Java tutorial
package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.DataHolder; import; import; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.mapper.MapperWrapper; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.persistence.FilePersistenceStrategy; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.persistence.PersistenceStrategy; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.persistence.XmlArrayList; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.BooleanUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.*; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Event; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.EventListener; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.ForwardEvent; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.util.Clients; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.util.SessionInit; import org.zkoss.zul.Button; import org.zkoss.zul.*; import org.zkoss.zul.Checkbox; import org.zkoss.zul.Label; import org.zkoss.zul.Window; import javax.servlet.http.Cookie; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import java.awt.*; import*; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * ZK composer for the index.zul page * * @author geoff */ public class MapComposer extends GenericAutowireAutoforwardComposer { public static final int DEFAULT_POINT_SIZE = 3; public static final float DEFAULT_POINT_OPACITY = 0.6f; private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(MapComposer.class); private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private String featuresCSV; private MapLayer llc2MapLayer; private Query downloadSecondQuery = null; private String[] downloadSecondLayers = null; private String[] downloadSecondLayersDN = null; private Listbox activeLayersList; private ActiveLayerRenderer activeLayerRenderer = null; private HtmlMacroComponent contextualMenu; private int mapZoomLevel = 4; private Map activeLayerMapProperties; private Label lblSelectedLayer; private String useSpeciesWMSCache = "on"; private List<LayerSelection> selectedLayers = new ArrayList<LayerSelection>(); /* * for capturing layer loaded events signaling listeners */ private String tbxLayerLoaded; private Map<String, EventListener> layerLoadedChangeEvents = new HashMap<String, EventListener>(); private RemoteLogger remoteLogger; private Textbox currentLayerExtent; /** * A simple message dialogue to display over AnalysisToolComposer * * @param message Full text of message to show */ private boolean mp = true; private EventListener layerLegendNameRefresh = null; private EventListener contextualMenuRefreshListener; private EventListener facetsOpenListener = null; private Properties settingsSupplementary = null; private RemoteMap remoteMap = null; /* * Autowired controls */ private Iframe rawMessageIframeHack; private Div rawMessageHackHolder; private Div layerControls; /* * User data object to allow for the saving of maps and searches */ private LanguagePack languagePack = null; private OpenLayersJavascript openLayersJavascript = null; private HttpConnection httpConnection = null; private PortalSessionUtilities portalSessionUtilities = null; private Settings settings = null; private Pattern layerNameParamPattern = Pattern.compile("ly\\.[0-9]{1,}"); public void onClick$removeAllLayers() { if (safeToPerformMapAction()) { List<MapLayer> activeLayers = getPortalSession().getActiveLayers(); StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder(); while (activeLayers.size() > 1) { MapLayer mapLayer = activeLayers.get(0); if (mapLayer.getType() != LayerUtilitiesImpl.MAP) { script.append(openLayersJavascript.removeMapLayer(mapLayer)); // skip executing JS and reseting the layer controls - do // them at the end deactiveLayer(mapLayer, false, false); } } updateLayerControls(); refreshContextualMenu(); openLayersJavascript.execute(openLayersJavascript.getIFrameReferences() + script.toString()); } } public void safeToLoadMap(Event