Java tutorial
package; /* * Copyright 2001-2005 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import; import java.util.List; import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.LifecyclePhase; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Mojo; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter; import com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException; import com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException; import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentials; import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentialsProvider; import com.amazonaws.auth.BasicAWSCredentials; import com.amazonaws.auth.DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain; import com.amazonaws.internal.StaticCredentialsProvider; import; import; import; import; /** * <p></p> * * @author <a href="">Kevin F. Murdoff</a> */ @Mojo(name = "upload") public class S3UploadMojo extends AbstractMojo { /** Access key for S3. */ @Parameter(alias = "accessKey") private String accessKey; /** Secret key for S3. */ @Parameter(alias = "secretKey") private String secretKey; /** * Execute all steps up except the upload to the S3. * This can be set to true to perform a "dryRun" execution. */ @Parameter(alias = "doNotUpload", defaultValue = "false") private boolean doNotUpload; /** Force override of endpoint for S3 regions such as EU. */ @Parameter(alias = "endpoint") private String endpoint; /** In the case of a directory upload, recursively upload the contents. */ @Parameter(alias = "recursive", defaultValue = "false") private boolean recursive; /** */ @Parameter(alias = "files") private List<UploadFile> files; /** */ @Parameter(alias = "buckets") private List<String> buckets; /** */ @Parameter(alias = "failOnError", defaultValue = "true") private boolean failOnError; /** */ public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException { getLog().debug("accessKey: " + accessKey); getLog().debug("secretKey: " + secretKey); // getLog().debug("bucketName: " + bucketName); if ((files == null) || (files.isEmpty())) { throw new MojoExecutionException("No files configured to upload!"); } if ((buckets == null) || (buckets.isEmpty())) { throw new MojoExecutionException("No buckets configured to upload files to!"); } AmazonS3 s3 = getS3Client(accessKey, secretKey); for (String bucket : buckets) { for (UploadFile uf : files) { File source = new File(uf.getSource()); if (!source.exists()) { throw new MojoExecutionException( "File/folder '" + source.getAbsolutePath() + "' doesn't exist."); } if (!doNotUpload) { // Upload the source File to the S3 bucket. boolean success = upload(s3, bucket, source, uf.getTarget()); if (!success) { if (failOnError) { throw new MojoExecutionException("S3 file upload failed!"); } } } else { getLog().debug("File " + source.getAbsolutePath() + " would have been uploaded to " + bucket + "/" + uf.getTarget()); } } } } /** */ private boolean upload(AmazonS3 s3, String bucketName, File sourceFile, String targetPath) throws MojoExecutionException { TransferManager mgr = new TransferManager(s3); Transfer transfer = null; transfer = mgr.upload(bucketName, targetPath, sourceFile); try { transfer.waitForCompletion(); getLog().info("Transferred " + transfer.getProgress().getBytesTransfered() + " bytes."); } catch (AmazonServiceException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } catch (AmazonClientException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return true; } /** */ private static AmazonS3 getS3Client(String accessKey, String secretKey) { AWSCredentialsProvider provider = null; if (accessKey != null && secretKey != null) { AWSCredentials credentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(accessKey, secretKey); provider = new StaticCredentialsProvider(credentials); } else { provider = new DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain(); } return new AmazonS3Client(provider); } /** */ public String getAccessKey() { return accessKey; } /** */ public String getSecretKey() { return secretKey; } /** */ public boolean isDoNotUpload() { return doNotUpload; } /** */ public String getEndpoint() { return endpoint; } /** */ public boolean isRecursive() { return recursive; } /** */ public List<UploadFile> getFiles() { return files; } /** */ public List<String> getBuckets() { return buckets; } /** */ public boolean isFailOnError() { return failOnError; } /** */ public void setAccessKey(String accessKey) { this.accessKey = accessKey; } /** */ public void setSecretKey(String secretKey) { this.secretKey = secretKey; } /** */ public void setDoNotUpload(boolean doNotUpload) { this.doNotUpload = doNotUpload; } /** */ public void setEndpoint(String endpoint) { this.endpoint = endpoint; } /** */ public void setRecursive(boolean recursive) { this.recursive = recursive; } /** */ public void setFiles(List<UploadFile> files) { this.files = files; } /** */ public void setBuckets(List<String> buckets) { this.buckets = buckets; } /** */ public void setFailOnError(boolean failOnError) { this.failOnError = failOnError; } }