Java tutorial
/* * Tecsinapse Data Input and Output * * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 3 or later * See the LICENSE file in the root directory or <>. */ package; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFColor; import; import org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming.SXSSFWorkbook; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.Setter; import; import; import; import; public class Table { private ExporterFormatter exporterFormatter; private TableCellStyle tableCellStyleDefaultBody = Style.TABLE_CELL_STYLE_BODY_CENTER; private String title; private boolean autoSizeColumnSheet = true; @Getter @Setter private Integer minColumnWidth = 8 * 256; @Getter @Setter private Integer maxColumnWidth = 32 * 256; private List<List<TableCell>> cells = new ArrayList<>(); @Getter private Map<HSSFColor, HSSFColor> colorsReplaceMap = new HashMap<>(); public Table() { this(ExporterFormatter.ENGLISH); } public Table(ExporterFormatter exporterFormatter) { this.exporterFormatter = exporterFormatter; } public void replace(TableCell cell, Integer row, Integer column) { cells.get(row).set(column, cell); } public void replaceLastCell(TableCell cell) { replaceLastColumn(getLastRow(), cell); } public TableCell getLastCell() { return getLastRow().get(getLastColumnIndex(getLastRow())); } public String getLastCellContent() { return getLastCell().getContentText(); } public void replaceLastCellContent(String content) { getLastCell().setContent(content); } public void replaceLastColumn(List<TableCell> row, TableCell cell) { row.set(getLastColumnIndex(row), cell); } public Integer getLastColumnIndex(List<TableCell> row) { return row.size() - 1; } public Integer getLastRowIndex() { return cells.size() - 1; } public List<TableCell> getLastRow() { return cells.get(getLastRowIndex()); } public void addOnRow(TableCell cell, Integer row) { cells.get(row).add(cell); } public void add(TableCell cell) { getLastRow().add(cell); } public void add(Object content) { add(new TableCell(content, getTableCellStyleDefaultBody())); } public void add(Object content, TableCellStyle tableCellStyle) { add(new TableCell(content, tableCellStyle)); } public void add(Object content, TableCellStyle tableCellStyle, int colspan) { add(new TableCell(content, tableCellStyle, colspan)); } public void add(Object content, TableCellStyle tableCellStyle, int colspan, int rowspan) { add(new TableCell(content, tableCellStyle, colspan, rowspan)); } public void add(Object content, TableCellStyle tableCellStyle, String cssStyle, int colspan) { add(new TableCell(content, tableCellStyle, colspan).withStyle(cssStyle)); } public void add(Object content, TableCellStyle tableCellStyle, String cssStyle, int colspan, int rowspan) { add(new TableCell(content, tableCellStyle, colspan, rowspan).withStyle(cssStyle)); } public void add(Object content, String cssStyle) { add(new TableCell(content, getTableCellStyleDefaultBody()).withStyle(cssStyle)); } public void add(Object content, int colspan) { add(new TableCell(content, getTableCellStyleDefaultBody(), colspan)); } public void add(Object content, int colspan, int rowspan) { add(new TableCell(content, getTableCellStyleDefaultBody(), colspan, rowspan)); } public void add(Object content, String cssStyle, int colspan) { add(new TableCell(content, getTableCellStyleDefaultBody(), colspan).withStyle(cssStyle)); } public void add(Object content, String cssStyle, int colspan, int rowspan) { add(new TableCell(content, getTableCellStyleDefaultBody(), colspan, rowspan).withStyle(cssStyle)); } public void add(Object content, CellType cellType) { add(new TableCell(content, getTableCellStyleDefaultBody()).withCellType(cellType)); } public void addOnNewRow(TableCell cell) { addNewRow(); add(cell); } public void addNewRow() { cells.add(new ArrayList<TableCell>()); } public void addNewRow(List<TableCell> row) { cells.add(row); } public