Java tutorial
/* * (C) Copyright 2016 Netcentric AG. * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * */ package; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.jcr.RepositoryException; import javax.jcr.Session; import javax.jcr.UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException; import javax.jcr.ValueFormatException; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; @Service @Component public class AceBeanInstallerImpl implements AceBeanInstaller { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AceBeanInstallerImpl.class); @Override public void installPathBasedACEs(final Map<String, Set<AceBean>> pathBasedAceMapFromConfig, final Session session, final AcInstallationHistoryPojo history, Set<String> authorizablesToRemoveAcesFor, boolean intermediateSaves) throws Exception { final Set<String> paths = pathBasedAceMapFromConfig.keySet(); final String msg = "Found " + paths.size() + " paths in config"; LOG.debug(msg); history.addVerboseMessage(msg); LOG.trace("Paths with ACEs: {}", paths); if (intermediateSaves) { final String messageSave = "Will save ACL for each path to session due to configuration option intermediateSaves=true - rollback functionality is disabled.";; history.addMessage(messageSave); } // loop through all nodes from config for (final String path : paths) { final Set<AceBean> aceBeanSetFromConfig = pathBasedAceMapFromConfig.get(path); // Set which holds the AceBeans of the current path in configuration // check if the path even exists final boolean pathExits = AccessControlUtils.getModifiableAcl(session.getAccessControlManager(), path) != null; if (!pathExits) { if (!ContentHelper.createInitialContent(session, history, path, aceBeanSetFromConfig)) { final String msgNonExistingPath = "Skipped installing privileges/actions for non existing path: " + path; LOG.debug(msgNonExistingPath); history.addMessage(msgNonExistingPath); continue; } } // order entries (denies in front of allows) final Set<AceBean> orderedAceBeanSetFromConfig = new TreeSet<AceBean>(new AcePermissionComparator()); orderedAceBeanSetFromConfig.addAll(aceBeanSetFromConfig); // Remove all config contained auhtorizables from ACL of this path int countRemoved = AccessControlUtils.deleteAllEntriesForAuthorizableFromACL(session, path, authorizablesToRemoveAcesFor.toArray(new String[authorizablesToRemoveAcesFor.size()])); final String message = "Deleted " + countRemoved + " ACEs for configured authorizables from path " + path; LOG.debug(message); history.addVerboseMessage(message); writeAcBeansToRepository(session, history, orderedAceBeanSetFromConfig); if (intermediateSaves) { final String messageSave = "Saved session for path " + path; LOG.debug(messageSave); history.addVerboseMessage(messageSave);; } } } private void writeAcBeansToRepository(final Session session, final AcInstallationHistoryPojo history, final Set<AceBean> aceBeanSetFromConfig) throws RepositoryException, UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException, NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException { // reset ACL in repo with permissions from merged ACL for (final AceBean bean : aceBeanSetFromConfig) { LOG.debug("Writing bean to repository {}", bean); final Principal currentPrincipal = AcHelper.getPrincipal(session, bean); if (currentPrincipal == null) { final String errMessage = "Could not find definition for authorizable " + bean.getPrincipalName() + " in groups config while installing ACE for: " + bean.getJcrPath() + "! Skipped installation of ACEs for this authorizable!\n"; LOG.error(errMessage); history.addError(errMessage); continue; } else { history.addVerboseMessage("starting installation of bean: \n" + bean); install(bean, session, currentPrincipal, history); } } } /** Installs the CQ actions in the repository. * * @param aceBean * @param principal * @param acl * @param session * @param acMgr * @return either the same acl as given in the parameter {@code acl} if no actions have been installed otherwise the new * AccessControlList (comprising the entres being installed for the actions). * @throws RepositoryException * @throws SecurityException * @throws NoSuchMethodException */ private JackrabbitAccessControlList installActions(AceBean aceBean, Principal principal, JackrabbitAccessControlList acl, Session session, AccessControlManager acMgr, AcInstallationHistoryPojo history) throws RepositoryException, SecurityException { final Map<String, Boolean> actionMap = aceBean.getActionMap(); if (actionMap.isEmpty()) { return acl; } final CqActions cqActions = new CqActions(session); final Collection<String> inheritedAllows = cqActions.getAllowedActions(aceBean.getJcrPath(), Collections.singleton(principal)); // this