Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2017 LinkedIn Corp. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package azkaban.executor; import azkaban.db.DatabaseOperator; import azkaban.db.EncodingType; import azkaban.db.SQLTransaction; import azkaban.utils.GZIPUtils; import azkaban.utils.JSONUtils; import azkaban.utils.Pair; import; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.time.Duration; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Singleton; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.ResultSetHandler; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; @Singleton public class ExecutionFlowDao { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ExecutionFlowDao.class); private final DatabaseOperator dbOperator; @Inject public ExecutionFlowDao(final DatabaseOperator dbOperator) { this.dbOperator = dbOperator; } public synchronized void uploadExecutableFlow(final ExecutableFlow flow) throws ExecutorManagerException { final String INSERT_EXECUTABLE_FLOW = "INSERT INTO execution_flows " + "(project_id, flow_id, version, status, submit_time, submit_user, update_time) " + "values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; final long submitTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); flow.setStatus(Status.PREPARING); /** * Why we need a transaction to get last insert ID? * Because "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()" needs to have the same connection * as inserting the new entry. * See */ final SQLTransaction<Long> insertAndGetLastID = transOperator -> { transOperator.update(INSERT_EXECUTABLE_FLOW, flow.getProjectId(), flow.getFlowId(), flow.getVersion(), Status.PREPARING.getNumVal(), submitTime, flow.getSubmitUser(), submitTime); transOperator.getConnection().commit(); return transOperator.getLastInsertId(); }; try { final long id = this.dbOperator.transaction(insertAndGetLastID);"Flow given " + flow.getFlowId() + " given id " + id); flow.setExecutionId((int) id); updateExecutableFlow(flow); } catch (final SQLException e) { throw new ExecutorManagerException("Error creating execution.", e); } } List<ExecutableFlow> fetchFlowHistory(final int skip, final int num) throws ExecutorManagerException { try { return this.dbOperator.query(FetchExecutableFlows.FETCH_ALL_EXECUTABLE_FLOW_HISTORY, new FetchExecutableFlows(), skip, num); } catch (final SQLException e) { throw new ExecutorManagerException("Error fetching flow History", e); } } List<ExecutableFlow> fetchFlowHistory(final int projectId, final String flowId, final int skip, final int num) throws ExecutorManagerException { try { return this.dbOperator.query(FetchExecutableFlows.FETCH_EXECUTABLE_FLOW_HISTORY, new FetchExecutableFlows(), projectId, flowId, skip, num); } catch (final SQLException e) { throw new ExecutorManagerException("Error fetching flow history", e); } } public List<Pair<ExecutionReference, ExecutableFlow>> fetchQueuedFlows() throws ExecutorManagerException { try { return this.dbOperator.query(FetchQueuedExecutableFlows.FETCH_QUEUED_EXECUTABLE_FLOW, new FetchQueuedExecutableFlows()); } catch (final SQLException e) { throw new ExecutorManagerException("Error fetching active flows", e); } } /** * fetch flow execution history with specified {@code projectId}, {@code flowId} and flow start * time >= {@code startTime} * * @return the list of flows meeting the specified criteria */ public List<ExecutableFlow> fetchFlowHistory(final int projectId, final String flowId, final long startTime) throws ExecutorManagerException { try { return this.dbOperator.query(FetchExecutableFlows.FETCH_EXECUTABLE_FLOW_BY_START_TIME, new FetchExecutableFlows(), projectId, flowId, startTime); } catch (final SQLException e) { throw new ExecutorManagerException("Error fetching historic flows", e); } } List<ExecutableFlow> fetchFlowHistory(final int projectId, final String flowId, final int skip, final int num, final Status status) throws ExecutorManagerException { try { return this.dbOperator.query(FetchExecutableFlows.FETCH_EXECUTABLE_FLOW_BY_STATUS, new FetchExecutableFlows(), projectId, flowId, status.getNumVal(), skip, num); } catch (final SQLException e) { throw new ExecutorManagerException("Error fetching active flows", e); } } List<ExecutableFlow> fetchRecentlyFinishedFlows(final Duration maxAge) throws ExecutorManagerException { try { return this.dbOperator.query(FetchRecentlyFinishedFlows.FETCH_RECENTLY_FINISHED_FLOW, new FetchRecentlyFinishedFlows(), System.currentTimeMillis() - maxAge.toMillis(), Status.SUCCEEDED.getNumVal(), Status.KILLED.getNumVal(), Status.FAILED.getNumVal()); } catch (final SQLException e) { throw new ExecutorManagerException("Error fetching recently finished flows", e); } } List<ExecutableFlow> fetchFlowHistory(final String projContain, final String flowContains, final String userNameContains, final int status, final long startTime, final long endTime, final int skip, final int num) throws ExecutorManagerException { String query = FetchExecutableFlows.FETCH_BASE_EXECUTABLE_FLOW_QUERY; final List<Object> params = new ArrayList<>(); boolean first = true; if (projContain != null && !projContain.isEmpty()) { query += " JOIN projects p ON ef.project_id = WHERE name LIKE ?"; params.add('%' + projContain + '%'); first = false; } // todo kunkun-tang: we don't need the below complicated logics. We should just use a simple way. if (flowContains != null && !flowContains.isEmpty()) { if (first) { query += " WHERE "; first = false; } else { query += " AND "; } query += " flow_id LIKE ?"; params.add('%' + flowContains + '%'); } if (userNameContains != null && !userNameContains.isEmpty()) { if (first) { query += " WHERE "; first = false; } else { query += " AND "; } query += " submit_user LIKE ?"; params.add('%' + userNameContains + '%'); } if (status != 0) { if (first) { query += " WHERE "; first = false; } else { query += " AND "; } query += " status = ?"; params.add(status); } if (startTime > 0) { if (first) { query += " WHERE "; first = false; } else { query += " AND "; } query += " start_time > ?"; params.add(startTime); } if (endTime > 0) { if (first) { query += " WHERE "; } else { query += " AND "; } query += " end_time < ?"; params.add(endTime); } if (skip > -1 && num > 0) { query += " ORDER BY exec_id DESC LIMIT ?, ?"; params.add(skip); params.add(num); } try { return this.dbOperator.query(query, new FetchExecutableFlows(), params.toArray()); } catch (final SQLException e) { throw new ExecutorManagerException("Error fetching active flows", e); } } void updateExecutableFlow(final ExecutableFlow flow) throws ExecutorManagerException { updateExecutableFlow(flow, EncodingType.GZIP); } private void updateExecutableFlow(final ExecutableFlow flow, final EncodingType encType) throws ExecutorManagerException { final String UPDATE_EXECUTABLE_FLOW_DATA = "UPDATE execution_flows " + "SET status=?,update_time=?,start_time=?,end_time=?,enc_type=?,flow_data=? " + "WHERE exec_id=?"; final String json = JSONUtils.toJSON(flow.toObject()); byte[] data = null; try { final byte[] stringData = json.getBytes("UTF-8"); data = stringData; // Todo kunkun-tang: use a common method to transform stringData to data. if (encType == EncodingType.GZIP) { data = GZIPUtils.gzipBytes(stringData); } } catch (final IOException e) { throw new ExecutorManagerException("Error encoding the execution flow."); } try { this.dbOperator.update(UPDATE_EXECUTABLE_FLOW_DATA, flow.getStatus().getNumVal(), flow.getUpdateTime(), flow.getStartTime(), flow.getEndTime(), encType.getNumVal(), data, flow.getExecutionId()); } catch (final SQLException e) { throw new ExecutorManagerException("Error updating flow.", e); } } public ExecutableFlow fetchExecutableFlow(final int execId) throws ExecutorManagerException { final FetchExecutableFlows flowHandler = new FetchExecutableFlows(); try { final List<ExecutableFlow> properties = this.dbOperator .query(FetchExecutableFlows.FETCH_EXECUTABLE_FLOW, flowHandler, execId); if (properties.