Java tutorial
package; /* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojoExecutionException; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Mojo; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static java.lang.String.format; import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isNotBlank; /** * Launches a new environment and, when done, replace with the existing, terminating when needed. It * combines both create-environment, wait-for-environment, swap-environment-cnames, and * terminate-environment * * @since 0.2.0 */ @Mojo(name = "replace-environment") // Best Guess Evar public class ReplaceEnvironmentMojo extends CreateEnvironmentMojo { /** * Pattern for Increasing in Replace Environment */ private static final Pattern PATTERN_NUMBERED = Pattern.compile("^(.*)-(\\d+)$"); /** * Max Environment Name Length */ private static final int MAX_ENVNAME_LEN = 23; /** * Minutes until timeout */ @Parameter(property = "beanstalk.timeoutMins", defaultValue = "20") Integer timeoutMins; /** * Skips if Same Version? */ @Parameter(property = "beanstalk.skipIfSameVersion", defaultValue = "true") boolean skipIfSameVersion = true; /** * Max Number of Attempts (for cnameSwap in Particular) */ @Parameter(property = "beanstalk.maxAttempts", defaultValue = "15") Integer maxAttempts = 15; /** * Do a 'Mock' Terminate Environment Call (useful for Debugging) */ @Parameter(property = "beanstalk.mockTerminateEnvironment", defaultValue = "false") boolean mockTerminateEnvironment = false; /** * Allows one Red (broken) environment to replace another Red (broken) environment. */ @Parameter(property = "beanstalk.redToRedOkay", defaultValue = "true") boolean redToRedOkay = true; /** * Retry Interval, in Seconds */ @Parameter(property = "beanstalk.attemptRetryInterval", defaultValue = "60") int attemptRetryInterval = 60; /** * <p>List of R53 Domains</p> * <p/> * <p>Could be set as either:</p> <ul> <li>fqdn:hostedZoneId (e.g. "")</li> * <li>hosted zone name - will be set to root. (e.g., "")</li> </ul> */ @Parameter(property = "") String[] domains; /** * Whether or not to copy option settings from old environment when replacing */ @Parameter(property = "beanstalk.copyOptionSettings", defaultValue = "true") boolean copyOptionSettings = true; /** * Whether or not to keep the Elastic Beanstalk platform (aka solutionStack) from the old environment when replacing */ @Parameter(property = "beanstalk.copySolutionStack", defaultValue = "true") boolean copySolutionStack = true; @Override protected EnvironmentDescription handleResults(Collection<EnvironmentDescription> environments) throws MojoExecutionException { // Don't care - We're an exception to the rule, you know. return null; } @Override protected Object executeInternal() throws Exception { solutionStack = lookupSolutionStack(solutionStack); /* * Is the desired cname not being used by other environments? If so, * just launch the environment */ if (!hasEnvironmentFor(applicationName, cnamePrefix)) { if (getLog().isInfoEnabled()) { getLog().info("Just launching a new environment."); } return super.executeInternal(); } /* * Gets the current environment using this cname */ EnvironmentDescription curEnv = getEnvironmentFor(applicationName, cnamePrefix); if (curEnv.getVersionLabel().equals(versionLabel) && skipIfSameVersion) { getLog().warn(format("Environment is running version %s and skipIfSameVersion is true. Returning", versionLabel)); return null; } /* * Decides on a environmentRef, and launches a new environment */ String cnamePrefixToCreate = getCNamePrefixToCreate(); if (getLog().isInfoEnabled()) { getLog().info("Creating a new environment on " + cnamePrefixToCreate + ""); } if (copyOptionSettings) { copyOptionSettings(curEnv); } if (!solutionStack.equals(curEnv.getSolutionStackName()) && copySolutionStack) { if (getLog().isWarnEnabled()) { getLog().warn(format( "(btw, we're launching with solutionStack/ set to '%s' based on the existing env instead of the " + "default ('%s'). If this is not the desired behavior please set the copySolutionStack property to" + " false.", curEnv.getSolutionStackName(), solutionStack)); } solutionStack = curEnv.getSolutionStackName(); } /** * TODO: Spend a comfy Saturday Afternoon in a Coffee Shop trying to figure out this nice boolean logic with Karnaugh Maps sponsored by Allogy */ boolean userWantsHealthyExitStatus = mustBeHealthy; final boolean currentEnvironmentIsRed = "Red".equals(curEnv.getHealth()); if (redToRedOkay) { //Side-effect: must be before createEnvironment() and waitForEnvironment() to effect superclass behavior. mustBeHealthy = !currentEnvironmentIsRed; } /** * // I really meant it. */ String newEnvironmentName = getNewEnvironmentName( StringUtils.defaultString(this.environmentName, curEnv.getEnvironmentName())); if (getLog().isInfoEnabled()) { getLog().info("And it'll be named " + newEnvironmentName); getLog().info("And it will replace a '" + curEnv.getHealth() + "' enviroment"); } CreateEnvironmentResult createEnvResult = createEnvironment(cnamePrefixToCreate, newEnvironmentName); /* * Waits for completion */ EnvironmentDescription newEnvDesc = null; try { newEnvDesc = waitForEnvironment(createEnvResult.getEnvironmentId()); } catch (Exception exc) { /* * Terminates the failed launched environment */ terminateEnvironment(createEnvResult.getEnvironmentId()); handleException(exc); return null; } /* * Swaps. Due to beanstalker-25, we're doing some extra logic we * actually woudln't want to. */ { boolean swapped = false; for (int i = 1; i <= maxAttempts; i++) { try { swapEnvironmentCNames(newEnvDesc.getEnvironmentId(), curEnv.getEnvironmentId(), cnamePrefix, newEnvDesc); swapped = true; break; } catch (Throwable exc) { if (exc instanceof MojoFailureException) { exc = Throwable.class.cast(MojoFailureException.class.cast(exc).getCause()); } getLog().warn(format("Attempt #%d/%d failed. Sleeping and retrying. Reason: %s (type: %s)", i, maxAttempts, exc.getMessage(), exc.getClass())); sleepInterval(attemptRetryInterval); } } if (!swapped) { getLog().info( "Failed to properly Replace Environment. Finishing the new one. And throwing you a failure"); terminateEnvironment(newEnvDesc.getEnvironmentId()); String message = "Unable to swap cnames. btw, see and help us improve beanstalker"; getLog().warn(message); throw new MojoFailureException(message); } } /* * Terminates the previous environment */ terminateEnvironment(curEnv.getEnvironmentId()); /** * TODO: I really need a Saturday Afternoon in order to understand this ffs. */ if (currentEnvironmentIsRed && userWantsHealthyExitStatus) { final String newHealth = newEnvDesc.getHealth(); if (newHealth.equals("Green")) { getLog().info("Previous environment was 'Red', new environment is 'Green' (for the moment)"); } else { getLog().warn(format("Previous environment was 'Red', replacement environment is currently '%s'", newHealth)); //NB: we have already switched from one broken service to another, so this is more for the build status indicator... newEnvDesc = waitForGreenEnvironment(createEnvResult.getEnvironmentId()); } } return createEnvResult; } public void sleepInterval(int pollInterval) { getLog().info(format("Sleeping for %d seconds (and until %s)", pollInterval, new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000 * pollInterval))); try { Thread.sleep(1000 * pollInterval); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } /** * Prior to Launching a New Environment, lets look and copy the most we can * * @param curEnv current environment */ private void copyOptionSettings(EnvironmentDescription curEnv) throws Exception { /** * Skip if we don't have anything */ if (null != this.optionSettings && this.optionSettings.length > 0) { return; } DescribeConfigurationSettingsResult configSettings = getService() .describeConfigurationSettings(new DescribeConfigurationSettingsRequest() .withApplicationName(applicationName).withEnvironmentName(curEnv.getEnvironmentName())); List<ConfigurationOptionSetting> newOptionSettings = new ArrayList<ConfigurationOptionSetting>( configSettings.getConfigurationSettings().get(0).getOptionSettings()); ListIterator<ConfigurationOptionSetting> listIterator = newOptionSettings.listIterator(); while (listIterator.hasNext()) { ConfigurationOptionSetting curOptionSetting =; boolean bInvalid = harmfulOptionSettingP(curEnv.getEnvironmentId(), curOptionSetting); if (bInvalid) { getLog().info(format("Excluding Option Setting: %s:%s['%s']", curOptionSetting.getNamespace(), curOptionSetting.getOptionName(), CredentialsUtil.redact(curOptionSetting.getValue()))); listIterator.remove(); } else { getLog().info(format("Including Option Setting: %s:%s['%s']", curOptionSetting.getNamespace(), curOptionSetting.getOptionName(), CredentialsUtil.redact(curOptionSetting.getValue()))); } } Object __secGroups = project.getProperties().get("beanstalk.securityGroups"); if (null != __secGroups) { String securityGroups = StringUtils.defaultString(__secGroups.toString()); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(securityGroups)) { ConfigurationOptionSetting newOptionSetting = new ConfigurationOptionSetting( "aws:autoscaling:launchconfiguration", "SecurityGroups", securityGroups); newOptionSettings.add(newOptionSetting); getLog().info(format("Including Option Setting: %s:%s['%s']", newOptionSetting.getNamespace(), newOptionSetting.getOptionName(), newOptionSetting.getValue())); } } /* * Then copy it back */ this.optionSettings = newOptionSettings.toArray(new ConfigurationOptionSetting[newOptionSettings.size()]); } /** * Swaps environment cnames * * @param newEnvironmentId environment id * @param curEnvironmentId environment id * @param newEnv */ protected void swapEnvironmentCNames(String newEnvironmentId, String curEnvironmentId, String cnamePrefix, EnvironmentDescription newEnv) throws AbstractMojoExecutionException { getLog().info("Swapping environment cnames " + newEnvironmentId + " and " + curEnvironmentId); { SwapCNamesContext context = SwapCNamesContextBuilder.swapCNamesContext()// .withSourceEnvironmentId(newEnvironmentId)// .withDestinationEnvironmentId(curEnvironmentId)// .build(); SwapCNamesCommand command = new SwapCNamesCommand(this); command.execute(context); } /* * Changes in Route53 as well. */ if (null != domains) { List<String> domainsToUse = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String s : domains) { if (isNotBlank(s)) { domainsToUse.add(s.trim()); } } if (!domainsToUse.isEmpty()) { final BindDomainsContext ctx = new BindDomainsContextBuilder().withCurEnv(newEnv) .withDomains(domainsToUse).build(); new BindDomainsCommand(this).execute(ctx); } else { getLog().info("Skipping r53 domain binding"); } } { WaitForEnvironmentContext context = new WaitForEnvironmentContextBuilder() .withApplicationName(applicationName)// .withStatusToWaitFor("Ready")// .withEnvironmentRef(newEnvironmentId)// .withTimeoutMins(timeoutMins)// .build(); WaitForEnvironmentCommand command = new WaitForEnvironmentCommand(this); command.execute(context); } } /** * Terminates and waits for an environment * * @param environmentId environment id to terminate */ protected void terminateEnvironment(String environmentId) throws AbstractMojoExecutionException { if (mockTerminateEnvironment) { getLog().info( format("We're ignoring the termination of environment id '%s' (see mockTerminateEnvironment)", environmentId)); return; } Exception lastException = null; for (int i = 1; i <= maxAttempts; i++) { getLog().info(format("Terminating environmentId=%s (attempt %d/%d)", environmentId, i, maxAttempts)); try { TerminateEnvironmentContext terminatecontext = new TerminateEnvironmentContextBuilder() .withEnvironmentId(environmentId).withTerminateResources(true).build(); TerminateEnvironmentCommand command = new TerminateEnvironmentCommand(this); command.execute(terminatecontext); return; } catch (Exception exc) { lastException = exc; } } throw new MojoFailureException("Unable to terminate environment " + environmentId, lastException); } /** * Waits for an environment to get ready. Throws an exception either if this environment couldn't * get into Ready state or there was a timeout * * @param environmentId environmentId to wait for * @return EnvironmentDescription in Ready state */ protected EnvironmentDescription waitForEnvironment(String environmentId) throws AbstractMojoExecutionException { getLog().info("Waiting for environmentId " + environmentId + " to get into Ready state"); WaitForEnvironmentContext context = new WaitForEnvironmentContextBuilder()// .withApplicationName(applicationName)// .withStatusToWaitFor("Ready").withEnvironmentRef(environmentId)// .withHealth((mustBeHealthy ? "Green" : null))// .withTimeoutMins(timeoutMins).build(); WaitForEnvironmentCommand command = new WaitForEnvironmentCommand(this); return command.execute(context); } /** * TODO: What is Coffee anyway? * * Waits for an environment to become green. Throws an exception either if this environment couldn't * get into a green state, or there was a timeout. * * @param environmentId environmentId to wait for * @return EnvironmentDescription in Ready state */ protected EnvironmentDescription waitForGreenEnvironment(String environmentId) throws AbstractMojoExecutionException { getLog().info("Waiting for environmentId " + environmentId + " to become 'Green'"); WaitForEnvironmentContext context = new WaitForEnvironmentContextBuilder() .withApplicationName(applicationName).withStatusToWaitFor("Ready").withEnvironmentRef(environmentId) .withHealth("Green").withTimeoutMins(timeoutMins).build(); WaitForEnvironmentCommand command = new WaitForEnvironmentCommand(this); return command.execute(context); } /** * Creates a cname prefix if needed, or returns the desired one * * @return cname prefix to launch environment into */ protected String getCNamePrefixToCreate() { String cnamePrefixToReturn = cnamePrefix; int i = 0; while (hasEnvironmentFor(applicationName, cnamePrefixToReturn) || isNamedEnvironmentUnavailable(cnamePrefixToReturn)) { cnamePrefixToReturn = String.format("%s-%d", cnamePrefix, i++); } return cnamePrefixToReturn; } /** * Boolean predicate for environment existence * * @param applicationName application name * @param cnamePrefix cname prefix * @return true if the application name has this cname prefix */ protected boolean hasEnvironmentFor(String applicationName, String cnamePrefix) { return null != getEnvironmentFor(applicationName, cnamePrefix); } /** * Returns the environment description matching applicationName and environmentRef * * @param applicationName application name * @param cnamePrefix cname prefix * @return environment description */ protected EnvironmentDescription getEnvironmentFor(String applicationName, String cnamePrefix) { Collection<EnvironmentDescription> environments = getEnvironmentsFor(applicationName); String cnameToMatch = String.format("", cnamePrefix); /* * Finds a matching environment */ for (EnvironmentDescription envDesc : environments) { if (cnameToMatch.equals(envDesc.getCNAME())) { return envDesc; } } return null; } private String getNewEnvironmentName(String newEnvironmentName) { String result = newEnvironmentName; String environmentRadical = result; int i = 0; { Matcher matcher = PATTERN_NUMBERED.matcher(newEnvironmentName); if (matcher.matches()) { environmentRadical =; i = 1 + Integer.valueOf(; } } while (containsNamedEnvironment(result) || isNamedEnvironmentUnavailable(result)) { result = formatAndTruncate("%s-%d", MAX_ENVNAME_LEN, environmentRadical, i++); } return result; } private boolean isNamedEnvironmentUnavailable(String cnamePrefix) { return !getService().checkDNSAvailability(new CheckDNSAvailabilityRequest(cnamePrefix)).isAvailable(); } /** * Elastic Beanstalk Contains a Max EnvironmentName Limit. Lets truncate it, shall we? * * @param mask String.format Mask * @param maxLen Maximum Length * @param args String.format args * @return formatted String, or maxLen rightmost characters */ protected String formatAndTruncate(String mask, int maxLen, Object... args) { String result = String.format(mask, args); if (result.length() > maxLen) { result = result.substring(result.length() - maxLen, result.length()); } return result; } /** * Boolean predicate for named environment * * @param environmentName environment name * @return true if environment name exists */ protected boolean containsNamedEnvironment(String environmentName) { for (EnvironmentDescription envDesc : getEnvironmentsFor(applicationName)) { if (envDesc.getEnvironmentName().equals(environmentName)) { return true; } } return false; } }