Java tutorial
/** * * EventoZero - Advanced event factory and executor for Bukkit and Spigot. * Copyright 2016 BlackHub OS and contributors. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * */ package; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.commons.lang.NullArgumentException; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.block.Block; import org.bukkit.block.Sign; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * TODO: arrumar index do setSign (todos 0) TODO: adicionar logs * (getLoggerService()) nos backups e afins para deixar registrado TODO: * adicionar as mensagens e seus replaces aos respectivos voids necessrios * TODO: documentar (javadoc) todos os mtodos e construtores em Portugus BR. * * Falta algo? documente aqui com um TODO: mensagem TODO = To Do (a fazer) TODO: * no modo espectador, desativar comandos exceto do eventozero */ public class Event { private final String name; private final EventData data; private final List<Player> joineds; private final List<Player> spectators; private final List<Party> partys; private final List<Ability> abilitys; private final List<Cuboid> cuboids; private final List<Location> locations; private final Map<String, Location> camarotes; private String displayName; private String description; private EventState state; private EventFlags flags; private EventPlacements placements; private EventAnnouncement announcement; private Configuration config; public Event(final String name) { this.flags = new EventFlags(); = name; this.joineds = new Vector<>(); this.spectators = new Vector<>(); this.partys = new Vector<>(); this.abilitys = new Vector<>(); = new EventData(); this.cuboids = new Vector<>(); this.locations = new Vector<>(); this.camarotes = new HashMap<>(); this.announcement = new EventAnnouncement(this, 10, 10); } public Event(final String name, final Configuration config) { this(name); this.config = config; } /** * * @return Retorna o nome do evento de forma como configurado (em casos * importantes use lower-case!) */ public String getName() { return; } public EventFlags getFlags() { return this.flags; } /** * * @return Retorna a lista de cuboids definidos neste evento. */ public List<Cuboid> getCuboids() { return this.cuboids; } /** * * @return Retorna a descrio do evento. */ public String getDescription() { return this.description; } /** * * @return Retorna o nome customizado do evento. */ public String getDisplayName() { return this.displayName; } /** * @return {@link Integer} Retorna minimo de player permitido no evento para * iniciar */ public int getMin() { return this.getData().getData("options.player_min"); } /** * @return {@link Integer} Retorna maxmimo de player permitido no evento. */ public int getMax() { return this.getData().getData("options.player_max"); } /** * * @return Retorna o {@link EventData} do evento, que contm vrias * informaes. */ public EventData getData() { return; } /** * Os eventos tem vrios estados, com este mtodo, possvel identificar o * estado atual do evento. Leia mais na classe EventState. * * @return Retorna o estado do evento. */ public EventState getState() { return this.state; } /** * * @return {@link EventAnnouncement} retorna o Anuncio do evento */ public EventAnnouncement getAnnouncement() { return this.announcement; } /** * * @return Retorna {@link Ability} fixada no evento, no caso todos * participantes teriam esta habilidade */ public Ability getFixedAbility() { return getData().getData("options.ability.fixed_ability"); } /** * Atualiza a descrio do evento * * @param desc Nova descrio * @return Retorna a instncia do {@link Event} modificada. */ public Event updateDescription(final String desc) { this.description = desc; return this; } /** * * @param displayname * @return Retorna a instncia do {@link Event} modificada. */ public Event updateDisplayName(final String displayname) { this.displayName = displayname; return this; } public Configuration getConfig() { return this.config; } /** * * @return Retorna a lista de todas as partys em ao do evento. */ public List<Party> getPartys() { return this.partys; } /** * * @return Retorna a lista de todos os participantes do evento. */ public List<Player> getPlayers() { return this.joineds; } /** * * @return Retorna a lista de todos os jogadores restantes no evento. */ public Vector<Player> getPlayersRemaining() { return getPlayers().stream().filter(spec -> !getSpectators().contains(spec)).collect(Vector::new, Vector::add, Vector::addAll); } /** * * @return Retorna a lista de todos os es espectadores ativos no evento. */ public List<Player> getSpectators() { return this.spectators; } /** * * @return Retorna as habilidades (Abilitys) do evento. */ public List<Ability> getAbilitys() { return this.abilitys; } public List<Location> getSignsLocation() { return this.getData().getData("options.signs.locations"); } /** * * @return Retorna lista de entradas do camarote */ public List<Location> getEntradas() { return locations; } /** * * @param index * @return Retorna entrada */ public Location getEntrada(int index) { return