Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package automenta.climatenet; import automenta.climatenet.elastic.ElasticSpacetime; import automenta.climatenet.kml.giscore.KmlReader; import automenta.climatenet.kml.giscore.UrlRef; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; import com.googlecode.htmlcompressor.compressor.HtmlCompressor; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.Base64; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import; import org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkRequestBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder; import static org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentFactory.jsonBuilder; import org.opensextant.geodesy.Geodetic2DPoint; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.opensextant.giscore.geometry.Geometry; import org.opensextant.giscore.geometry.Point; import org.opensextant.giscore.utils.Color; /** * * TODO - remove null descriptions - store HTML content separately so it does * not get indexed - max token size * * @see * @author me */ public class ImportKML implements Runnable { static final HtmlCompressor compressor = new HtmlCompressor(); private final Proxy proxy; public static String getSerial(String layer, int serial) { return (Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString( BigInteger.valueOf(serial).add(BigInteger.valueOf(layer.hashCode()).shiftRight(32)).toByteArray())); } private final ElasticSpacetime st; private final String id; private final String url; int serial; int numFeatures = 0; private String layer; private int BULK_SIZE = 1000; public String[] getPath(Deque<String> p) { return p.toArray(new String[p.size()]); } public static interface GISVisitor { public boolean on(IGISObject go, String[] path) throws IOException; public void start(String layer); public void end(); } Deque<String> path = new ArrayDeque(); public void transformKML(String layer, String urlString, ElasticSpacetime st, final GISVisitor visitor) throws Exception { URL url = new URL(urlString); this.layer = layer; KmlReader reader = new KmlReader(url, proxy); reader.setRewriteStyleUrls(true); SimpleField layerfield = new SimpleField("layer", Type.STRING); layerfield.setLength(32); final AtomicInteger exceptions = new AtomicInteger(); final Set<Class> exceptionClass = new HashSet(); serial = 1; path.clear(); visitor.start(layer); do { //for (IGISObject go; (go = != null;) { // do something with the gis object; e.g. check for placemark, NetworkLink, etc. try { IGISObject go =; if (go == null) { break; } if (go instanceof DocumentStart) { DocumentStart ds = (DocumentStart) go; path.add(layer); } if (go instanceof ContainerEnd) { path.removeLast(); } if ((go instanceof ContainerStart) || (go instanceof Feature)) { serial++; } if (!visitor.on(go, getPath(path))) { break; } //add to the path after container start is processed if (go instanceof ContainerStart) { ContainerStart cs = (ContainerStart) go; //TODO startTime? //System.out.println(cs + " " + cs.getId()); String i = getSerial(layer, serial); path.add(i); } } catch (Throwable t) { System.err.println(t); exceptions.incrementAndGet(); exceptionClass.add(t.getClass()); } } while (true); // get list of network links that were retrieved from step above Set<URI> networkLinks = new HashSet(reader.getNetworkLinks()); reader.close(); if (!networkLinks.isEmpty()) { // Now import features from all referenced network links. // if Networklinks have nested network links then they will be added to end // of the list and processed one after another. The handleEvent() callback method // below will be called with each feature (i.e. Placemark, GroundOverlay, etc.) // as it is processed in the target KML resources. reader.importFromNetworkLinks(new KmlReader.ImportEventHandler() { public boolean handleEvent(UrlRef ref, IGISObject gisObj) { // if gisObj instanceOf Feature, GroundOverlay, etc. // do something with the gisObj // return false to abort the recursive network link parsing /*if (visited.contains(ref)) return false;*/ //System.out.println("Loading NetworkLink: " + ref + " " + gisObj); String r = ref.toString(); boolean pathChanged = false; if (!