event) { mapLoaded(StringConstants.TRUE); //listen for map extents changes EventListener el = new EventListener() { public void onEvent(Event event) throws Exception { onReloadLayers(null); } }; getLeftmenuSearchComposer().addViewportEventListener("onReloadLayers", el); } public void zoomToExtent(MapLayer selectedLayer) { if (selectedLayer != null) { LOGGER.debug("zooming to extent " + selectedLayer.getId()); if (selectedLayer.getType() == LayerUtilitiesImpl.GEOJSON || selectedLayer.getType() == LayerUtilitiesImpl.WKT || selectedLayer.getType() == LayerUtilitiesImpl.KML) { openLayersJavascript.zoomGeoJsonExtentNow(selectedLayer); } else { openLayersJavascript.zoomLayerExtent(selectedLayer); } } } public void applyChange(MapLayer selectedLayer) { if (selectedLayer != null) { /* * different path for each type layer 1. symbol 2. classification * legend 3. prediction legend 4. other (wms) */ if (selectedLayer.isDynamicStyle()) { Color c = new Color(selectedLayer.getRedVal(), selectedLayer.getGreenVal(), selectedLayer.getBlueVal()); String hexColour = Integer.toHexString(c.getRGB() & 0x00ffffff); String rgbColour = "rgb(" + selectedLayer.getRedVal() + "," + selectedLayer.getGreenVal() + "," + selectedLayer.getBlueVal() + ")"; selectedLayer.setEnvColour(rgbColour); if (selectedLayer.getType() == LayerUtilitiesImpl.GEOJSON) { openLayersJavascript.redrawFeatures(selectedLayer); } else if (selectedLayer.getType() == LayerUtilitiesImpl.WKT) { openLayersJavascript.redrawWKTFeatures(selectedLayer); } else { String envString = "color:" + hexColour; LegendObject lo = selectedLayer.getLegendObject(); if (lo != null && lo.getColourMode() != null) { envString += ";colormode:" + lo.getColourMode(); } else { envString += ";colormode:" + selectedLayer.getColourMode(); } if (selectedLayer.getOsGridResolution() != null) { envString += ";gridres:" + selectedLayer.getOsGridResolution(); if (selectedLayer.isDisplayGridReferences()) { envString += ";gridlabels:on"; } } envString += ";name:circle"; envString += ";size:" + selectedLayer.getSizeVal(); //Opacity now handled only by openlayers if ((selectedLayer.getHighlight() == null || selectedLayer.getHighlight().length() == 0 || !StringConstants.GRID.equals(selectedLayer.getColourMode())) && selectedLayer.getSizeUncertain()) { envString += ";uncertainty:1"; } selectedLayer.setEnvParams(envString + ";opacity:1"); if (selectedLayer.hasChildren()) { MapLayer highlightLayer = selectedLayer.getChild(0); if (highlightLayer.getName().equals(selectedLayer.getName() + "_highlight")) { //apply sel to envString String highlightEnv = "color:000000;size:" + selectedLayer.getSizeVal() + ";opacity:0"; highlightLayer.setOpacity(1); if (selectedLayer.getHighlight() != null && selectedLayer.getHighlight().length() > 0 && !StringConstants.GRID.equals(selectedLayer.getColourMode())) { if (selectedLayer.getSpeciesQuery() instanceof UserDataQuery) { try { highlightLayer.setEnvParams(highlightEnv + ";sel:" + selectedLayer.getHighlight().replace(";", "%3B")); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("error encoding highlight to UTF-8: " + selectedLayer.getHighlight(), e); } } else { highlightLayer.setEnvParams(highlightEnv + ";sel:" + selectedLayer.getHighlight().replace(";", "%3B")); } highlightLayer.setHighlightState("show"); } else { highlightLayer.setHighlightState("hide"); highlightLayer.setEnvParams(highlightEnv); } } } if (selectedLayer.isDisplayed()) { reloadMapLayerNowAndIndexes(selectedLayer); } } } else if (selectedLayer.getSelectedStyle() != null) { /* * 1. classification legend has uri with ".zul" content 2. * prediction legend works here * */ LOGGER.debug("******** is this ever reached? **********"); selectedLayer.setOpacity(selectedLayer.getOpacity()); String legendUri = selectedLayer.getSelectedStyle().getLegendUri(); if (legendUri.contains(".zul")) { //bbox is null, not required for redraw