Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package bookChapter.theoretical; import; import; import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.Peptide; import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.matches.ModificationMatch; import com.compomics.util.experiment.massspectrometry.MSnSpectrum; import com.compomics.util.experiment.massspectrometry.SpectrumFactory; import com.compomics.util.gui.waiting.waitinghandlers.WaitingHandlerCLIImpl; import config.ConfigHolder; import com.compomics.util.protein.Protein; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import util.CalculateMS1Err; /** * This class runs SEQUEST-like and Andromeda-like scoring for given spectra * (within a selected folder) and in silico digested protein database The * settings are at * * @author Sule */ public class AnalyzeTheoreticalMSMSCalculation { /** * * @param args * @throws IOException * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws InterruptedException * @throws MzMLUnmarshallerException */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException, InterruptedException, MzMLUnmarshallerException { Logger l = Logger.getLogger("AnalyzeTheoreticalMSMSCalculation"); Date date = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(); DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE, dd MMMM yyyy, hh:mm:ss.SSS a"); String now = formatter.format(date); l.log(Level.INFO, "Calculation starts at {0}", now); double precursorTolerance = ConfigHolder.getInstance().getDouble("precursor.tolerance"), fragmentTolerance = ConfigHolder.getInstance().getDouble("fragment.tolerance"); String databaseName = ConfigHolder.getInstance().getString(""), spectraName = ConfigHolder.getInstance().getString(""), output = ConfigHolder.getInstance().getString("output"); int correctionFactor = ConfigHolder.getInstance().getInt("correctionFactor"); boolean theoFromAllCharges = ConfigHolder.getInstance().getBoolean("hasAllPossCharge"); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(output)); bw.write("SpectrumTitle" + "\t" + "PrecursorMZ" + "\t" + "PrecursorCharge" + "\t" + "Observed Mass (M+H)" + "\t" + "AndromedaLikeScore" + "\t" + "SequestLikeScore" + "\t" + "PeptideByAndromedaLikeScore" + "\t" + "PeptideBySequestLikeScore" + "\t" + "LevenshteinDistance" + "\t" + "TotalScoredPeps" + "\t" + "isCorrectMatchByAndromedaLike" + "\t" + "isCorrectMatchBySequestLikeScore" + "\n");"Getting database entries"); // first load all sequences into the memory HashSet<DBEntry> dbEntries = getDBEntries(databaseName); // for every spectrum-calculate both score... // now convert to binExperimental spectrum int num = 0; SpectrumFactory fct = SpectrumFactory.getInstance(); num = 0; File f = new File(spectraName); if (spectraName.endsWith(".mgf")) { fct.addSpectra(f, new WaitingHandlerCLIImpl()); l.log(Level.INFO, "Spectra scoring starts at {0}", now); for (String title : fct.getSpectrumTitles(f.getName())) { num++; MSnSpectrum ms = (MSnSpectrum) fct.getSpectrum(f.getName(), title); // here calculate all except this is an empty spectrum... if (ms.getPeakList().size() > 2) { // to check a spectrum with negative values.. String text = result(ms, precursorTolerance, dbEntries, fragmentTolerance, correctionFactor, theoFromAllCharges); if (!text.isEmpty()) { bw.write(text); } } if (num % 500 == 0) {"Running " + num + " spectra." + Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); } } }"Program finished at " + Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); bw.close(); } private static String result(MSnSpectrum msms, double precursorTolerance, HashSet<DBEntry> peptideAndMass, double fragmentTolerance, int correctionFactor, boolean hasAllPossCharge) throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException, MzMLUnmarshallerException { String res = ""; HashMap<Peptide, Boolean> allSelectedPeps = getSelectedTheoPeps(msms, precursorTolerance, peptideAndMass); // select peptides within a given precursor tolerance int scoredPeps = allSelectedPeps.size(); ArrayList<Identify> sequestResults = new ArrayList<Identify>(), andromedaResults = new ArrayList<Identify>(); // for every peptide... calculate each score... for (Peptide selectedPep : allSelectedPeps.keySet()) { Identify toCalculateSequest = new Identify(msms, selectedPep, fragmentTolerance, true, allSelectedPeps.get(selectedPep), scoredPeps, correctionFactor, hasAllPossCharge), toCalculateAndromeda = new Identify(msms, selectedPep, fragmentTolerance, false, allSelectedPeps.get(selectedPep), scoredPeps, correctionFactor, hasAllPossCharge); if (toCalculateSequest.getScore() != Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { sequestResults.add(toCalculateSequest); andromedaResults.add(toCalculateAndromeda); } } if (!sequestResults.isEmpty()) { HashSet<Identify> theBestSEQUESTResults = getBestResult(sequestResults), theBestAndromedaResults = getBestResult(andromedaResults); res = printInfo(theBestAndromedaResults, theBestSEQUESTResults); } return res; } /** * This method load all sequences in a memory * * @param databaseName * @return */ private static HashSet<DBEntry> getDBEntries(String databaseName) throws IOException { HashSet<DBEntry> dbEntries = new HashSet<DBEntry>(); DBLoader loader = DBLoaderLoader.loadDB(new File(databaseName)); Protein protein = null; // get a crossLinkerName object while ((protein = loader.nextProtein()) != null) { String sequence = protein.getSequence().getSequence(); String descrp = protein.getHeader().getDescription(), acc = protein.getHeader().getAccession(); Peptide tmpPep = new Peptide(sequence, new ArrayList<ModificationMatch>()); double tmpPepMass = tmpPep.getMass(); DBEntry dbEntry = new DBEntry(tmpPep, descrp, acc, tmpPepMass); dbEntries.add(dbEntry); } return dbEntries; } private static HashMap<Peptide, Boolean> getSelectedTheoPeps(MSnSpectrum msms, double precursorTolerance, HashSet<DBEntry> dbEntries) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException { // select peptides to be compared... HashMap<Peptide, Boolean> allTheoPeps = new HashMap<Peptide, Boolean>(); for (DBEntry dbEntry : dbEntries) { Peptide p = dbEntry.getPeptide(); double peptideMass = dbEntry.getPeptideMass(); String acc = dbEntry.getProteinAccession(), descrp = dbEntry.getProteinDescription(); double tmpMS1Tolerance = CalculateMS1Err.getMS1Err(true, peptideMass, msms.getPrecursor().getMass(msms.getPrecursor().getPossibleCharges().get(0).value)); boolean isCorrect = false; if (Math.abs(tmpMS1Tolerance) <= precursorTolerance && !descrp.contains("contaminant") && acc.contains("ups")) { isCorrect = true; allTheoPeps.put(p, isCorrect); } else if (Math.abs(tmpMS1Tolerance) <= precursorTolerance && !descrp.contains("contaminant")) { isCorrect = false; allTheoPeps.put(p, isCorrect); } } return allTheoPeps; } private static HashSet<Identify> getBestResult(ArrayList<Identify> results) { Collections.sort(results, Identify.ScoreDESC); double bestScore = results.get(0).getScore(); String pep = results.get(0).getPeptide().getSequence(); HashSet<Identify> selectedTops = new HashSet<Identify>(); selectedTops.add(results.get(0)); for (int i = 1; i < results.size(); i++) { Identify ind = results.get(i); double tmpScore = ind.getScore(); String tmpPep = ind.getPeptide().getSequence(); // making sure that non-redundant peptide would be only found if (tmpScore == bestScore && !pep.equals(tmpPep)) { bestScore = tmpScore; selectedTops.add(ind); } } return selectedTops; } private static String printInfo(HashSet<Identify> theBestAndromedaResults, HashSet<Identify> theBestSEQUESTResults) { /// bw.write("Score" + "\t" + "LevenshteinDistance" + "\t" + "Sequence" + "\t" + "Charge" + "\t" + "Correct" + "\t" + "Spec" + "\n"); String result = ""; HashMap<String, Integer> results_and_levDist = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (Identify andromeda : theBestAndromedaResults) { for (Identify sequest : theBestSEQUESTResults) { double observedMass = CalculateObservedMass.calculateMass(andromeda.getSpectrum()); int levenshteinDistance = StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance(andromeda.getPeptide().getSequence(), sequest.getPeptide().getSequence()); result = andromeda.getSpectrum().getSpectrumTitle() + "\t" + andromeda.getSpectrum().getPrecursor().getMz() + "\t" + andromeda.getSpectrum().getPrecursor().getPossibleChargesAsString() + "\t" + observedMass + "\t" + andromeda.getScore() + "\t" + sequest.getScore() + "\t" + andromeda.getPeptide().getSequence() + "\t" + sequest.getPeptide().getSequence() + "\t" + levenshteinDistance + "\t" + sequest.getTotalScoredPeps() + "\t" + andromeda.isIsCorrectMatch() + "\t" + sequest.isIsCorrectMatch() + "\n"; results_and_levDist.put(result, levenshteinDistance); } } int maxDist = Integer.MAX_VALUE, dist = 0; for (String res : results_and_levDist.keySet()) { dist = results_and_levDist.get(res); if (dist < maxDist) { result = res; maxDist = dist; } } return result; } }