(!path.isEmpty()) && (path.getLast().equals(r))) { path.add(ref.toString()); pathChanged = true; } serial++; try { visitor.on(gisObj, getPath(path)); } catch (Throwable t) { System.err.println(t); } if (pathChanged) { path.removeLast(); } return true; } @Override public void handleError(URI uri, Exception excptn) { exceptions.incrementAndGet(); exceptionClass.add(excptn.getClass()); } }); } if (exceptions.get() > 0) { System.err.println(" Exceptions: " + exceptions + " of " + exceptionClass); } visitor.end(); } public static void exec(String cmd) { try { String[] cmdParm = { "/bin/sh", "-c", cmd }; Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdParm); IOUtils.copy(proc.getInputStream(), System.out); IOUtils.copy(proc.getErrorStream(), System.err); proc.waitFor(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public static void toPostgres(String layerName, String inputFile, String host, String user, String db) { exec("ogr2ogr -update -append -skipFailures -f \"PostgreSQL\" PG:\"host=" + host + " user=" + user + " dbname=" + db + "\" " + inputFile + " -nln " + layerName); } public static void toGeoJSON(String inputFile, String outputFile) { // ogr2ogr -f "GeoJSON" output.json input.kml exec("rm -f " + outputFile); exec("ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON -skipFailures " + outputFile + " " + inputFile); } final public static ObjectMapper json = new ObjectMapper().disable(SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS) .configure(JsonParser.Feature.ALLOW_SINGLE_QUOTES, true) .configure(JsonGenerator.Feature.QUOTE_FIELD_NAMES, true) .configure(JsonGenerator.Feature.ESCAPE_NON_ASCII, true) .configure(JsonParser.Feature.ALLOW_UNQUOTED_FIELD_NAMES, true); public static ObjectNode fromJSON(String x) { try { return json.readValue(x, ObjectNode.class); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public ImportKML(ElasticSpacetime st, Proxy proxy, String id, String url) { = st; this.proxy = proxy; = id; this.url = url; } @Override public void run() { try { final Map<String, Style> styles = new HashMap(); //1. pre-process: collect style information transformKML(id, url, st, new GISVisitor() { Map<String, String> styleMap = new HashMap(); @Override public void start(String layer) { } protected void onStyle(Style s) { String id = s.getId(); styles.put(id, s); } protected void onStyleMap(StyleMap ss) { String ssid = ss.getId(); if (ssid == null) { System.err.println("null id: " + ss); return; } Pair p = ss.getPair(StyleMap.NORMAL); if (p.getStyleSelector() instanceof Style) { styles.put(ssid, ((Style) p.getStyleSelector())); } else if (p.getStyleSelector() instanceof StyleMap) { //System.out.println("Unmanaged StyleMap: " + p); styleMap.put(ssid, p.getStyleUrl()); } //TODO highlight? } @Override public boolean on(IGISObject go, String[] path) throws IOException { if (go instanceof Style) { onStyle((Style) go); } else if (go instanceof StyleMap) { onStyleMap((StyleMap) go); } if (go instanceof ContainerStart) { ContainerStart cs = (ContainerStart) go; for (StyleSelector ss : cs.getStyles()) { if (ss instanceof Style) { onStyle((Style) ss); } else if (ss instanceof StyleMap) { onStyleMap((StyleMap) ss); } } } return true; } @Override public void end() { for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : styleMap.entrySet()) { String from = e.getKey(); String to = e.getValue(); Style toStyle = styles.get(to); if (toStyle == null) { System.err.println("Missing style: " + to); continue; } styles.put(from, toStyle); } } }); System.out.println(layer + " STYLES: \n" + styles.keySet()); //2. process features transformKML(id, url, st, new