Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Andrey Chaschev. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package bear.core; import bear.annotations.Configuration; import bear.annotations.Method; import bear.annotations.Project; import bear.annotations.Variable; import bear.plugins.DeploymentPlugin; import bear.plugins.Plugin; import bear.plugins.PluginShellMode; import bear.plugins.ServerToolPlugin; import bear.plugins.misc.ReleasesPlugin; import; import bear.session.Address; import bear.session.DynamicVariable; import bear.session.Result; import bear.task.*; import chaschev.lang.OpenBean; import chaschev.lang.reflect.Annotations; import chaschev.lang.reflect.MethodDesc; import chaschev.util.Exceptions; import*; import; import; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.helpers.Strings; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import; import java.util.*; import static; import static; import static java.util.Collections.singletonList; /** * @author Andrey Chaschev */ public abstract class BearProject<SELF extends BearProject> { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BearProject.class); /** * Typically you would want to turn it off when you do several calls one of which redefines configuration. */ protected boolean useAnnotations = true; protected GlobalContextFactory factory; protected GlobalContext global; private boolean configured; private Map<Object, Object> variables; private BearMain bearMain; protected Bear bear; protected boolean shutdownAfterRun = true; protected DeploymentPlugin.Builder defaultDeployment; protected ReleasesPlugin releases; private boolean unblockUninstall; private Object input; private boolean async; protected BearProject() { this(GlobalContextFactory.INSTANCE); global = factory.getGlobal(); bear = global.bear; } protected BearProject(GlobalContextFactory factory) { this.factory = factory; global = factory.getGlobal(); bear = global.bear; } public BearProject(GlobalContextFactory factory, @Nullable String propsResourceString) { this(factory); if (propsResourceString != null) { try { loadProperties(getClass().getResourceAsStream(propsResourceString)); } catch (Exception e) { throw Exceptions.runtime(e); } } } public BearProject withMap(Map<Object, Object> variables) { this.variables = Collections.unmodifiableMap(variables); return this; } public BearProject(GlobalContextFactory factory, @Nullable File file) { this(factory); if (file != null) { loadProperties(file); } } public final SELF configure() { try { return configure(factory); } catch (Exception e) { throw Exceptions.runtime(e); } } public final SELF configure(GlobalContextFactory factory) throws Exception { main().configure(); Preconditions.checkArgument(!configured, "already configured"); for (Field field : OpenBean.fieldsOfType(this.getClass(), Plugin.class)) { Class<? extends Plugin<TaskDef>> aClass = (Class<? extends Plugin<TaskDef>>) field.getType(); factory.requirePlugins(aClass); } factory.initPluginsAndWire(this); Iterable<Field> fields = OpenBean.fieldsOfType(this, GridBuilder.class); for (Field field : fields) { ((GridBuilder) field.get(this)).init(this); } // List<MethodDesc<? extends GridBuilder>> list = OpenBean.methodsReturning(this.getClass(), GridBuilder.class); // iter configureMe(factory); configured = true; return self(); } protected abstract GlobalContext configureMe(GlobalContextFactory factory) throws Exception; public BearProject loadProperties(InputStream is) throws Exception { global.loadProperties(is); return this; } public BearProject loadProperties(Properties props) { global.loadProperties(props); return this; } public BearProject loadProperties(File file) { try { final FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); loadProperties(fis); return this; } catch (Exception e) { throw Exceptions.runtime(e); } } public GlobalContextFactory getFactory() { return factory; } public GlobalContext getGlobal() { return global; } public boolean isConfigured() { return configured; } // public void run() { //, variables, true); // } public <T> SELF set(DynamicVariable<? extends T> var, T value) { if (!global.isSet(var)) { global.putConst(var, value); } return self(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected SELF self() { return (SELF) this; } public SELF injectMain(BearMain bearMain) { this.bearMain = bearMain; return self(); } public synchronized BearMain main() { if (bearMain == null) { bearMain = new BearMain(global, BearMain.getCompilerManager()); } return bearMain; } public GridBuilder newGrid() { GridBuilder gb = new GridBuilder(); gb.project = this; gb.bearMain = main(); return gb; } public TaskDef<Object, TaskResult<?>> newDeployTask() { checkDeployment(); return; } protected List<TaskDef<Object, TaskResult<?>>> startServiceTaskDefs() { checkDeployment(); return defaultDeployment.getStartService() .createTasksToList(new ArrayList<TaskDef<Object, TaskResult<?>>>()); } protected List<TaskDef<Object, TaskResult<?>>> stopServiceTaskDefs() { checkDeployment(); return defaultDeployment.getStopService() .createTasksToList(new ArrayList<TaskDef<Object, TaskResult<?>>>()); } @Method public GlobalTaskRunner start() { return runTasksWithAnnotations(new Supplier<List<TaskDef<Object, TaskResult<?