Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package bittrex; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder; import security.EncryptionUtility; import*; import; import global.FileSystem; import org.json.JSONObject; public class BittrexProtocall { public static final String ORDERBOOK_BUY = "buy", ORDERBOOK_SELL = "sell", ORDERBOOK_BOTH = "both"; private static final Exception InvalidStringListException = new Exception("Must be in key-value pairs"); private final String API_VERSION = "1.1", INITIAL_URL = ""; private final String PUBLIC = "public", MARKET = "market", ACCOUNT = "account"; private final String encryptionAlgorithm = "HmacSHA512"; private JSONObject bittrexConfig; private String apikey; private String secret; //maak object FileSystem filesystem = new FileSystem(); /** * Constuctor * @param apikey * @param secret */ public BittrexProtocall() { System.out.println(filesystem.readFile("config.json")); this.bittrexConfig = new JSONObject(filesystem.readFile("config.json")).getJSONObject("bittrex"); this.apikey = bittrexConfig.getString("apikey"); this.secret = bittrexConfig.getString("apisecretkey"); } public void setAuthKeysFromTextFile(String textFile) { // Add the text file containing the key & secret in the same path as the source code try (Scanner scan = new Scanner(getClass().getResourceAsStream(textFile))) { String apikeyLine = scan.nextLine(), secretLine = scan.nextLine(); apikey = apikeyLine.substring(apikeyLine.indexOf("\"") + 1, apikeyLine.lastIndexOf("\"")); secret = secretLine.substring(secretLine.indexOf("\"") + 1, secretLine.lastIndexOf("\"")); } catch (NullPointerException | IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { System.err.println( "Text file not found or corrupted - please attach key & secret in the format provided."); } } public String getMarkets() { // Returns all markets with their metadata return getJson(API_VERSION, PUBLIC, "getmarkets"); } public String getCurrencies() { // Returns all currencies currently on Bittrex with their metadata return getJson(API_VERSION, PUBLIC, "getcurrencies"); } public String getTicker(String market) { // Returns current tick values for a specific market return getJson(API_VERSION, PUBLIC, "getticker", returnCorrectMap("market", market)); } public String getMarketSummaries() { // Returns a 24-hour summary of all markets return getJson(API_VERSION, PUBLIC, "getmarketsummaries"); } public String getMarketSummary(String market) { // Returns a 24-hour summar for a specific market return getJson(API_VERSION, PUBLIC, "getmarketsummary", returnCorrectMap("market", market)); } public String getOrderBook(String market, String type) { // Returns the orderbook for a specific market return getJson(API_VERSION, PUBLIC, "getorderbook", returnCorrectMap("market", market, "type", type)); } public String getMarketHistory(String market) { // Returns latest trades that occurred for a specific market return getJson(API_VERSION, PUBLIC, "getmarkethistory", returnCorrectMap("market", market)); } public String buyLimit(String market, String quantity, String rate) { // Places a limit buy in a specific market; returns the UUID of the order return getJson(API_VERSION, MARKET, "buylimit", returnCorrectMap("market", market, "quantity", quantity, "rate", rate)); } public String buyMarket(String market, String quantity) { // Places a market buy in a specific market; returns the UUID of the order return getJson(API_VERSION, MARKET, "buymarket", returnCorrectMap("market", market, "quantity", quantity)); } public String sellLimit(String market, String quantity, String rate) { // Places a limit sell in a specific market; returns the UUID of the order return getJson(API_VERSION, MARKET, "selllimit", returnCorrectMap("market", market, "quantity", quantity, "rate", rate)); } public String sellMarket(String market, String quantity) { // Places a market sell in a specific market; returns the UUID of the order return getJson(API_VERSION, MARKET, "sellmarket", returnCorrectMap("market", market, "quantity", quantity)); } public String cancelOrder(String uuid) { // Cancels a specific order based on its UUID return getJson(API_VERSION, MARKET, "cancel", returnCorrectMap("uuid", uuid)); } public String getOpenOrders(String market) { // Returns your currently open orders in a specific market String method = "getopenorders"; if (market.equals("")) { return getJson(API_VERSION, MARKET, method); } return getJson(API_VERSION, MARKET, method, returnCorrectMap("market", market)); } public String getOpenOrders() { // Returns all your currently open orders return getOpenOrders(""); } public String getBalances() { // Returns all balances in your account return getJson(API_VERSION, ACCOUNT, "getbalances"); } public String getBalance(String currency) { // Returns a specific balance in your account return getJson(API_VERSION, ACCOUNT, "getbalance", returnCorrectMap("currency", currency)); } public String getDepositAddres(String currency) { // Returns the deposit address for a specific currency - if one is not found, it will be generated return getJson(API_VERSION, ACCOUNT, "getdepositaddress", returnCorrectMap("currency", currency)); } public