Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2013 Robert Nyholm. All rights reserved.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor;
import android.content.SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener;
import android.util.Log;

 * Class responsible for all {@link SharedPreferences} handling.<br>
 * <b><i>PreferencesHandler is a singleton, eagerly initialized to avoid concurrent modification.</i></b>
 * @author Robert Nyholm <>
 * @version 2.3.1
 * @since 2.0
public class SharedPreferencesHandler {
     * The different valid data types, for storing and fetching {@link SharedPreferences}.
     * @author Robert Nyholm <>
     * @version 2.3.1
     * @since 2.1
    public enum DataType {

     * The different valid {@link SharedPreferences}.
     * @author Robert Nyholm <>
     * @version 2.3.1
     * @since 2.1
    public enum PrefKey {
        // @formatter:off
        SHARED_PREF("smsAlarmPrefs", ReportRule.NO_REPORT,
                "Shared preferences main key"), PRIMARY_LISTEN_NUMBER_KEY("primaryListenNumberKey",
                        ReportRule.NO_REPORT, "Primary listen number"), // Not used after version code 8
        PRIMARY_LISTEN_NUMBERS_KEY("primaryListenNumbersKey", ReportRule.REPORT_ANONYMIZE,
                "Primary alarm triggering phone numbers used"), SECONDARY_LISTEN_NUMBERS_KEY(
                        "secondaryListenNumbersKey", ReportRule.REPORT_ANONYMIZE,
                        "Secondary alarm triggering phone numbers used"), PRIMARY_LISTEN_FREE_TEXTS_KEY(
                                "primaryListenFreeTextsKey", ReportRule.REPORT_ANONYMIZE,
                                "Primary alarm triggering words used"), SECONDARY_LISTEN_FREE_TEXTS_KEY(
                                        "secondaryListenFreeTextsKey", ReportRule.REPORT_ANONYMIZE,
                                        "Secondary alarm triggering words used"), PRIMARY_MESSAGE_TONE_KEY(
                                                "primaryMessageToneKey", ReportRule.NO_REPORT,
                                                "Primary message tone"), // Not used after version code 13
        SECONDARY_MESSAGE_TONE_KEY("secondaryMessageToneKey", ReportRule.NO_REPORT, "Secondary message tone"), // Not used after version code 13
        ENABLE_ACK_KEY("enableAckKey", ReportRule.REPORT_RAW, "Enable acknowledgement"), ACK_NUMBER_KEY("ackNumber",
                ReportRule.NO_REPORT, "Phone number for acknowledgement"), ACK_MESSAGE_KEY("ackMessageKey",
                        ReportRule.NO_REPORT, "Message for acknowledgement"), ACK_METHOD_KEY("ackMethodKey",
                                ReportRule.REPORT_RAW, "Method for acknowledgement"), USE_OS_SOUND_SETTINGS_KEY(
                                        "useOsSoundSettings", ReportRule.REPORT_RAW,
                                        "Use operating systems sound settings"), PLAY_TONE_TWICE_KEY(
                                                "playToneTwice", ReportRule.NO_REPORT, "Play tone twice"), // Not used after version code 13
        PLAY_ALARM_SIGNAL_TWICE_KEY("playAlarmSignalTwice", ReportRule.REPORT_RAW,
                "Play alarm signal twice"), PLAY_ALARM_SIGNAL_REPEATEDLY_KEY("playAlarmSignalRepeatedly",
                        ReportRule.REPORT_RAW, "Play alarm signal repeatedly"), ENABLE_SMS_ALARM_KEY(
                                "enableSmsAlarm", ReportRule.REPORT_RAW, "Enable Sms Alarm"), RESCUE_SERVICE_KEY(
                                        "rescueService", ReportRule.NO_REPORT, "Rescue service name used"), // Not used after version code 19
        ORGANIZATION_KEY("organization", ReportRule.REPORT_ANONYMIZE, "Organization name used"), HAS_CALLED_KEY(
                "hasCalled", ReportRule.NO_REPORT, "Has called"), END_USER_LICENSE_AGREED("userLicenseAgreed",
                        ReportRule.NO_REPORT, "End user license agreed"), VERSION_CODE("versionCode",
                                ReportRule.NO_REPORT, "Version code"), USE_FLASH_NOTIFICATION(
                                        "useFlashNotification", ReportRule.REPORT_RAW,
                                        "Use flash notification"), PRIMARY_ALARM_SIGNAL_KEY("primaryAlarmSignalKey",
                                                "Primary alarm signal"), SECONDARY_ALARM_SIGNAL_KEY(
                                                        "secondaryAlarmSignalKey", ReportRule.NO_REPORT,
                                                        "Secondary alarm signal"), USER_ADDED_ALARM_SIGNALS_KEY(
                                                                "User added alarm signals used"), PRIMARY_ALARM_VIBRATION_KEY(
                                                                        "Primary alarm vibration"), SECONDARY_ALARM_VIBRATION_KEY(
                                                                                "Secondary alarm vibration"), ENABLE_SMS_DEBUG_LOGGING(
                                                                                        "Enable SMS debugging"), PRIMARY_LISTEN_REGULAR_EXPRESSIONS_KEY(
                                                                                                "Primary alarm triggering regular expressions used"), SECONDARY_LISTEN_REGULAR_EXPRESSIONS_KEY(
                                                                                                        "Secondary alarm triggering regular expressions used"), SHOW_SPLASH_SCREEN_KEY(
                                                                                                                "Show splash screen"), UNDEFINED_KEY(
                                                                                                                        "Undefined setting");
        // @formatter:on

