Java tutorial
package backend; import gui.LoadingGIF; import java.awt.Desktop; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.prefs.Preferences; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import; import org.json.JSONObject; public class SoftwareSecurity { //tokens searched for to find values private final String activatedKeyToken = "supremeSharkBotActivated"; private final String enabledKeyToken = "supremeSharkBotEnabled"; private final String bannedKeyToken = "supremeSharkBotBanned"; private final String licenseStatusToken = "supremeSharkBotVersionStatusToken"; //build storage of pro vs regular private final int timeoutMS = 2000; private LoadingGIF loadingGIF; private final double thisVersionNumber; //version number, value is blank, upon initialize pulled from main class //vars storing values private String activationKeyValue; private boolean bannedKeyValue; private boolean enabledKeyValue; private licenseStatusEnum licenseStatusValue; //enums private enum botStatusEnum { BANNED, ENABLED, UNENABLED }; private enum licenseStatusEnum { PRO, REGULAR, ERROR }; private Preferences prefs; public SoftwareSecurity(LoadingGIF loadingGIF) { this.loadingGIF = loadingGIF; //passes loading gif jframe so that this class can update its text this.thisVersionNumber = Main.getThisVersionNumber(); //assign version number, stored in main class } public void initialize() { System.out.println(this.getClass().getName()); loadingGIF.passUI("Checking activation key"); prefs = Preferences.userRoot().node(this.getClass().getName()); activationKeyValue = prefs.get(activatedKeyToken, "failed"); //sets activationKeyValue, itll be failed if failed System.out.println("activationKeyValue: " + activationKeyValue); loadingGIF.passUI("Checking license activity"); bannedKeyValue = prefs.getBoolean(bannedKeyToken, false); //sets banned value, banned is false upon failure System.out.println("bannedKeyValue from storage: " + bannedKeyValue); if (checkBanned()) { //it was banned prefs.putBoolean(bannedKeyToken, true); System.out.println("License was banned"); bannedKeyValue = true; } System.out.println("bannedKeyValue following server check: " + bannedKeyValue); loadingGIF.passUI("Checking if activated"); enabledKeyValue = prefs.getBoolean(enabledKeyToken, false); //if enabled couldnt be recovered enabled was false System.out.println("enabledKeyValue: " + enabledKeyValue); loadingGIF.passUI("Checking license status"); licenseStatusValue = licenseStatusEnum.valueOf(prefs.get(licenseStatusToken, "ERROR")); //version set to error if version couldn't be recovered System.out.println("licenseStatusValue from storage: " + licenseStatusValue); checkLicenseStatus(); //checks license status from server System.out.println("licenseStatusValue following server check: " + licenseStatusValue); Object[] res = checkOutdated(); //array of boolean of if its outdated and JSON of version info if ((Boolean) res[0]) updateSoftware((JSONObject) res[1]); } public void clearPrefsRoot() { prefs.remove(enabledKeyToken); prefs.remove(bannedKeyToken); prefs.remove(licenseStatusToken); prefs.remove(activatedKeyToken); } private void updateSoftware(JSONObject JSON) { System.out.println("Updating software"); String version = JSON.getString("version"); String features = JSON.getString("message"); Prompter.throwSuccess("Update Offers: " + features, "Supreme Shark Bot v " + version + " Now Available"); Prompter.throwSuccess( "Your web browser will no open with the link to the newest version. If prompted, chose to save the file \nand not open it. Click launch help on the bot home screen once the bot opens for a detailed installation video.", "Update Instructions"); try { Desktop.getDesktop() .browse(new URI("" + activationKeyValue)); } catch (Exception e) { Prompter.throwError( "Your browser is not supported for bot updates, please email us at for assistance", "Browser Not Supported"); } } private Object[] checkOutdated() { //returns [true, JSON from version script on server] or [false, JSON from version script on server] JSONObject newestVersionInfo = connectToServer(""); double newestVersionNumber = newestVersionInfo.getDouble("version"); System.out.println(newestVersionNumber > thisVersionNumber ? "newestVersionNumber: " + newestVersionNumber + " > " + "thisVersionNumber: " + thisVersionNumber : "newestVersionNumber: " + newestVersionNumber + " <= " + "thisVersionNumber: " + thisVersionNumber); return new Object[] { newestVersionNumber > thisVersionNumber, newestVersionInfo }; } private botStatusEnum checkStatus() { //returns status of bot return bannedKeyValue ? botStatusEnum.BANNED : (enabledKeyValue ? botStatusEnum.ENABLED : botStatusEnum.UNENABLED); } public void processStatus() { if (botStatusEnum.BANNED.equals(checkStatus())) { //banned message("This license has been banned, exiting now", "Banned"); System.exit(0); } else if (botStatusEnum.ENABLED.equals(checkStatus())) { //everything worked out, send them back to main if (licenseStatusEnum.ERROR.equals(licenseStatusValue)) checkLicenseStatus(); //license status not determined } else if (attemptActivation(getKeyFromUser())) { //needs to be activated, gets key then tries to activate setActivated(); } } private void setActivated() { prefs.put(activatedKeyToken, activationKeyValue); //set