Java tutorial
/* * eID Identity Provider Project. * Copyright (C) 2010-2013 FedICT. * Copyright (C) 2014 BVBA. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version * 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, see * */ package be.fedict.eid.idp.sp.protocol.openid; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import; import; import javax.servlet.ServletConfig; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLSocketFactory; import org.openid4java.OpenIDException; import org.openid4java.consumer.ConsumerManager; import org.openid4java.discovery.Discovery; import org.openid4java.discovery.DiscoveryInformation; import org.openid4java.discovery.html.HtmlResolver; import org.openid4java.discovery.xri.XriResolver; import org.openid4java.discovery.yadis.YadisResolver; import org.openid4java.message.AuthRequest; import; import org.openid4java.server.IncrementalNonceGenerator; import org.openid4java.server.NonceGenerator; import org.openid4java.server.RealmVerifierFactory; import org.openid4java.util.HttpFetcherFactory; import be.fedict.eid.idp.common.OpenIDAXConstants; import be.fedict.eid.idp.common.ServiceLocator; import be.fedict.eid.idp.sp.protocol.openid.spi.AuthenticationRequestService; /** * Generates and sends out a OpenID Authentication Request. * <p/> * <p/> * Configuration can be provided either by providing: * <ul> * <li><tt>AuthenticationRequestService</tt>: * {@link AuthenticationRequestService} to provide the IdP protocol entry point, * SP response handling location, optional SSL certificate to trust, optional * list of preferred languages</li> * </ul> * or by provinding: * <ul> * <li><tt>SPDestination</tt> or <tt>SPDestinationPage</tt>: Service Provider * destination that will handle the returned SAML2 response. One of the 2 * parameters needs to be specified.</li> * <li><tt>IdPDestination</tt>: SAML2 entry point of the eID IdP.</li> * <li><tt>TrustServer</tt>: optional boolean whether any SSL certificate is * regarded trusted.</li> * <li><tt>Language</tt>: optional comma-seperated list of preferred languages * to display the eID IdP webapp in (e.g.: "en,nl,fr"). If not specified, the * browsers's locale will be used.</li> * </ul> * * @author Frank Cornelis */ public class AuthenticationRequestServlet extends HttpServlet { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(AuthenticationRequestServlet.class); private static final String AUTHN_REQUEST_SERVICE_PARAM = "AuthenticationRequestService"; private static final String USER_IDENTIFIER_PARAM = "UserIdentifier"; private static final String SP_DESTINATION_PARAM = "SPDestination"; private static final String SP_DESTINATION_PAGE_PARAM = SP_DESTINATION_PARAM + "Page"; private static final String LANGUAGES_PARAM = "Language"; private static final String TRUST_SERVER_PARAM = "TrustServer"; public static final String CONSUMER_MANAGER_ATTRIBUTE = AuthenticationRequestServlet.class.getName() + ".ConsumerManager"; public static final String RETURN_TO_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE = AuthenticationRequestServlet.class.getName() + ".ReturnToNonce"; public static final String RETURN_TO_NONCE_PARAM = "janrain_nonce"; private String userIdentifier; private String spDestination; private String spDestinationPage; private String languages; private ServiceLocator<AuthenticationRequestService> authenticationRequestServiceLocator; private ConsumerManager consumerManager; private boolean trustServer; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException { this.userIdentifier = config.getInitParameter(USER_IDENTIFIER_PARAM); this.spDestination = config.getInitParameter(SP_DESTINATION_PARAM); this.spDestinationPage = config.getInitParameter(SP_DESTINATION_PAGE_PARAM); this.languages = config.getInitParameter(LANGUAGES_PARAM); this.authenticationRequestServiceLocator = new ServiceLocator<AuthenticationRequestService>( AUTHN_REQUEST_SERVICE_PARAM, config); // validate necessary configuration params if (null == this.userIdentifier && !this.authenticationRequestServiceLocator.isConfigured()) { throw new ServletException("need to provide either " + USER_IDENTIFIER_PARAM + " or " + AUTHN_REQUEST_SERVICE_PARAM + "(Class) init-params"); } if (null == this.spDestination && null == this.spDestinationPage && !this.authenticationRequestServiceLocator.isConfigured()) { throw new ServletException("need to provide either " + SP_DESTINATION_PARAM + " or " + SP_DESTINATION_PAGE_PARAM + " or " + AUTHN_REQUEST_SERVICE_PARAM + "(Class) init-param"); } // SSL configuration String trustServer = config.getInitParameter(TRUST_SERVER_PARAM); if (null != trustServer) { this.trustServer = Boolean.parseBoolean(trustServer); } X509Certificate serverCertificate = null; if (this.authenticationRequestServiceLocator.isConfigured()) { AuthenticationRequestService service = this.authenticationRequestServiceLocator.locateService(); serverCertificate = service.getServerCertificate(); } if (this.trustServer) { LOG.warn("Trusting all SSL server certificates!"); try { OpenIDSSLSocketFactory.installAllTrusted(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ServletException("could not install OpenID SSL Socket Factory: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } else if (null != serverCertificate) {"Trusting specified SSL certificate: " + serverCertificate); try { OpenIDSSLSocketFactory.install(serverCertificate); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ServletException("could not install OpenID SSL Socket Factory: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } ServletContext servletContext = config.getServletContext(); this.consumerManager = (ConsumerManager) servletContext.getAttribute(CONSUMER_MANAGER_ATTRIBUTE); if (null == this.consumerManager) { try { if (this.trustServer || null != serverCertificate) { TrustManager trustManager; if (this.trustServer) { trustManager = new OpenIDTrustManager(); } else { trustManager = new OpenIDTrustManager(serverCertificate); } SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL"); TrustManager[] trustManagers = { trustManager }; sslContext.init(null, trustManagers, null); HttpFetcherFactory httpFetcherFactory = new HttpFetcherFactory(sslContext, SSLSocketFactory.ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER); YadisResolver yadisResolver = new YadisResolver(httpFetcherFactory); RealmVerifierFactory realmFactory = new RealmVerifierFactory(yadisResolver); HtmlResolver htmlResolver = new HtmlResolver(httpFetcherFactory); XriResolver xriResolver = Discovery.getXriResolver(); Discovery discovery = new Discovery(htmlResolver, yadisResolver, xriResolver); this.consumerManager = new ConsumerManager(realmFactory, discovery, httpFetcherFactory); } else { this.consumerManager = new ConsumerManager(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ServletException("could not init OpenID ConsumerManager"); } servletContext.setAttribute(CONSUMER_MANAGER_ATTRIBUTE, this.consumerManager); } } /** * Used by the {@link AuthenticationResponseServlet} for processing the * returned OpenID response * * @param request * HTTP Servlet Request, used to get the OpenID * {@link ConsumerManager} from the {@link ServletContext} * @return the OpenID {@link ConsumerManager} */ public static ConsumerManager getConsumerManager(HttpServletRequest request) { HttpSession httpSession = request.getSession(); ServletContext servletContext = httpSession.getServletContext(); ConsumerManager consumerManager = (ConsumerManager) servletContext.getAttribute(CONSUMER_MANAGER_ATTRIBUTE); if (null == consumerManager) { throw new IllegalStateException("no ConsumerManager found in ServletContext"); } return consumerManager; } private String getReturnTo(String spDestination, HttpSession httpSession) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { // generate nonce for protection against CSRF NonceGenerator _consumerNonceGenerator = new IncrementalNonceGenerator(); String nonce =; // add to "return_to" String returnTo = spDestination; returnTo += (returnTo.indexOf('?') != -1) ? '&' : '?'; returnTo += RETURN_TO_NONCE_PARAM + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(nonce, "UTF-8"); // store return_to on session for response validation httpSession.setAttribute(RETURN_TO_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE, returnTo); return returnTo; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { String spDestination; String userIdentifier; String languages; AuthenticationRequestService service = this.authenticationRequestServiceLocator.locateService(); if (null != service) { userIdentifier = service.getUserIdentifier(); spDestination = service.getSPDestination(); languages = service.getPreferredLanguages(); } else { userIdentifier = this.userIdentifier; if (null != this.spDestination) { spDestination = this.spDestination; } else { spDestination = request.getScheme() + "://" + request.getServerName() + ":" + request.getServerPort() + request.getContextPath() + this.spDestinationPage; } languages = this.languages; } try { LOG.debug("discovering the identity..."); LOG.debug("user identifier: " + userIdentifier); List discoveries =; LOG.debug("associating with the IdP..."); DiscoveryInformation discovered = this.consumerManager.associate(discoveries); request.getSession().setAttribute("openid-disc", discovered); LOG.debug("SP destination: " + spDestination); AuthRequest authRequest = this.consumerManager.authenticate(discovered, getReturnTo(spDestination, request.getSession()), spDestination); /* * We also piggy-back an attribute fetch request. */ FetchRequest fetchRequest = FetchRequest.createFetchRequest(); // required attributes fetchRequest.addAttribute(OpenIDAXConstants.AX_FIRST_NAME_PERSON_TYPE, true); fetchRequest.addAttribute(OpenIDAXConstants.AX_LAST_NAME_PERSON_TYPE, true); fetchRequest.addAttribute(OpenIDAXConstants.AX_NAME_PERSON_TYPE, true); // optional attributes fetchRequest.addAttribute(OpenIDAXConstants.AX_GENDER_TYPE, false); fetchRequest.addAttribute(OpenIDAXConstants.AX_POSTAL_CODE_TYPE, false); fetchRequest.addAttribute(OpenIDAXConstants.AX_POSTAL_ADDRESS_TYPE, false); fetchRequest.addAttribute(OpenIDAXConstants.AX_CITY_TYPE, false); fetchRequest.addAttribute(OpenIDAXConstants.AX_NATIONALITY_TYPE, false); fetchRequest.addAttribute(OpenIDAXConstants.AX_PLACE_OF_BIRTH_TYPE, false); fetchRequest.addAttribute(OpenIDAXConstants.AX_BIRTHDATE_TYPE, false); fetchRequest.addAttribute(OpenIDAXConstants.AX_CARD_NUMBER_TYPE, false); fetchRequest.addAttribute(OpenIDAXConstants.AX_CARD_VALIDITY_BEGIN_TYPE, false); fetchRequest.addAttribute(OpenIDAXConstants.AX_CARD_VALIDITY_END_TYPE, false); fetchRequest.addAttribute(OpenIDAXConstants.AX_PHOTO_TYPE, false); fetchRequest.addAttribute(OpenIDAXConstants.AX_RRN_TYPE, false); fetchRequest.addAttribute(OpenIDAXConstants.AX_CERT_AUTHN_TYPE, false); fetchRequest.addAttribute(OpenIDAXConstants.AX_AGE_TYPE, false); authRequest.addExtension(fetchRequest, "ax"); /* * Piggy back UI Extension if any languages were specified */ if (null != languages) { UserInterfaceMessage uiMessage = new UserInterfaceMessage(); uiMessage.setLanguages(languages); authRequest.addExtension(uiMessage, "ui"); } LOG.debug("redirecting to producer with authn request..."); response.sendRedirect(authRequest.getDestinationUrl(true)); } catch (OpenIDException e) { throw new ServletException("OpenID error: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } }