> * This file was created on 2005/10/13, 10:53:38, by Hugo Corbucci.<br> * It is part of package on the project.<br> */ package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.batik.svggen.font.Font; import org.apache.batik.svggen.font.Glyph; import org.apache.batik.svggen.font.table.CmapFormat; import org.apache.batik.svggen.font.table.CmapTable; import org.eclipse.swt.opengl.GLCanvas; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Belongs to package Main class responsible for * providing all drawing related methods using OpenGL.<BR> * Singleton! Should never be instanciated.<BR> * OpenGL uses the center of the screen as (0,0) point and y grows upper and x * grows to the left. * * @author jefsilva */ public class OpenGLWrapper { public static final int CONTINUOUS_LINE = 0; public static final int STIPPLED_LINE = GL11.GL_LINE_STIPPLE; public static final int PRIMITIVE_LINE = GL11.GL_LINES; public static final int PRIMITIVE_LINE_LOOP = GL11.GL_LINE_LOOP; public static final int PRIMITIVE_LINE_STRIP = GL11.GL_LINE_STRIP; public static final Color COLOR_CURSOR = Constant.WHITE; public static final Color COLOR_SELECTED = Constant.YELLOW; public static final Color COLOR_GRIP = Constant.RED_ARCHIMEDES; public static final Color COLOR_BACKGROUND = Constant.RED; public static final Color COLOR_DRAWING = Constant.WHITE; public static final double NORMAL_WIDTH = 1.0; public static final double GRIP_WIDTH = 2.5; private GLCanvas currentCanvas; private Map<Drawing, GLCanvas> drawingCanvas; private int primitiveType; /** * Constructor. Starts the drawing to canvas map and the default line type.<br> * Do NOT use this constructor. It should only be used by the Activator.<br> * If you need a reference to the OpenGLWrapper, be sure to use * Utils.getOpenGLWrapper() */ public OpenGLWrapper() { drawingCanvas = new HashMap<Drawing, GLCanvas>(); primitiveType = PRIMITIVE_LINE; } /** * Retorna o Enconding que deve ser utilizado. Durante os testes com TTF foi * notado que o Encoding est ligado plataforma. i.e. Plataforma MAC (1) * -> Encoding ASCII (0) Plataforma WIN (3) -> Encoding ISO10646 (1) Como s * consideramos estas duas plataformas no mtodo getPlatform ento s * consideramos estes dois casos de Enconding neste mtodo. Returns the * encoding related to the platform. * * @return Encoding related to the platform. */ private short getEncoding() { int p = this.getPlatform(); short encoding; if (p == CmapTable.platformMacintosh) { encoding = CmapTable.encodingASCII; } else { encoding = CmapTable.encodingISO10646; } return encoding; } /** * Retorna a plataforma onde o Archimedes est sendo rodado. Esta informao * usada pelo Batik para escolher qual CmapFormat utilizar. Dependendo da * fonte utilizada podem no existir instncias de CmapFormat para * determinada plataforma. Isso um problema em potencial. Talvez s * possamos incluir no Archimedes fontes que tenham CmapFormat para qualquer * plataforma. * * @return {@link CmapTable}.platformMacintosh if it is running on Mac OS, * {@link CmapTable}.platformMicrosoft otherwise */ private short getPlatform() { short platform; String osName = System.getProperty(""); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (osName.indexOf("Mac") >= 0) { //$NON-NLS-1$ platform = CmapTable.platformMacintosh; } else { platform = CmapTable.platformMicrosoft; } return platform; } /** * Initializes the OpenGL for the specified GLCanvas. * * @param canvas * The GLCanvas to be initialized. */ protected void initGL(GLCanvas canvas) { GLCanvas current = currentCanvas; setCurrentCanvas(canvas); GL11.glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_DEPTH_TEST); setCurrentCanvas(current); } /** * Set the GLCanvas as current. * * @param canvas * The GLCanvas to become current. */ public void setCurrentCanvas(GLCanvas canvas) { if (currentCanvas != canvas) { currentCanvas = canvas; if (canvas != null && !canvas.isCurrent()) { canvas.setCurrent(); resize(); } } } /** * Clears the OpenGL canvas. */ public void clear() { Color currentBkColor =; GL11.glClearColor((float) currentBkColor.getR(), (float) currentBkColor.getG(), (float) currentBkColor.getB(), 0); GL11.glClear(GL11.