Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2017, i8c N.V. (Integr8 Consulting; * All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *******************************************************************************/ package be.i8c.sag.documentationgenerator.cli; import be.i8c.sag.documentationgenerator.GeneratorFile; import be.i8c.sag.util.FileNames; import org.apache.commons.cli.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; /** * The main class for the commandline interface. * The GeneratorCmd will get invoked from the commandline. */ public final class GeneratorCmd { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GeneratorCmd.class); private static final Option packageDirectory = Option.builder(Arguments.Names.PACKAGE_DIR) .longOpt(Arguments.Names.PACKAGE_DIR_LONG).hasArg().required() .desc("Directory where the packages to generate documentation for can be found. The packages should be right at the root " + "of this directory and contain a manifest.v3 file to be recognized as packages. This is a mandatory argument!") .build(); private static final Option outputDirectory = Option.builder(Arguments.Names.OUTPUT_DIR) .longOpt(Arguments.Names.OUTPUT_DIR_LONG).hasArg() .desc("Directory where the generated documentation will be written to. The default value is '" + Arguments.DefaultValues.OUTPUT_DIR + "'.") .build(); private static final Option xsltDirectory = Option.builder(Arguments.Names.XSLT_DIR) .longOpt(Arguments.Names.XSLT_DIR_LONG).hasArg() .desc("Directory where the xslt files can be found that will be used when generating the documentation from the intermediate " + "xml. When the argument is not provided, a default file is used.") .build(); private static final Option configDirectory = Option.builder(Arguments.Names.CONFIG_DIR) .longOpt(Arguments.Names.CONFIG_DIR_LONG).hasArg() .desc("Directory that contains various configuration files (e.g. Apache FOP config file that is needed when generating " + "documentation in pdf format). When the argument is not provided, a default file is used.") .build(); private static final Option packageNameRegex = Option.builder(Arguments.Names.PACKAGE_NAME_REGEX) .longOpt(Arguments.Names.PACKAGE_NAME_REGEX_LONG).hasArg() .desc("Documentation will only be generated for the packages whose names match the provided regular expression. For example, " + "if you have a package Acme, the regex expression Ac.* can be used to find all packages starting with Ac or \"^(?!Wm).*$\"" + "can be used to select all packages that do not start with Wm or \"^(?!.*cm).*$\" for all packages that do not contain cm. " + "All packages in the package directory will be used by default when no package name indication is provided. The default value is " + Arguments.DefaultValues.PACKAGE_NAME_REGEX) .build(); private static final Option packageNames = Option.builder(Arguments.Names.PACKAGE_NAMES) .longOpt(Arguments.Names.PACKAGE_NAMES_LONG).hasArg() .desc("Documentation will only be generated for the packages whose names are provided. Will be ignored when option '" + "PACKAGE_NAME_REGEX' is also provided. All packages in the package directory will be used by default when no package " + "name indication is provided.") .build(); private static final Option folderQualifiedNameRegex = Option .builder(Arguments.Names.FOLDER_QUALIFIER_NAME_REGEX) .longOpt(Arguments.Names.FOLDER_QUALIFIER_NAME_REGEX_LONG).hasArg() .desc("Documentation will only be generated for components whose fully qualified folder names match the provided regular " + "expression. Documentation will be generated for all encountered components by default when no folder name " + "indication is provided. The default value is '" + Arguments.DefaultValues.FOLDER_QUALIFIER_NAME_REGEX + '\'') .build(); private static final Option writeXml = Option.builder(Arguments.Names.GENERATE_XML) .longOpt(Arguments.Names.GENERATE_XML_LONG) .desc("Set option if you want the xml documentation to be written to the output directory during the generation process. By " + "default it won't be generated. If the -" + Arguments.Names.XSLT_DIR + " argument is specified, it will look look " + "for the file " + FileNames.Input.INTERMEDIATE_XML + " in that directory") .build(); private static final Option writePdf = Option.builder(Arguments.Names.GENERATE_PDF) .longOpt(Arguments.Names.GENERATE_PDF_LONG) .desc("Set option if you want the pdf documentation to be written to the output directory during the generation process. By " + "default it will be generated if no other generation arguments are given. If the -" + Arguments.Names.XSLT_DIR + " argument is specified, it will look look for the file " + FileNames.Input.INTERMEDIATE_PDF + " in that directory") .build(); private static final Option writeHtml = Option.builder(Arguments.Names.GENERATE_HTML) .longOpt(Arguments.Names.GENERATE_HTML_LONG) .desc("Set option if you want the html documentation to be written to the output directory during the generation process. By " + "default it won't be generated." + Arguments.Names.XSLT_DIR + " argument is specified, it will look look " + "for the file " + FileNames.Input.INTERMEDIATE_HTML + " in