Java tutorial
/* * (C) Copyright 2016 Netcentric AG. * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * */ package biz.netcentric.vlt.upgrade.handler; import static; import static biz.netcentric.vlt.upgrade.util.LogUtil.warn; import static biz.netcentric.vlt.upgrade.util.Util.getService; import static org.apache.jackrabbit.vault.packaging.InstallContext.Phase; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import javax.jcr.RepositoryException; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.jackrabbit.JcrConstants; import; import; import; import; import biz.netcentric.vlt.upgrade.util.FakeRequest; import com.citytechinc.aem.groovy.console.GroovyConsoleService; import com.citytechinc.aem.groovy.console.response.RunScriptResponse; import org.apache.jackrabbit.vault.packaging.InstallContext; import; /** * User: Conrad Wltge */ public class GroovyConsoleHandler extends UpgradeHandlerBase { private Map<Phase, LinkedList<String>> scripts; private static final Phase[] phases = Phase.values(); @Override public void execute(InstallContext ctx) throws RepositoryException { this.ctx = ctx; scripts = getScriptsFromConfig(); Collections.sort(scripts.get(ctx.getPhase())); // make sure we're executing in alphabetical order for (String scriptPath : scripts.get(ctx.getPhase())) { runScript(scriptPath); } } /** * Builds the Map of Phases with a List of ScriptPaths for each Phase. * @return Map of ScriptPaths per Phase */ private Map<Phase, LinkedList<String>> getScriptsFromConfig() { scripts = new HashMap<>(); for (Phase phase : Phase.values()) { scripts.put(phase, new LinkedList<String>()); } Resource resource = upgradeInfo.getConfigResource(); for (Resource child : resource.getChildren()) { // groovy scripts if (StringUtils.endsWith(child.getName(), ".groovy") && child.isResourceType("nt:file")) { // it's a script, assign the script to a phase scripts.get(getPhaseFromPrefix(child.getName())).add(child.getPath()); } } return scripts; } /** * returns the correct Phase for a script name by its prefix. * Important to handle PREPARE_FAILED and PREPARE correctly * @param text the script name * @return related phase. defaults to INSTALLED */ private Phase getPhaseFromPrefix(String text) { String scriptName = text.toLowerCase(); Phase phase = Phase.INSTALLED; for (int i = phases.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(scriptName, phases[i].name())) { phase = phases[i]; break; } } return phase; } /** * Executes the script from a given path via GroovyConsole. * @param scriptPath the path a package definition to execute */ public void runScript(String scriptPath) { GroovyConsoleService groovyConsoleService = getService(GroovyConsoleService.class); SlingHttpServletRequest request = getRequestForScript(scriptPath); if (request != null) { info("I", "Executing " + Text.getName(scriptPath), ctx); RunScriptResponse scriptResponse = groovyConsoleService.runScript(request); info("I", "Run in " + scriptResponse.getRunningTime() + "ms with output of", ctx); info("", scriptResponse.getOutput().trim(), ctx); } } private SlingHttpServletRequest getRequestForScript(String scriptPath) { ResourceResolver resourceResolver = getResourceResolver(); Resource resource = resourceResolver.getResource(scriptPath + "/" + JcrConstants.JCR_CONTENT); String script = null; if (resource != null) { script = resource.adaptTo(ValueMap.class).get(JcrConstants.JCR_DATA, String.class); } if (script != null) { Map<String, Object> parameters = Collections.<String, Object>singletonMap("script", script); return new FakeRequest(resourceResolver, "GET", "/bin/groovyconsole/post.json", parameters); } else { warn("E", "Can't load script at " + scriptPath, ctx); return null; } } public static boolean isAvailable() { try { GroovyConsoleHandler.class.getClassLoader() .loadClass("com.citytechinc.aem.groovy.console.GroovyConsoleService"); return true; } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { return false; } } }