Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 ddecap * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package be.ugent.intec.halvade; import be.ugent.intec.halvade.utils.ChromosomeSplitter; import be.ugent.intec.halvade.utils.Logger; import be.ugent.intec.halvade.utils.HalvadeConf; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Properties; import htsjdk.samtools.SAMSequenceDictionary; import htsjdk.samtools.SAMSequenceRecord; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper; /** * * @author ddecap */ public class HalvadeOptions { public Options options = new Options(); public String in; public String out; public String ref; public String STARGenome = null; public String java = null; public String gff = null; public String tmpDir = "/tmp/halvade/"; public String localRefDir = null; public String sites; public int nodes, vcores; public double mem; public int maps = 1, reduces = 1, parallel_reducers = 1, mthreads = 1, rthreads = 1; public String[] hdfsSites; public boolean paired = true; public int aln = 0; public Class<? extends Mapper>[] alignmentTools = new Class[] { be.ugent.intec.halvade.hadoop.mapreduce.BWAAlnMapper.class, be.ugent.intec.halvade.hadoop.mapreduce.BWAMemMapper.class, be.ugent.intec.halvade.hadoop.mapreduce.Bowtie2Mapper.class, be.ugent.intec.halvade.hadoop.mapreduce.Cushaw2Mapper.class }; public boolean justCombine = false; public boolean filterDBSnp = false; public boolean useGenotyper = true; public String RGID = "GROUP1"; public String RGLB = "LIB1"; public String RGPL = "ILLUMINA"; public String RGPU = "UNIT1"; public String RGSM = "SAMPLE1"; public boolean useElPrep = false; public boolean keepFiles = false; public int stand_call_conf = -1; public int stand_emit_conf = -1; public SAMSequenceDictionary dict; public String chr = null; public int reducerContainersPerNode = -1; public int mapContainersPerNode = -1; public boolean justAlign = false;; public boolean mergeBam = false; public String bedFile = null; public String filterBed = null; public String bedRegion = null; // public double coverage = -1.0; public String halvadeBinaries; public String bin; public String readCountsPerRegionFile = null; public boolean combineVcf = true; public boolean dryRun = false; public boolean keepChrSplitPairs = true; public boolean startupJob = true; public boolean rnaPipeline = false; public boolean reportAll = false; public boolean useBamInput = false; public boolean setMapContainers = true, setReduceContainers = true; public boolean redistribute = false; public boolean smtEnabled = false; public boolean reorderRegions = false; public boolean updateRG = false; public int overrideMapMem = -1; public int overrideRedMem = -1; public boolean countOnly = false; public boolean keepDups = true; public boolean fixQualEnc = false; public String stargtf = null; protected DecimalFormat onedec; protected static final double REDUCE_TASKS_FACTOR = 1.68 * 15; protected static final double DEFAULT_COVERAGE = 50; protected static final double DEFAULT_COVERAGE_SIZE = 86; protected static final String DICT_SUFFIX = ".dict"; public int GetOptions(String[] args, Configuration hConf) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { try { boolean result = parseArguments(args, hConf); if (!result) { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.setWidth(80); formatter.printHelp("hadoop jar HalvadeWithLibs.jar -I <IN> -O <OUT> " + "-R <REF> -D <SITES> -B <BIN> -N <nodes> -M <mem> -C <cores> [options]", options); return 1; } onedec = new DecimalFormat("###0.0"); // add parameters to configuration: HalvadeConf.setRefDirIsSet(hConf, localRefDir != null); if (localRefDir == null) { localRefDir = tmpDir; } HalvadeConf.setScratchTempDir(hConf, tmpDir); HalvadeConf.setRefDirOnScratch(hConf, localRefDir); HalvadeConf.setRefOnHDFS(hConf, ref); if (STARGenome != null) { HalvadeConf.setStarDirOnHDFS(hConf, STARGenome); } HalvadeConf.setKnownSitesOnHDFS(hConf, hdfsSites); HalvadeConf.setIsPaired(hConf, paired); HalvadeConf.setIsRNA(hConf, rnaPipeline); if (bedFile != null) { HalvadeConf.setBed(hConf, bedFile); } if (filterBed != null) { HalvadeConf.setFilterBed(hConf, filterBed); } HalvadeConf.setInputIsBam(hConf, useBamInput); HalvadeConf.setFixQualEnc(hConf, fixQualEnc); HalvadeConf.setOutDir(hConf, out); HalvadeConf.setKeepFiles(hConf, keepFiles); HalvadeConf.setFilterDBSnp(hConf, filterDBSnp); HalvadeConf.clearTaskFiles(hConf); HalvadeConf.setUseElPrep(hConf, useElPrep); HalvadeConf.setUpdateReadGroup(hConf, updateRG); HalvadeConf.setUseUnifiedGenotyper(hConf, useGenotyper); HalvadeConf.setMergeBam(hConf, mergeBam); HalvadeConf.setKeepDups(hConf, keepDups); HalvadeConf.setRedistribute(hConf, redistribute); HalvadeConf.setReadGroup(hConf, "ID:" + RGID + " LB:" + RGLB + " PL:" + RGPL + " PU:" + RGPU + " SM:" + RGSM); HalvadeConf.setkeepChrSplitPairs(hConf, keepChrSplitPairs); if (STARGenome != null) { HalvadeConf.setStarDirPass2HDFS(hConf, out); } if (stargtf != null) { HalvadeConf.setStarGtf(hConf, stargtf); } if (chr != null) { HalvadeConf.setChrList(hConf, chr); } if (java != null) { HalvadeConf.setJava(hConf, java); } if (gff != null) { HalvadeConf.setGff(hConf, gff); } if (stand_call_conf > 0) { HalvadeConf.setSCC(hConf, stand_call_conf); } if (stand_emit_conf > 0) { HalvadeConf.setSEC(hConf, stand_emit_conf); } } catch (ParseException e) { Logger.DEBUG(e.getMessage()); HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.setWidth(80); formatter.printHelp( "hadoop jar HalvadeWithLibs.jar -I <input> -O <output> " + "-R <ref> -D <dbsnp> -B <bin> -nodes <nodes> -mem <mem> -vcores <cores> [options]", options); return 1; } return 0; } protected void splitChromosomes(Configuration hConf, int nReduces) throws URISyntaxException, IOException { parseDictFile(hConf); // double inputSize = getInputSize(in, hConf); // if (coverage == -1.0) { // coverage = Math.max(1.0, DEFAULT_COVERAGE * (inputSize / DEFAULT_COVERAGE_SIZE)); // } // Logger.DEBUG("Estimated coverage: " + roundOneDecimal(coverage)); // set a minimum first where the real amount is based on // reduces = (int) (coverage * REDUCE_TASKS_FACTOR); if (nReduces == 0) reduces = (int) (1.75 * nodes * reducerContainersPerNode); else reduces = nReduces; if (reduces < 26) reduces = 26; // set a minimum of 26 reduces so at least all big chromosomes have one reduce task. int tmpReduces = reduces + 1; Logger.DEBUG("requested # reducers: " + reduces); double factor = 0.95; int factoredReduces = reduces; ChromosomeSplitter splitter = null; while (tmpReduces > reduces) { if (bedFile != null) splitter = new ChromosomeSplitter(dict, bedFile, factoredReduces); else if (readCountsPerRegionFile != null) splitter = new ChromosomeSplitter(dict, readCountsPerRegionFile, factoredReduces, reorderRegions); else splitter = new ChromosomeSplitter(dict, factoredReduces); tmpReduces = splitter.getRegionCount(); factoredReduces = (int) (factoredReduces * factor); } String bedRegions = out + "HalvadeRegions.bed"; splitter.exportSplitter(bedRegions, hConf); reduces = splitter.getRegionCount(); Logger.DEBUG("final # reducers: " + reduces); HalvadeConf.setBedRegions(hConf, bedRegions); } protected String roundOneDecimal(double val) { return onedec.format(val); } protected double getInputSize(String input, Configuration conf) throws URISyntaxException, IOException { double size = 0; FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new URI(input), conf); if (fs.getFileStatus(new Path(input)).isDirectory()) { // add every file in directory FileStatus[] files = fs.listStatus(new Path(input)); for (FileStatus file : files) { if (!file.isDirectory()) { size += file.getLen(); } } } else { size += fs.getFileStatus(new Path(input)).getLen(); } return (size / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)); } protected void parseDictFile(Configuration conf) { be.ugent.intec.halvade.utils.Logger.DEBUG("parsing dictionary " + ref + DICT_SUFFIX); try { FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new URI(ref + DICT_SUFFIX), conf); FSDataInputStream stream = Path(ref + DICT_SUFFIX)); String line = getLine(stream); // header dict = new SAMSequenceDictionary(); line = getLine(stream); while (line != null) { String[] lineData = line.split("\\s+"); String seqName = lineData[1].substring(lineData[1].indexOf(':') + 1); int seqLength = 0; try { seqLength = Integer.parseInt(lineData[2].substring(lineData[2].indexOf(':') + 1)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { be.ugent.intec.halvade.utils.Logger.EXCEPTION(ex); } SAMSequenceRecord seq = new