Java tutorial
/* * BluSunrize * Copyright (c) 2017 * * This code is licensed under "Blu's License of Common Sense" * Details can be found in the license file in the root folder of this project */ package; import blusunrize.immersiveengineering.ImmersiveEngineering; import blusunrize.immersiveengineering.api.ApiUtils; import blusunrize.immersiveengineering.api.DimensionBlockPos; import blusunrize.immersiveengineering.api.TargetingInfo; import blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.Config.IEConfig; import blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.IESaveData; import blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.IEDamageSources; import blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.Utils; import; import; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase; import net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItem; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; import net.minecraft.util.IntHashMap; import net.minecraft.util.SoundCategory; import net.minecraft.util.SoundEvent; import net.minecraft.util.math.*; import; import; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutableTriple; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Triple; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.function.BiConsumer; import static blusunrize.immersiveengineering.api.ApiUtils.*; import static java.util.Collections.newSetFromMap; public class ImmersiveNetHandler { public static final ImmersiveNetHandler INSTANCE = new ImmersiveNetHandler(); public final BlockPlaceListener LISTENER = new BlockPlaceListener(); public Map<Integer, ConcurrentHashMap<BlockPos, Set<Connection>>> directConnections = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); public TIntObjectMap<Map<BlockPos, Set<AbstractConnection>>> indirectConnections = new TIntObjectHashMap<>(); public TIntObjectMap<Map<BlockPos, Set<AbstractConnection>>> indirectConnectionsIgnoreOut = new TIntObjectHashMap<>(); public Map<Integer, HashMap<Connection, Integer>> transferPerTick = new HashMap<>(); public Map<DimensionBlockPos, IICProxy> proxies = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); public IntHashMap<Map<BlockPos, BlockWireInfo>> blockWireMap = new IntHashMap<>(); private ConcurrentHashMap<BlockPos, Set<Connection>> getMultimap(int dimension) { if (directConnections.get(dimension) == null) { ConcurrentHashMap<BlockPos, Set<Connection>> mm = new ConcurrentHashMap<BlockPos, Set<Connection>>(); directConnections.put(dimension, mm); } return directConnections.get(dimension); } public HashMap<Connection, Integer> getTransferedRates(int dimension) { if (!transferPerTick.containsKey(dimension)) transferPerTick.put(dimension, new HashMap<Connection, Integer>()); return transferPerTick.get(dimension); } public void addConnection(World world, BlockPos node, BlockPos connection, int distance, WireType cableType) { addAndGetConnection(world, node, connection, distance, cableType); } public Connection addAndGetConnection(World world, BlockPos node, BlockPos connection, int distance, WireType cableType) { Connection conn = new Connection(node, connection, cableType, distance); addConnection(world, node, conn); addConnection(world, connection, new Connection(connection, node, cableType, distance)); if (world.isBlockLoaded(node)) world.addBlockEvent(node, world.getBlockState(node).getBlock(), -1, 0); if (world.isBlockLoaded(connection)) world.addBlockEvent(connection, world.getBlockState(connection).getBlock(), -1, 0); return conn; } public void addConnection(World world, BlockPos node, Connection con) { addConnection(world.provider.getDimension(), node, con); resetCachedIndirectConnections(world, node); } public