Java tutorial
/** * Calculon - A Java chess-engine. * * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Barry Smith * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ package barrysw19.calculon.engine; import barrysw19.calculon.analyzer.GameScorer; import barrysw19.calculon.notation.PGNUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import barrysw19.calculon.engine.BitBoard.BitBoardMove; import barrysw19.calculon.opening.OpeningBook; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.FutureTask; import static; public class ChessEngine { private final static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ChessEngine.class); // As we can't have -MIN_VALUE being used... private final static int BIG_VALUE = 9_999_999; private final static int PRUNE_MARGIN = 1000; // Drop moves this much worse than best move. private static final ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2); private MoveGeneratorFactory moveGeneratorFactory = MoveGeneratorImpl::new; private final static Predicate<SearchContext> NORMAL_MOVES_ONLY = searchContext -> searchContext .getStatus() == SearchContext.Status.NORMAL; private GameScorer gameScorer; private int depthForSearch; private int qDepth = 5; private int targetTime = 30; private long terminateTime; private Cache<BitSet, Integer> scoreCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumSize(5 * 1024 * 1024).recordStats() .build(); public ChessEngine() { this(GameScorer.getDefaultScorer()); } public ChessEngine(int targetTime) { this(); this.targetTime = targetTime; } public ChessEngine(final GameScorer gameScorer) { this.gameScorer = gameScorer; } public final ChessEngine setQDepth(int qDepth) { this.qDepth = qDepth; return this; } /** * Mostly for testing purposes - allows mocked/test move generation. Could also be used to set * different generators for speed or quiescence. * @param moveGeneratorFactory Any move generator. */ public void setMoveGeneratorFactory(MoveGeneratorFactory moveGeneratorFactory) { this.moveGeneratorFactory = moveGeneratorFactory; } public String getPreferredMove(BitBoard bitBoard) { String bookMove = OpeningBook.getDefaultBook() == null ? null : OpeningBook.getDefaultBook().getBookMove(bitBoard); if (bookMove != null) {"Using book move: {}", bookMove); return PGNUtils.toPgnMoveMap(bitBoard).get(bookMove); } scoreCache.invalidateAll(); List<SearchContext> allMoves = new ArrayList<>(getScoredMoves(bitBoard)); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { Collections.sort(allMoves, (o1, o2) -> o1.getAlgebraicMove().compareTo(o2.getAlgebraicMove())); for (SearchContext ctx : allMoves) { LOG.debug("Final moves: {}", ctx); } } LOG.debug("Cache stats: {}", scoreCache.stats()); scoreCache.invalidateAll(); return selectBestMove(allMoves); } /** * Outer loop - responsible for getting the move scores and pruning them down to * the set to scan deeper. * * @param bitBoard The board to analyse. * @return The moves and scores. */ public List<SearchContext> getScoredMoves(BitBoard bitBoard) { terminateTime = System.nanoTime() + (targetTime * 1_000_000_000L); terminateTime -= 250_000_000L; // Safety margin for bullet games 0.25s depthForSearch = 1; LOG.debug("terminate at: " + terminateTime + ", current: " + System.nanoTime()); final Map<String, SearchContext> bestMoves = new HashMap<>(); final Map<String, SearchContext> allMoves = new HashMap<>(); while (true) { final List<SearchContext> bestMoveList = Lists.newArrayList(bestMoves.values()); LOG.debug("Search to depth {} with {} moves", depthForSearch, bestMoveList.size()); final List<SearchContext> scoredMoves = getScoredMoves(bitBoard, bestMoveList); boolean terminated = false; for (SearchContext result : scoredMoves) { LOG.debug("{}", result); if (result.getStatus() != SearchContext.Status.NORMAL) { terminated = true; continue; } // Put missing moves, or fully searched moves into the results map. if (!bestMoves.containsKey(result.getAlgebraicMove()) || result.getStatus() == SearchContext.Status.NORMAL) { bestMoves.put(result.getAlgebraicMove(), result); } } allMoves.putAll(bestMoves); int bestScore = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (SearchContext currentMove : bestMoves.values()) { bestScore = Math.min(bestScore, currentMove.getScore()); } final int pruneLevel = bestScore + PRUNE_MARGIN; LOG.debug("Best: {}, prune at: {}", bestScore, pruneLevel); // Remove moves which seem much worse than the best move so they don't get searched again. for (String move : new HashSet<>(bestMoves.keySet())) { if (bestMoves.get(move).getScore() > pruneLevel) { LOG.debug("Dropping move: {}", move); bestMoves.remove(move); } } // Return when time is up, or only one move is left, or a forced checkmate is found. if (terminated || bestMoves.size() <= 1 || bestScore <= GameScorer.MATE_SCORE) { return new ArrayList<>(allMoves.values()); } depthForSearch++; qDepth = Math.max(5, depthForSearch + 3); } } // package private for testing at present - test hook only SearchContext getScoredMove(final BitBoard bitBoard, String move, int depthForSearch, int qDepth) { this.qDepth = qDepth; terminateTime = System.nanoTime() + (targetTime * 1_000_000_000L); terminateTime -= 250_000_000L; // Safety margin for bullet games 0.25s this.depthForSearch = depthForSearch; this.qDepth = Math.max(5, depthForSearch + 3); SearchContext context = new SearchContext(move); return getScoredMoves(bitBoard, Collections.singletonList(context)).get(0); } private List<SearchContext> getScoredMoves(final BitBoard bitBoard, final List<SearchContext> movesFilter) { ImmutableMap<String, SearchContext> movesToAnalyse = Maps.uniqueIndex(movesFilter, SearchContext::getAlgebraicMove); List<FutureTask<SearchContext>> tasks = new ArrayList<>(); for (Iterator<BitBoardMove> moveItr = moveGeneratorFactory.createMoveGenerator(bitBoard); moveItr .hasNext();) { final BitBoardMove move =; final BitBoard cloneBitBoard = BitBoard.createCopy(bitBoard); final String algebraic = move.getAlgebraic(); if (!movesToAnalyse.isEmpty() && !movesToAnalyse.containsKey(algebraic)) { // LOG.debug("Skipping move {}", algebraic); continue; } FutureTask<SearchContext> scoredMoveFutureTask = new FutureTask<>(() -> { cloneBitBoard.makeMove(move); final SearchContext searchContext = new SearchContext(algebraic); int score = alphaBeta(-BIG_VALUE, BIG_VALUE, depthForSearch, cloneBitBoard, searchContext.descend()); searchContext.setScore(score); LOG.debug("Ran: {}", searchContext); cloneBitBoard.unmakeMove(); return searchContext; }); tasks.add(scoredMoveFutureTask); executorService.submit(scoredMoveFutureTask); } final List<SearchContext> rv = new ArrayList<>(); for (FutureTask<SearchContext> i : tasks) { try { rv.add(i.get()); } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) { LOG.error("Unexpected exception", e); } } return rv; } // Negamax private int alphaBeta(int alpha, int beta, int depthLeft, BitBoard bitBoard, SearchContext searchContext) throws ExecutionException { if (System.nanoTime() > terminateTime) { searchContext.setStatus(SearchContext.Status.TIMEOUT); searchContext.ascend(); return 0; } if (depthLeft <= 0) { searchContext.ascend(); return quiesce(bitBoard, alpha, beta, qDepth, searchContext.qDescend()); } Iterator<BitBoardMove> moveItr = moveGeneratorFactory.createMoveGenerator(bitBoard); if (!moveItr.hasNext()) { int rv = gameScorer.score(bitBoard); if (rv == GameScorer.MATE_SCORE) { rv *= (depthLeft + 1); // Prefer mate-in-1 to mate-in-2 } searchContext.ascend(); return rv; } while (moveItr.hasNext()) { BitBoardMove nextMove =; bitBoard.makeMove(nextMove); int score = -alphaBeta(-beta, -alpha, depthLeft - 1, bitBoard, searchContext.descend()); bitBoard.unmakeMove(); if (score >= beta) { searchContext.ascend(); searchContext.getMoves()[depthForSearch - depthLeft] = nextMove; return beta; } if (score > alpha) { alpha = score; } } searchContext.ascend(); return alpha; } private int quiesce(final BitBoard bitBoard, int alpha, int beta, int depth, SearchContext searchContext) throws ExecutionException { if (System.nanoTime() > terminateTime) { searchContext.setStatus(SearchContext.Status.TIMEOUT); searchContext.qAscend(); return 0; } final BitSet cacheObj = bitBoard.getCacheId(); final int standPat = scoreCache.get(cacheObj, () -> gameScorer.score(bitBoard)); List<BitBoardMove> threatMoves = new MoveGeneratorImpl(bitBoard).getThreateningMoves(); if (depth < 3 && !CheckDetector.isPlayerToMoveInCheck(bitBoard)) { threatMoves =; } //final boolean moveIsForced = threatMoves.size() == 1 && CheckDetector.isPlayerToMoveInCheck(bitBoard); // Apply the stand pat if the player could make a null move, or has no moves available. if (!CheckDetector.isPlayerToMoveInCheck(bitBoard) || standPat == GameScorer.MATE_SCORE) { if (standPat >= beta) { searchContext.qAscend(); return beta; } if (alpha < standPat) { alpha = standPat; } } if (depth <= 0) { searchContext.qAscend(); return beta; // Should this be alpha or beta?? } for (BitBoardMove move : threatMoves) { bitBoard.makeMove(move); int score = -quiesce(bitBoard, -beta, -alpha, depth - 1, searchContext.qDescend()); bitBoard.unmakeMove(); if (score >= beta) { searchContext.qAscend(); return beta; } if (score > alpha) { alpha = score; } } searchContext.qAscend(); return alpha; } private static List<SearchContext> selectBestMoves(List<SearchContext> allMoves) { return selectBestMoves(allMoves, 0, 5); } /** * Selects all moves sharing the lowest (i.e. best) score. * * @param allMoves All moves to parse. * @return The moves within margin. */ private static List<SearchContext> selectBestMoves(List<SearchContext> allMoves, int margin, int maxMoves) { if (allMoves.size() == 0) { return allMoves; } allMoves = Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.filter(allMoves, NORMAL_MOVES_ONLY)); Collections.sort(allMoves); int bestScore = allMoves.get(0).getScore(); while (allMoves.size() > maxMoves || allMoves.get(allMoves.size() - 1).getScore() > bestScore + margin) { allMoves.remove(allMoves.size() - 1); } return allMoves; } private static String selectBestMove(List<SearchContext> allMoves) { List<SearchContext> bestMoves = selectBestMoves(allMoves); if (bestMoves.size() == 0) { return null; } SearchContext selectedMove = bestMoves.get((int) (Math.random() * bestMoves.size()));"Selected move: {}", selectedMove); return selectedMove.getAlgebraicMove(); } public void setTargetTime(int max) { this.targetTime = max; } public interface MoveGeneratorFactory { MoveGenerator createMoveGenerator(BitBoard bitBoard); } }