SAMSequenceRecord(seqName, seqLength); // Logger.DEBUG("name: " + seq.getSequenceName() + " length: " + seq.getSequenceLength()); dict.addSequence(seq); line = getLine(stream); } HalvadeConf.setSequenceDictionary(conf, dict); } catch (URISyntaxException | IOException ex) { be.ugent.intec.halvade.utils.Logger.EXCEPTION(ex); } } protected String getLine(FSDataInputStream stream) throws IOException { String tmp = ""; try { char c = (char) stream.readByte(); while (c != '\n') { tmp = tmp + c; c = (char) stream.readByte(); } return tmp; } catch (EOFException ex) { // reached end of file, return null; return null; } } protected void createOptions() { Option optIn = OptionBuilder.withArgName("input").hasArg().isRequired(true) .withDescription("Input directory on hdfs containing fastq files.").create("I"); Option optOut = OptionBuilder.withArgName("output").hasArg().isRequired(true) .withDescription("Output directory on hdfs.").create("O"); Option optBin = OptionBuilder.withArgName("bin.tar.gz").hasArg().isRequired(true) .withDescription("The tarred file containing all binary files located on HDFS.").create("B"); Option optRef = OptionBuilder.withArgName("reference").hasArg().isRequired(true).withDescription( "Name of the fasta file name of the reference (without extension) on HDFS. Make sure the BWA index has the same prefix.") .create("R"); Option optNodes = OptionBuilder.withArgName("nodes").hasArg().isRequired(true) .withDescription("Sets the number of nodes in this cluster.").withLongOpt("nodes").create("N"); Option optVcores = OptionBuilder.withArgName("cores").hasArg().isRequired(true) .withDescription("Sets the available cpu cores per node in this cluster.").withLongOpt("vcores") .create("C"); Option optMem = OptionBuilder.withArgName("gb").hasArg().isRequired(true) .withDescription("Sets the available memory [in GB] per node in this cluster.").withLongOpt("mem") .create("M"); Option optMmem = OptionBuilder.withArgName("gb").hasArg() .withDescription("Overrides the maximum map container memory [in GB].").withLongOpt("mapmem") .create(); Option optRmem = OptionBuilder.withArgName("gb").hasArg() .withDescription("Overrides the maximum reduce container memory [in GB].").withLongOpt("redmem") .create(); Option optSites = OptionBuilder.withArgName("snpDBa,snpDBb").hasArg().isRequired(true) .withDescription("Name of snpDB files for the genome on HDFS. If multiple separate with \',\'.") .create("D"); Option optStarGenome = OptionBuilder.withArgName("stargenome").hasArg() .withDescription("Directory on HDFS containing all STAR genome files").withLongOpt("star") .create("S"); Option optTmp = OptionBuilder.withArgName("dir").hasArg() .withDescription("Sets the location for temporary files on every node [/tmp/halvade/].") .withLongOpt("tmp").create(); Option optrefdir = OptionBuilder.withArgName("dir").hasArg().withDescription( "Sets the folder containing all the reference files for BWA or STAR and GATK on every node [tmp directory].") .withLongOpt("refdir").create(); Option optJava = OptionBuilder.withArgName("java").hasArg() .withDescription("Set location of java binary to use [must be 1.7+].").create("J"); // "ID:" + RGID + " LB:" + RGLB + " PL:" + RGPL + " PU:" + RGPU + " SM:" + RGSM Option optID = OptionBuilder.withArgName("RGID").hasArg() .withDescription("sets the RGID for the read-group.").withLongOpt("id").create(); Option optLB = OptionBuilder.withArgName("RGLB").hasArg() .withDescription("sets the RGLB for the read-group.").withLongOpt("lb").create(); Option optPL = OptionBuilder.withArgName("RGPL").hasArg() .withDescription("sets the RGPL for the read-group.").withLongOpt("pl").create(); Option optPU = OptionBuilder.withArgName("RGPU").hasArg() .withDescription("sets the RGPU for the read-group.").withLongOpt("pu").create(); Option optSM = OptionBuilder.withArgName("RGSM").hasArg() .withDescription("sets the RGSM for the read-group.").withLongOpt("sm").create(); Option optCov = OptionBuilder.withArgName("coverage").hasArg() .withDescription("Sets the coverage to better distribute the tasks.").withLongOpt("cov").create(); Option optScc = OptionBuilder.withArgName("scc").hasArg() .withDescription("Sets stand_call_conf for gatk Variant Caller.").withLongOpt("scc").create(); Option optSec = OptionBuilder.withArgName("sec").hasArg() .withDescription("Sets