addImageLayer(selectedLayer.getId(), selectedLayer.getName(), selectedLayer.getUri(), selectedLayer.getOpacity(), null, LayerUtilitiesImpl.ALOC); } else { //redraw if (selectedLayer.isDisplayed()) { reloadMapLayerNowAndIndexes(selectedLayer); } } } else { //redraw wms layer if opacity changed if (selectedLayer.isDisplayed()) { reloadMapLayerNowAndIndexes(selectedLayer); } } } } public void reloadMapLayerNowAndIndexes(MapLayer selectedLayer) { if (safeToPerformMapAction()) { PortalSession portalSession = (PortalSession) Executions.getCurrent().getDesktop().getSession() .getAttribute(StringConstants.PORTAL_SESSION); openLayersJavascript.execute( openLayersJavascript.getIFrameReferences() + openLayersJavascript.reloadMapLayer(selectedLayer) + openLayersJavascript.updateMapLayerIndexes(portalSession.getActiveLayers())); } } /** * Maps a species based on the selected item in the supplied species auto * complete component. * * @param sacc * @param sa * @param geospatialKosher */ public void mapSpeciesFromAutocompleteComponent(SpeciesAutoCompleteComponent sacc, SelectedArea sa, boolean[] geospatialKosher, boolean mapExpertDistributions) { if (!sacc.hasValidAnnotatedItemSelected()) { return; } String[] details = sacc.getSelectedTaxonDetails(); if (details.length > 0) { String taxon = details[0]; String rank = details[1]; Query query = sacc.getQuery((Map) getSession().getAttribute(StringConstants.USERPOINTS), false, geospatialKosher); Query q = QueryUtil.queryFromSelectedArea(query, sa, false, geospatialKosher); mapSpecies(q, taxon, rank, 0, LayerUtilitiesImpl.SPECIES, null, -1, DEFAULT_POINT_SIZE, DEFAULT_POINT_OPACITY, Util.nextColour(), mapExpertDistributions); LOGGER.debug(">>>>> " + taxon + ", " + rank + " <<<<<"); } } /** * Reorder the active layers list based on a d'n'd event * * @param dragged * @param dropped */ public void reorderList(Listitem dragged, Listitem dropped) { LOGGER.debug(dragged.getLabel() + " dropped on " + dropped.getLabel()); // get the position in the list List<MapLayer> activeLayers = getPortalSession().getActiveLayers(); int droppedIndex = activeLayers.indexOf(dropped.getValue()); ListModelList model = (ListModelList) activeLayersList.getModel(); model.remove(dragged.getValue()); model.add(droppedIndex, dragged.getValue()); // tell openLayers to change zIndexs openLayersJavascript.updateMapLayerIndexesNow(activeLayers); redrawLayersList(); // hide legend controls refreshContextualMenu(); } /** * Remove a maplayer from the active layers list and then reinsert it at the * same spot - should cause this part of the list to be re-rendered. * <p/> * After re-rendering, reselect the corresponding item in its listbox, as * operations such as changing opacity and animation require a layer is * selected * * @param mapLayer */ public void refreshActiveLayer(MapLayer mapLayer) { ListModelList model = (ListModelList) activeLayersList.getModel(); int index = model.indexOf(mapLayer); if (index >= 0) { model.remove(index); model.add(index, mapLayer); activeLayersList.setSelectedIndex(index); } adjustActiveLayersList(); } public void activateLink(String uri, String label, boolean isExternal) { activateLink(uri, label, isExternal, ""); } public void activateLink(String uri, String label, boolean isExternal, String downloadPid) { closeExternalContentWindow(); Window externalContentWindow = (Window) Executions.createComponents("WEB-INF/zul/ExternalContent.zul", layerControls, null); if (isExternal) { // change browsers current location Clients.evalJavaScript("window.location.href ='" + uri + "';"); } else { Iframe iframe = (Iframe) externalContentWindow.getFellow("externalContentIframe"); Html html = (Html) externalContentWindow.getFellow("externalContentHTML"); String newUri = uri; if (newUri.charAt(0) == '*') { //html content newUri = newUri.substring(1); //url iframe.setHeight("0px"); iframe.setSrc(""); String content; //is the use logged in ? boolean isLoggedIn = Util.isLoggedIn(); if ("download".equalsIgnoreCase(label)) { String orgName = getSettingsSupplementary().getProperty("orgNameLong", "Atlas of Living Australia"); String termsOfUse = getSettingsSupplementary().getProperty("terms_of_use_url", ""); String loginUrl = getSettingsSupplementary().getProperty("casServerLoginUrl", ""); boolean forceLogin = BooleanUtils .toBoolean(getSettingsSupplementary().getProperty("force_login_downloads", "false")); if ((forceLogin && isLoggedIn) || (!forceLogin)) { // Added fast download option - // TODO refactor so this can be generated from same code that sets the downloadUrl (uri) in String fastDownloadUrl = newUri.replaceFirst("/occurrences/download", "/occurrences/index/download"); StringBuilder sbContent = new StringBuilder(); sbContent.append("<p id='termsOfUseDownload' style='padding:10px; margin-bottom: 0;'>"); sbContent.append("By downloading this content you are agreeing to use it in accordance "); sbContent.append("with the "); sbContent.append(orgName); sbContent.append(" <a href='" + termsOfUse + "'>Terms of Use</a>"); sbContent.append(" and any Data Provider Terms associated with the data download. "); sbContent.append("<br/><br/>"); sbContent.append("Please provide the following details before downloading (* required)"); sbContent.append("</p>"); sbContent.append( " <form id='downloadForm' onSubmit='downloadSubmitButtonClick(); return false;' style='padding:10px;'>"); sbContent.append(" <input type='hidden' name='url' id='downloadUrl' value='") .append(uri).append("'/>"); sbContent.append(" <input type='hidden' name='url' id='fastDownloadUrl' value='") .append(fastDownloadUrl).append("'/>"); sbContent.append(" <fieldset>"); sbContent.append(" <p><label for='email'>Email</label>"); sbContent.append(" <input type='text' name='email' id='email' value='" + Util.getUserEmail() + "' size='100' readonly='true' />"); sbContent.append(" </p>"); sbContent.append(" <p><label for='filename'>File Name</label>"); sbContent.append( " <input type='text' name='filename' id='filename' value='data' size='30' />"); sbContent.append(" </p>"); sbContent.append( " <p><label for='reasonTypeId' style='vertical-align: top'>Download Reason *</label>"); sbContent.append(" <select name='reasonTypeId' id='reasonTypeId'>"); sbContent.append(" <option value=''>-- select a reason --</option>"); JSONArray dlreasons = CommonData.getDownloadReasons(); for (int i = 0; i < dlreasons.size(); i++) { JSONObject dlr = (JSONObject) dlreasons.get(i); sbContent.append(" <option value='") .append((Long) dlr.get(StringConstants.ID)).append("'>") .append(dlr.get(StringConstants.NAME)).append("</option>"); } sbContent.append(" <select></p>"); sbContent.append( " <input style='display:none' type='radio' name='downloadType' value='fast' class='tooltip' checked='checked' title='Faster download but fewer fields are included'>"); sbContent.append(" <p><label for='acceptLicense'>Accept licencing *</label>"); sbContent.append( " <input type='checkbox' id='downloadConfirmLicense' name='downloadConfirmLicense'/> I understand and accept that any <a href=''>CC-BY-NC</a> licenced records included in the download must not be used for commercial purposes without the permission of the data provider and all data providers will be acknowledged as required. Breach of the licence conditions may result in you being issued with a <a href=''>fixed charge notice</a>."); sbContent.append(" </p>"); sbContent.append(" <p style='clear:both;'> </p>"); sbContent.append( " <p style='text-align:center;'><input class='btn' type='submit' value='Download All Records' id='downloadSubmitButton'/></p>"); sbContent.append(" </fieldset>"); sbContent.append(" </form>"); content = sbContent.toString(); } else { content = "<p><h3>Please register or login to download data from " + orgName + ". </h3>" + "The link below will open a new window to login or register. Please keep this window " + "open and redo the steps to export a point sample." + "</p>" + "<br/>" + "<p><a target='_blank' class='btn' href='" + loginUrl + "'>Login</a></p>"; } } else { content = newUri; } //content html.setContent(content); html.setStyle("overflow: scroll;padding: 0 10px;"); //for the 'reset window' button ((ExternalContentComposer) externalContentWindow).setSrc(""); //update linked button externalContentWindow.getFellow(StringConstants.BREAKOUT).setVisible(false); externalContentWindow.setContentStyle("overflow:auto"); } else { //url iframe.setHeight("100%"); iframe.setSrc(newUri); //content html.setContent(""); //for the 'reset window' button ((ExternalContentComposer) externalContentWindow).setSrc(newUri); //update linked button ((Toolbarbutton) externalContentWindow.getFellow(StringConstants.BREAKOUT)).setHref(newUri); externalContentWindow.getFellow(StringConstants.BREAKOUT).setVisible(true); externalContentWindow.setContentStyle("overflow:visible"); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(downloadPid)) { String downloadUrl = CommonData.getSatServer() + "/ws/download/" + downloadPid; if (downloadPid.startsWith("http")) { downloadUrl = downloadPid; } ((Toolbarbutton) externalContentWindow.getFellow("download")).setHref(downloadUrl); externalContentWindow.getFellow("download").setVisible(true); } else { ((Toolbarbutton) externalContentWindow.getFellow("download")).setHref(""); externalContentWindow.getFellow("download").setVisible(false); } // use the link description as the popup caption ((Caption) externalContentWindow.getFellow("caption")).setLabel(label); externalContentWindow.setPosition("center"); try { externalContentWindow.setParent(layerControls); externalContentWindow.doModal(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("error opening information popup", e); } } } public boolean activateLayer(MapLayer mapLayer, boolean doJavaScript) { return activateLayer(mapLayer, doJavaScript, false); } /** * Activate a map layer on the map * * @param doJavaScript set false to defer execution of JavaScript which * actually adds the layer to the openlayers menu * @return true if the layer was added successfully, otherwise false */ public boolean activateLayer(MapLayer mapLayer, boolean doJavaScript, boolean skipTree) { List<MapLayer> activeLayers = getPortalSession().getActiveLayers(); boolean layerAdded = false; /* * switch to the ListModelList if we are currently using simplelistmodel * to display the 'no layers selected' message * * If the model is already an instance of ListModelList then the model * should already have the data it needs so just fire the update event. */ if (!(activeLayersList.getModel() instanceof ListModelList)) { LOGGER.debug("changing model for Active Layers to ListModelList"); /* * this is the first item being added to the list so we make it a * new ListModelList instance based on live data */ activeLayersList.setModel(new ListModelList(activeLayers, true)); } if (!activeLayers.contains(mapLayer)) { /* * assume we want to display on the map straight away - set checkbox * to true */ activeLayersList.setItemRenderer(activeLayerRenderer); /* * use the MODEL facade to add the new layer (it's not smart enough * to detect the change otherwise. * * We always add to the top of the list so that newly actived map * layers display above existing ones */ ((ListModelList) activeLayersList.getModel()).add(0, mapLayer); //select this map layer activeLayersList.setSelectedIndex(0); // update the map if (doJavaScript) { openLayersJavascript.activateMapLayerNow(mapLayer); } updateLayerControls(); layerAdded = true; } else { LOGGER.debug("not displaying map layer because its already listed or is marked non-displayable"); } adjustActiveLayersList(); refreshContextualMenu(); return layerAdded; } /** * Remove an item from the list of active layers and put it back in the tree * menu of available layers * * @param itemToRemove */ public void deactiveLayer(MapLayer itemToRemove, boolean updateMapAndLayerControls, boolean recursive) { deactiveLayer(itemToRemove, updateMapAndLayerControls, recursive, false); } public