>>>>() { @Override public List<TaskDef<Object, TaskResult<?>>> get() { return startServiceTaskDefs(); } }, useAnnotations); } @Method public GlobalTaskRunner stop() { return runTasksWithAnnotations(new Supplier<List<TaskDef<Object, TaskResult<?>>>>() { @Override public List<TaskDef<Object, TaskResult<?>>> get() { return stopServiceTaskDefs(); } }, useAnnotations); } @Method public GlobalTaskRunner deploy() { return runTasksWithAnnotations(new Supplier<List<TaskDef<Object, TaskResult<?>>>>() { @Override public List<TaskDef<Object, TaskResult<?>>> get() { return singletonList(; } }, useAnnotations); } @Method public GlobalTaskRunner setup() { return setup(true); } public GlobalTaskRunner setup(boolean autoInstall) { if (autoInstall) { set(bear.verifyPlugins, true); set(bear.autoInstallPlugins, true); set(bear.checkDependencies, true); } input = this; return runTasksWithAnnotations(new Supplier<List<InstallationTaskDef<InstallationTask>>>() { @Override public List<InstallationTaskDef<InstallationTask>> get() { return singletonList(global.tasks.setup); } }); } public void rollbackTo(final String ref) { runTasksWithAnnotations(new Supplier<List<TaskDef<Object, TaskResult<?>>>>() { @Override public List<TaskDef<Object, TaskResult<?>>> get() { return singletonList(rollbackToTask(ref)); } }); } public void invoke() { String method = getClass().getAnnotation(Project.class).method(); Preconditions.checkArgument(!method.isEmpty(), "method() must not be empty for @Project when not providing a invoking a project"); invoke(method); } public void invoke(String method, Object... params) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(method, "method must not be null"); setProjectVars(); MethodDesc methodDesc = OpenBean.getClassDesc(getClass()).getMethodDesc(method, false, params); Configuration projectAnnotation = projectConf(); Configuration methodAnnotation = methodDesc.getMethod().getAnnotation(Configuration.class); configureWithAnnotations(methodAnnotation, projectAnnotation); global.put(bear.useUI, useUI(firstNonNull(methodAnnotation, projectAnnotation))); Object result = methodDesc.invoke(this, params); System.out.println("returned result: " + result); } public GlobalTaskRunner run(final List<? extends NamedCallable> callables) { return run(callables, useAnnotations); } public GlobalTaskRunner run(final List<? extends NamedCallable> callables, boolean useAnnotations) { return runTasksWithAnnotations(new Supplier<List<? extends TaskDef>>() { @Override public List<? extends TaskDef> get() { return Lists.newArrayList(Lists.transform(callables, new Function<TaskCallable, TaskDef>() { @Override public TaskDef apply(TaskCallable input) { return new TaskDef(input); } })); } }, useAnnotations); } protected Function<GridBuilder, Void> preRunHook; public GlobalTaskRunner runTasksWithAnnotations(Supplier<? extends List<? extends TaskDef>> taskList) { return runTasksWithAnnotations(taskList, useAnnotations); } public GlobalTaskRunner runTasksWithAnnotations(Supplier<? extends List<? extends TaskDef>> taskList, boolean useAnnotations) { global.putConst(bear.activeProject, this); Configuration projectConf = configureWithAnnotations(useAnnotations); GridBuilder grid = newGrid().setShutdownAfterRun(shutdownAfterRun); if (input != null) { grid.setInput(input); input = null; } if (preRunHook != null) { preRunHook.apply(grid); } grid.addAll(taskList.get()); grid.setAsync(async); if (useUI(useAnnotations ? projectConf : null)) { return grid.runUi(); } else { return grid.runCli(); } } public Configuration configureWithAnnotations(boolean useAnnotations) { setProjectVars(); Configuration projectConf = projectConf(); if (useAnnotations) { configureWithAnnotations(projectConf, null); } if (!configured) { configure(); } return projectConf; } private Configuration projectConf() { return getClass().getAnnotation(Configuration.class); } private boolean useUI(Configuration annotation) { if (global.isSet(bear.useUI)) return global.var(bear.useUI); if (annotation == null) { return Annotations.defaultBoolean(annotation, "useUI"); } boolean r = annotation.useUI(); global.put(bear.useUI, r); return r; } private Configuration configureWithAnnotations(@Nullable Configuration annotation, @Nullable Configuration fallbackTo) { if (annotation == null && fallbackTo == null) return null; String properties = (String) chooseValue("properties", annotation, fallbackTo); if (properties != null) { File file = new File(properties); if (!file.exists() && !file.getName().endsWith(".properties")) { file = new File(properties + ".properties"); } Preconditions.checkArgument(file.exists(), "properties file does not exist: %s", file.getAbsolutePath()); set(main().propertiesFile, file); } setAnnotation(bear.repositoryURI, chooseValue("vcs", annotation, fallbackTo)); setAnnotation(bear.vcsBranchName, chooseValue("branch", annotation, fallbackTo)); setAnnotation(bear.vcsTag, chooseValue("tag", annotation, fallbackTo)); setAnnotation(bear.stage, chooseValue("stage", annotation, fallbackTo)); setAnnotation(bear.sshUsername, chooseValue("user", annotation, fallbackTo)); setAnnotation(bear.sshPassword, chooseValue("password", annotation, fallbackTo)); Variable[] vars = (Variable[]) chooseValue("variables", annotation, fallbackTo); if (vars != null) { for (Variable variable : vars) { String name =; Preconditions.checkArgument(global.variableRegistry.contains(name), "variable %s was not found in the registry", name); global.putConst(name, variable.value()); } } return annotation; } private Object chooseValue(String property, Configuration annotation, Configuration fallbackTo) { Object value = null; if (annotation != null) { Object defaultValue = Annotations.defaultValue(annotation, property); value = OpenBean.invoke(annotation, property); if (defaultValue.equals(value)) value = null; } if (value == null && fallbackTo != null) { Object defaultValue = Annotations.defaultValue(fallbackTo, property); value = OpenBean.invoke(fallbackTo, property); if (defaultValue.equals(value)) value = null; } return value; } private void setAnnotation(DynamicVariable<String> var, Object value) { if (value != null) { set(var, (String) value); } } protected TaskDef<Object, TaskResult<?>> rollbackToTask(final String labelOrPath) { Preconditions.checkArgument(Strings.isNotEmpty(labelOrPath), "release reference string is empty"); return; } protected SELF checkDeployment() { Preconditions.checkNotNull(defaultDeployment, "deployment is not present, you need to set BearProject.defaultDeployment field"); return self(); } private void setProjectVars() { Project projectAnn = getClass().getAnnotation(Project.class); setAnnotation(bear.fullName,; setAnnotation(, projectAnn.shortName()); } public SELF setShutdownAfterRun(boolean p) { this.shutdownAfterRun = p; return self(); } public DeploymentPlugin.Builder getDefaultDeployment() { return defaultDeployment; } public List<Plugin<TaskDef>> getAllOrderedPlugins() { try { Set<Plugin<TaskDef>> plugins = new HashSet<Plugin<TaskDef>>(); for (Field field : OpenBean.fieldsOfType(this, Plugin.class)) { Plugin plugin = (Plugin) field.get(this); Set<Plugin<TaskDef>> set = plugin.getAllPluginDependencies(); plugins.add(plugin); plugins.addAll(set); } return global.plugins.orderPlugins(plugins); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw Exceptions.runtime(e); } } public Optional<? extends Plugin<TaskDef>> findShell(String shell) { Plugin<TaskDef> shellPlugin = null; for (Plugin<TaskDef> plugin : getAllShellPlugins(global, this.getClass())) { if (shell.equals(plugin.cmdAnnotation())) { shellPlugin = plugin; break; } } return fromNullable(shellPlugin); } public List<Plugin<TaskDef>> getAllShellPlugins(GlobalContext global, Class<? extends BearProject> aClass) { Set<Plugin<TaskDef>> plugins = new LinkedHashSet<Plugin<TaskDef>>(); plugins.add((Plugin) global.plugin(GenericUnixRemoteEnvironmentPlugin.class)); for (Field field : OpenBean.fieldsOfType(aClass, Plugin.class)) { Plugin plugin = global.getPlugin((Class<? extends Plugin>) field.getType()).get(); addIfHasShell(plugins, plugin); for (Plugin<TaskDef> pl : (Set<Plugin<TaskDef>>) plugin.getAllPluginDependencies()) { addIfHasShell(plugins, pl); } } return global.plugins.orderPlugins(plugins); } private static void addIfHasShell(Set<Plugin<TaskDef>> plugins, Plugin plugin) { PluginShellMode shell = plugin.getShell(); if (shell != null) { plugins.add(plugin); } } public SELF setInteractiveMode() { async = true; shutdownAfterRun = false; return self(); } public void setAsync(boolean async) { this.async = async; } public boolean isAsync() { return async; } public static class PulseResult extends TaskResult<PulseResult> { public PulseResult(Result result) { super(result); } public PulseResult(Throwable e) { super(e); } } public DependencyResult pulse() { DependencyResult result = new DependencyResult(Result.OK); for (Field field : OpenBean.fieldsOfType(this, ServerToolPlugin.class)) { try { ServerToolPlugin plugin = (ServerToolPlugin) field.get(this); result.join(pulse(plugin, Predicates.<String>alwaysTrue())); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw Exceptions.runtime(e); } } return result; } protected DependencyResult pulse(ServerToolPlugin serverTool, Predicate<String> bodyPredicate) { DependencyResult result = new DependencyResult("pulse from " + serverTool.getClass().getSimpleName()); HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(); for (Address address : global.var(global.bear.getStage).addresses) { List<String> ports = global.var(serverTool.portsSplit); for (String port : ports) { URI uri = null; try { uri = new URIBuilder().setScheme("http").setHost(address.getAddress()) .setPort(Integer.parseInt(port)).build();"sending pulse to {}", uri); HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(uri); HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpget); int code = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (code != 200) { result.add("code " + code + " for " + uri); continue; } String body = IOUtils.toString(response.getEntity().getContent()); if (!bodyPredicate.apply(body)) { result.add("predicate doesn't match for " + uri); // throw new RuntimeException("predicate doesn't match for " + uri); } } catch (Exception e) { result.add(String.valueOf(uri) + ": " + e.toString()); } } } return result; } public SELF setInput(Object input) { this.input = input; return self(); } }