activation key in storage prefs.putBoolean(enabledKeyToken, true); prefs.putBoolean(bannedKeyToken, false); System.out.println("Bot Activated in Storage"); initialize(); //simulates bot being launched, causing a banned check and double security } private String getKeyFromUser() { //prompts user for key boolean ready = false; String keyRes = null; while (!ready) { keyRes = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter Activation Key (Requires Internet Connection):", "Activate Supreme Shark Bot", 3); if (null == keyRes) { //they clicked x or cancel to activation prompt System.out.println("Activation Prompted Exited, Software Quitting"); System.exit(0); } else if (!keyRes.isEmpty()) { //the keyRes wasn't blank ready = true; System.out.println("Activation Key Entered: " + keyRes); } } return keyRes; } private boolean attemptActivation(String userEnteredKey) { boolean res = connectToServer(makeActivationLink(userEnteredKey)).getBoolean("success"); System.out.println("Server Response to Activation: " + res); if (res) { message("Activated Successfully!", "Success"); activationKeyValue = userEnteredKey; //set the key so it can be accessed by setActivates return (enabledKeyValue = true); } else if (!res) { message("Activation Failed! Activation key invalid or already used", "Activation Failed"); } else { message("Unable to connect to activation server", "Connection Failed"); } System.exit(0); return false; } private String makeActivationLink(String enteredKey) { String macAddress = "unreachable"; String ipAddress = "unreachable"; try { String[] res = getMacAndIPAddresses(); ipAddress = res[0]; macAddress = res[1]; } catch (IOException e) { //returns unreachable for both } return "" + enteredKey + "&mac_address=" + macAddress + "&ip_address=" + ipAddress; } private JSONObject connectToServer(String site) { //every call to this method must add to the blankjsonobjectmadetoavoiderrors if it calls a new json key try { URLConnection con = new URL(site).openConnection(); con.setConnectTimeout(timeoutMS); con.setReadTimeout(timeoutMS); InputStream in = con.getInputStream(); String encoding = con.getContentEncoding(); System.out.println("Server connection successful, returning JSON from server"); return new JSONObject(IOUtils.toString(in, encoding == null ? "UTF-8" : encoding)); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error during server connection: " + e.getMessage()); } JSONObject blankJSONObjectMadeToAvoidErrors = new JSONObject(); //returns json object with values expected to avoid org.jsonexception blankJSONObjectMadeToAvoidErrors.put("banned", "no"); blankJSONObjectMadeToAvoidErrors.put("version", 0.1); blankJSONObjectMadeToAvoidErrors.put("success", false); blankJSONObjectMadeToAvoidErrors.put("licenseType", ""); return blankJSONObjectMadeToAvoidErrors; //returns null if error connecting } private String[] getMacAndIPAddresses() throws IOException { String macAddress; String ipAddress; //get ip ipAddress = ("External:'" + new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new URL("").openStream())) .readLine() + "',Host:" + InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress() + "'"); //get mac byte[] mac = NetworkInterface.getByInetAddress(InetAddress.getLocalHost()).getHardwareAddress(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < mac.length; i++) sb.append(String.format("%02X%s", mac[i], (i < mac.length - 1) ? "-" : "")); macAddress = sb.toString(); //return the values as a string array return new String[] { ipAddress, macAddress }; } private boolean checkBanned() { //return true if it was banned return "yes".equals( connectToServer("" + activationKeyValue).get("banned")); } public boolean getVersionIsPro() { return licenseStatusEnum.PRO.equals(licenseStatusValue); } public double getThisVersionNumber() { return thisVersionNumber; } private void checkLicenseStatus() {//makes sure their version status wasn't an error licenseStatusEnum res = null; try { res = licenseStatusEnum.valueOf((String) connectToServer( "" + activationKeyValue) .get("licenseType")); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Couldn't get license status"); } if (null != res && !licenseStatusEnum.ERROR.equals(res)) { //server had a licenseStatus, giving them that one System.out.println("License From Server Was: " + res + ", Setting licenseStatusValue As Such"); licenseStatusValue = res; prefs.put(licenseStatusToken, licenseStatusValue.toString()); } else if (licenseStatusEnum.ERROR.equals(licenseStatusValue)) {//server and storage doesn't know, they're getting regular and hopefully that's what they paid for System.out.println("License From Server And Storage Was Null, Giving Them Regular"); licenseStatusValue = licenseStatusEnum.REGULAR; } } private void message(String message, String title) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message, title == null ? "Supreme Shark Bot" : title, 3); } public String getActivationKeyValue() { return activationKeyValue; } public boolean deactivateLicense() { //called by GUI to deactivate license boolean res = connectToServer( "" + Main.getActivationKey()) .getBoolean("success"); if (res) clearPrefsRoot(); //deactivated successfully, remove their license from computer return res; } }