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { return properties.get(0); } } catch (final SQLException e) { throw new ExecutorManagerException("Error fetching flow id " + execId, e); } } public static class FetchExecutableFlows implements ResultSetHandler<List<ExecutableFlow>> { static String FETCH_EXECUTABLE_FLOW_BY_START_TIME = "SELECT ef.exec_id, ef.enc_type, ef.flow_data FROM execution_flows ef WHERE project_id=? " + "AND flow_id=? AND start_time >= ? ORDER BY start_time DESC"; static String FETCH_BASE_EXECUTABLE_FLOW_QUERY = "SELECT ef.exec_id, ef.enc_type, ef.flow_data FROM execution_flows ef"; static String FETCH_EXECUTABLE_FLOW = "SELECT exec_id, enc_type, flow_data FROM execution_flows " + "WHERE exec_id=?"; static String FETCH_ALL_EXECUTABLE_FLOW_HISTORY = "SELECT exec_id, enc_type, flow_data FROM execution_flows " + "ORDER BY exec_id DESC LIMIT ?, ?"; static String FETCH_EXECUTABLE_FLOW_HISTORY = "SELECT exec_id, enc_type, flow_data FROM execution_flows " + "WHERE project_id=? AND flow_id=? " + "ORDER BY exec_id DESC LIMIT ?, ?"; static String FETCH_EXECUTABLE_FLOW_BY_STATUS = "SELECT exec_id, enc_type, flow_data FROM execution_flows " + "WHERE project_id=? AND flow_id=? AND status=? " + "ORDER BY exec_id DESC LIMIT ?, ?"; @Override public List<ExecutableFlow> handle(final ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { if (! { return Collections.emptyList(); } final List<ExecutableFlow> execFlows = new ArrayList<>(); do { final int id = rs.getInt(1); final int encodingType = rs.getInt(2); final byte[] data = rs.getBytes(3); if (data != null) { final EncodingType encType = EncodingType.fromInteger(encodingType); try { final ExecutableFlow exFlow = ExecutableFlow .createExecutableFlowFromObject(GZIPUtils.transformBytesToObject(data, encType)); execFlows.add(exFlow); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new SQLException("Error retrieving flow data " + id, e); } } } while (; return execFlows; } } /** * JDBC ResultSetHandler to fetch queued executions */ private static class FetchQueuedExecutableFlows implements ResultSetHandler<List<Pair<ExecutionReference, ExecutableFlow>>> { // Select queued unassigned flows private static final String FETCH_QUEUED_EXECUTABLE_FLOW = "SELECT exec_id, enc_type, flow_data FROM execution_flows" + " Where executor_id is NULL AND status = " + Status.PREPARING.getNumVal(); @Override public List<Pair<ExecutionReference, ExecutableFlow>> handle(final ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { if (! { return Collections.emptyList(); } final List<Pair<ExecutionReference, ExecutableFlow>> execFlows = new ArrayList<>(); do { final int id = rs.getInt(1); final int encodingType = rs.getInt(2); final byte[] data = rs.getBytes(3); if (data == null) { logger.error("Found a flow with empty data blob exec_id: " + id); } else { final EncodingType encType = EncodingType.fromInteger(encodingType); try { final ExecutableFlow exFlow = ExecutableFlow .createExecutableFlowFromObject(GZIPUtils.transformBytesToObject(data, encType)); final ExecutionReference ref = new ExecutionReference(id); execFlows.add(new Pair<>(ref, exFlow)); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new SQLException("Error retrieving flow data " + id, e); } } } while (; return execFlows; } } private static class FetchRecentlyFinishedFlows implements ResultSetHandler<List<ExecutableFlow>> { // Execution_flows table is already indexed by end_time private static final String FETCH_RECENTLY_FINISHED_FLOW = "SELECT exec_id, enc_type, flow_data FROM execution_flows " + "WHERE end_time > ? AND status IN (?, ?, ?)"; @Override public List<ExecutableFlow> handle(final ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { if (! { return Collections.emptyList(); } final List<ExecutableFlow> execFlows = new ArrayList<>(); do { final int id = rs.getInt(1); final int encodingType = rs.getInt(2); final byte[] data = rs.getBytes(3); if (data != null) { final EncodingType encType = EncodingType.fromInteger(encodingType); try { final ExecutableFlow exFlow = ExecutableFlow .createExecutableFlowFromObject(GZIPUtils.transformBytesToObject(data, encType)); execFlows.add(exFlow); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new SQLException("Error retrieving flow data " + id, e); } } } while (; return execFlows; } } }