void addConnection(int world, BlockPos node, Connection con) { if (!getMultimap(world).containsKey(node)) getMultimap(world).put(node, newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<>())); getMultimap(world).get(node).add(con); IESaveData.setDirty(world); } public <T extends TileEntity & IImmersiveConnectable> void onTEValidated(T te) { Set<Connection> conns = getConnections(te.getWorld(), te.getPos()); if (conns != null) for (Connection con : conns) addBlockData(te.getWorld(), con); resetCachedIndirectConnections(te.getWorld(), te.getPos()); setProxy(new DimensionBlockPos(te), null); } public void addBlockData(World world, Connection con) { int dimId = world.provider.getDimension(); if (!blockWireMap.containsItem(dimId)) blockWireMap.addKey(dimId, new ConcurrentHashMap<>()); Map<BlockPos, BlockWireInfo> mapForDim = blockWireMap.lookup(dimId); if (mapForDim == null || !world.isBlockLoaded(con.end)) return; raytraceAlongCatenary(con, world, (p) -> { if (!mapForDim.containsKey(p.getLeft())) mapForDim.put(p.getLeft(), new BlockWireInfo()); if (mapForDim.get(p.getLeft()) -> c.getLeft().hasSameConnectors(con))) mapForDim.get(p.getLeft()).in.add(new ImmutableTriple<>(con, p.getMiddle(), p.getRight())); return false; }, (p) -> { if (!mapForDim.containsKey(p.getLeft())) mapForDim.put(p.getLeft(), new BlockWireInfo()); if (mapForDim.get(p.getLeft()) -> c.getLeft().hasSameConnectors(con))) mapForDim.get(p.getLeft()).near.add(new ImmutableTriple<>(con, p.getMiddle(), p.getRight())); }); } public void removeConnection(World world, Connection con) { removeConnection(world, con, getVecForIICAt(world, con.start, con), getVecForIICAt(world, con.end, con)); } public void removeConnection(World world, Connection con, Vec3d vecStart, Vec3d vecEnd) { if (con == null || world == null) return; int dim = world.provider.getDimension(); resetCachedIndirectConnections(world, con.start); Map<BlockPos, Set<Connection>> connsInDim = getMultimap(world.provider.getDimension()); Set<Connection> reverseConns = connsInDim.get(con.end); Set<Connection> forwardConns = connsInDim.get(con.start); Optional<Connection> back =; reverseConns.removeIf(con::hasSameConnectors); forwardConns.removeIf(con::hasSameConnectors); Map<BlockPos, BlockWireInfo> mapForDim = blockWireMap.lookup(world.provider.getDimension()); BiConsumer<BlockPos, Map<BlockPos, BlockWireInfo>> handle = (p, map) -> { if (mapForDim != null) { BlockWireInfo info = map.get(p); if (info != null) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { Set<Triple<Connection, Vec3d, Vec3d>> s = i == 0 ? : info.near; s.removeIf((t) -> t.getLeft().hasSameConnectors(con)); if (s.isEmpty()) map.remove(p); } if (info.near.isEmpty() && map.remove(p); } } }; raytraceAlongCatenaryRelative(con, (p) -> { handle.accept(p.getLeft(), mapForDim); return false; }, (p) -> handle.accept(p.getLeft(), mapForDim), vecStart, vecEnd); IImmersiveConnectable iic = toIIC(con.end, world); if (iic != null) { iic.removeCable(con); back.ifPresent(iic::removeCable); } iic = toIIC(con.start, world); if (iic != null) { iic.removeCable(con); back.ifPresent(iic::removeCable); } if (world.isBlockLoaded(con.start)) world.addBlockEvent(con.start, world.getBlockState(con.start).getBlock(), -1, 0); if (world.isBlockLoaded(con.end)) world.addBlockEvent(con.end, world.getBlockState(con.end).getBlock(), -1, 0); IESaveData.setDirty(dim); } public Set<Integer> getRelevantDimensions() { return directConnections.keySet(); } public Collection<Connection> getAllConnections(int dimensionId) { Set<Connection> ret = newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<Connection, Boolean>()); for (Set<Connection> conlist : getMultimap(dimensionId).values()) ret.addAll(conlist); return ret; } public Collection<Connection> getAllConnections(World world) { return getAllConnections(world.provider.getDimension()); } @Nullable public synchronized Set<Connection> getConnections(World world, BlockPos node) { if (world != null && world.provider != null) { return getConnections(world.provider.getDimension(), node); } return null; } @Nullable public synchronized Set<Connection> getConnections(int world, BlockPos node) { ConcurrentHashMap<BlockPos, Set<Connection>> map = getMultimap(world); return map.get(node); } public void clearAllConnections(World world) { clearAllConnections(world.provider.getDimension()); } public void clearAllConnections(int world) { getMultimap(world).clear(); blockWireMap.removeObject(world); proxies.clear(); } public void clearConnectionsOriginatingFrom(BlockPos node, World world) { resetCachedIndirectConnections(world, node); if (getMultimap(world.provider.getDimension()).containsKey(node)) getMultimap(world.provider.getDimension()).get(node).clear(); } /** * Reset ALL cached connections, anywhere, in any dimension. Use resetCachedIndirectConnections(int, BlockPos) below */ @Deprecated public void resetCachedIndirectConnections() { if (FMLCommonHandler.instance().getEffectiveSide() == Side.SERVER) { indirectConnections.clear(); indirectConnectionsIgnoreOut.clear(); } else ImmersiveEngineering.proxy.clearConnectionModelCache(); } /** * Resets the cached energy connections for all connectors connected to an IIC. * Call this when there are "more" wires (before removing and after adding) * * @param w the world to reset the cache in * @param start the starting block. If this is null, all cached connections for the dimension will be reset */ public void resetCachedIndirectConnections(World w, @Nullable BlockPos start) { if (FMLCommonHandler.instance().getEffectiveSide() != Side.SERVER) { ImmersiveEngineering.proxy.clearConnectionModelCache(); return; } int dimension = w.provider.getDimension(); if (!directConnections.containsKey(dimension)) return; if (start == null) { for (BlockPos pos : directConnections.get(dimension).keySet()) { IImmersiveConnectable iic = toIIC(pos, w); if (iic != null) { iic.onConnectivityUpdate(pos, dimension); } } return; } Map<BlockPos, Set<Connection>> connsForDim = directConnections.get(dimension); Set<BlockPos> open = new HashSet<>(); open.add(start); Set<BlockPos> closed = new HashSet<>(); while (!open.isEmpty()) { Iterator<BlockPos> it = open.iterator(); BlockPos next =; it.remove(); closed.add(next); IImmersiveConnectable iic = toIIC(next, w); if (iic != null) iic.onConnectivityUpdate(next, dimension); Set<Connection> connsAtBlock = connsForDim.get(next); if (connsAtBlock != null) for (Connection c : connsAtBlock) if (!closed.contains(c.end)) open.add(c.end); } } public void removeConnectionAndDrop(Connection conn, World world, @Nullable BlockPos dropPos) { removeConnection(world, conn); if (dropPos != null) { double dx = dropPos.getX() + .5; double dy = dropPos.getY() + .5; double dz = dropPos.getZ() + .5; if (world.getGameRules().getBoolean("doTileDrops")) world.spawnEntity(new EntityItem(world, dx, dy, dz, conn.cableType.getWireCoil(conn))); } } public void clearAllConnectionsFor(BlockPos node, World world, boolean doDrops) { clearAllConnectionsFor(node, world, null, doDrops); } /** * Clears all connections to and from this node. */ public void clearAllConnectionsFor(BlockPos node, World world, @Nullable IImmersiveConnectable iic, boolean doDrops) { if (iic == null) iic = toIIC(node, world); if (iic != null) iic.removeCable(null); if (getMultimap(world.provider.getDimension()).containsKey(node)) { for (Connection