Java tutorial
/* * Tecsinapse Data Input and Output * * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 3 or later * See the LICENSE file in the root directory or <>. */ package; import static; import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFColor; import; import; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFCellStyle; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFColor; import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.Setter; @Getter @Setter @EqualsAndHashCode public class CellStyleBorder { private HSSFColor borderColor; private boolean left; private boolean right; private boolean top; private boolean bottom; private short size = 1; public CellStyleBorder(boolean left, boolean right, boolean top, boolean bottom) { this(Colors.BLACK, left, right, top, bottom); } public CellStyleBorder(HSSFColor borderColor, boolean left, boolean right, boolean top, boolean bottom) { this.borderColor = borderColor; this.left = left; this.right = right; = top; this.bottom = bottom; } public CellStyle toCellStyle(CellStyle cellStyle) { if (cellStyle == null || !left && !right && !bottom && !top) { return cellStyle; } if (left) { cellStyle.setBorderLeft(BorderStyle.THIN); if (cellStyle instanceof XSSFCellStyle) { ((XSSFCellStyle) cellStyle).setLeftBorderColor(new XSSFColor(toIndexedColorMap(borderColor))); } else { cellStyle.setLeftBorderColor(borderColor.getIndex()); } } if (right) { cellStyle.setBorderRight(BorderStyle.THIN); if (cellStyle instanceof XSSFCellStyle) { ((XSSFCellStyle) cellStyle).setRightBorderColor(new XSSFColor(toIndexedColorMap(borderColor))); } else { cellStyle.setRightBorderColor(borderColor.getIndex()); } } if (bottom) { cellStyle.setBorderBottom(BorderStyle.THIN); if (cellStyle instanceof XSSFCellStyle) { ((XSSFCellStyle) cellStyle).setBottomBorderColor(new XSSFColor(toIndexedColorMap(borderColor))); } else { cellStyle.setBottomBorderColor(borderColor.getIndex()); } } if (top) { cellStyle.setBorderTop(BorderStyle.THIN); if (cellStyle instanceof XSSFCellStyle) { ((XSSFCellStyle) cellStyle).setTopBorderColor(new XSSFColor(toIndexedColorMap(borderColor))); } else { cellStyle.setTopBorderColor(borderColor.getIndex()); } } return cellStyle; } public String toCss() { String format = "border%s:solid %s %dpx;"; if (left && right && bottom && top) { return String.format(format, "", StyleColorUtil.toHexColor(borderColor), size); } if (!left && !right && !bottom && !top) { return ""; } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); if (left) { builder.append(String.format(format, "-left", StyleColorUtil.toHexColor(borderColor), size)); } if (right) { builder.append(String.format(format, "-right", StyleColorUtil.toHexColor(borderColor), size)); } if (bottom) { builder.append(String.format(format, "-bottom", StyleColorUtil.toHexColor(borderColor), size)); } if (top) { builder.append(String.format(format, "-top", StyleColorUtil.toHexColor(borderColor), size)); } return builder.toString(); } public CellStyleBorder duplicate() { return new CellStyleBorder(getBorderColor(), isLeft(), isRight(), isTop(), isBottom()); } }