Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2013, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
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package awslabs.lab31;

import java.util.List;


 * Project: Lab3.1
public class StudentCode extends SolutionCode {

     * Create an SQS queue using the queue name provided and return the URL for the new queue. Hint: Use the
     * createQueue() method of the client object. The URL is in the response.
     * @param sqsClient The SQS Client object.
     * @param queueName The name of the queue to create.
     * @return The URL of the newly created queue.
    public String createQueue(AmazonSQSClient sqsClient, String queueName) {
        CreateQueueRequest queueRequest = new CreateQueueRequest(queueName);

        return sqsClient.createQueue(queueRequest).getQueueUrl();

     * Query the SQS service for the ARN of the specified queue and return it. Hint: Use the getQueueAttributes() method
     * of the client object. The attribute to request is named QueueArn.
     * @param sqsClient The SQS Client object.
     * @param queueUrl The URL for the queue to inspect.
     * @return A string containing the ARN for the queue.
    public String getQueueArn(AmazonSQSClient sqsClient, String queueUrl) {
        GetQueueAttributesRequest request = new GetQueueAttributesRequest().withAttributeNames("QueueArn")
        GetQueueAttributesResult result = sqsClient.getQueueAttributes(request);

        return result.getAttributes().get("QueueArn");

     * Create an SNS topic and return the ARN for the newly created topic. Hint: Use the createTopic() method of the
     * client object. The ARN for the topic is contained in the response.
     * @param snsClient The SNS client object.
     * @param topicName The name of the topic to create.
     * @return The ARN for the newly created topic.
    public String createTopic(AmazonSNSClient snsClient, String topicName) {
        CreateTopicRequest request = new CreateTopicRequest().withName(topicName);
        CreateTopicResult result = snsClient.createTopic(request);

        return result.getTopicArn();

     * Create an SNS subscription that publishes notifications to an SQS queue. Hint: Use the subscribe() method of the
     * client object. The subscription endpoint is provided to you in the queueArn parameter.
     * @param snsClient The SNS client object.
     * @param queueArn The ARN for the queue that will be used as the subscription endpoint.
     * @param topicArn The ARN for the topic to subscribe to.
    public void createSubscription(AmazonSNSClient snsClient, String queueArn, String topicArn) {
        SubscribeRequest request = new SubscribeRequest().withEndpoint(queueArn).withProtocol("sqs")


     * Publish a message to the specified SNS topic. Hint: Use the publish() method of the client object.
     * @param snsClient The SNS client object.
     * @param topicArn The ARN for the topic to post the message to.
     * @param subject The subject of the message to publish.
     * @param message The body of the message to publish.
    public void publishTopicMessage(AmazonSNSClient snsClient, String topicArn, String subject, String message) {
        PublishRequest request = new PublishRequest().withSubject(subject).withMessage(message)


     * Post a message to the specified queue. Hint: Use the sendMessage() method of the client object.
     * @param sqsClient The SQS Client object.
     * @param queueUrl The URL for the queue to place the message in.
     * @param messageText The body of the message to place in the queue.
    public void postToQueue(AmazonSQSClient sqsClient, String queueUrl, String messageText) {
        SendMessageRequest request = new SendMessageRequest(queueUrl, messageText);


     * Read up to 10 messages from the specified SQS queue with one request. Hint: Use the receiveMessage() method of
     * the client object. In the request, set the maximum number of messages to 10.
     * @param sqsClient The SQS Client object.
     * @param queueUrl The URL of the queue containing the messages.
     * @return A list of messages from the queue.
    public List<Message> readMessages(AmazonSQSClient sqsClient, String queueUrl) {
        ReceiveMessageRequest request = new ReceiveMessageRequest(queueUrl);

        return sqsClient.receiveMessage(request).getMessages();

     * Delete the specified message from the specified queue. Hint: Use the deleteMessage() method of the client object.
     * @param sqsClient The SQS Client object.
     * @param queueUrl The URL of the queue containing the message.
     * @param receiptHandle The receipt handle of the message to delete.
    public void removeMessage(AmazonSQSClient sqsClient, String queueUrl, String receiptHandle) {
        DeleteMessageRequest request = new DeleteMessageRequest(queueUrl, receiptHandle);


     * Delete all subscriptions to the specified SNS topic. Hint: Call getSubscriptions() on the client object to get
     * all of the subscriptions and loop through them calling the client object's unsubscribe() method with details of
     * each subscription.
     * @param snsClient The SNS client object.
     * @param topicArn The SNS topic to remove the subscriptions from.
    public void deleteSubscriptions(AmazonSNSClient snsClient, String topicArn) {
        ListSubscriptionsByTopicRequest request = new ListSubscriptionsByTopicRequest(topicArn);
        ListSubscriptionsByTopicResult result = snsClient.listSubscriptionsByTopic(request);

        for (Subscription s : result.getSubscriptions()) {
            UnsubscribeRequest unsubscribeRequest = new UnsubscribeRequest(s.getSubscriptionArn());

     * Delete the specified SNS topic. Hint: Use the deleteTopic() method of the client object.
     * @param snsClient The SNS client object.
     * @param topicArn The ARN of the topic to delete.
    public void deleteTopic(AmazonSNSClient snsClient, String topicArn) {
        // TODO: Replace this call to the super class with your own method implementation.
        super.deleteTopic(snsClient, topicArn);

     * Delete the specified SQS queue. Hint: Use the deleteQueue() method of the client object.
     * @param sqsClient The SQS Client object.
     * @param queueUrl The URL of the queue to delete.
    public void deleteQueue(AmazonSQSClient sqsClient, String queueUrl) {
        // TODO: Replace this call to the super class with your own method implementation.
        super.deleteQueue(sqsClient, queueUrl);

     * Grant permissions allowing the provided SNS topic to publish messages to your queue. To accomplish this you will
     * need to create a properly formed policy statement and assign it to the Policy attribute of the queue. You will
     * need to do some research to get this right.
     * @param sqsClient The SQS Client object.
     * @param queueArn The ARN defining the queue. This is used as the Resource in the policy statement.
     * @param queueUrl The URL for the queue. This is used to identify the queue for the purpose of updating its Policy
     *            attribute.
     * @param topicArn The ARN for the topic that will publish to the queue. This will be used as a source ARN Condition
     *            in the policy statement.
    public void grantNotificationPermission(AmazonSQSClient sqsClient, String queueArn, String queueUrl,
            String topicArn) {
        // TODO: Replace this call to the super class with your own method implementation.
        super.grantNotificationPermission(sqsClient, queueArn, queueUrl, topicArn);