this.locations.get(index); } /** * * @param name * @return Location do camarote definido pelo parametro name */ public Location getCamaroteByName(String name) { return this.camarotes.get(name); } /** * * @return Retorna todos camarote */ public Map<String, Location> getCamarotes() { return this.camarotes; } /** * * @return {@link EventPlacements} */ public EventPlacements getPlacements() { return this.placements; } /** * * @param player * @return */ public Event playerJoin(final Player player) { if ((player == null) || !player.isOnline()) throw new NullArgumentException("Player is null"); if (!this.hasPlayerJoined(player)) { this.joineds.add(player); this.updateSigns(); if (safeInventory()) { this.playerBackup(player); player.getInventory().clear(); player.getInventory().setArmorContents(new ItemStack[4]); } final Location teleportTo = getRandomTeleport("lobby"); if (teleportTo != null) player.teleport(teleportTo); else EventoZero.consoleMessage("O teleporte (lobby) do evento (" + getName() + ") esta nulo."); } return this; } /** * * @param player * @return */ public Event playerQuit(final Player player) { if ((player == null) || !player.isOnline()) throw new NullArgumentException("Player is null"); if (this.hasPlayerJoined(player)) { this.joineds.remove(player); this.spectatorQuit(player); this.updateSigns(); if (safeInventory()) this.playerRestore(player); } return this; } /** * Define um jogador como espectador. TODO: (o jogador deveria ser * teleportado para o lugar do evento por aqui ou pelo comando?) * * @param player Jogador em questo a virar espectador * @return Retorna a instncia do {@link Event} modificada. */ public Event spectatorJoin(final Player player) { if ((player == null) || !player.isOnline()) throw new NullArgumentException("Player is null"); if (!this.spectators.contains(player)) { getPlayers().forEach(p -> p.hidePlayer(player)); player.setAllowFlight(true); player.setFlying(true); this.spectators.add(player); } return this; } /** * Remove um jogador do modo espectador. * * @param player Jogador que ser removido do modo espectador. * @return Retorna a instncia do {@link Event} modificada. */ public Event spectatorQuit(final Player player) { if ((player == null) || player.isOnline()) throw new NullArgumentException("Player is null"); if (this.spectators.contains(player)) { for (final Player obj : this.getPlayers()) { obj.showPlayer(player); } player.setAllowFlight(false); player.setFlying(false); this.spectators.remove(player); } return this; } /** * * @param player * @return {@code true} se o jagodor j entrou no evento. */ public boolean hasPlayerJoined(final Player player) { return this.joineds.contains(player); } /** * * @return True se protege o inventrio */ public boolean safeInventory() { return this.getData().getData("options.enables.safe_inventory"); } /** * * @return {@code true} se as party esto ativado */ public boolean enablePartys() { return this.getData().getData(""); } /** * * @param location */ public void addEntrada(Location location) { this.locations.add(location); } /** * * @param name * @param location */ public void setCamarote(String name, Location location) { this.camarotes.put(name, location); } /** * */ public void stop() { // TODO: STOP EVENT, GET WINNERS, ALIVES this.forceStop(); this.updateSigns(); } public void start() { if (this.getState() == EventState.CLOSED) { EventoZero.startAnnouncementHandler(); this.updateState(EventState.OPENED); this.updateSigns(); } } public void forceStop() { // TODO: STOP FORCE EVENT for (final Player player : this.joineds) { this.playerQuit(player); } updateState(EventState.CLOSED); if (EventoZero.getEventHandler().getEventsSizeClosed() == 0) EventoZero.closeAnnouncementHandler(); this.updateSigns(); } public void forceStart() { // TODO: START EVENT if (this.getPlayers().size() < this.getData().<Integer>getData("event.min")) // TODO: STOP // TODO: MESSAGE CANCELED MIN PLAYER this.forceStop(); final EventData data = this.getData(); this.getPlayers().forEach(player -> { final Kit kit = data.getData(player.getName() + ".kit"); if (kit != null) { kit.giveTo(player); if (kit.hasAbility()) data.updateData(player.getName() + ".ability", kit.getAbility()); } //TODO: getRandomTeleport pode retornar nulo, temos que tratar caso acontea player.teleport(getRandomTeleport("spawn")); }); this.updateState(EventState.OCCURRING); // TODO: CODE START this.updateSigns(); } /** * Este mtodo ir criar um backup no banco de dados do EventoZero com dados * importantes sobre o jogador, tais como, vida, comida, itens, xp, * localizao, armadura, etc. Voc poder restaurar esse backup ao jogador * quando quiser, pois fica salvo em backup. Note que os backups no so * retirados do banco de dados aps restaurar, so apenas 'trancados' e no * podem mais ser usados. * * @param player O jogador que dever ter um novo backup criado para o * evento em questo. */ public void playerBackup(final Player