Java tutorial
/********************************************************************** ** ** ** This code belongs to the KETTLE project. ** ** ** ** Kettle, from version 2.2 on, is released into the public domain ** ** under the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). ** ** ** ** For more details, please read the document LICENSE.txt, included ** ** in this project ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **********************************************************************/ package be.ibridge.kettle.job.entry.zipfile; import*; import java.util.Date; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.text.DateFormat; import; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import be.ibridge.kettle.core.Const; import be.ibridge.kettle.core.LogWriter; import be.ibridge.kettle.core.Result; import be.ibridge.kettle.core.XMLHandler; import be.ibridge.kettle.core.exception.KettleDatabaseException; import be.ibridge.kettle.core.exception.KettleException; import be.ibridge.kettle.core.exception.KettleXMLException; import be.ibridge.kettle.core.util.StringUtil; import be.ibridge.kettle.job.Job; import be.ibridge.kettle.job.JobMeta; import be.ibridge.kettle.job.entry.JobEntryBase; import be.ibridge.kettle.job.entry.JobEntryDialogInterface; import be.ibridge.kettle.job.entry.JobEntryInterface; import be.ibridge.kettle.repository.Repository; import be.ibridge.kettle.core.vfs.KettleVFS; import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileObject; /** * This defines a 'zip file' job entry. Its main use would be to * zip files in a directory and process zipped files (deleted or move) * * @author Samatar Hassan * @since 27-02-2007 * */ public class JobEntryZipFile extends JobEntryBase implements Cloneable, JobEntryInterface { private String zipFilename; public int compressionrate; public int ifzipfileexists; public int afterzip; private String wildcard; private String wildcardexclude; private String sourcedirectory; private String movetodirectory; public JobEntryZipFile(String n) { super(n, ""); zipFilename = null; ifzipfileexists = 2; afterzip = 0; compressionrate = 1; wildcard = null; wildcardexclude = null; sourcedirectory = null; movetodirectory = null; setID(-1L); setType(JobEntryInterface.TYPE_JOBENTRY_ZIP_FILE); } public JobEntryZipFile() { this(""); } public JobEntryZipFile(JobEntryBase jeb) { super(jeb); } public Object clone() { JobEntryZipFile je = (JobEntryZipFile) super.clone(); return je; } public String getXML() { StringBuffer retval = new StringBuffer(50); retval.append(super.getXML()); retval.append(" ").append(XMLHandler.addTagValue("zipfilename", zipFilename)); retval.append(" ").append(XMLHandler.addTagValue("compressionrate", compressionrate)); retval.append(" ").append(XMLHandler.addTagValue("ifzipfileexists", ifzipfileexists)); retval.append(" ").append(XMLHandler.addTagValue("wildcard", wildcard)); retval.append(" ").append(XMLHandler.addTagValue("wildcardexclude", wildcardexclude)); retval.append(" ").append(XMLHandler.addTagValue("sourcedirectory", sourcedirectory)); retval.append(" ").append(XMLHandler.addTagValue("movetodirectory", movetodirectory)); retval.append(" ").append(XMLHandler.addTagValue("afterzip", afterzip)); return retval.toString(); } public void loadXML(Node entrynode, ArrayList databases, Repository rep) throws KettleXMLException { try { super.loadXML(entrynode, databases); zipFilename = XMLHandler.getTagValue(entrynode, "zipfilename"); compressionrate = Const.toInt(XMLHandler.getTagValue(entrynode, "compressionrate"), -1); ifzipfileexists = Const.toInt(XMLHandler.getTagValue(entrynode, "ifzipfileexists"), -1); afterzip = Const.toInt(XMLHandler.getTagValue(entrynode, "afterzip"), -1); wildcard = XMLHandler.getTagValue(entrynode, "wildcard"); wildcardexclude = XMLHandler.getTagValue(entrynode, "wildcardexclude"); sourcedirectory = XMLHandler.getTagValue(entrynode, "sourcedirectory"); movetodirectory = XMLHandler.getTagValue(entrynode, "movetodirectory"); } catch (KettleXMLException xe) { throw new KettleXMLException("Unable to load job entry of type 'zipfile' from XML node", xe); } } public void loadRep(Repository rep, long id_jobentry, ArrayList databases) throws KettleException { try { super.loadRep(rep, id_jobentry, databases); zipFilename = rep.getJobEntryAttributeString(id_jobentry, "zipfilename"); compressionrate = (int) rep.getJobEntryAttributeInteger(id_jobentry, "compressionrate"); ifzipfileexists = (int) rep.getJobEntryAttributeInteger(id_jobentry, "ifzipfileexists"); afterzip = (int) rep.getJobEntryAttributeInteger(id_jobentry, "afterzip"); wildcard = rep.getJobEntryAttributeString(id_jobentry, "wildcard"); wildcardexclude = rep.getJobEntryAttributeString(id_jobentry, "wildcardexclude"); sourcedirectory = rep.getJobEntryAttributeString(id_jobentry, "sourcedirectory"); movetodirectory = rep.getJobEntryAttributeString(id_jobentry, "movetodirectory"); } catch (KettleException dbe) { throw new KettleException( "Unable to load job entry of type 'zipfile' from the repository for id_jobentry=" + id_jobentry, dbe); } } public void saveRep(Repository rep, long id_job) throws KettleException { try { super.saveRep(rep, id_job); rep.saveJobEntryAttribute(id_job, getID(), "zipfilename", zipFilename); rep.saveJobEntryAttribute(id_job, getID(), "compressionrate", compressionrate); rep.saveJobEntryAttribute(id_job, getID(), "ifzipfileexists", ifzipfileexists); rep.saveJobEntryAttribute(id_job, getID(), "afterzip", afterzip); rep.saveJobEntryAttribute(id_job, getID(), "wildcard", wildcard); rep.saveJobEntryAttribute(id_job, getID(), "wildcardexclude", wildcardexclude); rep.saveJobEntryAttribute(id_job, getID(), "sourcedirectory", sourcedirectory); rep.saveJobEntryAttribute(id_job, getID(), "movetodirectory", movetodirectory); } catch (KettleDatabaseException dbe) { throw new KettleException( "Unable to save job entry of type 'zipfile' to the repository for id_job=" + id_job, dbe); } } public Result execute(Result prev_result, int nr, Repository rep, Job parentJob) { LogWriter log = LogWriter.getInstance(); Result result = new Result(nr); result.setResult(false); boolean Fileexists = false; String realZipfilename = StringUtil.environmentSubstitute(zipFilename); String realWildcard = StringUtil.environmentSubstitute(wildcard); String realWildcardExclude = StringUtil.environmentSubstitute(wildcardexclude); String realTargetdirectory = StringUtil.environmentSubstitute(sourcedirectory); String realMovetodirectory = StringUtil.environmentSubstitute(movetodirectory); if (realZipfilename != null) { FileObject fileObject = null; try { fileObject = KettleVFS.getFileObject(realZipfilename); // Check if Zip File exists if (fileObject.exists()) { Fileexists = true; log.logDebug(toString(), Messages.getString("JobZipFiles.Zip_FileExists1.Label") + realZipfilename + Messages.getString("JobZipFiles.Zip_FileExists2.Label")); } else { Fileexists = false; } // Let's start the process now if (ifzipfileexists == 3 && Fileexists) { // the zip file exists and user want to Fail result.setResult(false); result.setNrErrors(1); } else if (ifzipfileexists == 2 && Fileexists) { // the zip file exists and user want to do nothing result.setResult(true); } else if (afterzip == 2 && realMovetodirectory == null) { // After Zip, Move files..User must give a destination Folder result.setResult(false); result.setNrErrors(1); log.logError(toString(), Messages.getString("JobZipFiles.AfterZip_No_DestinationFolder_Defined.Label")); } else // After Zip, Move files..User must give a destination Folder { if (ifzipfileexists == 0 && Fileexists) { // the zip file exists and user want to create new one with unique name //Format Date DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("hhmmss_mmddyyyy"); realZipfilename = realZipfilename + "_" + dateFormat.format(new Date()) + ".zip"; log.logDebug(toString(), Messages.getString("JobZipFiles.Zip_FileNameChange1.Label") + realZipfilename + Messages.getString("JobZipFiles.Zip_FileNameChange1.Label")); } else if (ifzipfileexists == 1 && Fileexists) { log.logDebug(toString(), Messages.getString("JobZipFiles.Zip_FileAppend1.Label") + realZipfilename + Messages.getString("JobZipFiles.Zip_FileAppend2.Label")); } // Get all the files in the directory... File f = new File(realTargetdirectory); String[] filelist = f.list(); log.logDetailed(toString(), Messages.getString("JobZipFiles.Files_Found1.Label") + filelist.length + Messages.getString("JobZipFiles.Files_Found2.Label") + realTargetdirectory + Messages.getString("JobZipFiles.Files_Found3.Label")); Pattern pattern = null; if (!Const.isEmpty(realWildcard)) { pattern = Pattern.compile(realWildcard); } Pattern patternexclude = null; if (!Const.isEmpty(realWildcardExclude)) { patternexclude = Pattern.compile(realWildcardExclude); } // Prepare Zip File byte[] buffer = new byte[18024]; FileOutputStream dest = new FileOutputStream(realZipfilename); BufferedOutputStream buff = new BufferedOutputStream(dest); ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream(buff); // Set the method out.setMethod(ZipOutputStream.DEFLATED); // Set the compression level if (compressionrate == 0) { out.setLevel(Deflater.NO_COMPRESSION); } else if (compressionrate == 1) { out.setLevel(Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION); } if (compressionrate == 2) { out.setLevel(Deflater.BEST_COMPRESSION); } if (compressionrate == 3) { out.setLevel(Deflater.BEST_SPEED); } // Specify Zipped files (After that we will move,delete them...) String[] ZippedFiles = new String[filelist.length]; int FileNum = 0; // Get the files in the list... for (int i = 0; i < filelist.length && !parentJob.isStopped(); i++) { boolean getIt = true; boolean getItexclude = false; // First see if the file matches the regular expression! if (pattern != null) { Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(filelist[i]); getIt = matcher.matches(); } if (patternexclude != null) { Matcher matcherexclude = patternexclude.matcher(filelist[i]); getItexclude = matcherexclude.matches(); } // Get processing File String targetFilename = realTargetdirectory + Const.FILE_SEPARATOR + filelist[i]; File file = new File(targetFilename); if (getIt && !getItexclude && !file.isDirectory()) { // We can add the file to the Zip Archive log.logDebug(toString(), Messages.getString("JobZipFiles.Add_FilesToZip1.Label") + filelist[i] + Messages.getString("JobZipFiles.Add_FilesToZip2.Label") + realTargetdirectory + Messages.getString("JobZipFiles.Add_FilesToZip3.Label")); // Associate a file input stream for the current file FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(targetFilename); // Add ZIP entry to output stream. out.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(filelist[i])); int len; while ((len = > 0) { out.write(buffer, 0, len); } out.closeEntry(); // Close the current file input stream in.close(); // Get Zipped File ZippedFiles[FileNum] = filelist[i]; FileNum = FileNum + 1; } } // Close the ZipOutPutStream out.close(); //-----Get the list of Zipped Files and Move or Delete Them if (afterzip == 1 || afterzip == 2) { // iterate through the array of Zipped files for (int i = 0; i < ZippedFiles.length; i++) { if (ZippedFiles[i] != null) { // Delete File FileObject fileObjectd = KettleVFS .getFileObject(realTargetdirectory + Const.FILE_SEPARATOR + ZippedFiles[i]); // Here we can move, delete files if (afterzip == 1) { // Delete File boolean deleted = fileObjectd.delete(); if (!deleted) { result.setResult(false); result.setNrErrors(1); log.logError(toString(), Messages.getString("JobZipFiles.Cant_Delete_File1.Label") + realTargetdirectory + Const.FILE_SEPARATOR + ZippedFiles[i] + Messages .getString("JobZipFiles.Cant_Delete_File2.Label")); } // File deleted log.logDebug(toString(), Messages.getString("JobZipFiles.File_Deleted1.Label") + realTargetdirectory + Const.FILE_SEPARATOR + ZippedFiles[i] + Messages.getString("JobZipFiles.File_Deleted2.Label")); } else if (afterzip == 2) { // Move File try { FileObject fileObjectm = KettleVFS.getFileObject( realMovetodirectory + Const.FILE_SEPARATOR + ZippedFiles[i]); fileObjectd.moveTo(fileObjectm); } catch (IOException e) { log.logError(toString(), Messages.getString("JobZipFiles.Cant_Move_File1.Label") + ZippedFiles[i] + Messages.getString("JobZipFiles.Cant_Move_File2.Label") + e.getMessage()); result.setResult(false); result.setNrErrors(1); } // File moved log.logDebug(toString(), Messages.getString("JobZipFiles.File_Moved1.Label") + ZippedFiles[i] + Messages.getString("JobZipFiles.File_Moved2.Label")); } } } } result.setResult(true); } } catch (IOException e) { log.logError(toString(), Messages.getString("JobZipFiles.Cant_CreateZipFile1.Label") + realZipfilename + Messages.getString("JobZipFiles.Cant_CreateZipFile2.Label") + e.getMessage()); result.setResult(false); result.setNrErrors(1); } finally { if (fileObject != null) { try { fileObject.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { } ; } } } else { result.setResult(false); result.setNrErrors(1); log.logError(toString(), Messages.getString("JobZipFiles.No_ZipFile_Defined.Label")); } return result; } public boolean evaluates() { return true; } public JobEntryDialogInterface getDialog(Shell shell, JobEntryInterface jei, JobMeta jobMeta, String jobName, Repository rep) { return new JobEntryZipFileDialog(shell, this, jobMeta); } public void setZipFilename(String zipFilename) { this.zipFilename = zipFilename; } public void setWildcard(String wildcard) { this.wildcard = wildcard; } public void setWildcardExclude(String wildcardexclude) { this.wildcardexclude = wildcardexclude; } public void setSourceDirectory(String sourcedirectory) { this.sourcedirectory = sourcedirectory; } public void setMoveToDirectory(String movetodirectory) { this.movetodirectory = movetodirectory; } public String getSourceDirectory() { return sourcedirectory; } public String getMoveToDirectory() { return movetodirectory; } public String getZipFilename() { return zipFilename; } public String getWildcard() { return wildcard; } public String getWildcardExclude() { return wildcardexclude; } }