Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package; import com.mysema.query.SimpleQuery; import com.mysema.query.jpa.impl.JPADeleteClause; import com.mysema.query.jpa.impl.JPAQuery; import com.mysema.query.jpa.impl.JPAUpdateClause; import com.mysema.query.types.EntityPath; import com.mysema.query.types.Path; import com.mysema.query.types.Predicate; import com.mysema.query.types.path.DateTimePath; import com.mysema.query.types.path.StringPath; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; /** * * @author thomas */ @Repository(value = "queryDslSupportJpaImpl") public class QueryDslSupportJpaImpl<T, ID> implements IQueryDslSupport<T, ID> { @PersistenceContext private EntityManager entityManager; public QueryDslSupportJpaImpl(EntityManager entityManager) { this.entityManager = entityManager; } public QueryDslSupportJpaImpl() { } @Override public void create(T entity) { this.entityManager.persist(entity); } @Override public void update(T entity) { this.entityManager.merge(entity); } @Override public void deleteByID(Class<T> clazz, ID id) { T t = this.entityManager.find(clazz, id); this.entityManager.remove(t); } @Override public <T> Collection<T> findByDetachedCriteria(JPAQuery query, EntityPath entityPath) { List<T> resultSet = new ArrayList<>(); JPAQuery newQuery = query.clone(entityManager); resultSet.addAll(newQuery.list(entityPath)); return resultSet; } @Override public <T> Collection<T> findByDetachedCriteria(JPAQuery query, EntityPath entityPath, Integer actualSize, Integer batchSize) { List<T> resultSet = new ArrayList<>(); JPAQuery newQuery = query.clone(entityManager); if (actualSize != null) { newQuery = newQuery.offset(actualSize); } if (batchSize != null) { newQuery = newQuery.limit(batchSize); } resultSet.addAll(newQuery.list(entityPath)); return resultSet; } @Override public <T> Collection<T> findByCriteria(Predicate predicate, EntityPath entityPath, Integer actualSize, Integer batchSize) { if (entityPath == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(" The EntityPath parameter must not be null"); } if (predicate == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( " The Predicate parameter must not be null. OtherWise use the generic findAll method"); } List<T> resultSet = new ArrayList<>(); JPAQuery query = (JPAQuery) this.createQuery(predicate, entityPath, actualSize, batchSize); resultSet.addAll(query.list(entityPath)); return resultSet; } @Override public <T> Collection<T> findByCriteria(Predicate predicate, EntityPath entityPath) { List<T> resultSet = new ArrayList<>(); JPAQuery query = (JPAQuery) this.createQuery(predicate, entityPath, null, null); resultSet.addAll(query.list(entityPath)); return resultSet; } @Override public <T> T findOneByCriteria(Predicate predicate, EntityPath path) { Collection<T> resultSet = this.findByCriteria(predicate, path); if (resultSet != null && !resultSet.isEmpty()) { return resultSet.iterator().next(); } return null; } @Override public Long updateByCriteria(Predicate predicate, EntityPath entityPath) { JPAUpdateClause updateClause = new JPAUpdateClause(entityManager, entityPath); updateClause = updateClause.where(predicate); return updateClause.execute(); } @Override public Long updateByCriteria(final JPAUpdateClause updateClause) { return updateClause.execute(); } @Override public JPAUpdateClause buildUpdateClause(EntityPath entityPath) { return new JPAUpdateClause(entityManager, entityPath); } @Override public Long removeByCriteria(Predicate predicate, EntityPath entityPath) { JPADeleteClause deleteClause = new JPADeleteClause(this.entityManager, entityPath); deleteClause = deleteClause.where(predicate); return deleteClause.execute(); } @Override public DateTimePath<Date> getEntityPath(Field field, Object entity) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException { DateTimePath<Date> initialDatePath; initialDatePath = (DateTimePath<Date>) field.get(entity); return initialDatePath; } @Override public StringPath getStringEntityPath(Field field, Object entity) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException { StringPath path = (StringPath) field.get(entity); return path; } @Override public String property(Path path) { String temp = path.toString(); int index = temp.indexOf("."); temp = temp.subSequence(index + 1, temp.length()).toString(); return temp; } public SimpleQuery createQuery(Predicate predicate, EntityPath entityPath, Integer actualSize, Integer batchSize) { JPAQuery query = new JPAQuery(this.entityManager); query = query.from(entityPath).where(predicate); if (actualSize != null) query = query.offset(actualSize); if (batchSize != null) query = query.limit(batchSize); return query; } @Override public Long countByCriteria(Predicate predicate, EntityPath entityPath) { return ((JPAQuery) this.createQuery(predicate, entityPath, null, null)).count(); } @Override public JPAQuery getAttachedQuery() { return new JPAQuery(this.entityManager); } }