does always install new entries cqActions.installActions(aceBean.getJcrPath(), principal, actionMap, inheritedAllows); // since the aclist has been modified, retrieve it again final JackrabbitAccessControlList newAcl = AccessControlUtils.getAccessControlList(session, aceBean.getJcrPath()); final RestrictionsHolder restrictions = getRestrictions(aceBean, session, acl); if (!aceBean.getRestrictions().isEmpty()) { // additionally set restrictions on the installed actions (this is not supported by CQ Security API) addAdditionalRestriction(aceBean, acl, newAcl, restrictions); } return newAcl; } private void addAdditionalRestriction(AceBean aceBean, JackrabbitAccessControlList oldAcl, JackrabbitAccessControlList newAcl, RestrictionsHolder restrictions) throws RepositoryException, AccessControlException, UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException, SecurityException { final List<AccessControlEntry> changedAces = getModifiedAces(oldAcl, newAcl); if (!changedAces.isEmpty()) { for (final AccessControlEntry newAce : changedAces) { addRestrictionIfNotSet(newAcl, restrictions, newAce); } } else { // check cornercase: yaml file contains 2 ACEs with same action same principal same path but one with additional restriction // (e.g. read and repGlob: '') // in that case old and new acl contain the same elements (equals == true) and in both lists the last ace contains the action // without restriction // for that group final AccessControlEntry lastOldAce = oldAcl .getAccessControlEntries()[oldAcl.getAccessControlEntries().length - 1]; final AccessControlEntry lastNewAce = newAcl .getAccessControlEntries()[newAcl.getAccessControlEntries().length - 1]; if (lastOldAce.equals(lastNewAce) && lastNewAce.getPrincipal().getName().equals(aceBean.getPrincipalName())) { addRestrictionIfNotSet(newAcl, restrictions, lastNewAce); } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "No new entries have been set for AccessControlList at " + aceBean.getJcrPath()); } } } private void addRestrictionIfNotSet(JackrabbitAccessControlList newAcl, RestrictionsHolder restrictions, AccessControlEntry newAce) throws RepositoryException, AccessControlException, UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException, SecurityException { if (!(newAce instanceof JackrabbitAccessControlEntry)) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Can not deal with non JackrabbitAccessControlEntrys, but entry is of type " + newAce.getClass().getName()); } final JackrabbitAccessControlEntry ace = (JackrabbitAccessControlEntry) newAce; // only extend those AccessControlEntries which do not yet have a restriction if (ace.getRestrictionNames().length == 0) { // modify this AccessControlEntry by adding the restriction extendExistingAceWithRestrictions(newAcl, ace, restrictions); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<AccessControlEntry> getModifiedAces(final JackrabbitAccessControlList oldAcl, JackrabbitAccessControlList newAcl) throws RepositoryException { final List<AccessControlEntry> oldAces = Arrays.asList(oldAcl.getAccessControlEntries()); final List<AccessControlEntry> newAces = Arrays.asList(newAcl.getAccessControlEntries()); return (List<AccessControlEntry>) CollectionUtils.subtract(newAces, oldAces); } private boolean installPrivileges(AceBean aceBean, Principal principal, JackrabbitAccessControlList acl, Session session, AccessControlManager acMgr) throws RepositoryException { // then install remaining privileges final Set<Privilege> privileges = AccessControlUtils.getPrivilegeSet(aceBean.getPrivileges(), acMgr); if (!privileges.isEmpty()) { final RestrictionsHolder restrictions = getRestrictions(aceBean, session, acl); if (!restrictions.isEmpty()) { acl.addEntry(principal, privileges.toArray(new Privilege[privileges.size()]), aceBean.isAllow(), restrictions.getSingleValuedRestrictionsMap(), restrictions.getMultiValuedRestrictionsMap()); } else { acl.addEntry(principal, privileges.toArray(new Privilege[privileges.size()]), aceBean.isAllow()); } return true; } return false; } /** Installs the AccessControlEntry being represented by this bean in the repository * * @throws SecurityException * @throws NoSuchMethodException */ private void install(AceBean aceBean, final Session session, Principal principal, AcInstallationHistoryPojo history) throws RepositoryException, SecurityException { if (aceBean.isInitialContentOnlyConfig()) { return; } final AccessControlManager acMgr = session.getAccessControlManager(); JackrabbitAccessControlList acl = AccessControlUtils.getModifiableAcl(acMgr, aceBean.getJcrPath()); if (acl == null) { final String msg = "Skipped installing