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); GL11.glMatrixMode(GL11.GL_MODELVIEW); GL11.glLoadIdentity(); resize(); } /** * Updates the window size in the workspace and resets the openGL * coordinates. */ public void resize() { if (currentCanvas != null) { rect = currentCanvas.getClientArea(); GL11.glOrtho(-rect.width / 2, rect.width / 2, -rect.height / 2, rect.height / 2, -1.0, 1.0); Rectangle window = new Rectangle(0, 0, rect.width, rect.height); GL11.glViewport(0, 0, rect.width, rect.height);; } } /** * Updates the OpenGL canvas with the last drawn scene. */ public void update() { if (currentCanvas != null) { this.currentCanvas.swapBuffers(); } } /** * Draws the collection of points based on the current geometric primitive and fill it. * * @param points * Points in the model coordinate system * @throws NullArgumentException * Thrown if points is null */ public void drawFromModel(List<Point> points) throws NullArgumentException { if (points == null) { throw new NullArgumentException(); } GL11.glBegin(primitiveType); for (Point point : points) { try { Point convertedPoint =; GL11.glVertex2d(convertedPoint.getX(), convertedPoint.getY()); } catch (NullArgumentException e) { // Should never reach this block. e.printStackTrace(); } } GL11.glEnd(); } /** * Draws the collection of points based on the current geometric primitive. * * @param points * Points in the model coordinate system */ public void drawFromModel(Point... points) { GL11.glBegin(primitiveType); for (Point point : points) { try { Point convertedPoint =; GL11.glVertex2d(convertedPoint.getX(), convertedPoint.getY()); } catch (NullArgumentException e) { // Ignores if the list contains a null point e.printStackTrace(); } } GL11.glEnd(); } /** * Draws the collection of points based on the current geometric primitive. * * @param points * Points in the screen coordinate system * @throws NullArgumentException * Thrown if points is null */ public void draw(List<Point> points) throws NullArgumentException { if (points == null) { throw new NullArgumentException(); } GL11.glBegin(primitiveType); for (Point point : points) { GL11.glVertex2d(point.getX(), point.getY()); } GL11.glEnd(); } /** * @param points * The list of points to be drawed. */ public void draw(Point... points) { GL11.glBegin(primitiveType); for (Point point : points) { GL11.glVertex2d(point.getX(), point.getY()); } GL11.glEnd(); } /** * Draws a string on a model point. * * @param text * The text to be drawned * @param originPoint * The lower left point of the rectangle that will contain the * text * @param vertical * The vertical vector of the text * @param horizontal * The horizontal vector of the text * @param font * the Font to be used to render the text */ public void drawFromModel(String text, Point originPoint, Vector vertical, Vector horizontal, Font font) throws NullArgumentException { CmapFormat cmapFormat = getCmapFormat(font); Glyph X = font.getGlyph(cmapFormat.mapCharCode('X')); double width = X.getAdvanceWidth(); double size = vertical.getNorm(); double factor = size / width; Point myLower = originPoint; Vector advanceVector; Vector normVertical = Geometrics.normalize(horizontal); for (char j : text.toCharArray()) { advanceVector = horizontal; Glyph glyph = font.getGlyph(cmapFormat.mapCharCode(j)); if (glyph != null) { drawGlyphFromModel(myLower, horizontal.multiply(1.0 / width), vertical.multiply(1.0 / width), glyph); advanceVector = normVertical.multiply((glyph.getAdvanceWidth() * factor)); } myLower = myLower.addVector(advanceVector); } } private void drawGlyphFromModel(Point myLower, Vector horizontal, Vector vertical, Glyph glyph) { List<Point> points = new LinkedList<Point>(); for (int i = 0; i < glyph.getPointCount() - 2; i++) { org.apache.batik.svggen.font.Point point = glyph.getPoint(i); double x = myLower.getX() + horizontal.getX() * point.x + vertical.getX() * point.y; double y = myLower.getY() + horizontal.getY() * point.x + vertical.getY() * point.y; Point temp = new Point(x, y); points.add(temp); if (point.endOfContour) { this.safelyDrawFromModel(points); points.clear(); } } if (!points.isEmpty()) { this.safelyDrawFromModel(points); } } /** * Returns a CmapFormat to this Font according to the platform.