con : getMultimap(world.provider.getDimension()).get(node)) { removeConnection(world, con, iic != null ? iic.getConnectionOffset(con) : Vec3d.ZERO, getVecForIICAt(world, con.end, con)); double dx = node.getX() + .5 + Math.signum(con.end.getX() - con.start.getX()); double dy = node.getY() + .5 + Math.signum(con.end.getY() - con.start.getY()); double dz = node.getZ() + .5 + Math.signum(con.end.getZ() - con.start.getZ()); if (doDrops && world.getGameRules().getBoolean("doTileDrops")) world.spawnEntity(new EntityItem(world, dx, dy, dz, con.cableType.getWireCoil(con))); } } IESaveData.setDirty(world.provider.getDimension()); } public void setProxy(DimensionBlockPos pos, IICProxy p) { if (p == null) proxies.remove(pos); else proxies.put(pos, p); } public void addProxy(IICProxy p) { if (p == null) return; setProxy(new DimensionBlockPos(p.getPos(), p.getDimension()), p); } /** * Clears all connections to and from this node. */ public boolean clearAllConnectionsFor(BlockPos node, World world, @Nonnull TargetingInfo target) { IImmersiveConnectable iic = toIIC(node, world); WireType type = iic.getCableLimiter(target); if (type == null) return false; int dim = world.provider.getDimension(); resetCachedIndirectConnections(world, node); boolean ret = false; for (Connection con : getMultimap(world.provider.getDimension()).get(node)) { if (con.cableType == type) { removeConnection(world, con); double dx = node.getX() + .5 + Math.signum(con.end.getX() - con.start.getX()); double dy = node.getY() + .5 + Math.signum(con.end.getY() - con.start.getY()); double dz = node.getZ() + .5 + Math.signum(con.end.getZ() - con.start.getZ()); if (world.getGameRules().getBoolean("doTileDrops")) world.spawnEntity(new EntityItem(world, dx, dy, dz, con.cableType.getWireCoil(con))); ret = true; } } if (world.isBlockLoaded(node)) world.addBlockEvent(node, world.getBlockState(node).getBlock(), -1, 0); IESaveData.setDirty(dim); return ret; } /* public static List<IImmersiveConnectable> getValidEnergyOutputs(BlockPos node, World world) { List<IImmersiveConnectable> openList = new ArrayList<IImmersiveConnectable>(); List<IImmersiveConnectable> closedList = new ArrayList<IImmersiveConnectable>(); List<BlockPos> checked = new ArrayList<BlockPos>(); HashMap<BlockPos,BlockPos> backtracker = new HashMap<BlockPos,BlockPos>(); checked.add(node); for(Connection con : getConnections(world, node)) if(toIIC(con.end, world)!=null) { openList.add(toIIC(con.end, world)); backtracker.put(con.end, node); } IImmersiveConnectable next = null; final int closedListMax = 1200; while(closedList.size()<closedListMax && !openList.isEmpty()) { next = openList.get(0); if(!checked.contains(toCC(next))) { if(next.isEnergyOutput()) { BlockPos last = toCC(next); WireType averageType = null; int distance = 0; List<Connection> connectionParts = new ArrayList<Connection>(); while(last!=null) { BlockPos prev = last; last = backtracker.get(last); if(last!=null) { for(Connection conB : getConnections(world, prev)) if(conB.end.equals(toCC(last))) { connectionParts.add(conB); distance += conB.length; if(averageType==null || averageType.ordinal()>conB.cableType.ordinal()) averageType = conB.cableType; break; } } } closedList.add(next); } for(Connection con : getConnections(world, toCC(next))) if(toIIC(con.end, world)!