Java tutorial
/** * * Created on 16.05.2005 * (c) 2005 by "Wolschon Softwaredesign und Beratung". * * Permission is granted to use, modify, publish and sub-license this code * as specified in the contract. If nothing else is specified these rights * are given non-exclusively with no restrictions solely to the contractor(s). * If no specified otherwise I reserve the right to use, modify, publish and * sub-license this code to other parties myself. * * Otherwise, this code is made available under GPLv3 or later. * * ----------------------------------------------------------- * major Changes: * 16.05.2005 - initial version * ... * */ package biz.wolschon.fileformats.gnucash.jwsdpimpl; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import biz.wolschon.fileformats.gnucash.GnucashAccount; import biz.wolschon.fileformats.gnucash.GnucashTransactionSplit; import biz.wolschon.fileformats.gnucash.GnucashWritableAccount; import biz.wolschon.fileformats.gnucash.GnucashWritableFile; import biz.wolschon.fileformats.gnucash.GnucashWritableTransactionSplit; import biz.wolschon.fileformats.gnucash.jwsdpimpl.generated.GncAccountType; import biz.wolschon.fileformats.gnucash.jwsdpimpl.generated.ObjectFactory; import biz.wolschon.fileformats.gnucash.jwsdpimpl.generated.Slot; import biz.wolschon.fileformats.gnucash.jwsdpimpl.generated.SlotType; import biz.wolschon.fileformats.gnucash.jwsdpimpl.generated.SlotValueType; import biz.wolschon.fileformats.gnucash.jwsdpimpl.generated.SlotsType; import biz.wolschon.numbers.FixedPointNumber; /** * created: 16.05.2005 <br/> * * Extension of GnucashAccountImpl to allow writing instead of * read-only access.<br/> * Supported properties for the propertyChangeListeners: * <ul> * <li>name</li> * <li>code</li> * <li>currencyID</li> * <li>currencyNameSpace</li> * <li>description</li> * <li>type</li> * <li>parentAccount</li> * <li>transactionSplits (not giving the old value of the list)</li> * </ul> * @author <a href="">Marcus Wolschon</a> */ public class GnucashAccountWritingImpl extends GnucashAccountImpl implements GnucashWritableAccount { /** * Our logger for debug- and error-ourput. */ private static final Log LOGGER = LogFactory.getLog(GnucashAccountWritingImpl.class); /** * Our helper to implement the GnucashWritableObject-interface. */ private GnucashWritableObjectHelper helper; /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see biz.wolschon.fileformats.gnucash.GnucashWritableObject#setUserDefinedAttribute(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) */ public void setUserDefinedAttribute(final String name, final String value) throws JAXBException { if (helper == null) { helper = new GnucashWritableObjectHelper(super.helper); } LOGGER.debug("GnucashAccountWritingImpl[account-id=" + getId() + " name=" + getName() + "].setUserDefinedAttribute(name=" + name + ", value=" + value + ")"); helper.setUserDefinedAttribute(name, value); } /** * @see biz.wolschon.fileformats.gnucash.jwsdpimpl.GnucashAccountImpl#GnucashAccountImpl(GncAccountType, GnucashFileImpl) */ public GnucashAccountWritingImpl(final GncAccountType jwsdpPeer, final GnucashFileImpl file) throws JAXBException { super(jwsdpPeer, file); } /** * @see biz.wolschon.fileformats.gnucash.jwsdpimpl.GnucashAccountImpl#GnucashAccountImpl(GncAccountType, GnucashFileImpl) */ public GnucashAccountWritingImpl(final GnucashFileWritingImpl file) throws JAXBException { super(createAccount(file, file.createGUID()), file); } /** * @see biz.wolschon.fileformats.gnucash.jwsdpimpl.GnucashAccountImpl#GnucashAccountImpl(GncAccountType, GnucashFileImpl) */ public GnucashAccountWritingImpl(final GnucashFileWritingImpl file, final String id) throws JAXBException { super(createAccount(file, id), file); } /** * @param file * @return * @throws JAXBException */ private static GncAccountType createAccount(final GnucashFileWritingImpl file, final String accountguid) throws JAXBException { ObjectFactory factory = file.getObjectFactory(); GncAccountType account = factory.createGncAccount(); //left unset account.setActCode(); account.setActCommodityScu((short) 100); // x,yz