String withdraw(String currency, String quantity, String address, String paymentId) { // Withdraw a certain amount of a specific coin to an address, and add a payment id String method = "withdraw"; if (paymentId.equals("")) { return getJson(API_VERSION, ACCOUNT, method, returnCorrectMap("currency", currency, "quantity", quantity, "address", address)); } return getJson(API_VERSION, ACCOUNT, method, returnCorrectMap("currency", currency, "quantity", quantity, "address", address, "paymentid", paymentId)); } public String withdraw(String currency, String quantity, String address) { // Withdraw a certain amount of a specific coin to an address return withdraw(currency, quantity, address, ""); } public String getOrder(String uuid) { // Returns information about a specific order (by UUID) return getJson(API_VERSION, ACCOUNT, "getorder", returnCorrectMap("uuid", uuid)); } public String getOrderHistory(String market) { // Returns your order history for a specific market String method = "getorderhistory"; if (market.equals("")) { return getJson(API_VERSION, ACCOUNT, method); } return getJson(API_VERSION, ACCOUNT, method, returnCorrectMap("market", market)); } public String getOrderHistory() { // Returns all of your order history return getOrderHistory(""); } public String getWithdrawalHistory(String currency) { // Returns your withdrawal history for a specific currency String method = "getwithdrawalhistory"; if (currency.equals("")) { return getJson(API_VERSION, ACCOUNT, method); } return getJson(API_VERSION, ACCOUNT, method, returnCorrectMap("currency", currency)); } public String getWithdrawalHistory() { // Returns all of your withdrawal history return getWithdrawalHistory(""); } public String getDepositHistory(String currency) { // Returns your deposit history for a specific currency String method = "getdeposithistory"; if (currency.equals("")) { return getJson(API_VERSION, ACCOUNT, method); } return getJson(API_VERSION, ACCOUNT, method, returnCorrectMap("currency", currency)); } public String getDepositHistory() { // Returns all of your deposit history return getDepositHistory(""); } private HashMap<String, String> returnCorrectMap(String... parameters) { // Handles the exception of the generateHashMapFromStringList() method gracefully as to not have an excess of try-catch statements HashMap<String, String> map = null; try { map = generateHashMapFromStringList(parameters); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return map; } private HashMap<String, String> generateHashMapFromStringList(String... strings) throws Exception { // Method to easily create a HashMap from a list of Strings if (strings.length % 2 != 0) { throw InvalidStringListException; } HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i += 2) // Each key will be i, with the following becoming its value { map.put(strings[i], strings[i + 1]); } return map; } private String getJson(String apiVersion, String type, String method) { return getResponseBody(generateUrl(apiVersion, type, method)); } private String getJson(String apiVersion, String type, String method, HashMap<String, String> parameters) { return getResponseBody(generateUrl(apiVersion, type, method, parameters)); } private String generateUrl(String apiVersion, String type, String method) { return generateUrl(apiVersion, type, method, new HashMap<String, String>()); } private String generateUrl(String apiVersion, String type, String method, HashMap<String, String> parameters) { String url = INITIAL_URL; url += "v" + apiVersion + "/"; url += type + "/"; url += method; url += generateUrlParameters(parameters); return url; } private String generateUrlParameters(HashMap<String, String> parameters) { // Returns a String with the key-value pairs formatted for URL String urlAttachment = "?"; Object[] keys = parameters.keySet().toArray(); for (Object key : keys) { urlAttachment += key.toString() + "=" + parameters.get(key) + "&"; } return urlAttachment; } public static HashMap<String, String> getMapFromResponse(String response) { Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create(); final HashMap<String, String> map = gson .fromJson(response.substring(response.lastIndexOf("\"result\"") + "\"result\"".length() + 2, response.indexOf("}") + 1), new TypeToken<HashMap<String, String>>() { }.getType()); // Sorry. return map; } private String getResponseBody(String url) { String result = null; url += "apikey=" + apikey + "&nonce=" + EncryptionUtility.generateNonce(); try { HttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build(); HttpGet request = new HttpGet(url); request.addHeader("apisign", EncryptionUtility.calculateHash(secret, url, encryptionAlgorithm)); // Attaches signature as a header HttpResponse httpResponse = client.execute(request); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(httpResponse.getEntity().getContent())); StringBuffer resultBuffer = new StringBuffer(); String line = ""; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { resultBuffer.append(line); } result = resultBuffer.toString(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result; } }