Java tutorial
/*========================================================================= Copyright 2012 BIREME/PAHO/WHO This file is part of MoreLikeThat servlet. MoreLikeThat is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. MoreLikeThat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with Bruma. If not, see <>. =========================================================================*/ package br.bireme.mlts; import br.bireme.mlts.utils.Document2JSON; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.StopwordAnalyzerBase; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.document.Fieldable; import org.apache.lucene.index.CorruptIndexException; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; /** * * @author Heitor Barbieri * @date 20120918 */ public class MoreLikeThat { public static final int DEF_MAX_HITS = 10; public static final float DEF_MIN_SCORE = 0.4f; /** * Class representing a similar Lucene document */ public class DocJ { public final ScoreDoc hit; /* document hit */ public final JSONObject doc; /* document */ public DocJ(final ScoreDoc hit, final JSONObject doc) { this.hit = hit; this.doc = doc; } } /** * Class representing a similar Lucene document */ public class DocX { public final int id; /* document id */ public final float qscore; /* query score */ public final Map<String, List<String>> doc; /* document fields */ public DocX(final int id, final float qscore, final Map<String, List<String>> doc) { = id; this.qscore = qscore; this.doc = doc; } } public class DocXComparator implements Comparator<DocX> { @Override public int compare(DocX o1, DocX o2) { final float score = (o1.qscore - o2.qscore); final int ret; if (score == 0) { ret = -; } else if (score < 0) { ret = -1; } else { ret = 1; } return ret; } } private final Directory directory; private final IndexReader ir; private final IndexSearcher is; private final Analyzer analyzer; private final Set<?> stopwords; private int maxHits; private int minTermFreq; private int minDocFreq; private int maxDocFreq; private int maxDocFreqPct; private int minWordLen; private int maxWordLen; private int maxQueryTerms; private int maxNumTokensParsed; private float minScore; public int getMaxHits() { return maxHits; } public void setMaxHits(int maxHits) { if (maxHits <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxHits <= 0"); } this.maxHits = maxHits; } public int getMinTermFreq() { return minTermFreq; } public void setMinTermFreq(int minTermFreq) { if (minTermFreq <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("minTermFreq <= 0"); } this.minTermFreq = minTermFreq; } public int getMinDocFreq() { return minDocFreq; } public void setMinDocFreq(int minDocFreq) { if (minDocFreq <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("minDocFreq <= 0"); } this.minDocFreq = minDocFreq; } public int getMaxDocFreq() { return maxDocFreq; } public void setMaxDocFreq(int maxDocFreq) { if (maxDocFreq <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxDocFreq <= 0"); } this.maxDocFreq = maxDocFreq; this.maxDocFreqPct = -1; } public int getMaxDocFreqPct() { return maxDocFreqPct; } public void setMaxDocFreqPct(int maxDocFreqPct) { if (maxDocFreqPct <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxDocFreqPct <= 0"); } this.maxDocFreqPct = maxDocFreqPct; this.maxDocFreqPct = -1; } public int getMinWordLen() { return minWordLen; } public void setMinWordLen(int minWordLen) { if (minWordLen <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("minWordLen <= 0"); } this.minWordLen = minWordLen; } public int getMaxWordLen() { return maxWordLen; } public void setMaxWordLen(int maxWordLen) { if (maxWordLen <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxWordLen <= 0"); } this.maxWordLen = maxWordLen; } public int getMaxQueryTerms() { return maxQueryTerms; } public void setMaxQueryTerms(int maxQueryTerms) { if (maxQueryTerms <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxQueryTerms <= 0"); } this.maxQueryTerms = maxQueryTerms; } public int getMaxNumTokensParsed() { return maxNumTokensParsed; } public void setMaxNumTokensParsed(int maxNumTokensParsed) { if (maxNumTokensParsed <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxNumTokensParsed <= 0"); } this.maxNumTokensParsed = maxNumTokensParsed; } public void setMinScore(float minScore) { if (minScore <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("minScore <= 0"); } this.minScore = minScore; } public float getMinScore() { return minScore; } /** * Constructor of the class * @param dir directory of the Lucene index * @param analyz analyzer used during search and similar * @throws IOException */ public MoreLikeThat(final File dir, final Analyzer analyz) throws IOException { if (dir == null) { throw new NullPointerException("dir"); } if (analyz == null) { throw new NullPointerException("analyz"); } if (!dir.isDirectory()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(dir.getCanonicalPath() + " is not a directory"); } directory = new SimpleFSDirectory(dir); /* RAMDirectory(new SimpleFSDirectory(dir)); //MMapDirectory(dir);*/ ir =; if (ir.numDocs() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("zero document index"); } is = new IndexSearcher(ir); analyzer = analyz; stopwords = (analyzer instanceof StopwordAnalyzerBase) ? ((StopwordAnalyzerBase) analyzer).getStopwordSet() : null; defaultValues(); } /** * Adjust this class with default values. */ public final void defaultValues() { maxHits = DEF_MAX_HITS; minTermFreq = 1; //MoreLikeThis.DEFAULT_MIN_TERM_FREQ; minDocFreq = 2; //MoreLikeThis.DEFAULT_MIN_DOC_FREQ; maxDocFreq =; maxDocFreqPct = -1; minWordLen = 3; //MoreLikeThis.DEFAULT_MIN_WORD_LENGTH; maxWordLen = MoreLikeThis.DEFAULT_MAX_WORD_LENGTH; maxQueryTerms = 100; //MoreLikeThis.DEFAULT_MAX_QUERY_TERMS; maxNumTokensParsed = MoreLikeThis.DEFAULT_MAX_NUM_TOKENS_PARSED; minScore = DEF_MIN_SCORE; } /** * Loads MoreLikeThis properties from a file. One property per line * with the following format: <prop>=<value> * @param prop file with properties * @throws IOException */ public void loadProperties(final File prop) throws IOException { if (prop == null) { throw new NullPointerException("property file"); } final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(prop)); while (true) { String line = reader.readLine(); if (line == null) { break; } line = line.trim(); if (line.charAt(0) != '#') { final String[] split = line.split("=", 2); final String key = split[0]; if (key.equals("MAX_HITS")) { setMaxHits(Integer.parseInt(split[1])); } else if (key.equals("MIN_TERM_FREQ")) { setMinTermFreq(Integer.parseInt(split[1])); } else if (key.equals("MIN_DOC_FREQ")) { setMinDocFreq(Integer.parseInt(split[1])); } else if (key.equals("MAX_DOC_FREQ")) { setMaxDocFreq(Integer.parseInt(split[1])); } else if (key.equals("MIN_WORD_LENGTH")) { setMinWordLen(Integer.parseInt(split[1])); } else if (key.equals("MAX_WORD_LENGTH")) { setMaxWordLen(Integer.parseInt(split[1])); } else if (key.equals("MAX_QUERY_TERMS")) { setMaxQueryTerms(Integer.parseInt(split[1])); } else if (key.equals("MAX_NUM_TOKENS_PARSED")) { setMaxNumTokensParsed(Integer.parseInt(split[1])); } else if (key.equals("MIN_SCORE")) { setMinScore(Float.parseFloat(split[1])); } else { throw new IOException("invalid parameter:" + split[0]); } } } reader.close(); } /** * Closes open index. * @throws IOException */ public void close() throws IOException { if (is != null) { is.close(); } ir.close(); directory.close(); } /** * Finds similar documents * @param likeText string used to find similar documents * @param fieldName the name of the document field used to compare with * @return a list of documents. * @throws IOException */ public List<DocJ> moreLikeThat(final Reader likeText, final String[] fieldsName) throws IOException { if (likeText == null) { throw new NullPointerException("likeText"); } if (fieldsName == null) { throw new NullPointerException("fieldsName"); } final MoreLikeThis mlt = new MoreLikeThis(ir); mlt.setAnalyzer(analyzer); if (maxDocFreq >= 0) { mlt.setMaxDocFreq(maxDocFreq); } if (maxDocFreqPct >= 0) { mlt.setMaxDocFreqPct(maxDocFreqPct); } mlt.setMaxNumTokensParsed(maxNumTokensParsed); mlt.setMaxQueryTerms(maxQueryTerms); mlt.setMaxWordLen(maxWordLen); mlt.setMinDocFreq(minDocFreq); mlt.setMinTermFreq(minTermFreq); mlt.setMinWordLen(minWordLen); if (stopwords != null) { mlt.setStopWords(stopwords); } mlt.setFieldNames(fieldsName); final Query query =, null/*fieldName*/); final ScoreDoc[] hits =, maxHits).scoreDocs; final List<DocJ> ret = new ArrayList<DocJ>(); for (ScoreDoc sdoc : hits) { ret.add(getDocJ(sdoc)); } return ret; } /** * Finds similar documents * @param likeText string used to find similar documents * @param fieldName the name of the document field used to compare with * @param getDocContent brings the document likeText if true * likeText. @see Docx * @return an ordered set of documents. * @throws IOException */ public TreeSet<DocX> moreLikeThat(final Reader likeText, final String[] fieldsName, final boolean getDocContent) throws IOException { if (likeText == null) { throw new NullPointerException("likeText"); } if (fieldsName == null) { throw new NullPointerException("fieldsName"); } final MoreLikeThis mlt = new MoreLikeThis(ir); final ScoreDoc[] hits; mlt.setAnalyzer(analyzer); if (maxDocFreq >= 0) { mlt.setMaxDocFreq(maxDocFreq); } if (maxDocFreqPct >= 0) { mlt.setMaxDocFreqPct(maxDocFreqPct); } mlt.setMaxNumTokensParsed(maxNumTokensParsed); mlt.setMaxQueryTerms(maxQueryTerms); mlt.setMaxWordLen(maxWordLen); mlt.setMinDocFreq(minDocFreq); mlt.setMinTermFreq(minTermFreq); mlt.setMinWordLen(minWordLen); if (stopwords != null) { mlt.setStopWords(stopwords); } mlt.setFieldNames(fieldsName); final Query query =, null/*fieldName*/); final TreeSet<DocX> ret = new TreeSet<DocX>(new DocXComparator()); hits =, maxHits).scoreDocs; for (ScoreDoc sdoc : hits) { final Map<String, List<String>> doc = getDocContent ? getDocument(sdoc) : null; ret.add(new DocX(sdoc.doc, sdoc.score, doc)); } return ret; } private Map<String, List<String>> getDocument(final ScoreDoc sdoc) throws CorruptIndexException, IOException { assert sdoc != null; final Map<String, List<String>> ret = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); final Document hitDoc = is.doc(sdoc.doc); if (hitDoc == null) { throw new IOException("null hit document"); } for (Fieldable fld : hitDoc.getFields()) { final String name =; final List<String> value; if (ret.containsKey(name)) { value = ret.get(name); } else { value = new ArrayList<String>(); ret.put(name, value); } value.add(fld.stringValue().trim()); } return ret; } private DocJ getDocJ(final ScoreDoc sdoc) throws CorruptIndexException, IOException { assert sdoc != null; final Document hitDoc = is.doc(sdoc.doc); if (hitDoc == null) { throw new IOException("null hit document"); } return new DocJ(sdoc, Document2JSON.getJSON(Document2JSON.getMap(hitDoc))); } }