Java tutorial
/** * @UNCC Fodor Lab * @author Michael Sioda * @email * @date June 19, 2017 * @disclaimer This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version, * provided that any use properly credits the author. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details at * */ package bioLockJ.module.classifier.r16s.qiime; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import; import bioLockJ.Config; import bioLockJ.Constants; import bioLockJ.Log; import bioLockJ.module.classifier.r16s.QiimeClassifier; import bioLockJ.util.BashScriptUtil; import bioLockJ.util.MetadataUtil; /** * This class prepares QIIME input files. 1. Reorder any metadata columns if * required for QIIME mapping. 2. Add columns to metadata if required for QIIME * mapping. 3. Decompress gzipped fasta/fastq files, if any. 4. * Convert FastQ files to FastA format, if any. */ public class QiimePreprocessor extends QiimeClassifier { /** * Read in required QIIME prop values. */ @Override public void checkDependencies() throws Exception { super.checkDependencies(); Config.requireString(EXE_AWK); } /** * Register num reads persample and create build script. */ @Override public void executeProjectFile() throws Exception { registerNumReadsPerSample(getInputFiles(), getTempDir()); BashScriptUtil.buildScripts(this, buildScript(getInputFiles()), failFiles, Config.requirePositiveInteger(Config.SCRIPT_BATCH_SIZE)); } /** * This script will unzip if gzipped files are found and will convert fastQ to fastA if needed. * Otherwise, files are simply loaded to the output dir for next executor. Last script will * also create the Qiime corrected mapping file by using QIIME verifyMapping python script. */ @Override protected List<List<String>> buildScript(final List<File> files) throws Exception { final List<List<String>> data = new ArrayList<>(); final String tempDir = getTempDir().getAbsolutePath() + File.separator; final String outDir = getOutputDir().getAbsolutePath() + File.separator; String ext = "." + getInputSequenceType(); for (final File f : files) { final ArrayList<String> lines = new ArrayList<>(); final String fileId = getSampleId(f.getName()); final String zipExe = getZipExe(f); if (Config.getBoolean(Config.INPUT_PAIRED_READS)) { if (isForwardRead(f.getName())) { ext = Config.requireString(Config.INPUT_FORWARD_READ_SUFFIX) + ext; } else { ext = Config.requireString(Config.INPUT_REVERSE_READ_SUFFIX) + ext; } } String filePath = f.getAbsolutePath(); if (zipExe != null) { filePath = (isFastQ() ? tempDir : outDir) + fileId + ext; lines.add(unzip(zipExe, f, filePath)); } if (isFastQ()) { lines.add(convert2fastA(filePath, fileId, outDir)); } if ((zipExe == null) && isFastA()) { lines.add(copyToOutputDir(filePath, fileId + ext)); } failFiles.add(f); data.add(lines); } data.add(createQiimeCorrectedMapping()); failFiles.add(new File(MetadataUtil.getMetadata().getAbsolutePath())); return data; } /** * Input files must be initialized. If first executor, read in input dir from props, otherwise, * check for merged files. Call setModuleInput based on merged files, or files in dir. */ @Override protected void initInputFiles(File dir) throws Exception { if (dir == null) // get from prop file { dir = getInputDirs(dir).get(0); } setModuleInput(dir, TrueFileFilter.INSTANCE, null); } /** * Convert file format using awk. * * @param filePath * @param fileId * @param outDir * @return */ private String convert2fastA(final String filePath, final String fileId, final String outDir) throws Exception { return "cat " + filePath + " | " + Config.requireString(EXE_AWK) + " '{if(NR%4==1) {printf(\">%s\\" + Constants.RETURN + "\",substr($0,2));} " + "else if(NR%4==2) print;}' > " + outDir + fileId + "." + Constants.FASTA; } /** * Copy files to output dir. * @param source * @param target * @return * @throws Exception */ private String copyToOutputDir(final String source, final String target) throws Exception { return "cp " + source + " " + getOutputDir().getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + target; } /** * First, will output version info, next we create the QIIME Mapping file * and rearranging columns as required by QIIME format rules. Finally we call * to add the proper QIIME script call to the bash script. * * @return * @throws Exception */ private List<String> createQiimeCorrectedMapping() throws Exception {"Create QIIME Specific Mapping File"); final List<String> lines = new ArrayList<>(); lines.add(SCRIPT_PRINT_CONFIG); createQiimeMapping(); final String alignColLine = getAlignedMetadataColumns(); if (alignColLine != null) {"Add line to BASH script to arrange QIIME columns in metadata."); lines.add(alignColLine); } lines.add(sortMetadata()); lines.add(validateMapping()); return lines; } /** * Create QIIME mapping based on metadata file, output to temp/QIIME_MAPPING. * Add required fields if missing. * @throws Exception */ private void createQiimeMapping() throws Exception { final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new FileReader(MetadataUtil.getMetadata().getAbsolutePath())); MetadataUtil.setMetadata(new File(getTempDir().getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + QIIME_MAPPING)); final BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(MetadataUtil.getMetadata())); try { final boolean hasQm1 = MetadataUtil.getAttributeNames().contains(BARCODE_SEQUENCE); final boolean hasQm2 = MetadataUtil.getAttributeNames().contains(LINKER_PRIMER_SEQUENCE); final boolean hasQm3 = MetadataUtil.getAttributeNames().contains(DEMUX_COLUMN); final boolean hasQm4 = MetadataUtil.getAttributeNames().contains(DESCRIPTION); boolean isHeaderRow = true; for (String line = reader.readLine(); line != null; line = reader.readLine()) { final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line, Constants.TAB_DELIM); boolean firstColumn = true; String id = null; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { final String next = st.nextToken(); if (firstColumn) { firstColumn = false; if (isHeaderRow) { writer.write(QIIME_ID + Constants.TAB_DELIM); if (!hasQm1) { writer.write(BARCODE_SEQUENCE + Constants.TAB_DELIM); } if (!hasQm2) { writer.write(LINKER_PRIMER_SEQUENCE + Constants.TAB_DELIM); } } else { id = next; writer.write(id + Constants.TAB_DELIM); if (!hasQm1) { writer.write(Constants.TAB_DELIM); } if (!hasQm2) { writer.write(Constants.TAB_DELIM); } } } else { writer.write(next + Constants.TAB_DELIM); } } if (isHeaderRow) { if (!hasQm3) { writer.write(DEMUX_COLUMN + Constants.TAB_DELIM); } if (!hasQm4) { writer.write(DESCRIPTION); } isHeaderRow = false; } else { if (!hasQm3) { writer.write(id + "." + Constants.FASTA + Constants.TAB_DELIM); } if (!hasQm4) { writer.write(QIIME_COMMENT); } } writer.write(Constants.RETURN); } } catch (final Exception ex) { Log.out.error("Error occcurred creating QIIME mapping file: ", ex); } finally { reader.close(); writer.close(); } MetadataUtil.refresh(); } /** * If QIIME required fields exist in metadata, but are not in proper position, * output line for bash script that will move the column to the proper position. * --> BarcodeSequence = col 2 * --> LinkerPrimerSequence = col 3 * --> InputFileName = 2nd to last col * --> Description = last col * @return String - line for bash script * @throws Exception */ private String getAlignedMetadataColumns() throws Exception { final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(Config.requireString(EXE_AWK) + " -F'\\" + Constants.TAB_DELIM + "' -v OFile.separator=\"\\" + Constants.TAB_DELIM + "\" '{ print $1"); final List<String> cols = MetadataUtil.getAttributes(QIIME_ID); final boolean hasQm1 = MetadataUtil.getAttributeNames().contains(BARCODE_SEQUENCE); final boolean hasQm2 = MetadataUtil.getAttributeNames().contains(LINKER_PRIMER_SEQUENCE); final boolean hasQm3 = MetadataUtil.getAttributeNames().contains(DEMUX_COLUMN); final boolean hasQm4 = MetadataUtil.getAttributeNames().contains(DESCRIPTION); final