Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 LinkedIn Corp. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package azkaban.utils; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; import azkaban.Constants; import azkaban.Constants.ConfigurationKeys; import azkaban.alert.Alerter; import azkaban.executor.ExecutableFlow; import azkaban.executor.ExecutorLoader; import azkaban.executor.ExecutorManagerException; import azkaban.executor.mail.DefaultMailCreator; import azkaban.executor.mail.MailCreator; import azkaban.metrics.CommonMetrics; import azkaban.sla.SlaOption; import java.time.Duration; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Singleton; import javax.mail.internet.AddressException; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; @Singleton public class Emailer extends AbstractMailer implements Alerter { private static final String HTTPS = "https"; private static final String HTTP = "http"; private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Emailer.class); private final CommonMetrics commonMetrics; private final String scheme; private final String clientHostname; private final String clientPortNumber; private final String azkabanName; private final ExecutorLoader executorLoader; @Inject public Emailer(final Props props, final CommonMetrics commonMetrics, final EmailMessageCreator messageCreator, final ExecutorLoader executorLoader) { super(props, messageCreator); this.executorLoader = requireNonNull(executorLoader, "executorLoader is null."); this.commonMetrics = requireNonNull(commonMetrics, "commonMetrics is null."); this.azkabanName = props.getString("", "azkaban"); final int mailTimeout = props.getInt("mail.timeout.millis", 30000); EmailMessage.setTimeout(mailTimeout); final int connectionTimeout = props.getInt("mail.connection.timeout.millis", 30000); EmailMessage.setConnectionTimeout(connectionTimeout); EmailMessage.setTotalAttachmentMaxSize(getAttachmentMaxSize()); this.clientHostname = props.getString(ConfigurationKeys.AZKABAN_WEBSERVER_EXTERNAL_HOSTNAME, props.getString("jetty.hostname", "localhost")); if (props.getBoolean("jetty.use.ssl", true)) { this.scheme = HTTPS; this.clientPortNumber = Integer .toString(props.getInt(ConfigurationKeys.AZKABAN_WEBSERVER_EXTERNAL_SSL_PORT, props.getInt("jetty.ssl.port", Constants.DEFAULT_SSL_PORT_NUMBER))); } else { this.scheme = HTTP; this.clientPortNumber = Integer.toString(props.getInt(ConfigurationKeys.AZKABAN_WEBSERVER_EXTERNAL_PORT, props.getInt("jetty.port", Constants.DEFAULT_PORT_NUMBER))); } } public String getAzkabanURL() { return this.scheme + "://" + this.clientHostname + ":" + this.clientPortNumber; } /** * Send an email to the specified email list */ public void sendEmail(final List<String> emailList, final String subject, final String body) { if (emailList != null && !emailList.isEmpty()) { final EmailMessage message = super.createEmailMessage(subject, "text/html", emailList); message.setBody(body); sendEmail(message, true, "email message " + body); } } @Override public void alertOnSla(final SlaOption slaOption, final String slaMessage) { final String subject = "SLA violation for " + getJobOrFlowName(slaOption) + " on " + getAzkabanName(); final List<String> emailList = (List<String>) slaOption.getInfo().get(SlaOption.INFO_EMAIL_LIST);"Sending SLA email " + slaMessage); sendEmail(emailList, subject, slaMessage); } @Override public void alertOnFirstError(final ExecutableFlow flow) { final EmailMessage message = this.messageCreator.createMessage(); final MailCreator mailCreator = getMailCreator(flow); final boolean mailCreated = mailCreator.createFirstErrorMessage(flow, message, this.azkabanName, this.scheme, this.clientHostname, this.clientPortNumber); sendEmail(message, mailCreated, "first error email message for execution " + flow.getExecutionId()); } @Override public void alertOnError(final ExecutableFlow flow, final String... extraReasons) { final EmailMessage message = this.messageCreator.createMessage(); final MailCreator mailCreator = getMailCreator(flow); List<ExecutableFlow> last72hoursExecutions = new ArrayList<>(); if (flow.getStartTime() > 0) { final long startTime = flow.getStartTime() - Duration.ofHours(72).toMillis(); try { last72hoursExecutions = this.executorLoader.fetchFlowHistory(flow.getProjectId(), flow.getFlowId(), startTime); } catch (final ExecutorManagerException e) { logger.error("unable to fetch past executions", e); } } final boolean mailCreated = mailCreator.createErrorEmail(flow, last72hoursExecutions, message, this.azkabanName, this.scheme, this.clientHostname, this.clientPortNumber, extraReasons); sendEmail(message, mailCreated, "error email message for execution " + flow.getExecutionId()); } @Override public void alertOnSuccess(final ExecutableFlow flow) { final EmailMessage message = this.messageCreator.createMessage(); final MailCreator mailCreator = getMailCreator(flow); final boolean mailCreated = mailCreator.createSuccessEmail(flow, message, this.azkabanName, this.scheme, this.clientHostname, this.clientPortNumber); sendEmail(message, mailCreated, "success email message for execution" + flow.getExecutionId()); } private MailCreator getMailCreator(final ExecutableFlow flow) { final String name = flow.getExecutionOptions().getMailCreator(); return getMailCreator(name); } private MailCreator getMailCreator(final String name) { final MailCreator mailCreator = DefaultMailCreator.getCreator(name); logger.debug("ExecutorMailer using mail creator:" + mailCreator.getClass().getCanonicalName()); return mailCreator; } public void sendEmail(final EmailMessage message, final boolean mailCreated, final String operation) { if (mailCreated) { try { message.sendEmail();"Sent " + operation); this.commonMetrics.markSendEmailSuccess(); } catch (final Exception e) { logger.error("Failed to send " + operation, e); if (!(e instanceof AddressException)) { this.commonMetrics.markSendEmailFail(); } } } } private String getJobOrFlowName(final SlaOption slaOption) { final String flowName = (String) slaOption.getInfo().get(SlaOption.INFO_FLOW_NAME); final String jobName = (String) slaOption.getInfo().get(SlaOption.INFO_JOB_NAME); if (org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isNotBlank(jobName)) { return flowName + ":" + jobName; } else { return flowName; } } }