GISVisitor() { private BulkRequestBuilder bulk = null; @Override public void start(String layer) { bulk = st.newBulk(); } @Override public boolean on(IGISObject go, String[] path) throws IOException { if (go == null) { return false; } if (st == null) { return false; } if (go instanceof ContainerStart) { ContainerStart cs = (ContainerStart) go; //TODO startTime? //System.out.println(cs + " " + cs.getId()); XContentBuilder d; d = jsonBuilder().startObject().field("name", cs.getName()); /*String styleUrl = cs.getStyleUrl(); if (styleUrl != null) { if (styleUrl.startsWith("#")) { styleUrl = styleUrl.substring(1); } styleUrl = layer + "_" + styleUrl; System.err.println("Container styleUrl: " + styleUrl); d.field("styleUrl", styleUrl); } */ String desc = cs.getDescription(); if ((desc != null) && (desc.length() > 0)) { //filter desc = filterHTML(desc); if (desc.length() > 0) { d.field("description", desc); } } d.field("path", path).endObject(); String i = getSerial(layer, serial); bulk = st.add(bulk, "tag", i, d); bulk = updateBulk(); } if (go instanceof Feature) { Feature f = (Feature) go; XContentBuilder fb = jsonBuilder().startObject(); fb.field("name", f.getName()); String desc = f.getDescription(); if ((desc != null) && (desc.length() > 0)) { //filter desc = filterHTML(desc); if (desc.length() > 0) { fb.field("description", desc); } } if (f.getSnippet() != null) { if (f.getSnippet().length() > 0) { fb.field("snippet", f.getSnippet()); } } if (f.getStartTime() != null) { fb.field("startTime", f.getStartTime().getTime()); } if (f.getEndTime() != null) { fb.field("endTime", f.getEndTime().getTime()); } Geometry geo = f.getGeometry(); if (geo != null) { if (geo instanceof Point) { Point pp = (Point) geo; Geodetic2DPoint c = pp.getCenter(); double lat = c.getLatitudeAsDegrees(); double lon = c.getLongitudeAsDegrees(); // fb.startObject("geom").field("type", "point") .field("coordinates", new double[] { lon, lat }).endObject(); } else if (geo instanceof org.opensextant.giscore.geometry.Line) { org.opensextant.giscore.geometry.Line l = (org.opensextant.giscore.geometry.Line) geo; List<Point> lp = l.getPoints(); double[][] points = toArray(lp); fb.startObject("geom").field("type", "linestring").field("coordinates", points) .endObject(); } else if (geo instanceof org.opensextant.giscore.geometry.Polygon) { org.opensextant.giscore.geometry.Polygon p = (org.opensextant.giscore.geometry.Polygon) geo; double[][] outerRing = toArray(p.getOuterRing().getPoints()); //TODO handle inner rings fb.startObject("geom").field("type", "polygon") .field("coordinates", new double[][][] { outerRing /* inner rings */ }) .endObject(); } //TODO other types } Style styleInline = null; if (f.getStyle() != null) { if (f.getStyle() instanceof Style) { Style ss = (Style) f.getStyle(); styleInline = ss; } else if (f.getStyle() instanceof StyleMap) { StyleMap ss = (StyleMap) f.getStyle(); styleInline = styles.get(ss.getId()); if (styleInline == null) { System.err.println("Missing: " + ss.getId()); } } } if ((f.getStyleUrl() != null) || (styleInline != null)) { fb.startObject("style"); if (f.getStyleUrl() != null) { String su = f.getStyleUrl(); if (su.startsWith("#")) { su = su.substring(1); } Style s = styles.get(su); if (s == null) { //System.err.println("Missing: " + f.getStyleUrl()); } else { styleJson(fb, s); } } if (styleInline != null) { styleJson(fb, styleInline); } fb.endObject(); } fb.field("path", path); String fid = getSerial(layer, serial); bulk = st.add(bulk, "feature", fid, fb.endObject()); numFeatures++; bulk = updateBulk(); } if (go instanceof Schema) { //.. } return true; } @Override public void end() { st.commit(bulk); bulk = null; } private BulkRequestBuilder updateBulk() { if (bulk.numberOfActions() < BULK_SIZE) { return bulk; } else { st.commit(bulk); bulk = null; return null; } } }); } catch (Throwable