Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


/**Copyright 2016, University of Messina.
*   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
*   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
*   You may obtain a copy of the License at
*   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
*   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
*   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
*   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
*   limitations under the License.

package BB_ELA.Policies;

//import osffmcli.JClouds_Adapter.NovaTest;
//import osffmcli.JClouds_Adapter.OpenstackInfoContainer;
import MDBInt.DBMongo;
import MDBInt.MDBIException;
import BB_ELA.ElasticityPolicyException;
import BB_ELA.Policy;
//import osffmcli.OSFFM_ORC.OrchestrationManager;
import java.time.Clock;
import java.time.LocalTime;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.logging.Level;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.jdom2.Element;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import utils.ParserXML;
import utils.Client4WS;
import utils.Exception.WSException;

 * The objective of this class is implement the policy based on SunLight position. 
 * In few words who select this policy, choose to have activated VMs where there is sun-light.
 * @author Giuseppe Tricomi
public class SunLightPolicy implements Policy, Runnable {

    final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(SunLightPolicy.class);
    private String fileConf = "/home/beacon/beaconConf/configuration_SunLightPolicy.xml";//this path starts from the tomcat home
    private long granularityCheck = 20000;//3600000;//default value is 1 hour
    private int threshold = 17;//default value is 19 (7pm)
    private int minimumGap = -8;//default value is -8 hours
    private String bbUrl = "";
    private String bbuser = "bbuserAd";
    private String bbpass = "bbpassAd";
    private ParserXML parser;
    private int actualDCGap;
    private DBMongo mongo;
    private String tenant, userFederation, pswFederation;
    private HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> datacenterMap;
    private ArrayList<String> monitoredVM;
    //private OrchestrationManager om;
    private HashMap<String, Boolean> index;
    private String firstCloudID;
    private String templateName, stack;
    private BufferedWriter log;

    public SunLightPolicy(HashMap<String, Object> paramsMap) throws ElasticityPolicyException, Exception {
        //paramsMap.get(this) // I need to understand which parameters need here
        this.tenant = (String) paramsMap.get("tenantName");
        this.mongo = (DBMongo) paramsMap.get("mongoConnector");
        this.userFederation = (String) paramsMap.get("userFederation");
        this.pswFederation = (String) paramsMap.get("pswFederation");
        String tmpminimumGap = (String) paramsMap.get("minimumGap");
        this.minimumGap = Integer.parseInt(tmpminimumGap);
        this.firstCloudID = (String) paramsMap.get("firstCloudID");
        this.templateName = (String) paramsMap.get("templateName");
        this.stack = (String) paramsMap.get("stack");
        this.monitoredVM = new ArrayList<String>();
        this.constructDCMap((ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>) paramsMap.get("dcList"));
        this.log = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("/tmp/unlightpol.log"));

    public void init() {
        Element params;
        this.datacenterMap = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();
        try {

            parser = new ParserXML(new File(this.fileConf));
            params = parser.getRootElement().getChild("pluginParams");
            this.granularityCheck = Long.valueOf(params.getChildText("granularityCheck")).longValue();
            this.threshold = Integer.valueOf(params.getChildText("threshold"));
            this.bbUrl = params.getChildText("bburl");
            this.bbpass = params.getChildText("bbpass");
            this.bbuser = params.getChildText("bbuser");

        } catch (Exception ex) {
            LOGGER.error("Error occurred in configuration ");

    private void constructDCMap(ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> dc) throws ElasticityPolicyException {
        for (ArrayList<String> row : dc) {
            for (String column : row) {
                try {
                    JSONObject infoJSON = new JSONObject(column);
                    String cloudTarget = infoJSON.getString("cloudId");
                    JSONObject json = new JSONObject(this.mongo.getDatacenter(this.tenant, cloudTarget));
                    String gapIndex = (String) json.get("gap");
                    ArrayList<String> artmp = null;
                    if (!this.datacenterMap.containsKey(gapIndex)) {
                        artmp = new ArrayList<String>();
                    } else {
                        artmp = this.datacenterMap.get(gapIndex);
                    this.datacenterMap.put(gapIndex, artmp);
                } catch (JSONException je) {
                    LOGGER.error("Impossible manage the Datacenter information Stored on MongoDb for the Tenant "
                            + this.tenant + "; Datacenter information doesn't contain gap info for Datacenter!");
                    throw new ElasticityPolicyException(
                            "Impossible manage the Datacenter information Stored on MongoDb for the Tenant "
                                    + this.tenant
                                    + "; Datacenter information doesn't contain gap info for Datacenter!\n" + je);
                } catch (MDBIException me) {
                    LOGGER.error("Impossible manage the Datacenter information Stored on MongoDb for the Tenant "
                            + this.tenant + "; It's Impossible accede to Datacenter info for selected DC:"
                            + column);
                    throw new ElasticityPolicyException(
                            "Impossible manage the Datacenter information Stored on MongoDb for the Tenant "
                                    + this.tenant + "; It's Impossible accede to Datacenter info for selected DC:"
                                    + column + "\n" + me);