        // The actual key to which data will be stored and fetched from
        private final String key;

        // Text of key written in a more readable way used only when data is sent to Google Analytics
        private final String reportText;

        // Rule which decide how the shared preference associated to this PrefKey should be reported to Google Analytics, if it should be reported
        private final ReportRule reportRule;

         * Creates a new {@link PrefKey}.
         * @param key
         *            Value(key) to associate with the PrefKey enumeration. This key is the actual key that data will be stored to or fetched from
         *            {@link SharedPreferences} with.
         * @param reportRule
         *            Rule which decide how the shared preference associated to this PrefKey should be reported to Google Analytics, if it should be
         *            reported.
         * @param reportText
         *            Text of shared preference used when PrefKey is reported to Google Analytics.
        private PrefKey(String key, ReportRule reportRule, String reportText) {
            this.key = key;
            this.reportRule = reportRule;
            this.reportText = reportText;

         * To get the actual <code>Key</code> with which data is stored to and fetched from {@link SharedPreferences} with.
         * @return The <code>Key</code>.
        public String getKey() {
            return key;

         * To get the text of this {@link PrefKey} which should be sent of to Google Analytics.
         * @return The <code>reportText</code>.
        public String getReportText() {
            return reportText;

         * To get the {@link ReportRule} associated with the {@link SharedPreferences} stored with this {@link PrefKey}'s key.
         * @return The <code>ReportRule</code>.
        public ReportRule getReportRule() {
            return reportRule;

         * To resolve a {@link PrefKey} from given key as {@link String}.
         * @param key
         *            Key from which a <code>PrefKey</code> will be resolved from.
         * @return Resolved <code>PrefKey</code>, if no <code>PrefKey</code> can be resolved then {@link PrefKey#UNDEFINED_KEY} will be returned.
        public static PrefKey of(String key) {
            PrefKey resolvedPrefKey = UNDEFINED_KEY;

            for (PrefKey prefKey : PrefKey.values()) {
                if (prefKey.getKey().equals(key)) {
                    resolvedPrefKey = prefKey;

            return resolvedPrefKey;

    // Singleton instance of this class, eagerly initialized
    private static SharedPreferencesHandler INSTANCE = new SharedPreferencesHandler();

    private static final String LOG_TAG = SharedPreferencesHandler.class.getSimpleName();

    // Variables needed for retrieving shared preferences
    private SharedPreferences sharedPref;
    private Editor prefsEditor;

    // Need a listener to discover changes made in the shared preferences
    private final OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener listener;

     * Creates a new instance of {@link SharedPreferencesHandler}.
    private SharedPreferencesHandler() {
        if (INSTANCE != null) {
            Log.e(LOG_TAG + ":SharedPreferencesHandler()", "SharedPreferencesHandler already instantiated");

        // Set up the listener only once as it should have the same behavior all the time
        listener = new SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener() {
            public void onSharedPreferenceChanged(SharedPreferences prefs, String key) {
                // Report the change
                GoogleAnalyticsHandler.sendSettingsChangedEvent(prefs, key);

     * To get the <b><i>singleton</i></b> instance of {@link SharedPreferencesHandler}.
     * @return Instance of <code>PreferencesHandler</code>.
    public static SharedPreferencesHandler getInstance() {
        return INSTANCE;

