Java tutorial
/* * blue - object composition environment for csound * Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Steven Yi ( * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package blue.automation; import blue.components.lines.Line; import blue.components.lines.LinePoint; import blue.components.lines.LineUtils; import electric.xml.Element; import electric.xml.Elements; import; import; import; import java.rmi.dgc.VMID; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.event.TableModelEvent; import javax.swing.event.TableModelListener; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.EqualsBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder; /** * Data class to describe an automatable parameter's properties. This class * should holds boundary information (min and max) as well as allows for * listeners to follow changes to parameter information. A default value is also * necessary. * * @author steven */ public class Parameter implements TableModelListener, Serializable { private float min = 0.0f; private float max = 1.0f; private float value = 0.0f; private String name = ""; private String label = ""; private float resolution = -1.0f; private Line line; transient Vector listeners; private boolean automationEnabled = false; private boolean updatingLine = false; private String uniqueId; /* Used only at compilation time */ private String compilationVarName = null; /** Creates a new instance of Parameter */ public Parameter() { line = new Line(false); line.addTableModelListener(this); uniqueId = Integer.toString(new VMID().hashCode()); } /* Change Listener Code */ public void addParameterListener(ParameterListener listener) { if (listeners == null) { listeners = new Vector(); } listeners.add(listener); } public void removeParameterListener(ParameterListener listener) { if (listeners != null) { listeners.remove(listener); } } private void fireParameterChanged() { if (listeners == null) { return; } Iterator iter = new Vector(listeners).iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ParameterListener cl = (ParameterListener); cl.parameterChanged(this); } } private void fireLineDataChanged() { if (listeners == null) { return; } Iterator iter = new Vector(listeners).iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ParameterListener cl = (ParameterListener); cl.lineDataChanged(this); } } public void fireUpdateFromTimeChange() { fireLineDataChanged(); } /* GETTER/SETTER CODE */ public float getMin() { return min; } public float getMax() { return max; } public void setMin(float min, boolean truncate) { float oldMin = this.min; this.min = min; updatingLine = true; line.setMin(min, truncate); if (truncate) { value = LineUtils.truncate(value, this.min, this.max); } else { value = LineUtils.rescale(value, oldMin, this.max, this.min, this.max, this.resolution); } updatingLine = false; fireParameterChanged(); } public void setMax(float max, boolean truncate) { float oldMax = this.max; this.max = max; updatingLine = true; line.setMax(max, truncate); if (truncate) { value = LineUtils.truncate(value, this.min, this.max); } else { value = LineUtils.rescale(value, this.min, oldMax, this.min, this.max, this.resolution); } updatingLine = false; fireParameterChanged(); } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; fireParameterChanged(); } public float getResolution() { return resolution; } public void setResolution(float resolution) { // if(this.resolution == resolution) { // return; // } this.resolution = resolution; this.line.setResolution(resolution); } public Line getLine() { return line; } public void setLine(Line line) { this.line = line; } public String getUniqueId() { return uniqueId; } /* Listening to Line Value Changes to fire events to update UI */ public void tableChanged(TableModelEvent e) { if (!updatingLine) { fireLineDataChanged(); } } public void setValue(float value) { if (isAutomationEnabled()) { float time = ParameterTimeManagerFactory.getInstance().getTime(); if (time < 0) { return; } updatingLine = true; LinePoint found = null; for (int i = 0; i < line.size(); i++) { LinePoint point = line.getLinePoint(i); if (point.getX() == time) { found = point; break; } } if (found != null) { found.setLocation(found.getX(), value); } else { LinePoint lp = new LinePoint(); lp.setLocation(time, value); line.insertLinePoint(lp); } updatingLine = false; } else { this.value = value; if (line.size() == 1) { updatingLine = true; LinePoint lp = line.getLinePoint(0); lp.setLocation(lp.getX(), value); updatingLine = false; } } } public float getValue(float time) { float retValue; if (isAutomationEnabled()) { retValue = line.getValue(time); if (resolution > 0 && time < line.getLinePoint(line.size() - 1).getX()) { retValue = getResolutionAdjustedValue(retValue); } } else { retValue = this.value; // line.getLinePoint(0).getY(); } return retValue; } public float getFixedValue() { return this.value; } public float getResolutionAdjustedValue(float val) { if (val == max) { return max; } float valTarget = val - min; float temp = 0.0f; while (temp <= valTarget) { temp += resolution; } temp -= resolution; return temp + min; } public boolean isAutomationEnabled() { return automationEnabled; } public void setAutomationEnabled(boolean automationEnabled) { this.automationEnabled = automationEnabled; } /* SERIALIZATION CODE */ public Element saveAsXML() { Element retVal = new Element("parameter"); retVal.setAttribute("uniqueId", uniqueId); retVal.setAttribute("name", name); retVal.setAttribute("label", label); retVal.setAttribute("min", Float.toString(min)); retVal.setAttribute("max", Float.toString(max)); retVal.setAttribute("resolution", Float.toString(resolution)); retVal.setAttribute("automationEnabled", Boolean.toString(automationEnabled)); retVal.setAttribute("value", Float.toString(value)); retVal.addElement(line.saveAsXML()); return retVal; } public static Parameter loadFromXML(Element data) { Parameter retVal = new Parameter(); String val = data.getAttributeValue("uniqueId"); if (val != null && val.length() > 0) { retVal.uniqueId = val; } val = data.getAttributeValue("name"); if (val != null && val.length() > 0) { = val; } val = data.getAttributeValue("label"); if (val != null && val.length() > 0) { retVal.label = val; } val = data.getAttributeValue("min"); if (val != null && val.length() > 0) { retVal.min = Float.parseFloat(val); } val = data.getAttributeValue("max"); if (val != null && val.length() > 0) { retVal.max = Float.parseFloat(val); } val = data.getAttributeValue("resolution"); if (val != null && val.length() > 0) { retVal.resolution = Float.parseFloat(val); } val = data.getAttributeValue("automationEnabled"); if (val != null && val.length() > 0) { retVal.automationEnabled = Boolean.valueOf(val).booleanValue(); } Elements nodes = data.getElements(); while (nodes.hasMoreElements()) { Element node =; String nodeName = node.getName(); if (nodeName.equals("line")) { retVal.line = Line.loadFromXML(node); retVal.line.addTableModelListener(retVal); } } /* * For checking of older projects where line did not have resolution * property (0.111.0) */ if (retVal.line.getResolution() != retVal.getResolution()) { retVal.line.setResolution(retVal.getResolution()); } /* * Seeting Value property from first line point, introduced in 0.124.0 */ val = data.getAttributeValue("value"); if (val != null && val.length() > 0) { retVal.value = Float.parseFloat(val); } return retVal; } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof Parameter)) { return false; } Parameter other = (Parameter) obj; return new EqualsBuilder().append(uniqueId, other.uniqueId).append(min, other.min).append(max, other.max) .append(label, other.label).append(resolution, other.resolution).append(line, other.line) .append(automationEnabled, other.automationEnabled).append(updatingLine, other.updatingLine) .append(value, other.value).isEquals(); } public String toString() { return ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this); } public String getLabel() { return label; } public void setLabel(String label) { this.label = label; } /* * This gets called as part of Serialization by Java and will do default * serialization plus reconnect the parameter as a listener to the Line */ private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { stream.defaultReadObject(); line.addTableModelListener(this); } public String getCompilationVarName() { return compilationVarName; } public void setCompilationVarName(String compilationVarName) { this.compilationVarName = compilationVarName; } }