List<List<TableCell>> getCells() { return cells; } public void setCells(List<List<TableCell>> cells) { this.cells = cells; } public void removeFirstRow() { if (!cells.isEmpty()) { cells.remove(0); } } public void removeInitialRows(int numberRows) { if (cells.size() > numberRows) { for (int i = 0; i < numberRows; i++) { cells.remove(0); } } } public List<List<String>> toStringMatrix() { int rows = cells.size(); int columns = getBiggerRowSize(); List<List<String>> matrix = new ArrayList<>(); boolean[][] spanMark = new boolean[rows][]; for (int r = 0; r < rows; ++r) { spanMark[r] = new boolean[columns]; matrix.add(new ArrayList<String>()); for (int c = 0; c < columns; ++c) { matrix.get(r).add(""); spanMark[r][c] = false; } } int r = 0; int c = 0; for (List<TableCell> row : cells) { for (TableCell cell : row) { // spanMark e ainda tem colunas while (spanMark[r][c] && c < spanMark[r].length - 1) { c++; } if (!spanMark[r][c]) { matrix.get(r).set(c, cell.getFormattedContentInternalFirst(getExporterFormatter())); int rowspan = cell.getRowspan(); int colspan = cell.getColspan(); if (rowspan == 1 && colspan > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < colspan; ++i) { spanMark[r][c + i] = true; } } if (colspan == 1 && rowspan > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < rowspan; ++i) { spanMark[r + i][c] = true; } } if (colspan > 1 && rowspan > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < colspan; ++i) { for (int j = 1; j < rowspan; ++j) { spanMark[r + j][c + i] = true; } } } } c++; } c = 0; r++; } return matrix; } public List<List<TableCell>> toTableCellMatrix() { int rows = cells.size(); int columns = getBiggerRowSize(); List<List<TableCell>> matrix = new ArrayList<>(); boolean[][] spanMark = new boolean[rows][]; for (int r = 0; r < rows; ++r) { spanMark[r] = new boolean[columns]; matrix.add(new ArrayList<TableCell>()); for (int c = 0; c < columns; ++c) { matrix.get(r).add(EmptyTableCell.EMPTY_CELL); spanMark[r][c] = false; } } int r = 0; int c = 0; for (List<TableCell> row : cells) { for (TableCell cell : row) { // spanMark e ainda tem colunas while (spanMark[r][c] && c < spanMark[r].length - 1) { c++; } if (!spanMark[r][c]) { matrix.get(r).set(c, cell); int rowspan = cell.getRowspan(); int colspan = cell.getColspan(); if (rowspan == 1 && colspan > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < colspan; ++i) { spanMark[r][c + i] = true; } } if (colspan == 1 && rowspan > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < rowspan; ++i) { spanMark[r + i][c] = true; } } if (colspan > 1 && rowspan > 1) { for (int jr = r; jr < (r + rowspan); jr++) { for (int ic = c; ic < (c + colspan); ic++) { if (ic != c || jr != r) { spanMark[jr][ic] = true; } } } } } c++; } c = 0; r++; } return matrix; } private int getBiggerRowSize() { int biggerRowSize = 0; for (List<TableCell> row : cells) { int qtdColumns = 0; for (TableCell column : row) { qtdColumns += column.getColspan(); if (qtdColumns > biggerRowSize) { biggerRowSize = qtdColumns; } } } return biggerRowSize; } public String getStringMatrixAsString(List<List<String>> matrix) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (List<String> row : matrix) { for (String cell : row) { sb.append("|"); sb.append(cell); } sb.append("\n"); } return sb.toString(); } public Workbook toXSSFWorkBook() { return toWorkBook(new XSSFWorkbook()); } public Workbook toSXSSFWorkBook() { return toWorkBook(new SXSSFWorkbook()); } public Workbook toHSSFWorkBook() { return toWorkBook(new HSSFWorkbook()); } public Workbook toWorkBook(Workbook wb) { return WorkbookUtil.newWorkbookUtil().toWorkBook(wb, this); } public void addAll(List<String> values) { if (values != null) { for (String value : values) { add(value); } } } public void addAllCells(List<TableCell> values) { if (values != null) { for (TableCell cell : values) { add(cell); } } } public void