     * To fetch values in {@link SharedPreferences}. It fetches different values depending on input parameters.<br>
     * Returns fetched value if all is fine else an {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown.
     * <p>
     * Example usage:<br>
     * <code>String s = fetchPrefs(PrefKey.SHARED_PREF, PrefKey.ACK_NUMBER_KEY, 
     * DataType.STRING, context)</code>, this will retrieve a <code>String</code> from key <code>ACK_NUMBER_KEY</code> within given
     * <code>context</code>.
     * @param sharedPreferences
     *            <code>Shared Preferences</code> from which the values are fetched from.
     * @param sharedPreferencesKey
     *            <code>Key</code> in which <code>Shared Preferences</code> is stored.
     * @param type
     *            Which type of data that's supposed to be fetched.
     * @param context
     *            Context in which <code>Shared Preferences</code> handling is done.
     * @return Returns an object with the fetched value. This object can be an instance of <b><i>Integer</i></b>, <b><i>String</i></b>,
     *         <b><i>Boolean</i></b> or a <b><i>List of Strings</i></b>.
     * @see #fetchPrefs(PrefKey, PrefKey, DataType, Context, Object)
     * @see #storePrefs(PrefKey, PrefKey, Object, Context)
    public Object fetchPrefs(PrefKey sharedPreferences, PrefKey sharedPreferencesKey, DataType type,
            Context context) {
        switch (type) {
        case INTEGER:
            return fetchPrefs(sharedPreferences, sharedPreferencesKey, type, context, 0);
        case STRING:
            return fetchPrefs(sharedPreferences, sharedPreferencesKey, type, context, "");
        case BOOLEAN:
            return fetchPrefs(sharedPreferences, sharedPreferencesKey, type, context, false);
        case LIST:
            // The default value when fetching a List will not be taken into consideration
            return fetchPrefs(sharedPreferences, sharedPreferencesKey, type, context, "");
            // Throw in some crap here, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown anyways
            return fetchPrefs(sharedPreferences, sharedPreferencesKey, type, context, "");

     * To fetch values in {@link SharedPreferences}. It fetches different values depending on input parameters. This method also takes a default value
     * to be fetched from <code>Shared Preferences</code> if no value exist. <br>
     * Returns fetched value if all is fine else an {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown.
     * <p>
     * Example usage:<br>
     * <code>String s = fetchPrefs(PrefKey.SHARED_PREF, PrefKey.ACK_NUMBER_KEY, 
     * DataType.STRING, context, "empty")</code>, this will retrieve a <code>String</code> from key <code>ACK_NUMBER_KEY</code> within given
     * <code>context</code>.
     * <p>
     * <b><i>NOTE. The default value does only work for data types INTEGER, STRING and BOOLEAN. A default value for data type LIST will not be taken
     * in consideration</i></b>. <br>
     * @param sharedPreferences
     *            <code>Shared Preferences</code> from which the values are fetched from.
     * @param sharedPreferencesKey
     *            <code>Key</code> in which <code>Shared Preferences</code> is stored.
     * @param type
     *            Which type of data that's supposed to be fetched.
     * @param context
     *            Context in which <code>Shared Preferences</code> handling is done.
     * @param defaultObject
     *            Default value to be fetched from <code>Shared Preferences</code> if no previous value exist.
     * @return Returns an object with the fetched value. This object can be an instance of <b><i>Integer</i></b>, <b><i>String</i></b>,
     *         <b><i>Boolean</i></b> or a <b><i>List of Strings</i></b>.
     * @see #fetchPrefs(PrefKey, PrefKey, DataType, Context)
     * @see #storePrefs(PrefKey, PrefKey, Object, Context)
    public Object fetchPrefs(PrefKey sharedPreferences, PrefKey sharedPreferencesKey, DataType type,
            Context context, Object defaultObject) {
        // Set shared preferences from context
        sharedPref = context.getSharedPreferences(sharedPreferences.getKey(), Context.MODE_PRIVATE);

        switch (type) {
        case INTEGER:
            // Check that defaultObject is of correct instance else collect "hard coded" default value of 0
            if (defaultObject instanceof Integer) {
                return sharedPref.getInt(sharedPreferencesKey.getKey(), (Integer) defaultObject);
            } else {
                return sharedPref.getInt(sharedPreferencesKey.getKey(), 0);
        case STRING:
            // Check that defaultObject is of correct instance else collect "hard coded" default value of ""
            if (defaultObject instanceof String) {
                return sharedPref.getString(sharedPreferencesKey.getKey(), (String) defaultObject);
            } else {
                return sharedPref.getString(sharedPreferencesKey.getKey(), "");
        case BOOLEAN:
            // Check that defaultObject is of correct instance else collect "hard coded" default value of false
            if (defaultObject instanceof Boolean) {
                return sharedPref.getBoolean(sharedPreferencesKey.getKey(), (Boolean) defaultObject);
            } else {
                return sharedPref.getBoolean(sharedPreferencesKey.getKey(), false);
        case LIST:
            // Retrieve JSON string
            String json = sharedPref.getString(sharedPreferencesKey.getKey(), "");
            // List of Strings containing
            List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();