int numCols = cols.size(); int demuxIndex = numCols; int descIndex = numCols + 1; final List<Integer> colsToSkip = new ArrayList<>(); if (hasQm1 && !cols.get(0).equals(BARCODE_SEQUENCE)) { skipIndex(BARCODE_SEQUENCE, cols, sb, colsToSkip, "column #2"); } if (hasQm2 && (numCols > 1) && !cols.get(1).equals(LINKER_PRIMER_SEQUENCE)) { skipIndex(LINKER_PRIMER_SEQUENCE, cols, sb, colsToSkip, "column #3"); } if (hasQm3 && (numCols > 2) && !cols.get((numCols - 2)).equals(DEMUX_COLUMN)) { demuxIndex = skipIndex(DEMUX_COLUMN, cols, sb, colsToSkip, " 2nd to last column"); } if (hasQm4 && !cols.get((numCols - 1)).equals(DESCRIPTION)) { descIndex = skipIndex(DESCRIPTION, cols, sb, colsToSkip, " last column"); } if (colsToSkip.isEmpty()) {"Metadata does not contain QIIME specific fields to reorder."); return null; } for (int i = 0; i < colsToSkip.size(); i++) { Log.out.debug("colsToSkip(" + i + ")=" + colsToSkip.get(i)); } for (int i = 2; i < (numCols + 2); i++) { if (!colsToSkip.contains(i)) { Log.out.debug("colsToSkip() must not contain =" + i); sb.append(", $" + i); } } if (demuxIndex != numCols) { sb.append(", $" + demuxIndex); } if (descIndex != (numCols + 1)) { sb.append(", $" + descIndex); } final String path = getTempDir().getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + ORDERED_MAPPING; sb.append(" }' " + MetadataUtil.getMetadata().getAbsolutePath() + " > " + path); MetadataUtil.setMetadata(new File(path)); return sb.toString(); } /** * Get mapping dir, called "mapping" which is the directory the new mapping is output by Qiime * * @return * @throws Exception */ private String getMappingDir() throws Exception { final File dir = new File(getOutputDir().getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "mapping"); if (!dir.exists()) { dir.mkdirs(); } return dir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator; } private String getSortedMap() throws Exception { return getTempDir().getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + SORTED_MAP; } /** * Get zipExe from prop file. * @param f * @return * @throws Exception */ private String getZipExe(final File f) throws Exception { final String name = f.getName().toLowerCase(); if (name.endsWith(".gz")) { return Config.requireString(EXE_GZIP); } return null; } /** * When rearranging files, skip any index when adding columns, if it will be moved. * @param field * @param cols * @param sb * @param colsToSkip * @param colMsg * @return */ private int skipIndex(final String field, final List<String> cols, final StringBuffer sb, final List<Integer> colsToSkip, final String colMsg) { final int index = (cols.indexOf(field) + 2); sb.append(", $" + index); // $9 colsToSkip.add(index); // 9 + " found in column #" + index + " but QIIME requires " + colMsg); return index; } private String sortMetadata() throws Exception { final String map = MetadataUtil.getMetadata().getAbsolutePath(); return "(head -n 1 " + map + " && tail -n +2 " + map + " | sort -n) > " + getSortedMap(); } /** * Get line for bash script to unzip file. * @param zipExe * @param f * @param filePath * @return */ private String unzip(final String zipExe, final File f, final String filePath) { return zipExe + " -cd " + f.getAbsolutePath() + " > " + filePath; } /** * Call to get corrected QIIME Mapping. * @return * @throws Exception */ private String validateMapping() throws Exception { return SCRIPT_VALIDATE_MAPPING + getSortedMap() + " -o " + getMappingDir() + " -j " + DEMUX_COLUMN; } private final List<File> failFiles = new ArrayList<>(); private static final String EXE_GZIP = "exe.gzip"; private static final String ORDERED_MAPPING = "orderedMapping.tsv"; private static final String QIIME_COMMENT = "BioLockJ Generated Mapping"; private static final String QIIME_ID = "#SampleID"; private static final String SCRIPT_PRINT_CONFIG = " -t"; private static final String SCRIPT_VALIDATE_MAPPING = " -p -b -m "; private static final String SORTED_MAP = "sortedMapping.txt"; }