account.setActDescription("no description yet"); // left unset account.setActLots(); account.setActName("UNNAMED"); // left unset account.setActNonStandardScu(); //left unset account.setActParent()) account.setActType("BANK"); account.setVersion("2.0.0"); { GncAccountType.ActCommodityType currency = factory.createGncAccountTypeActCommodityType(); currency.setCmdtyId(file.getDefaultCurrencyID()); currency.setCmdtySpace("ISO4217"); account.setActCommodity(currency); } { GncAccountType.ActIdType guid = factory.createGncAccountTypeActIdType(); guid.setType("guid"); guid.setValue(accountguid); account.setActId(guid); } { SlotsType slots = factory.createSlotsType(); account.setActSlots(slots); } { Slot slot = factory.createSlot(); slot.setSlotKey("placeholder"); SlotValueType slottype = factory.createSlotValueType(); slottype.setType("string"); slottype.getContent().add("false"); slot.setSlotValue(slottype); account.getActSlots().getSlot().add(slot); } { Slot slot = factory.createSlot(); slot.setSlotKey("notes"); SlotValueType slottype = factory.createSlotValueType(); slottype.setType("string"); slottype.getContent().add(""); slot.setSlotValue(slottype); account.getActSlots().getSlot().add(slot); } file.getRootElement().getGncBook().getBookElements().add(account); file.setModified(true); return account; } /** * Remove this account from the sytem.<br/> * Throws IllegalStateException if this account has splits or childres. */ public void remove() { if (getTransactionSplits().size() > 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("cannot remove account while it contains transaction-splits!"); } if (this.getChildren().size() > 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("cannot remove account while it contains child-accounts!"); } getWritableGnucashFile().getRootElement().getGncBook().getBookElements().remove(getJwsdpPeer()); getWritableGnucashFile().removeAccount(this); } /** * The gnucash-file is the top-level class to contain everything. * @return the file we are associated with */ public GnucashWritableFile getWritableGnucashFile() { return (GnucashFileWritingImpl) getGnucashFile(); } /** * @see biz.wolschon.fileformats.gnucash.GnucashAccount#addTransactionSplit(biz.wolschon.fileformats.gnucash.GnucashTransactionSplit) */ @Override public void addTransactionSplit(final GnucashTransactionSplit split) { super.addTransactionSplit(split); setIsModified(); // <<insert code to react further to this change here PropertyChangeSupport propertyChangeFirer = getPropertyChangeSupport(); if (propertyChangeFirer != null) { propertyChangeFirer.firePropertyChange("transactionSplits", null, getTransactionSplits()); } } /** * @param impl the split to remove */ protected void removeTransactionSplit(final GnucashWritableTransactionSplit impl) { List transactionSplits = getTransactionSplits(); transactionSplits.remove(impl); setIsModified(); // <<insert code to react further to this change here PropertyChangeSupport propertyChangeFirer = getPropertyChangeSupport(); if (propertyChangeFirer != null) { propertyChangeFirer.firePropertyChange("transactionSplits", null, transactionSplits); } } /** * * * @see biz.wolschon.fileformats.gnucash.GnucashWritableAccount#setName(java.lang.String) */ public void setName(final String name) { if (name == null || name.trim().length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("null or empty name given!"); } Object old = getJwsdpPeer().getActName(); if (old == name) { return; // nothing has changed } this.getJwsdpPeer().setActName(name); setIsModified(); // <<insert code to react further to this change here PropertyChangeSupport propertyChangeFirer = getPropertyChangeSupport(); if (propertyChangeFirer != null) { propertyChangeFirer.firePropertyChange("name", old, name); } } /** * * * @see biz.wolschon.fileformats.gnucash.GnucashWritableAccount#setAccountCode(java.lang.String) */ public void setAccountCode(final String code) { if (code == null || code.trim().length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("null or empty code given!"); } Object old = getJwsdpPeer().getActCode(); if (old == code) { return; // nothing