     * The mission of this function is identify the moments when a VM or a group of VM needs to be "migrated"(shuttedoff in one site and activated in another
     * selected by selectNewDatacenter function).
     * @param params 
    public void migrationAlertManager(HashMap params) {
        HashMap elem = this.selectNewDatacenter(null);
        String tmpDCID = (String) elem.get("dcID");
        try {
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SunLightPolicy.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
        try {
            if (tmpDCID != null) {
                ArrayList<String> newMonitoredVMs = new ArrayList<String>();
                for (String targetVM : this.monitoredVM) {

                    JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(tmpDCID);
                    String twinVM = this.mongo.findResourceMate(this.tenant, targetVM, jo.getString("cloudId"));
                    System.out.println("TwinVM: " + twinVM);
                    if (twinVM == null) {
                        LOGGER.error("Something going wrong it's imppossible find a twinVM for: " + targetVM
                                + ".The migration for that VM is aborted!");
                    } else {
                        System.out.println("TwinVM FOUND");
                        try {
                            log.write("TwinVM FOUND");
                        } catch (IOException ex) {
                                    null, ex);
                        HashMap<String, Object> param = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                        param.put("vm2shut", targetVM);
                        String twinVMUUID = (new JSONObject(twinVM)).getString("phisicalResourceId");
                        param.put("vm2Act", twinVMUUID);
                        param.put("sitetarget", jo.getString("cloudId"));
                        if (!this.moveVM(param)) {
                            LOGGER.error("error occurred in migration VM " + targetVM);//sistemare qst logger

                this.actualDCGap = (Integer) elem.get("newgap");
                this.monitoredVM = newMonitoredVMs;
            } else {
                        "Something going wrong it's impossible find a twinVM for VMs monitored.The migration aborted");
        } catch (JSONException je) {
            LOGGER.error("Something going wrong it's impossible parse Datacenter inofo JSON");

     * This function is based on the workflow of the sunlight demo for beacon.
     * All tenant in an Openstack cloud in federation is a clone of the other instance of the tenant, then it has deployed on it the same VM, 
     * and for each VM monitored we can found a twinVM inside the DC chose from the algorithm.
     * @param val
     * @return 
    public HashMap selectNewDatacenter(Integer val) {
        try {
            String tmpGap = "";
            HashMap<String, Object> element = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            Integer searchedGap;
            if (val == null) {
                searchedGap = this.actualDCGap + minimumGap;
            } else {
                searchedGap = val - 1;
            if ((searchedGap < -12) || (searchedGap > 14)) {
                if (searchedGap < -12) {
                    searchedGap = searchedGap + 24;
                } else {
                    searchedGap = searchedGap - 24;
            if (index != null) {
                if (!index.containsKey(searchedGap.toString())) {
                    try {
                        log.write("QUIT" + searchedGap + this.firstCloudID);
                    } catch (IOException ex) {
                        java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SunLightPolicy.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null,
                    System.out.println("QUIT" + searchedGap + this.firstCloudID);
                    index.put(searchedGap.toString(), Boolean.FALSE);

                } else {
                    return null;
            } else {
                index = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
                index.put(searchedGap.toString(), Boolean.FALSE);
            if (searchedGap > 0) {
                tmpGap = "+" + searchedGap.toString();
            } else {
                tmpGap = searchedGap.toString();
            if (this.datacenterMap.containsKey(tmpGap)) {
                ArrayList<String> ar = this.datacenterMap.get(tmpGap);//Take array and and findcorrect DC
                Iterator i = ar.iterator();
                boolean end = false;
                while (i.hasNext() && (!end)) {
                    String tmpDCID = (String);

                    //07/09/2016 basandosi sulla sunlight demo di BEACON basta identificare il DC su cui  presente una VM del gruppo e tutte le altre saranno spostate(attivate) di conseguenza
                    ////in alternativa si dovrebbe prendere il datacenter adatto per ogni VM da monitorare
                    for (String targetVM : this.monitoredVM) {
                        JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(tmpDCID);
                        String twinVM = this.mongo.findResourceMate(this.tenant, targetVM, jo.getString("cloudId"));

                        if (twinVM == null) {
                        } else {
                            end = true;
                            element.put("dcID", tmpDCID);
                            element.put("newgap", searchedGap);
                            index.replace(tmpGap, true);
                            return element;
                    if (!end) {
                                "Something going wrong it's impossible find a twinVM for VMs monitored.The migration for that VM is moved on another DC");
                        index.put(tmpGap, false);
                        return this.selectNewDatacenter(searchedGap);
            } else {
                return this.selectNewDatacenter(searchedGap);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.err.println("EXCEPTION" + e.getMessage());
        return null;

    private void takeMonVMs() {
        try {
            ArrayList<String> tmp = this.mongo.getRunTimeInfos(this.tenant, this.firstCloudID, this.templateName,
            for (String obj : tmp) {
                JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(obj);
                this.monitoredVM.add((String) jo.get("phisicalResourceId"));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error("Something going wrong it's create monitoredVM ArrayList.");