that directory") .build(); private static final Option writeMd = Option.builder(Arguments.Names.GENERATE_MD) .longOpt(Arguments.Names.GENERATE_MD_LONG) .desc("Set option if you want the markdown documentation to be written to the output directory during the generation process. By " + "default it won't be generated." + Arguments.Names.XSLT_DIR + " argument is specified, it will look look " + "for the file " + FileNames.Input.INTERMEDIATE_MD + " in that directory") .build(); private static final Option writeTxt = Option.builder(Arguments.Names.GENERATE_TXT) .longOpt(Arguments.Names.GENERATE_TXT_LONG) .desc("Set option if you want the text documentation to be written to the output directory during the generation process. By " + "default it won't be generated." + Arguments.Names.XSLT_DIR + " argument is specified, it will look look " + "for the file " + FileNames.Input.INTERMEDIATE_TEXT + " in that directory") .build(); private static final Option writeIntermediateXml = Option.builder(Arguments.Names.INTERMEDIATE_XML) .longOpt(Arguments.Names.INTERMEDIATE_XML_LONG) .desc("Set option if you want the intermediate xml to be written to the output directory during the generation process. By " + "default the intermediate xml is only held in memory and not written to file.") .build(); private static Options createOptions() { Options CLI_OPTIONS = new Options(); CLI_OPTIONS.addOption(packageDirectory); CLI_OPTIONS.addOption(outputDirectory); CLI_OPTIONS.addOption(xsltDirectory); CLI_OPTIONS.addOption(configDirectory); CLI_OPTIONS.addOption(packageNameRegex); CLI_OPTIONS.addOption(packageNames); CLI_OPTIONS.addOption(folderQualifiedNameRegex); CLI_OPTIONS.addOption(writeIntermediateXml); CLI_OPTIONS.addOption(writeXml); CLI_OPTIONS.addOption(writeHtml); CLI_OPTIONS.addOption(writeMd); CLI_OPTIONS.addOption(writePdf); CLI_OPTIONS.addOption(writeTxt); return CLI_OPTIONS; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Options CLI_OPTIONS = createOptions(); if (args.length == 0) { logger.debug("Show arguments explanation if no arguments are provided."); printOptions(CLI_OPTIONS); } else { Arguments arguments; try { logger.debug("Attempt to parse arguments."); arguments = new Arguments(new DefaultParser().parse(CLI_OPTIONS, args)); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new ParseException( "Error occurred parsing the arguments that were passed to the client: " + e.getMessage()); } GeneratorFile documentationGenerator = new GeneratorFile(arguments.PACKAGE_DIR, arguments.OUTPUT_DIR, arguments.CONFIG_DIR); logger.debug("Setting package name regex to: {}.", packageNameRegex); documentationGenerator.setPackageNameRegex(arguments.PACKAGE_NAME_REGEX); if (arguments.PACKAGE_NAMES != null && arguments.PACKAGE_NAMES.length > 0) { documentationGenerator.setPackageNames(arguments.PACKAGE_NAMES); } logger.debug("Setting folder qualified name regex to: {}.", arguments.FOLDER_QUALIFIER_NAME_REGEX); documentationGenerator.setFolderQualifiedNameRegex(arguments.FOLDER_QUALIFIER_NAME_REGEX); if (!arguments.GENERATE_HTML && !arguments.GENERATE_MD && !arguments.GENERATE_TXT && !arguments.GENERATE_PDF && !arguments.GENERATE_XML && !arguments.INTERMEDIATE_XML) { logger.warn( "None of the following arguments have been given. -{}, -{}, -{}, -{}, -{}, -{}. Generating PDF as default", Arguments.Names.GENERATE_HTML, Arguments.Names.GENERATE_MD, Arguments.Names.GENERATE_PDF, Arguments.Names.GENERATE_TXT, Arguments.Names.GENERATE_XML, Arguments.Names.INTERMEDIATE_XML); documentationGenerator.addPdfOutput(); } else { if (arguments.GENERATE_HTML) { if (arguments.XSLT_DIR != null) documentationGenerator .addHtmlOutput(new File(arguments.XSLT_DIR, FileNames.Input.INTERMEDIATE_HTML)); else documentationGenerator.addHtmlOutput(); } if (arguments.GENERATE_MD) { if (arguments.XSLT_DIR != null) documentationGenerator .addMdOutput(new File(arguments.XSLT_DIR, FileNames.Input.INTERMEDIATE_MD)); else documentationGenerator.addMdOutput(); } if (arguments.GENERATE_PDF) { if (arguments.XSLT_DIR != null) documentationGenerator .addPdfOutput(new File(arguments.XSLT_DIR, FileNames.Input.INTERMEDIATE_XML)); else documentationGenerator.addPdfOutput(); } if (arguments.GENERATE_TXT) { if (arguments.XSLT_DIR != null) documentationGenerator .addTxtOutput(new File(arguments.XSLT_DIR, FileNames.Input.INTERMEDIATE_TEXT)); else documentationGenerator.addTxtOutput(); } if (arguments.GENERATE_XML) { if (arguments.XSLT_DIR != null) documentationGenerator .addXmlOutput(new File(arguments.XSLT_DIR, FileNames.Input.INTERMEDIATE_XML)); else documentationGenerator.addXmlOutput(); } if (arguments.INTERMEDIATE_XML) documentationGenerator.addIntermediateOutput(); } documentationGenerator.generateDocumentation(); } } private static void printOptions(Options CLI_OPTIONS) { String header = "\ni8c Documentation Generator For WebMethods Packages, arguments between [] are optional\n------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; String footer = ""; HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("java -jar documentGenerator-<version>(-jar-with-dependencies).jar", header, CLI_OPTIONS, footer, true); } }