has changed } this.getJwsdpPeer().setActCode(code); setIsModified(); // <<insert code to react further to this change here PropertyChangeSupport propertyChangeFirer = getPropertyChangeSupport(); if (propertyChangeFirer != null) { propertyChangeFirer.firePropertyChange("code", old, code); } } /** * @param currencyID the new currency * @see #setCurrencyNameSpace(String) * @see ${@link GnucashAccount#getCurrencyID()} */ public void setCurrencyID(final String currencyID) { if (currencyID == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("null or empty currencyID given!"); } Object old = getJwsdpPeer().getActCommodity().getCmdtyId(); if (old == currencyID) { return; // nothing has changed } this.getJwsdpPeer().getActCommodity().setCmdtyId(currencyID); setIsModified(); // <<insert code to react further to this change here PropertyChangeSupport propertyChangeFirer = getPropertyChangeSupport(); if (propertyChangeFirer != null) { propertyChangeFirer.firePropertyChange("currencyID", old, currencyID); } } /** * @param currencyNameSpace the new namespace * @see ${@link GnucashAccount#getCurrencyNameSpace()} */ public void setCurrencyNameSpace(final String currencyNameSpace) { if (currencyNameSpace == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("null or empty currencyNameSpace given!"); } Object old = getJwsdpPeer().getActCommodity().getCmdtySpace(); if (old == currencyNameSpace) { return; // nothing has changed } this.getJwsdpPeer().getActCommodity().setCmdtySpace(currencyNameSpace); setIsModified(); // <<insert code to react further to this change here PropertyChangeSupport propertyChangeFirer = getPropertyChangeSupport(); if (propertyChangeFirer != null) { propertyChangeFirer.firePropertyChange("currencyNameSpace", old, currencyNameSpace); } } /** * set getWritableFile().setModified(true). */ protected void setIsModified() { GnucashWritableFile writableFile = getWritableGnucashFile(); writableFile.setModified(true); } /** * Used by ${@link #getBalance()} to cache the result. */ private FixedPointNumber myBalanceCached = null; /** * Used by ${@link #getBalance()} to cache the result. */ private PropertyChangeListener myBalanceCachedInvalidtor = null; /** * same as getBalance(new Date()).<br/> * ignores transactions after the current date+time<br/> * This implementation caches the result.<br/> * We assume that time does never move backwards * @see #getBalance(Date) */ @Override public FixedPointNumber getBalance() { if (myBalanceCached != null) { return myBalanceCached; } Collection<GnucashTransactionSplit> after = new LinkedList<GnucashTransactionSplit>(); FixedPointNumber balance = getBalance(new Date(), after); if (after.isEmpty()) { myBalanceCached = balance; // add a listener to keep the cache up to date if (myBalanceCachedInvalidtor != null) { myBalanceCachedInvalidtor = new PropertyChangeListener() { private final Collection<GnucashTransactionSplit> splitsWeAreAddedTo = new HashSet<GnucashTransactionSplit>(); public void propertyChange(final PropertyChangeEvent evt) { myBalanceCached = null; // we don't handle the case of removing an account // because that happenes seldomly enough if (evt.getPropertyName().equals("account") && evt.getSource() instanceof GnucashWritableTransactionSplit) { GnucashWritableTransactionSplit splitw = (GnucashWritableTransactionSplit) evt .getSource(); if (splitw.getAccount() != GnucashAccountWritingImpl.this) { splitw.removePropertyChangeListener("account", this); splitw.removePropertyChangeListener("quantity", this); splitw.getTransaction().removePropertyChangeListener("datePosted", this); splitsWeAreAddedTo.remove(splitw); } } if (evt.getPropertyName().equals("transactionSplits")) { Collection<GnucashTransactionSplit> splits = (Collection<GnucashTransactionSplit>) evt .getNewValue(); for (GnucashTransactionSplit split : splits) { if (!