<br> * Throws an IllegalStateException if it cannot find a valid CmapFormat on * this Font. * * @param font * Font * @return CmapFormat */ private CmapFormat getCmapFormat(Font font) { CmapTable cmapTable = font.getCmapTable(); short platform = getPlatform(); short encoding = getEncoding(); CmapFormat format = cmapTable.getCmapFormat(platform, encoding); if (format != null) return format; else throw new IllegalStateException(Messages.bind(Messages.OpenGLWrapper_InvalidFont, new Object[] { font.toString(), platform, encoding })); } /** * This method should be used VERY carefully because it will not throw a * {@link NullArgumentException}. It assumes the list is never null and does * nothing if it is. * * @param points * The list of points to be safely drawed like model points. */ private void safelyDrawFromModel(List<Point> points) { try { this.drawFromModel(points); } catch (NullArgumentException e) { // Ignores it. e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Adds a drawing associated with a GLCanvas to the OpenGLWrapper. * * @param drawing * The drawing to be added * @param canvas * The associated GLCanvas * @throws NullArgumentException */ public void addDrawingCanvas(Drawing drawing, GLCanvas canvas) throws NullArgumentException { if (drawing == null || canvas == null) { throw new NullArgumentException(); } drawingCanvas.put(drawing, canvas); } /** * @return The drawing contexts map */ public Map<Drawing, GLCanvas> getDrawingCanvas() { return drawingCanvas; } /** * Sets the GLCanvas associated with a drawing as current * * @param drawing * The drawing to become current */ public void setCurrentDrawing(Drawing drawing) { setCurrentCanvas(drawingCanvas.get(drawing)); } /** * Sets the line style * * @param lineStyle * The line style */ public void setLineStyle(int lineStyle) { if (lineStyle == CONTINUOUS_LINE) { GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_LINE_STIPPLE); } else { GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_LINE_STIPPLE); GL11.glLineStipple(2, (short) 0xAAAA); } } /** * @return Returns the current canvas. */ public GLCanvas getCurrentCanvas() { return currentCanvas; } /** * Changes the current color used to draw. * * @param color * The color. */ public void setColor(Color color) { GL11.glColor3d(color.getR(), color.getG(), color.getB()); } /** * Sets the current geometric primitive type * * @param type * The primitive type */ public void setPrimitiveType(int type) { primitiveType = type; } /** * @param width * The width for the line */ public void setLineWidth(double width) { GL11.glLineWidth((float) width); } /** * @param font * The font that will be used to render the text * @param size * The size of the text * @param text * The text itself * @return The width of that text. Note that non existing glyphs and spaces * have the width of an 'X' width. */ public double calculateWidth(Font font, double size, String text) { CmapFormat cmapFormat = getCmapFormat(font); Glyph X = font.getGlyph(cmapFormat.mapCharCode('X')); double width = X.getAdvanceWidth(); double factor = size / width; double defaultWidth = width * factor; double total = 0; for (char j : text.toCharArray()) { width = defaultWidth; Glyph g = font.getGlyph(cmapFormat.mapCharCode(j)); if (g != null) { width = g.getAdvanceWidth() * factor; } total += width; } return total; } }