Java tutorial
/** * Calculon - A Java chess-engine. * * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Barry Smith * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ package barrysw19.calculon.notation; import barrysw19.calculon.engine.BitBoard; import barrysw19.calculon.engine.EngineUtils; import barrysw19.calculon.model.Piece; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; public class FENUtils { private static final String FILES = "abcdefgh"; public static String generate(BitBoard bitBoard) { StringBuilder fen = new StringBuilder(); fen.append(generatePosition(bitBoard)); fen.append(" ").append(bitBoard.getPlayer() == Piece.WHITE ? "w" : "b"); fen.append(" ").append(generateCastling(bitBoard)); fen.append(" ").append(generateEnPassant(bitBoard)); fen.append(" ").append(bitBoard.getHalfMoveCount()); fen.append(" ").append(bitBoard.getMoveNumber()); return fen.toString(); } public static String generateWithoutMoveCounts(BitBoard bitBoard) { StringBuilder fen = new StringBuilder(); fen.append(generatePosition(bitBoard)); fen.append(" ").append(bitBoard.getPlayer() == Piece.WHITE ? "w" : "b"); fen.append(" ").append(generateCastling(bitBoard)); fen.append(" ").append(generateEnPassant(bitBoard)); return fen.toString(); } public static String generateEnPassant(BitBoard board) { if (!board.isEnPassant()) { return "-"; } StringBuilder fen = new StringBuilder(); fen.append(Character.toLowerCase(EngineUtils.FILES.charAt(board.getEnPassantFile()))); fen.append(EngineUtils.RANKS.charAt(board.getEnPassantRank())); return fen.toString(); } public static String generateCastling(BitBoard board) { StringBuilder fen = new StringBuilder(); if ((board.getCastlingOptions() & BitBoard.CASTLE_WKS) != 0) { fen.append("K"); } if ((board.getCastlingOptions() & BitBoard.CASTLE_WQS) != 0) { fen.append("Q"); } if ((board.getCastlingOptions() & BitBoard.CASTLE_BKS) != 0) { fen.append("k"); } if ((board.getCastlingOptions() & BitBoard.CASTLE_BQS) != 0) { fen.append("q"); } if (fen.length() == 0) { fen.append("-"); } return fen.toString(); } public static String generatePosition(BitBoard board) { StringBuilder fen = new StringBuilder(); for (int rank = 7; rank >= 0; rank--) { int emptyCount = 0; for (int file = 0; file < 8; file++) { long pos = 1L << (rank << 3) << file; String symbol = getSymbol((byte) (((board.getBitmapBlack() & pos) == 0 ? Piece.WHITE : Piece.BLACK) | board.getPiece(pos))); if (symbol == null) { emptyCount++; } else { if (emptyCount > 0) { fen.append(emptyCount); emptyCount = 0; } fen.append(symbol); } } if (emptyCount > 0) { fen.append(emptyCount); } if (rank > 0) { fen.append("/"); } } return fen.toString(); } static String getSymbol(byte piece) { byte pieceType = EngineUtils.getType(piece); if (pieceType == Piece.EMPTY) { return null; } String symbol = null; if (pieceType == Piece.PAWN) { symbol = "p"; } else if (pieceType == Piece.KNIGHT) { symbol = "n"; } else if (pieceType == Piece.BISHOP) { symbol = "b"; } else if (pieceType == Piece.ROOK) { symbol = "r"; } else if (pieceType == Piece.QUEEN) { symbol = "q"; } else if (pieceType == Piece.KING) { symbol = "k"; } if (EngineUtils.getColor(piece) == Piece.BLACK) { return symbol; } else { return symbol != null ? symbol.toUpperCase() : null; } } public static BitBoard loadPosition(String string, BitBoard board) { board.clear(); String[] fields = StringUtils.split(string); String[] ranks = StringUtils.split(fields[0], '/'); for (int rank = 7; rank >= 0; rank--) { int file = 0; for (int j = 0; j < ranks[7 - rank].length(); j++) { char c = ranks[7 - rank].charAt(j); switch (c) { case 'P': board.setPiece(file, rank, (byte) (Piece.PAWN | Piece.WHITE)); break; case 'p': board.setPiece(file, rank, (byte) (Piece.PAWN | Piece.BLACK)); break; case 'R': board.setPiece(file, rank, (byte) (Piece.ROOK | Piece.WHITE)); break; case 'r': board.setPiece(file, rank, (byte) (Piece.ROOK | Piece.BLACK)); break; case 'N': board.setPiece(file, rank, (byte) (Piece.KNIGHT | Piece.WHITE)); break; case 'n': board.setPiece(file, rank, (byte) (Piece.KNIGHT | Piece.BLACK)); break; case 'B': board.setPiece(file, rank, (byte) (Piece.BISHOP | Piece.WHITE)); break; case 'b': board.setPiece(file, rank, (byte) (Piece.BISHOP | Piece.BLACK)); break; case 'Q': board.setPiece(file, rank, (byte) (Piece.QUEEN | Piece.WHITE)); break; case 'q': board.setPiece(file, rank, (byte) (Piece.QUEEN | Piece.BLACK)); break; case 'K': board.setPiece(file, rank, (byte) (Piece.KING | Piece.WHITE)); break; case 'k': board.setPiece(file, rank, (byte) (Piece.KING | Piece.BLACK)); break; } if (c >= '1' && c <= '8') { file += c - '1'; } file++; } } board.setPlayer("b".equals(fields[1]) ? Piece.BLACK : Piece.WHITE); board.setCastlingOptions((byte) ((fields[2].contains("K") ? BitBoard.CASTLE_WKS : 0) | (fields[2].contains("Q") ? BitBoard.CASTLE_WQS : 0) | (fields[2].contains("k") ? BitBoard.CASTLE_BKS : 0) | (fields[2].contains("q") ? BitBoard.CASTLE_BQS : 0))); if (fields[3].length() == 2) { board.setEnPassantFile(FILES.indexOf(fields[3].charAt(0))); } else { board.setEnPassantFile(-1); } board.setMoveNumber(Short.parseShort(fields[5])); return board; } public static BitBoard getBoard(String fen) { BitBoard board = new BitBoard(); loadPosition(fen, board); return board; } }