     * This function is used to move a VM
     * @param params
     * @return 
    public boolean moveVM(HashMap params) {
        //this function have to invoke OrchestrationManager.migrationProcedure
        try {
            //"vm2shut"), this.tenant, this.userFederation, (String)params.get("vm2Act"), this.pswFederation, this.mongo, "RegionOne");//BEACON>>> Region field need to be managed?
            System.out.println("STO PER migrare la " + (String) params.get("vm2shut"));
            String vmtoact = (String) params.get("vm2act");
            this.migrationProcedure((String) params.get("vm2shut"), this.tenant, this.userFederation,
                    (String) params.get("vm2Act"), this.pswFederation, "RegionOne",
                    (String) params.get("sitetarget"));//BEACON>>> Region field need to be managed?
            //System.out.println("HO ATTIVATO la "+vmtoact);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error("Error occurred in moveVM:" + e.getMessage());
            return false;
        return true;

     * Take from Mongo the DCGap for selected Datacenter.
    private void getDCtimeGap() {
        Integer dcgap = +0;
        try {
            JSONObject json = new JSONObject(this.mongo.getDatacenter(this.tenant, this.firstCloudID));
            String gapIndex = (String) json.get("gap");
            dcgap = Integer.parseInt(gapIndex);
        } catch (JSONException je) {
            LOGGER.error("Impossible manage the Datacenter information Stored on MongoDb for the Tenant "
                    + this.tenant + "; Datacenter information doesn't contain gap info for Datacenter!");
            //    throw new ElasticityPolicyException("Impossible manage the Datacenter information Stored on MongoDb for the Tenant "+this.tenant+"; Datacenter information doesn't contain gap info for Datacenter!\n"+je);
        } catch (MDBIException me) {
            LOGGER.error("Impossible manage the Datacenter information Stored on MongoDb for the Tenant "
                    + this.tenant + "; It's Impossible accede to Datacenter info for selected DC:");
            //   throw new ElasticityPolicyException("Impossible manage the Datacenter information Stored on MongoDb for the Tenant "+this.tenant+"; It's Impossible accede to Datacenter info for selected DC:\n"+me);
        this.actualDCGap = dcgap;

     * This Stars and verify if the UTCtime+Datacenter gap is greater of the threshold.
     * Positive answer begin migration of the monitored VM, negative send thread in sleepmode for granularityCheck milliseconds.
    public synchronized void run() {
        boolean stop = true;
        while (stop) {
            Clock clock = Clock.systemUTC();
            LocalTime osffmTime =;
                    "checked time in : " + this.firstCloudID + " is " + osffmTime.getHour() + this.actualDCGap);

            if ((osffmTime.getHour() + this.actualDCGap) > (this.threshold + this.actualDCGap)) {
                System.out.println("I am starting migration");
                /*         JSONObject j;
                         String targetVM="";
                         String twinVM="";
                         try {
                j = new JSONObject(this.mongo.getRunTimeInfo(this.tenant, "CETIC", this.templateName, this.stack));
                j= new JSONObject(this.mongo.findResourceMate(this.tenant, targetVM,"UME"));
                twinVM= j.getString("phisicalResourceId");
                         } catch (JSONException ex) {
                java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SunLightPolicy.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
                         System.out.println("target and twin: "+targetVM+" "+twinVM);
                         HashMap param=new HashMap();
                         param.put("vm2shut", targetVM);
                param.put("vm2Act", twinVM);
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
                LOGGER.error("InterruptedException with Thread.sleep inside a sunlight policy Thread!"
                        + ex.getMessage());
                stop = false;

     * Function invocated when an elasticity action have to be started; this function 
     * shutdown the VM with some problem and start one of the Twin VM of that.
     * This function could be improved with a better twin VM search algorithm, and to do this is needed 
     * modify this: "m.findResourceMate".
     * @param vm
     * @param tenant
     * @param userFederation
     * @param pswFederation
     * @param m
     * @param element
     * @param region
     * @author gtricomi
    public void migrationProcedure(String vm, String tenant, String userFederation, String vmTwin,
            String pswFederation, String region, String sitetarget) throws JSONException {
        JSONObject param = new JSONObject();
        param.put("vm", vm);
        param.put("tenant", tenant);
        param.put("userFederation", userFederation);
        param.put("vmTwin", vmTwin);
        param.put("pswFederation", pswFederation);
        param.put("region", region);
        Client4WS cws = new Client4WS(this.bbUrl);
        System.out.println("----->" + vmTwin);
        try {
            Response r = cws.make_request(this.bbUrl + "/migrateVMs/", this.bbuser, this.bbpass, tenant, "post",
        } catch (WSException wse) {
            LOGGER.error("The request has generated a WS Exception!" + wse.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception ex) {
        try {
            param = new JSONObject();
            param.put("site", sitetarget);
            param.put("tenant", tenant);
            System.out.println("----->connenctONE_" + this.bbUrl);
            Response r = cws.make_request(this.bbUrl + "/connectOne/", this.bbuser, this.bbpass, tenant, "post",
        } catch (WSException wse) {
            LOGGER.error("The request has generated a WS Exception!" + wse.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception ex) {