player) { this.getData().updateData(player.getName() + ".inventory.contents", player.getInventory().getContents()); this.getData().updateData(player.getName() + ".inventory.armorContents", player.getInventory().getArmorContents()); this.getData().updateData(player.getName() + ".ability", this.getData().getData("options.ability.fixed_ability")); EventoZero.getStorage().backupPlayer(player,; } /** * Este mtodo ir restaurar um backup do jogador, salvo no banco de dados * do EventoZero com dados importantes sobre o jogador, tais como, vida, * comida, itens, xp, localizao, armadura, etc. Voc poder restaurar esse * backup ao jogador quando quiser, pois fica salvo em backup. Note que os * backups no so retirados do banco de dados aps restaurar, so apenas * 'trancados' e no podem mais ser usados. * * @param player */ public void playerRestore(final Player player) { if ((player == null) || ((player != null) && !player.isOnline())) throw new NullArgumentException("Player is null"); final ResultSet rs = EventoZero.getStorage() .search("SELECT * FROM `" + Storage.Module.BACKUP.getTable() + "` WHERE `jogador`='" + player.getName().toLowerCase() + "' AND `devolvido`='0' AND `evento`='" + + "';"); try { if ( { // TODO: isso para ter compatibilidade de 1.5.2 (health por int) e 1.7+ (health por double) try { player.getClass().getMethod("setHealth", double.class).invoke(player, (double) rs.getInt("vida")); } catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException | NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e1) { try { player.getClass().getMethod("setHealth", int.class).invoke(player, rs.getInt("vida")); } catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException | NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e2) { } } player.setFoodLevel(rs.getInt("comida")); player.setExp(rs.getFloat("xp")); player.setLevel(rs.getInt("level")); player.teleport(Framework.toLocation(rs.getString("localizacao"))); player.getInventory().setContents( (ItemStack[]) this.getData().getData(player.getName() + ".inventory.contents")); player.getInventory().setArmorContents( (ItemStack[]) this.getData().getData(player.getName() + ".inventory.armorContents")); this.getData().removeKeyStartWith(player.getName()); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException | SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Atualiza o status do evento * * @param state * @return */ public Event updateState(EventState state) { this.state = state; return this; } public Event updateEventPlacements(EventPlacements eventPlacements) { this.placements = placements; return this; } /** * Atualiza todas placas */ public void updateSigns() { if (this.getData().containsKey("options.signs.locations") && (this.getData().getData("options.signs.locations") != null)) { final Vector<Location> signs = (Vector<Location>) getSignsLocation(); for (final Location location : signs) { final Block block = location.getWorld().getBlockAt(location); if ((block.getType() == Material.SIGN_POST) || (block.getType() == Material.WALL_SIGN)) { final String string = String .valueOf(this.getData().getData("options.message." + this.getState().getPath())); final Sign sign = (Sign) block.getState(); sign.setLine(0, String.valueOf(this.getData().getData("options.signs.line.1")) .replace("{state]", string) .replace("{playersize}", String.valueOf(this.getPlayers().size())) .replace("{playermax}", String.valueOf(this.getData().getData("options.player_max"))) .replace("{name}", this.getName()).replaceAll("&", "")); sign.setLine(1, String.valueOf(this.getData().getData("options.signs.line.2")) .replace("{state]", string) .replace("{playersize}", String.valueOf(this.getPlayers().size())) .replace("{playermax}", String.valueOf(this.getData().getData("options.player_max"))) .replace("{name}", this.getName()).replaceAll("&", "")); sign.setLine(2, String.valueOf(this.getData().getData("options.signs.line.3")) .replace("{state]", string) .replace("{playersize}", String.valueOf(this.getPlayers().size())) .replace("{playermax}", String.valueOf(this.getData().getData("options.player_max"))) .replace("{name}", this.getName()).replaceAll("&", "")); sign.setLine(3, String.valueOf(this.getData().getData("options.signs.line.4")) .replace("{state]", string) .replace("{playersize}", String.valueOf(this.getPlayers().size())) .replace("{playermax}", String.valueOf(this.getData().getData("options.player_max"))) .replace("{name}", this.getName()).replaceAll("&", "")); sign.update(); } else // remove a locaiton da sign signs.remove(location); } } } /** * Pega um teleporte aleatorio de uma lista de teleportes. * * @param teleport Nome do teleport, por exemplo {@code lobby} ou * {@code spawn} * @return Uma localizao caso encontre, null caso no existe a key * 'teleport.{@code teleport}' nos {@link #getData() dados} do evento, ou o * numero de Locations seja 0 */ private Location getRandomTeleport(final String teleport) { final Random random = new Random(); final EventData data = getData(); if (!data.containsKey("teleport." + teleport)) return null; final List<Location> locations = getData().getData("teleport." + teleport); if (locations.isEmpty()) return null; return locations.get(random.nextInt(locations.size())); } }