stand_emit_conf for gatk Variant Caller.").withLongOpt("sec").create(); Option optBed = OptionBuilder.withArgName("bedfile").hasArg() .withDescription("Sets the bed file containing relevant (Genes) regions which " + "will be used to split the genome into genomic regions.") .withLongOpt("bed").create(); Option optFilterBed = OptionBuilder.withArgName("bedfile").hasArg() .withDescription("Sets the bed file containing relevant (Exome) regions which " + " will be used to filter in the GATK steps.") .withLongOpt("fbed").create(); Option optGff = OptionBuilder.withArgName("gff").hasArg().withDescription( "Sets the gff file to be used with FeautreCounts. This is required to count reads per exon.") .withLongOpt("gff").create(); Option optstargtf = OptionBuilder.withArgName("gtf").hasArg() .withDescription("Sets the gtf file to be used within the STAR alignment.").withLongOpt("stargtf") .create(); Option optMpn = OptionBuilder.withArgName("tasks").hasArg() .withDescription("Overrides the number of map tasks running simultaneously on each node. ") .withLongOpt("mpn").create(); Option optRpn = OptionBuilder.withArgName("tasks").hasArg() .withDescription("Overrides the number of reduce tasks running simultaneously on each node. ") .withLongOpt("rpn").create(); Option optCustomArgs = OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("custom_args").withArgName("tool=args").hasArgs(2) .withValueSeparator() .withDescription( "Adds custom arguments for a tool. If a module in a tool is used, add the name after an underscore. " + "Possible values: " + getProgramNames()) .withLongOpt("CA").create(); Option optVerbose = OptionBuilder.withArgName("num").hasArg() .withDescription("Sets verbosity of debugging [2].").create("v"); Option optAln = OptionBuilder.withArgName("num").hasArg().withDescription( "Sets the aligner used in Halvade. Possible values are 0 (bwa aln+sampe)[default], 1 (bwa mem), 2 (bowtie2), 3 (cushaw2).") .withLongOpt("aln").create(); Option optReadsPerRegion = OptionBuilder.withArgName("file").hasArg().withDescription( "Give a file with read counts per region to better distribute the regions (split by readcount [default] or reorder regions by size [-reorder_regions]).") .withLongOpt("rpr").create(); //flags Option optSingle = OptionBuilder .withDescription("Sets the input files to single reads [default is paired-end reads].") .withLongOpt("single").create(); Option optCombine = OptionBuilder .withDescription("Just Combines the vcf on HDFS [out dir] and doesn't run the hadoop job.") .withLongOpt("combine").create(); Option optPp = OptionBuilder .withDescription( "Uses elPrep to preprocess the data for GATK, this requires more memory but is faster.") .withLongOpt("elprep").create(); Option optFilterDBsnp = OptionBuilder .withDescription("Use Bedtools to select the needed interval of dbsnp.").withLongOpt("filter_dbsnp") .create(); Option optJustAlign = OptionBuilder.withDescription("Only align the reads.").withLongOpt("justalign") .create("A"); Option optSmt = OptionBuilder.withDescription("Enable simultaneous multithreading.").withLongOpt("smt") .create(); Option optKeep = OptionBuilder.withDescription("Keep intermediate files.").withLongOpt("keep").create(); Option optHap = OptionBuilder .withDescription("Use HaplotypeCaller instead of UnifiedGenotyper for Variant Detection.") .withLongOpt("haplotypecaller").create("H"); Option optRna = OptionBuilder.withDescription( "Run the RNA Best Practices pipeline by Broad [default is DNA pipeline]. SG needs to be set for this.") .withLongOpt("rna").create(); Option optDry = OptionBuilder.withDescription( "Execute a dryrun, will calculate task size, split for regions etc, but not execute the MapReduce job.") .withLongOpt("dryrun").create(); Option optDrop = OptionBuilder .withDescription("Drop all paired-end reads where the pairs are aligned to different chromosomes.") .withLongOpt("drop").create(); Option optReportAll = OptionBuilder .withDescription("Reports all variants at the same location when combining variants.") .withLongOpt("report_all").create(); Option optBamIn = OptionBuilder .withDescription("Uses aligned bam as input files instead of unaligned fastq files.") .withLongOpt("bam").create(); Option optRedis = OptionBuilder.withDescription( "This will enable Halvade to redistribute resources when possible when not all containers are used.") .withLongOpt("redistribute").create(); Option optMergeBam = OptionBuilder.withDescription( "Merges all bam output from either bam input or the aligned reads from the fastq input files.") .withLongOpt("merge_bam").create(); Option optReorderRegions = OptionBuilder.withDescription( "Use the default split way but reorder tasks by size based on the read count file given by -rpr option.") .withLongOpt("reorder_regions").create(); Option optupdateRG = OptionBuilder .withDescription("Update the readgroup when reading from a BAM input file.") .withLongOpt("update_rg").create(); Option optCount = OptionBuilder .withDescription("Count the number of reads per reduce task (for debug purposes).") .withLongOpt("count").create(); Option optRemDup = OptionBuilder.withDescription("Remove PCR duplicates for GATK.") .withLongOpt("remove_dups").create(); Option optFixEnc = OptionBuilder .withDescription( "Fix the quality encoding of old (pre 1.8) Illumina fastq files to the new encoding.") .withLongOpt("illumina").create(); options.addOption(optIn); options.addOption(optOut); options.addOption(optRef); options.addOption(optSites); options.addOption(optBin); options.addOption(optTmp); options.addOption(optrefdir); options.addOption(optSingle); options.addOption(optAln); options.addOption(optID); options.addOption(optLB); options.addOption(optPL); options.addOption(optPU); options.addOption(optSM); options.addOption(optPp); options.addOption(optFilterDBsnp); options.addOption(optHap); options.addOption(optScc); options.addOption(optSec); options.addOption(optBed); options.addOption(optFilterBed); options.addOption(optJava); options.addOption(optCombine); options.addOption(optNodes); options.addOption(optVcores); options.addOption(optMem); options.addOption(optKeep); options.addOption(optJustAlign); // options.addOption(optCov); options.addOption(optMpn); options.addOption(optGff); options.addOption(optRpn); options.addOption(optDry); options.addOption(optDrop); options.addOption(optReportAll); options.addOption(optSmt); options.addOption(optRna); // options.addOption(optReadsPerRegion); options.addOption(optStarGenome); options.addOption(optBamIn); options.addOption(optCustomArgs); options.addOption(optRedis); options.addOption(optRmem); options.addOption(optMmem); options.addOption(optMergeBam); options.addOption(optVerbose); // options.addOption(optReorderRegions); options.addOption(optupdateRG); options.addOption(optCount); options.addOption(optRemDup); options.addOption(optstargtf); options.addOption(optFixEnc); } protected boolean parseArguments(String[] args, Configuration halvadeConf) throws ParseException { createOptions(); CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser(); CommandLine line = parser.parse(options, args); in = line.getOptionValue("I"); out = line.getOptionValue("O"); if (!out.endsWith("/")) out += "/"; ref = line.getOptionValue("R"); sites = line.getOptionValue("D"); halvadeBinaries = line.getOptionValue("B"); hdfsSites = sites.split(","); if (line.hasOption("bam")) { useBamInput = true; } if (line.hasOption("rna")) { rnaPipeline = true; if (line.hasOption("star")) STARGenome = line.getOptionValue("star"); if (!useBamInput && STARGenome == null) { throw new ParseException( "the '-rna' option requires --star pointing to the location of the STAR reference directory if alignment with STAR aligner is required (fastq)."); } } if (line.hasOption("tmp")) { tmpDir = line.getOptionValue("tmp"); } if (line.hasOption("stargtf")) { stargtf = line.getOptionValue("stargtf"); } if (line.hasOption("refdir")) { localRefDir = line.getOptionValue("refdir"); if (!localRefDir.endsWith("/")) localRefDir += "/"; } if (line.hasOption("nodes")) { nodes = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("nodes")); } if (line.hasOption("vcores")) { vcores = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("vcores")); } if (line.hasOption("smt")) { smtEnabled = true; } if (line.hasOption("remove_dups")) { keepDups = false; } if (line.hasOption("mem")) { mem = Double.parseDouble(line.getOptionValue("mem")); } if (line.hasOption("rpr")) { readCountsPerRegionFile = line.getOptionValue("rpr"); } if (line.hasOption("mpn")) { setMapContainers = false; mapContainersPerNode = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("mpn")); } if (line.hasOption("rpn")) { setReduceContainers = false; reducerContainersPerNode = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("rpn")); } if (line.hasOption("mapmem")) { overrideMapMem = (int) (Double.parseDouble(line.getOptionValue("mapmem")) * 1024); } if (line.hasOption("redmem")) { overrideRedMem = (int) (Double.parseDouble(line.getOptionValue("redmem")) * 1024); } if (line.hasOption("scc")) { stand_call_conf = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("scc")); } if (line.hasOption("sec")) { stand_emit_conf = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("sec")); } if (line.hasOption("count")) { countOnly = true; } if (line.hasOption("report_all")) { reportAll = true; } if (line.hasOption("illumina")) { fixQualEnc = true; } if (line.hasOption("keep")) { keepFiles = true; } if (line.hasOption("update_rg")) { updateRG = true; } if (line.hasOption("redistribute")) { redistribute = true; } if (line.hasOption("single")) { paired = false; } if (line.hasOption("justalign")) { justAlign = true; combineVcf = false; } if (line.hasOption("aln")) { aln = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("aln")); if (aln < 0 || aln > 3) aln = 0; // default value } if (line.hasOption("J")) { java = line.getOptionValue("J"); } if (line.hasOption("gff")) { gff = line.getOptionValue("gff"); } if (line.hasOption("dryrun")) { dryRun = true; combineVcf = false; } if (line.hasOption("drop")) { keepChrSplitPairs = false; } // if (line.hasOption("cov")) { // coverage = Double.parseDouble(line.getOptionValue("cov")); // } if (line.hasOption("merge_bam")) { mergeBam = true; } if (line.hasOption("c")) { justCombine = true; combineVcf = true; } if (line.hasOption("filter_dbsnp")) { filterDBSnp = true; } if (line.hasOption("reorder_regions")) { reorderRegions = true; } if (line.hasOption("haplotypecaller")) { useGenotyper = false; } if (line.hasOption("elprep")) { useElPrep = true; } if (line.hasOption("id")) { RGID = line.getOptionValue("id"); } if (line.hasOption("lb")) { RGLB = line.getOptionValue("lb"); } if (line.hasOption("pl")) { RGPL = line.getOptionValue("pl"); } if (line.hasOption("pu")) { RGPU = line.getOptionValue("pu"); } if (line.hasOption("sm")) { RGSM = line.getOptionValue("sm"); } if (line.hasOption("bed")) { bedFile = line.getOptionValue("bed"); } if (line.hasOption("fbed")) { filterBed = line.getOptionValue("fbed"); } if (line.hasOption("v")) { Logger.SETLEVEL(Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("v"))); } if (line.hasOption("CA")) { Properties props = line.getOptionProperties("CA"); Enumeration names = props.propertyNames(); while (names.hasMoreElements()) { String name = (String) names.nextElement(); addCustomArguments(halvadeConf, name, props.getProperty(name)); } } return true; } protected String[] programNames = { "bwa_aln", "bwa_mem", "bwa_sampe", "star", "elprep", "java", "samtools_view", "bedtools_bdsnp", "bedtools_exome", "picard_buildbamindex", "picard_addorreplacereadgroup", "picard_markduplicates", "picard_cleansam", "gatk_realignertargetcreator", "gatk_indelrealigner", "gatk_baserecalibrator", "gatk_printreads", "gatk_combinevariants", "gatk_variantcaller", "gatk_variantannotator", "gatk_variantfiltration", "gatk_splitncigarreads" }; protected String getProgramNames() { String names = programNames[0]; for (int i = 1; i < programNames.length; i++) { names += ", " + programNames[i]; } return names; } protected void addCustomArguments(Configuration halvadeConf, String name, String property) throws ParseException { boolean found = false; int i = 0; while (!found && i < programNames.length) { if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(programNames[i])) { found = true; } i++; } if (found) { String[] split = name.split("_"); String program = split[0]; String tool = ""; if (split.length > 1) { tool = split[1]; } HalvadeConf.setCustomArgs(halvadeConf, program, tool, property); Logger.DEBUG("Custom arguments for " + name + ": \"" + property + "\""); } else { Logger.DEBUG("Unknown program: " + name + ", custom arguments [" + property + "] ignored"); throw new ParseException("Program " + name + " not found, please use a valid name."); } } }