=null && !checked.contains(con.end) && !closedList.contains(toIIC(con.end, world)) && !openList.contains(toIIC(con.end, world))) { openList.add(toIIC(con.end, world)); backtracker.put(con.end, toCC(next)); } checked.add(toCC(next)); } openList.remove(0); } return closedList; } */ public Set<AbstractConnection> getIndirectEnergyConnections(BlockPos node, World world) { return getIndirectEnergyConnections(node, world, false); } public Set<AbstractConnection> getIndirectEnergyConnections(BlockPos node, World world, boolean ignoreIsEnergyOutput) { int dimension = world.provider.getDimension(); if (!ignoreIsEnergyOutput && indirectConnections.containsKey(dimension) && indirectConnections.get(dimension).containsKey(node)) return indirectConnections.get(dimension).get(node); else if (ignoreIsEnergyOutput && indirectConnectionsIgnoreOut.containsKey(dimension) && indirectConnectionsIgnoreOut.get(dimension).containsKey(node)) return indirectConnectionsIgnoreOut.get(dimension).get(node); PriorityQueue<Pair<IImmersiveConnectable, Float>> queue = new PriorityQueue<>( Comparator.comparingDouble(Pair::getRight)); Set<AbstractConnection> closedList = newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<AbstractConnection, Boolean>()); List<BlockPos> checked = new ArrayList<>(); HashMap<BlockPos, BlockPos> backtracker = new HashMap<>(); checked.add(node); Set<Connection> conL = getConnections(world, node); if (conL != null) for (Connection con : conL) { IImmersiveConnectable end = toIIC(con.end, world); if (end != null) { queue.add(new ImmutablePair<>(end, con.getBaseLoss())); backtracker.put(con.end, node); } } IImmersiveConnectable next; final int closedListMax = 1200; while (closedList.size() < closedListMax && !queue.isEmpty()) { Pair<IImmersiveConnectable, Float> pair = queue.poll(); next = pair.getLeft(); float loss = pair.getRight(); BlockPos nextPos = toBlockPos(next); if (!checked.contains(nextPos) && -> p.getLeft().equals(nextPos))) { boolean isOutput = next.isEnergyOutput(); if (ignoreIsEnergyOutput || isOutput) { BlockPos last = toBlockPos(next); WireType minimumType = null; int distance = 0; List<Connection> connectionParts = new ArrayList<>(); while (last != null) { BlockPos prev = last; last = backtracker.get(last); if (last != null) { Set<Connection> conLB = getConnections(world, last); if (conLB != null) for (Connection conB : conLB) if (conB.end.equals(prev)) { connectionParts.add(0, conB); distance += conB.length; if (minimumType == null || conB.cableType.getTransferRate() < minimumType.getTransferRate()) minimumType = conB.cableType; break; } } } closedList.add(new AbstractConnection(toBlockPos(node), toBlockPos(next), minimumType, distance, isOutput, connectionParts.toArray(new Connection[connectionParts.size()]))); } Set<Connection> conLN = getConnections(world, toBlockPos(next)); if (conLN != null) for (Connection con : conLN) if (next.allowEnergyToPass(con)) { IImmersiveConnectable end = toIIC(con.end, world); Optional<Pair<IImmersiveConnectable, Float>> existing = .filter((p) -> p.getLeft() == end).findAny(); float newLoss = con.getBaseLoss() + loss; if (end != null && !checked.contains(con.end) && > newLoss) { existing.ifPresent(p1 -> queue.removeIf((p2) -> p1.getLeft() == p2.getLeft())); queue.add(new ImmutablePair<>(end, newLoss)); backtracker.put(con.end, toBlockPos(next)); } } checked.add(toBlockPos(next)); } } if (FMLCommonHandler.instance().getEffectiveSide() == Side.SERVER) { if (ignoreIsEnergyOutput) { if (!indirectConnectionsIgnoreOut.containsKey(dimension)) indirectConnectionsIgnoreOut.put(dimension, new ConcurrentHashMap<>()); Map<BlockPos, Set<AbstractConnection>> conns = indirectConnectionsIgnoreOut.get(dimension); if (!conns.containsKey(node)) conns.put(node, newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<>())); conns.get(node).addAll(closedList); } else { if (!indirectConnections.containsKey(dimension)) indirectConnections.put(dimension, new ConcurrentHashMap<>()); Map<BlockPos, Set<AbstractConnection>> conns = indirectConnections.get(dimension); if (!conns.containsKey(node)) conns.put(node, newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<>())); conns.get(node).addAll(closedList); } } return closedList; } //Called through ASM/coremod @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void handleEntityCollision(BlockPos p, Entity e) { if (! && IEConfig.enableWireDamage && e instanceof EntityLivingBase && !e.isEntityInvulnerable(IEDamageSources.wireShock) && !