Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2011 See AUTHORS file. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package aurelienribon.gdxsetupui; import aurelienribon.utils.Res; import aurelienribon.utils.TemplateManager; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Standalone class used to completely setup a libgdx project. * Uses a ProjectConfiguration instance as parameter, and provides several * methods to initialize the sub-projects step-by-step. * <p/> * * The raw projects are contained in a zip file. The first thing to do is * to inflate this file on the hard drive to get the files adn folders of the * projects. Then, selected libraries should be inflated too in libs folders * of the projects, and configurated. Post-process is required to update the * files of the projects, and then a call to copy() moves everything to the * right location. * <pre> * 1. inflateProjects * 2. inflateLibraries * 3. configureLibraries * 4. postProcess * 5. copy * 6. clean * </pre> * * @author Aurelien Ribon | */ public class ProjectSetup { private final ProjectSetupConfiguration cfg; private final LibraryManager libs; private final File tmpDst = new File("__libgdx_setup_tmp"); private final TemplateManager templateManager = new TemplateManager(); public ProjectSetup(ProjectSetupConfiguration cfg, LibraryManager libs) { this.cfg = cfg; this.libs = libs; // General definitions templateManager.define("PROJECT_NAME", cfg.projectName); templateManager.define("MAINCLASS_NAME", cfg.mainClassName); templateManager.define("PACKAGE_NAME", cfg.packageName); templateManager.define("PACKAGE_NAME_AS_PATH", cfg.packageName.replace('.', '/')); // Project specific definitions templateManager.define("PRJ_COMMON_NAME", cfg.projectName + cfg.suffixCommon); if (cfg.isDesktopIncluded) templateManager.define("PRJ_DESKTOP_NAME", cfg.projectName + cfg.suffixDesktop); if (cfg.isAndroidIncluded) templateManager.define("PRJ_ANDROID_NAME", cfg.projectName + cfg.suffixAndroid); if (cfg.isHtmlIncluded) templateManager.define("PRJ_HTML_NAME", cfg.projectName + cfg.suffixHtml); if (cfg.isIosIncluded) templateManager.define("PRJ_IOS_NAME", cfg.projectName + cfg.suffixIos); // Android manifest definitions if (!cfg.androidMinSdkVersion.equals("")) templateManager.define("ANDROID_MIN_SDK", cfg.androidMinSdkVersion); if (!cfg.androidTargetSdkVersion.equals("")) templateManager.define("ANDROID_TARGET_SDK", cfg.androidTargetSdkVersion); if (!cfg.androidMaxSdkVersion.equals("")) templateManager.define("ANDROID_MAX_SDK", cfg.androidMaxSdkVersion); if (!cfg.androidMinSdkVersion.equals("") || !cfg.androidTargetSdkVersion.equals("") || !cfg.androidMaxSdkVersion.equals("")) templateManager.define("ANDROID_USES_SDK"); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public API // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * The raw structure of all projects is contained in a zip file. This * method inflates this file in a temporary folder. * @throws IOException */ public void inflateProjects() throws IOException { FileUtils.forceMkdir(tmpDst); FileUtils.cleanDirectory(tmpDst); InputStream is = Res.getStream(""); ZipInputStream zis = new ZipInputStream(is); ZipEntry entry; while ((entry = zis.getNextEntry()) != null) { File file = new File(tmpDst, entry.getName()); if (entry.isDirectory()) { FileUtils.forceMkdir(file); } else { OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(file); IOUtils.copy(zis, os); os.close(); } } zis.close(); } /** * Selected libraries are inflated from their zip files, and put in the * libs folders of the projects. * @throws IOException */ public void inflateLibraries() throws IOException { File commonPrjLibsDir = new File(tmpDst, "/prj-common/libs"); File desktopPrjLibsDir = new File(tmpDst, "/prj-desktop/libs"); File androidPrjLibsDir = new File(tmpDst, "/prj-android/libs"); File htmlPrjLibsDir = new File(tmpDst, "/prj-html/war/WEB-INF/lib"); File iosPrjLibsDir = new File(tmpDst, "/prj-ios/libs"); File dataDir = new File(tmpDst, "/prj-android/assets"); for (String library : cfg.libraries) { InputStream is = new FileInputStream(cfg.librariesZipPaths.get(library)); ZipInputStream zis = new ZipInputStream(is); ZipEntry entry; LibraryDef def = libs.getDef(library); while ((entry = zis.getNextEntry()) != null) { if (entry.isDirectory()) continue; String entryName = entry.getName(); for (String elemName : def.libsCommon) if (entryName.endsWith(elemName)) copyEntry(zis, elemName, commonPrjLibsDir); for (String elemName : def.libsDesktop) if (entryName.endsWith(elemName)) copyEntry(zis, elemName, desktopPrjLibsDir); for (String elemName : def.libsAndroid) if (entryName.endsWith(elemName)) copyEntry(zis, elemName, androidPrjLibsDir); for (String elemName : def.libsHtml) if (entryName.endsWith(elemName)) copyEntry(zis, elemName, htmlPrjLibsDir); for (String elemName : def.libsIos) if (entryName.endsWith(elemName)) copyEntry(zis, elemName, iosPrjLibsDir); for (String elemName : if (entryName.endsWith(elemName)) copyEntry(zis, elemName, dataDir); } zis.close(); } } /** * Classpaths are configurated according to the selected libraries. * @throws IOException */ public void configureLibraries() throws IOException { List<String> entriesCommon = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> entriesDesktop = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> entriesAndroid = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> entriesHtml = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> gwtInherits = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String library : cfg.libraries) { LibraryDef def = libs.getDef(library); for (String file : def.libsCommon) { if (!isLibJar(file)) continue; String source = getSource(def.libsCommon, file); entriesCommon.add(buildClasspathEntry(file, source, "libs/", true)); entriesAndroid.add(buildClasspathEntry(file, source, "/@{PRJ_COMMON_NAME}/libs/", true)); entriesHtml.add(buildClasspathEntry(file, source, "/@{PRJ_COMMON_NAME}/libs/", false)); if (source != null) entriesHtml.add(buildClasspathEntry(source, null, "/@{PRJ_COMMON_NAME}/libs/", false)); } for (String file : def.libsDesktop) { if (!isLibJar(file)) continue; String source = getSource(def.libsDesktop, file); entriesDesktop.add(buildClasspathEntry(file, source, "libs/", false)); } for (String file : def.libsAndroid) { if (!isLibJar(file)) continue; String source = getSource(def.libsAndroid, file); entriesAndroid.add(buildClasspathEntry(file, source, "libs/", true)); } for (String file : def.libsHtml) { if (!isLibJar(file)) continue; String source = getSource(def.libsHtml, file); entriesHtml.add(buildClasspathEntry(file, source, "war/WEB-INF/lib/", false)); if (source != null) entriesHtml.add(buildClasspathEntry(source, null, "war/WEB-INF/lib/", false)); } if (def.gwtModuleName != null) { gwtInherits.add("<inherits name='" + def.gwtModuleName + "' />"); } } templateManager.define("CLASSPATHENTRIES_COMMON", flatten(entriesCommon, "\t", "\n").trim()); templateManager.define("CLASSPATHENTRIES_DESKTOP", flatten(entriesDesktop, "\t", "\n").trim()); templateManager.define("CLASSPATHENTRIES_ANDROID", flatten(entriesAndroid, "\t", "\n").trim()); templateManager.define("CLASSPATHENTRIES_HTML", flatten(entriesHtml, "\t", "\n").trim()); templateManager.define("GWT_INHERITS", flatten(gwtInherits, "\t", "\n").trim()); templateManager.processOver(new File(tmpDst, "prj-common/.classpath")); templateManager.processOver(new File(tmpDst, "prj-desktop/.classpath")); templateManager.processOver(new File(tmpDst, "prj-android/.classpath")); templateManager.processOver(new File(tmpDst, "prj-html/.classpath")); templateManager.processOver(new File(tmpDst, "prj-html/src/GwtDefinition.gwt.xml")); } /** * Launchers and packages are set up according to the user choices. * @throws IOException */ public void postProcess() throws IOException { { File src = new File(tmpDst, "prj-common"); File dst = new File(tmpDst, cfg.projectName + cfg.suffixCommon); move(src, "src/", "src/" + cfg.packageName.replace('.', '/') + "/" + cfg.mainClassName + ".java"); move(src, "src/MyGame.gwt.xml", "src/" + cfg.mainClassName + ".gwt.xml"); templateDir(src); FileUtils.moveDirectory(src, dst); } if (cfg.isDesktopIncluded) { File src = new File(tmpDst, "prj-desktop"); File dst = new File(tmpDst, cfg.projectName + cfg.suffixDesktop); move(src, "src/", "src/" + cfg.packageName.replace('.', '/') + "/"); templateDir(src); FileUtils.moveDirectory(src, dst); } if (cfg.isAndroidIncluded) { File src = new File(tmpDst, "prj-android"); File dst = new File(tmpDst, cfg.projectName + cfg.suffixAndroid); move(src, "src/", "src/" + cfg.packageName.replace('.', '/') + "/"); templateDir(src); FileUtils.moveDirectory(src, dst); } if (cfg.isHtmlIncluded) { File src = new File(tmpDst, "prj-html"); File dst = new File(tmpDst, cfg.projectName + cfg.suffixHtml); move(src, "src/GwtDefinition.gwt.xml", "src/" + cfg.packageName.replace('.', '/') + "/GwtDefinition.gwt.xml"); move(src, "src/client", "src/" + cfg.packageName.replace('.', '/') + "/client"); templateDir(src); FileUtils.moveDirectory(src, dst); } if (cfg.isIosIncluded) { File src = new File(tmpDst, "prj-ios"); File dst = new File(tmpDst, cfg.projectName + cfg.suffixIos); move(src, "my-gdx-game-ios.csproj", cfg.projectName + cfg.suffixIos + ".csproj"); move(src, "my-gdx-game-ios.sln", cfg.projectName + cfg.suffixIos + ".sln"); templateDir(src); FileUtils.moveDirectory(src, dst); } } /** * Everything is moved to the right location. * @throws IOException */ public void copy() throws IOException { File src = new File(tmpDst, cfg.projectName + cfg.suffixCommon); File dst = new File(cfg.destinationPath); FileUtils.copyDirectoryToDirectory(src, dst); if (cfg.isDesktopIncluded) { src = new File(tmpDst, cfg.projectName + cfg.suffixDesktop); FileUtils.copyDirectoryToDirectory(src, dst); } if (cfg.isAndroidIncluded) { src = new File(tmpDst, cfg.projectName + cfg.suffixAndroid); FileUtils.copyDirectoryToDirectory(src, dst); } if (cfg.isHtmlIncluded) { src = new File(tmpDst, cfg.projectName + cfg.suffixHtml); FileUtils.copyDirectoryToDirectory(src, dst); } if (cfg.isIosIncluded) { src = new File(tmpDst, cfg.projectName + cfg.suffixIos); FileUtils.copyDirectoryToDirectory(src, dst); } } /** * Temporary folder is deleted. */ public void clean() { FileUtils.deleteQuietly(tmpDst); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helpers // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- private void templateDir(File dir) throws IOException { if (dir.getName().equals("libs")) return; for (File file : dir.listFiles()) { if (file.isDirectory()) { templateDir(file); } else { if (endsWith(file.getName(), ".jar", ".zip", ".dll", ".a", ".png")) continue; templateManager.processOver(file); } } } private void copyEntry(ZipInputStream zis, String name, File dst) throws IOException { File file = new File(dst, name); file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(file); IOUtils.copy(zis, os); os.close(); } private void move(File base, String path1, String path2) throws IOException { if (path1.equals(path2)) return; File file1 = new File(base, FilenameUtils.normalize(path1)); File file2 = new File(base, FilenameUtils.normalize(path2)); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(file2); if (file1.isDirectory()) FileUtils.moveDirectory(file1, file2); else FileUtils.moveFile(file1, file2); } private boolean endsWith(String str, String... ends) { for (String end : ends) if (str.endsWith(end)) return true; return false; } private boolean isLibJar(String file) { if (!file.endsWith(".jar")) return false; String name = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(file); if (endsWith(name, "-source", "-sources", "-src")) return false; return true; } private String getSource(List<String> files, String file) { String path = FilenameUtils.getFullPath(file); String name = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(file); String ext = FilenameUtils.getExtension(file); if (files.contains(path + name + "-source." + ext)) return path + name + "-source." + ext; if (files.contains(path + name + "-sources." + ext)) return path + name + "-sources." + ext; if (files.contains(path + name + "-src." + ext)) return path + name + "-src." + ext; return null; } private String buildClasspathEntry(String file, String sourceFile, String path, boolean exported) { String str = "<classpathentry kind=\"lib\" "; if (exported) str += "exported=\"true\" "; str += "path=\"" + path + file + "\""; if (sourceFile != null) str += " sourcepath=\"" + path + sourceFile + "\""; str += "/>"; return str; } private String flatten(List<String> strs, String begin, String end) { String ret = ""; for (String str : strs) ret += begin + str + end; return ret; } }