(split instanceof GnucashWritableTransactionSplit) || splitsWeAreAddedTo.contains(split)) { continue; } GnucashWritableTransactionSplit splitw = (GnucashWritableTransactionSplit) split; splitw.addPropertyChangeListener("account", this); splitw.addPropertyChangeListener("quantity", this); splitw.getTransaction().addPropertyChangeListener("datePosted", this); splitsWeAreAddedTo.add(splitw); } } } }; addPropertyChangeListener("currencyID", myBalanceCachedInvalidtor); addPropertyChangeListener("currencyNameSpace", myBalanceCachedInvalidtor); addPropertyChangeListener("transactionSplits", myBalanceCachedInvalidtor); } } return balance; } /** * @see biz.wolschon.fileformats.gnucash.GnucashWritableAccount#setDescription(java.lang.String) */ public void setDescription(final String description) { if (description == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("null or empty description given!"); } Object old = getJwsdpPeer().getActDescription(); if (old == description) { return; // nothing has changed } getJwsdpPeer().setActDescription(description); setIsModified(); // <<insert code to react further to this change here PropertyChangeSupport propertyChangeFirer = getPropertyChangeSupport(); if (propertyChangeFirer != null) { propertyChangeFirer.firePropertyChange("description", old, description); } } /** * * * @see biz.wolschon.fileformats.gnucash.GnucashWritableAccount#setType(java.lang.String) */ public void setType(final String type) { if (type == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("null type given!"); } Object old = getJwsdpPeer().getActDescription(); if (old == type) { return; // nothing has changed } getJwsdpPeer().setActType(type); setIsModified(); // <<insert code to react further to this change here PropertyChangeSupport propertyChangeFirer = getPropertyChangeSupport(); if (propertyChangeFirer != null) { propertyChangeFirer.firePropertyChange("type", old, type); } } /** * @see biz.wolschon.fileformats.gnucash.GnucashWritableAccount#setParentAccount(biz.wolschon.fileformats.gnucash.GnucashAccount) */ public void setParentAccountId(final String newParent) throws JAXBException { if (newParent == null || newParent.trim().length() == 0) { setParentAccount(null); } else { setParentAccount(getGnucashFile().getAccountByID(newParent)); } } /** * @see biz.wolschon.fileformats.gnucash.GnucashWritableAccount#setParentAccount(biz.wolschon.fileformats.gnucash.GnucashAccount) */ public void setParentAccount(final GnucashAccount parentAccount) throws JAXBException { if (parentAccount == null) { this.getJwsdpPeer().setActParent(null); return; } if (parentAccount == this) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("I cannot be my own parent!"); } // check if newparent is a child-account recusively if (isChildAccountRecursive(parentAccount)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("I cannot be my own (grand-)parent!"); } Object old = null; biz.wolschon.fileformats.gnucash.jwsdpimpl.generated.GncAccountType.ActParentType parent = getJwsdpPeer() .getActParent(); if (parent == null) { parent = ((GnucashFileWritingImpl) getWritableGnucashFile()).getObjectFactory() .createGncAccountTypeActParentType(); parent.setType("guid"); parent.setValue(parentAccount.getId()); getJwsdpPeer().setActParent(parent); } else { old = getParentAccount(); parent.setValue(parentAccount.getId()); } setIsModified(); // <<insert code to react further to this change here PropertyChangeSupport propertyChangeFirer = getPropertyChangeSupport(); if (propertyChangeFirer != null) { propertyChangeFirer.firePropertyChange("parentAccount", old, parentAccount); } } /** * Get the sum of all transaction-splits * affecting this account in the given time-frame. * @param from when to start, inclusive * @param to when to stop, exlusive. * @return the sum of all transaction-splits * affecting this account in the given time-frame. */ public FixedPointNumber getBalanceChange(final Date from, final Date to) { FixedPointNumber retval = new FixedPointNumber(); for (Object element : getTransactionSplits()) { GnucashTransactionSplit split = (GnucashTransactionSplit) element; Date whenHappened = split.getTransaction().getDatePosted(); if (!whenHappened.before(to)) { continue; } if (whenHappened.before(from)) { continue; } retval = retval.add(split.getQuantity()); } return retval; } // ------------------------------------------------------- }