(e instanceof EntityPlayer && ((EntityPlayer) e).capabilities.disableDamage)) { Map<BlockPos, BlockWireInfo> mapForDim = INSTANCE.blockWireMap.lookup(e.dimension); if (mapForDim != null) { BlockWireInfo info = mapForDim.get(p); if (info != null) { handleMapForDamage(, (EntityLivingBase) e, p); handleMapForDamage(info.near, (EntityLivingBase) e, p); } } } } private static void handleMapForDamage(Set<Triple<Connection, Vec3d, Vec3d>> in, EntityLivingBase e, BlockPos here) { final double KNOCKBACK_PER_DAMAGE = 10; if (!in.isEmpty()) { AxisAlignedBB eAabb = e.getEntityBoundingBox(); for (Triple<Connection, Vec3d, Vec3d> conn : in) if (conn.getLeft().cableType.canCauseDamage()) { double extra = conn.getLeft().cableType.getDamageRadius(); AxisAlignedBB includingExtra = eAabb.grow(extra).offset(-here.getX(), -here.getY(), -here.getZ()); boolean endpointsInEntity = includingExtra.contains(conn.getMiddle()) || includingExtra.contains(conn.getRight()); RayTraceResult rayRes = endpointsInEntity ? null : includingExtra.calculateIntercept(conn.getMiddle(), conn.getRight()); if (endpointsInEntity || (rayRes != null && rayRes.typeOfHit == RayTraceResult.Type.BLOCK)) { IImmersiveConnectable iic = toIIC(conn.getLeft().start,; float damage = 0; if (iic != null) damage = iic.getDamageAmount(e, conn.getLeft()); if (damage == 0) { iic = toIIC(conn.getLeft().end,; if (iic != null) damage = iic.getDamageAmount(e, conn.getLeft()); } if (damage != 0) { IEDamageSources.ElectricDamageSource dmg = IEDamageSources.causeWireDamage(damage, conn.getLeft().cableType.getElectricSource()); if (dmg.apply(e)) { damage = dmg.dmg; Vec3d v = e.getLookVec(); knockbackNoSource(e, damage / KNOCKBACK_PER_DAMAGE, v.x, v.z); iic.processDamage(e, damage, conn.getLeft()); } } } } } } public Connection getReverseConnection(int world, Connection ret) { return getConnections(world, ret.end).stream().filter(ret::hasSameConnectors).findAny().orElse(null); } public static class Connection implements Comparable<Connection> { public BlockPos start; public BlockPos end; public WireType cableType; public int length; public Vec3d[] catenaryVertices; public static final int vertices = 17; public boolean vertical = false; /** * Used to calculate the catenary vertices: * Y = a * cosh((( X-offsetX)/a)+offsetY * (Y relative to start. X linear&horizontal, from 0 to horizontal length) * set in getSubVertices */ public double catOffsetX; public double catOffsetY; public double catA; /* Stores the horizontal length for non-vertical connections and the vertical length for vertical connections. TODO rename */ public double horizontalLength; public Vec3d across = null; public Connection(BlockPos start, BlockPos end, WireType cableType, int length) { this.start = start; this.end = end; this.cableType = cableType; this.length = length; } public boolean hasSameConnectors(Connection con) { boolean n0 = start.equals(con.start) && end.equals(con.end); boolean n1 = start.equals(con.end) && end.equals(con.start); return n0 || n1; } public Vec3d[] getSubVertices(Vec3d start, Vec3d end) { if (catenaryVertices == null) { catenaryVertices = getConnectionCatenary(this, start, end); vertical = start.x == end.x && start.z == end.z; } return catenaryVertices; } public Vec3d[] getSubVertices(World world) { return