e) { //e.printStackTrace();; System.err.println(e); } } static { // compressor.setRemoveComments(true); //if false keeps HTML comments (default is true) compressor.setRemoveMultiSpaces(true); //if false keeps multiple whitespace characters (default is true) compressor.setRemoveIntertagSpaces(true); //removes iter-tag whitespace characters compressor.setRemoveQuotes(true); //removes unnecessary tag attribute quotes compressor.setSimpleDoctype(true); //simplify existing doctype compressor.setRemoveScriptAttributes(true); //remove optional attributes from script tags compressor.setRemoveLinkAttributes(true); //remove optional attributes from link tags compressor.setRemoveJavaScriptProtocol(true); //remove optional attributes from link tags compressor.setRemoveHttpProtocol(true); //replace "http://" with "//" inside tag attributes compressor.setRemoveHttpsProtocol(true); //replace "https://" with "//" inside tag attributes compressor.setRemoveSurroundingSpaces("br,p"); //remove spaces around provided tags compressor.setCompressCss(false); //compress inline css } private String filterHTML(String html) { try { String compressedHtml = compressor.compress(html); return compressedHtml; } catch (Exception e) { return html; } } XContentBuilder stylemapJson(XContentBuilder fb, StyleMap s) throws IOException { Pair normal = s.getPair(StyleMap.NORMAL); //System.out.println(normal.getStyleUrl() + " " + normal.getStyleSelector()); return fb; } XContentBuilder styleJson(XContentBuilder fb, Style s) throws IOException { //System.out.println("Applying style: " + s); String iconUrl = s.getIconUrl(); if (iconUrl != null) { fb.field("iconUrl", iconUrl); } String baloonText = s.getBalloonText(); if (baloonText != null) { fb.field("baloonText", baloonText); } /*Color iconColor = s.getIconColor(); if (iconColor!=null) fb.field("iconColor", iconColor.getRed(), iconColor.getGreen(), iconColor.getBlue(), iconColor.getAlpha() ); Color lineColor = s.getLineColor(); if (lineColor!=null) fb.field("lineColor", new Integer[] { lineColor.getRed(), lineColor.getGreen(), lineColor.getBlue(), lineColor.getAlpha() } ); Color polyColor = s.getPolyColor(); if (polyColor!=null) fb.field("polyColor", "rgba(" + polyColor.getRed() + "," + polyColor.getGreen()+ "," + polyColor.getBlue()+ "," + polyColor.getAlpha() + ")" ); */ Color polyColor = s.getPolyColor(); if (polyColor != null) { fb.field("polyColor", polyColor.toString().substring("org.opensextant.giscore.utils.".length())); } Double lineWidth = s.getLineWidth(); if (lineWidth != null) { fb.field("lineWidth", lineWidth); } return fb; } // /* // private synchronized boolean processStyle(Style s) throws IOException { // String id = s.getId(); // // String fullStyleId = layer + "_" + id; // // System.err.println("processStyle: " + s.getId() + " -> " + fullStyleId); // // XContentBuilder fb = jsonBuilder().startObject(); // styleJson(fb, s); // fb.endObject(); // // //use '_' instead of '#' which is reserved for URL encoding // bulk = st.add(bulk, "style", fullStyleId, fb); // updateBulk(); // // /*else { // System.out.println(s); // }*/ // return true; // // } /* private String processStyleMap(StyleMap styleMap) throws IOException { //System.out.println(styleMap.getId() + " " + styleMap.getPair(StyleMap.NORMAL)); if (styleMap.getPair(StyleMap.NORMAL).getStyleSelector() != null) { processStyle((Style) styleMap.getPair(StyleMap.NORMAL).getStyleSelector()); } String normalURL = styleMap.getPair(StyleMap.NORMAL).getStyleUrl(); if (normalURL.startsWith("#")) { normalURL = normalURL.substring(1); } normalURL = layer + "_" + normalURL; return normalURL; } */ public static double[][] toArray(List<Point> lp) { double[][] points = new double[lp.size()][2]; for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { Geodetic2DPoint c = lp.get(i).getCenter(); points[i][0] = c.getLongitudeAsDegrees(); points[i][1] = c.getLatitudeAsDegrees(); } return points; } }