            // If JSON string is not empty
            if (json != "") {
                try {
                    // Create a JSONArray from JSON string and retrieve strings from it and and them to a List<String>
                    JSONArray a = new JSONArray(json);

                    for (int i = 0; i < a.length(); i++) {
                        String secondaryListenNumber = a.optString(i);

                    return list;
                } catch (JSONException e) {
                    Log.e(LOG_TAG + ":fetchPrefs()", "Failed to retrieve List<String> from shared preferences: \""
                            + sharedPreferences.getKey() + "\", with key: \"" + sharedPreferencesKey.getKey()
                            + "\", type: \"" + + "\" and context: \"" + context.toString() + "\"", e);
            } else { // <--If JSON string is empty, return empty List
                return list;

        // If application end up here then some error has occurred
        IllegalArgumentException exception = new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to fetch shared preferences: \""
                + sharedPreferences.getKey() + "\", with key: \"" + sharedPreferencesKey.getKey()
                + "\", data type: \"" + + "\" and context: \"" + context.toString()
                + "\". Cause: \"Data type given as argument is unsupported\", valid data types are: \"INTEGER\", \"STRING\", \"BOOLEAN\" and \"LIST\"");
        Log.e(LOG_TAG + ":fetchPrefs()", "An exception occurred while fetching shared preferences", exception);

        throw exception;

     * To store values to {@link SharedPreferences}. It set's different values of different instances depending on input parameters.<br>
     * Example usage:
     * <p>
     * <code>storePrefs(PrefKey.SHARED_PREF, PrefKey.ACKNUMBER_KEY, "0457 0000 000", context)</code>
     * @param sharedPreference
     *            <code>Shared Preferences</code> to which given object is stored to.
     * @param sharedPreferencesKey
     *            <code>Key</code> to which <code>Shared Preference</code> the object is going to be stored to.
     * @param object
     *            Object to be stored to <code>Shared Preference</code>, supported instances are <code>Integer</code>, <code>String</code>,
     *            <code>Boolean</code> and <code>List(containing instances of String)</code>.
     * @param context
     *            Context in which <code>Shared Preferences</code> handling is done.
     * @see #fetchPrefs(PrefKey, PrefKey, DataType, Context)
     * @see #fetchPrefs(PrefKey, PrefKey, DataType, Context, Object)
    public void storePrefs(PrefKey sharedPreference, PrefKey sharedPreferencesKey, Object object, Context context) {
        // Set shared preferences from context and set listener to it
        sharedPref = context.getSharedPreferences(sharedPreference.getKey(), Context.MODE_PRIVATE);

        // Resolve editor for the shared preferences
        prefsEditor = sharedPref.edit();

        if (object instanceof Integer) {
            // Put shared preferences as Integer
            prefsEditor.putInt(sharedPreferencesKey.getKey(), (Integer) object);
        } else if (object instanceof String) {
            // Put shared preferences as String
            prefsEditor.putString(sharedPreferencesKey.getKey(), (String) object);
        } else if (object instanceof Boolean) {
            // Put shared preferences as Boolean
            prefsEditor.putBoolean(sharedPreferencesKey.getKey(), (Boolean) object);
        } else if (object instanceof List<?>) {
            // Create a new list and store object to it
            List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
            list = (List<String>) object;

            // Use JSON to serialize ArrayList containing strings
            JSONArray a = new JSONArray();

            // Iterate through each element in list and add object in JSON object
            for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {

            // If list is not empty add it to shared preferences, if empty add empty string to preferences
            if (!list.isEmpty()) {
                prefsEditor.putString(sharedPreferencesKey.getKey(), a.toString());
            } else {
                prefsEditor.putString(sharedPreferencesKey.getKey(), "");
        } else {
            // Unregister listener when shit hits the fan also

            // If application end up here then some error has occurred
            IllegalArgumentException exception = new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Failed to store object to shared preferences: \"" + sharedPreference.getKey()
                            + "\", with key: \"" + sharedPreferencesKey.getKey() + "\" and context: \""
                            + context.toString()
                            + "\". Cause: \"Object of unsupported instance was given as argument\", given object is instance of: \""
                            + object.getClass().getSimpleName()
                            + "\", valid instances are: \"int\", \"String\", \"boolean\" and \"List<String>\"");
            Log.e(LOG_TAG + ":storePrefs()", "An exception occurred while setting shared preferences", exception);

            throw exception;

        // Remember to unregister the listener