getSubVertices(getVecForIICAt(world, start, this), getVecForIICAt(world, end, this)); } @Deprecated public Vec3d getVecAt(double pos, Vec3d vStart, Vec3d across, double lengthHor) { getSubVertices(vStart, vStart.add(across)); return getVecAt(pos); } public Vec3d getVecAt(double pos) { pos = MathHelper.clamp(pos, 0, 1); if (vertical) return catenaryVertices[0].add(across.scale(pos)); else return catenaryVertices[0].add(pos * across.x, catA * Math.cosh((pos * horizontalLength - catOffsetX) / catA) + catOffsetY, pos * across.z); } //Slope per block public double getSlopeAt(double pos) { pos = MathHelper.clamp(pos, 0, 1); if (vertical) return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; else return Math.sinh((pos * horizontalLength - catOffsetX) / catA); } public NBTTagCompound writeToNBT() { NBTTagCompound tag = new NBTTagCompound(); if (start != null) tag.setIntArray("start", new int[] { start.getX(), start.getY(), start.getZ() }); if (end != null) tag.setIntArray("end", new int[] { end.getX(), end.getY(), end.getZ() }); tag.setString("cableType", cableType.getUniqueName()); tag.setInteger("length", length); return tag; } public static Connection readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound tag) { if (tag == null) return null; int[] iStart = tag.getIntArray("start"); BlockPos start = new BlockPos(iStart[0], iStart[1], iStart[2]); int[] iEnd = tag.getIntArray("end"); BlockPos end = new BlockPos(iEnd[0], iEnd[1], iEnd[2]); WireType type = ApiUtils.getWireTypeFromNBT(tag, "cableType"); if (start != null && end != null && type != null) return new Connection(start, end, type, tag.getInteger("length")); return null; } @Override public int compareTo(@Nonnull Connection o) { if (this == o) return 0; int distComp =, o.length); int cableComp = -1 *, o.cableType.getTransferRate()); if (cableComp != 0) return cableComp; if (distComp != 0) return distComp; if (start.getX() != o.start.getX()) return start.getX() > o.start.getX() ? 1 : -1; if (start.getY() != o.start.getY()) return start.getY() > o.start.getY() ? 1 : -1; if (start.getZ() != o.start.getZ()) return start.getZ() > o.start.getZ() ? 1 : -1; if (end.getX() != o.end.getX()) return end.getX() > o.end.getX() ? 1 : -1; if (end.getY() != o.end.getY()) return end.getY() > o.end.getY() ? 1 : -1; if (end.getZ() != o.end.getZ()) return end.getZ() > o.end.getZ() ? 1 : -1; return 0; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof Connection)) return false; return compareTo((Connection) obj) == 0; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(start, end, cableType); } public float getBaseLoss() { return getBaseLoss(0); } public float getBaseLoss(float mod) { float lengthRelative = this.length / (float) cableType.getMaxLength(); return (float) (lengthRelative * cableType.getLossRatio() * (1 + mod)); } } public static class AbstractConnection extends Connection { public Connection[] subConnections; public boolean isEnergyOutput; private float avgLoss = -1; public AbstractConnection(BlockPos start, BlockPos end, WireType cableType, int length, Connection... subConnections) { this(start, end, cableType, length, true, subConnections); } public AbstractConnection(BlockPos start, BlockPos end, WireType cableType, int length, boolean output, Connection... subConnections) { super(start, end, cableType, length); this.isEnergyOutput = output; this.subConnections = subConnections; } public float getPreciseLossRate(int energyInput, int connectorMaxInput) { float f = 0; for (Connection c : subConnections) { float mod = (((connectorMaxInput - energyInput) / (float) connectorMaxInput) / .25f) * .1f; f += c.getBaseLoss(mod); } return Math.min(f, 1); } public float getAverageLossRate() { if (avgLoss < 0) { float f = 0; for (Connection c : subConnections) { f += c.getBaseLoss(); } avgLoss = Math.min(f, 1); } return avgLoss; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; if (!super.equals(o)) return false; AbstractConnection that = (AbstractConnection) o; return Arrays.equals(subConnections, that.subConnections); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = super.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + Arrays.hashCode(subConnections); return result; } @Override public int compareTo(@Nonnull Connection other) { if (!(other instanceof AbstractConnection)) return -other.compareTo(this); AbstractConnection otherAbstract = (AbstractConnection) other; if (getAverageLossRate() != otherAbstract.getAverageLossRate()) return, otherAbstract.getAverageLossRate()); return super.compareTo(other); } } public class BlockWireInfo { @Nonnull public final Set<Triple<Connection, Vec3d, Vec3d>> in = Collections .newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<>()); @Nonnull public final Set<Triple<Connection, Vec3d, Vec3d>> near = Collections .newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<>()); } public class BlockPlaceListener implements IWorldEventListener { @Override public void notifyBlockUpdate(@Nonnull World worldIn, @Nonnull BlockPos pos, @Nonnull IBlockState oldState, @Nonnull IBlockState newState, int flags) { Map<BlockPos, BlockWireInfo> worldMap = blockWireMap.lookup(worldIn.provider.getDimension()); if (worldMap != null && !worldIn.isRemote && (flags & 1) != 0 && newState.getBlock().canCollideCheck(newState, false)) { BlockWireInfo info = worldMap.get(pos); if (info != null) { Set<Triple<Connection, Vec3d, Vec3d>> conns =; Set<Pair<Connection, BlockPos>> toBreak = new HashSet<>(); for (Triple<Connection, Vec3d, Vec3d> conn : conns) { Vec3d[] verts = conn.getLeft().getSubVertices(worldIn); if (!Utils.isVecInBlock(verts[0], pos, conn.getLeft().start) && !Utils.isVecInBlock(verts[verts.length - 1], pos, conn.getLeft().start)) { BlockPos dropPos = pos; if (ApiUtils.preventsConnection(worldIn, pos, newState, conn.getMiddle(), conn.getRight())) { for (EnumFacing f : EnumFacing.VALUES) if (worldIn.isAirBlock(pos.offset(f))) { dropPos = dropPos.offset(f); break; } toBreak.add(new ImmutablePair<>(conn.getLeft(), dropPos)); } } } for (Pair<Connection, BlockPos> b : toBreak) removeConnectionAndDrop(b.getLeft(), worldIn, b.getRight()); } } } @Override public void notifyLightSet(@Nonnull BlockPos pos) { } @Override public void markBlockRangeForRenderUpdate(int x1, int y1, int z1, int x2, int y2, int z2) { } @Override public void playSoundToAllNearExcept(EntityPlayer player, @Nonnull SoundEvent soundIn, @Nonnull SoundCategory category, double x, double y, double z, float volume, float pitch) { } @Override public void playRecord(@Nonnull SoundEvent soundIn, @Nonnull BlockPos pos) { } @Override public void spawnParticle(int particleID, boolean ignoreRange, double xCoord, double yCoord, double zCoord, double xSpeed, double ySpeed, double zSpeed, @Nonnull int... parameters) { } @Override public void spawnParticle(int id, boolean ignoreRange, boolean p_190570_3_, double x, double y, double z, double xSpeed, double ySpeed, double zSpeed, @Nonnull int... parameters) { } @Override public void onEntityAdded(@Nonnull Entity entityIn) { } @Override public void onEntityRemoved(@Nonnull Entity entityIn) { } @Override public void broadcastSound(int soundID, @Nonnull BlockPos pos, int data) { } @Override public void playEvent(EntityPlayer player, int type, @Nonnull BlockPos blockPosIn, int data) { } @Override public void sendBlockBreakProgress(int breakerId, @Nonnull BlockPos pos, int progress) { } } }