addAll(List<TableCell> row, List<TableCell> values) { row.addAll(values); } public void concatenateTableOnRight(Table table) { // completa se necessario int rows = this.getLastRowIndex(); int rowsOut = table.getLastRowIndex(); if (rows < rowsOut) { int biggerRow = this.getBiggerRowSize(); List<TableCell> emptyCells = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < biggerRow; ++i) { emptyCells.add(EmptyTableCell.EMPTY_CELL); } for (int i = 0; i < rowsOut - rows; ++i) { this.addNewRow(); this.addAllCells(emptyCells); } } for (List<TableCell> row : this.cells) { row.add(EmptyTableCell.EMPTY_CELL); } // concatena linhas for (int i = 0; i < table.cells.size(); ++i) { List<TableCell> row = table.cells.get(i); addAll(this.cells.get(i), row); } } public void concatenateTableBelow(Table table) { // completa se necessario int biggerRow = this.getBiggerRowSize(); List<TableCell> emptyCells = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < biggerRow; ++i) { emptyCells.add(new TableCell(" ", getTableCellStyleDefaultBody())); } this.addNewRow(); this.addAllCells(emptyCells); // concatena linhas for (int i = 0; i < table.cells.size(); ++i) { List<TableCell> row = table.cells.get(i); this.addNewRow(); this.addAllCells(row); } } public String getTitle() { return title; } public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; } public int getNextColumnIndexOfLastRow() { return getLastColumnIndex(getLastRow()) + 1; } /** * <p>Este mtodo identifica se ao escrever as colunas da planilha deve ser * utilizado o mtodo <code>autoSizeColumn</code> do objeto * <code></code>.</p> * <p>Se retornar false as colunas sero redimencionadas realizando um * clculo considerando o maior nmero de caracteres existente em uma coluna</p> * * @return {@code true} caso esteja configurado {@code auto size}. {@code false} caso contrrio */ //#workaround para resolver o problema do tamanho das colunas com valor zero public boolean isAutoSizeColumnSheet() { return autoSizeColumnSheet; } public void setAutoSizeColumnSheet(boolean autoSizeColumnSheet) { this.autoSizeColumnSheet = autoSizeColumnSheet; } public ExporterFormatter getExporterFormatter() { return exporterFormatter; } public void setTableCellStyleDefaultBody(TableCellStyle tableCellStyleDefaultBody) { this.tableCellStyleDefaultBody = tableCellStyleDefaultBody; } public TableCellStyle getTableCellStyleDefaultBody() { return tableCellStyleDefaultBody != null ? tableCellStyleDefaultBody : Style.TABLE_CELL_STYLE_BODY_CENTER; } public void setExporterFormatter(ExporterFormatter exporterFormatter) { this.exporterFormatter = exporterFormatter; } public Table withNewRow() { addNewRow(); return this; } public Table withCell(TableCell tableCell) { add(tableCell); return this; } public Table withCell(Object content) { add(content); return this; } public Table withCell(Object content, TableCellStyle tableCellStyle) { add(content, tableCellStyle); return this; } public Table withCell(Object content, TableCellStyle tableCellStyle, int colspan) { add(content, tableCellStyle, colspan); return this; } public List<TableCellStyle> getTableCellStyles() { List<TableCellStyle> tableCellStyles = new ArrayList<>(); for (List<TableCell> cellsTable : getCells()) { for (TableCell cell : cellsTable) { if (!tableCellStyles.contains(cell.getTableCellStyle())) { tableCellStyles.add(cell.getTableCellStyle()); } } } return tableCellStyles; } public HSSFColor newCustomColor(HSSFColor replaceColor, Color newColor) { HSSFColor hssfColor = new CustomColor(replaceColor.getIndex(), newColor); colorsReplaceMap.put(replaceColor, hssfColor); return hssfColor; } public int getMinOrMaxOrActualCellWidth(int value) { if (minColumnWidth == null && maxColumnWidth == null) { return value; } if (minColumnWidth != null && value < minColumnWidth) { return minColumnWidth; } if (maxColumnWidth != null && value > maxColumnWidth) { return maxColumnWidth; } return value; } }