privileges/actions for non existing path: " + aceBean.getJcrPath(); LOG.debug(msg); history.addMessage(msg); return; } // first install actions final JackrabbitAccessControlList newAcl = installActions(aceBean, principal, acl, session, acMgr, history); if (acl != newAcl) { history.addVerboseMessage( "added action(s) for path: " + aceBean.getJcrPath() + ", principal: " + principal.getName() + ", actions: " + aceBean.getActionsString() + ", allow: " + aceBean.isAllow()); removeRedundantPrivileges(aceBean, session); acl = newAcl; } // then install (remaining) privileges if (installPrivileges(aceBean, principal, acl, session, acMgr)) { history.addVerboseMessage( "added privilege(s) for path: " + aceBean.getJcrPath() + ", principal: " + principal.getName() + ", privileges: " + aceBean.getPrivilegesString() + ", allow: " + aceBean.isAllow()); } acMgr.setPolicy(aceBean.getJcrPath(), acl); } private void removeRedundantPrivileges(AceBean aceBean, Session session) throws RepositoryException { final Set<String> cleanedPrivileges = removeRedundantPrivileges(session, aceBean.getPrivileges(), aceBean.getActions()); aceBean.setPrivilegesString(StringUtils.join(cleanedPrivileges, ",")); } /** Modifies the privileges so that privileges already covered by actions are removed. This is only a best effort operation as one * action can lead to privileges on multiple nodes. * * @throws RepositoryException */ private static Set<String> removeRedundantPrivileges(Session session, String[] privileges, String[] actions) throws RepositoryException { final CqActions cqActions = new CqActions(session); final Set<String> cleanedPrivileges = new HashSet<String>(); if (privileges == null) { return cleanedPrivileges; } cleanedPrivileges.addAll(Arrays.asList(privileges)); if (actions == null) { return cleanedPrivileges; } for (final String action : actions) { @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") final Set<Privilege> coveredPrivileges = cqActions.getPrivileges(action); for (final Privilege coveredPrivilege : coveredPrivileges) { cleanedPrivileges.remove(coveredPrivilege.getName()); } } return cleanedPrivileges; } /** Creates a RestrictionHolder object containing 2 restriction maps being used in * {@link JackrabbitAccessControlList#addEntry(Principal, Privilege[], boolean, Map, Map)} out of the set actions on this bean. * * @param session the session * @param acl the access control list for which this restriction map should be used * @return RestrictionMapsHolder containing 2 maps with restriction names as keys and restriction values as values * (singleValuedRestrictionsMap) and values[] (multiValuedRestrictionsMap). * @throws ValueFormatException * @throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException * @throws RepositoryException */ private RestrictionsHolder getRestrictions(AceBean aceBean, Session session, JackrabbitAccessControlList acl) throws ValueFormatException, UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException, RepositoryException { final Collection<String> supportedRestrictionNames = Arrays.asList(acl.getRestrictionNames()); if (aceBean.getRestrictions().isEmpty()) { return RestrictionsHolder.empty(); } List<Restriction> restrictions = aceBean.getRestrictions(); for (Restriction restriction : restrictions) { if (!supportedRestrictionNames.contains(restriction.getName())) { throw new IllegalStateException("The AccessControlList at " + acl.getPath() + " does not support setting " + restriction.getName() + " restrictions!"); } } RestrictionsHolder restrictionsHolder = new RestrictionsHolder(restrictions, session.getValueFactory(), acl); return restrictionsHolder; } private void extendExistingAceWithRestrictions(JackrabbitAccessControlList accessControlList, JackrabbitAccessControlEntry accessControlEntry, RestrictionsHolder restrictions) throws SecurityException, UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException, RepositoryException { // 1. add new entry if (!accessControlList.addEntry(accessControlEntry.getPrincipal(), accessControlEntry.getPrivileges(), accessControlEntry.isAllow(), restrictions.getSingleValuedRestrictionsMap(), restrictions.getMultiValuedRestrictionsMap())) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not add entry, probably because it was already there!"); } // we assume the entry being added is the last one final AccessControlEntry newAccessControlEntry = accessControlList .getAccessControlEntries()[accessControlList.size() - 1]; // 2. put it to the right position now! accessControlList.orderBefore(newAccessControlEntry, accessControlEntry); // 3. remove old entry accessControlList.removeAccessControlEntry(accessControlEntry); } }