void deactiveLayer(MapLayer itemToRemove, boolean updateMapAndLayerControls, boolean recursive, boolean updateOnly) { if (itemToRemove != null) { Query q = itemToRemove.getSpeciesQuery(); if (q instanceof UserDataQuery) { String pid = q.getQ(); Map<String, UserDataDTO> htUserSpecies = (Map) getMapComposer().getSession() .getAttribute(StringConstants.USERPOINTS); if (htUserSpecies != null) { htUserSpecies.remove(pid); } } // update the active layers list List<MapLayer> activeLayers = getPortalSession().getActiveLayers(); if (activeLayers != null) { LOGGER.debug("obtained activelayers arraylist from session, count: " + activeLayers.size()); if (!activeLayers.isEmpty()) { ListModelList listmodel = (ListModelList) activeLayersList.getModel(); if (listmodel != null) { listmodel.remove(itemToRemove); if (activeLayers.isEmpty()) { lblSelectedLayer.setValue("No layers added"); } } } else { LOGGER.debug("active layers list is empty, so not updating it"); } } if (updateMapAndLayerControls) { if (!updateOnly) { // tell openlayers to kill the layer openLayersJavascript.removeMapLayerNow(itemToRemove); } updateLayerControls(); removeFromSession(itemToRemove.getName()); } // descend children if we were called recursively if (recursive && itemToRemove.hasChildren()) { for (MapLayer child : itemToRemove.getChildren()) { deactiveLayer(child, updateMapAndLayerControls, true); } } } refreshContextualMenu(); } /** * Remove an item from the list of active layers and put it back in the tree * menu of available layers * * @param itemToRemove */ public void removeFromList(MapLayer itemToRemove) { if (itemToRemove != null) { // update the active layers list List<MapLayer> activeLayers = getPortalSession().getActiveLayers(); if (activeLayers != null) { LOGGER.debug("obtained activelayers arraylist from session, count: " + activeLayers.size()); if (!activeLayers.isEmpty()) { ListModelList listmodel = (ListModelList) activeLayersList.getModel(); if (listmodel != null) { listmodel.remove(itemToRemove); } } else { LOGGER.debug("active layers list is empty, so not updating it"); } } } refreshContextualMenu(); } /** * A simple message dialogue * * @param message Full text of message to show */ public void showMessage(String message) { ErrorMessageComposer window = (ErrorMessageComposer) Executions .createComponents("WEB-INF/zul/ErrorMessage.zul", null, null); window.setMessage(message); window.doOverlapped(); } public void showMessage(String message, Component parent) { ErrorMessageComposer window = (ErrorMessageComposer) Executions .createComponents("WEB-INF/zul/ErrorMessage.zul", parent, null); window.setMessage(message); if (mp) { try { window.setParent(parent); window.doModal(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("error opening message window", e); } } else { window.doOverlapped(); } } /** * Show a message dialogue. Initially a short message is shown but the user * can click 'show details' to get a more informative message. * <p/> * A default message title is obtained from the config file * * @param message * @param messageDetail */ public void showMessage(String message, String messageDetail) { showMessage(languagePack.getLang("default_message_title"), message, messageDetail); } /** * Show a message dialogue. Initially a short message is shown but the user * can click 'show details' to get a more informative message. * <p/> * A title must be provided for the popup box * * @param title * @param message * @param messageDetail */ public void showMessage(String title, String message, String messageDetail) { Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("messageTitle", title); params.put("message", message); params.put("messageDetail", messageDetail); Window window = (Window) Executions.createComponents("WEB-INF/zul/ErrorMessageWithDetail.zul", null, params); window.doOverlapped(); } /** * This is a fixed size (because of zk limitations) message dialogue * featuring: o title o brief description o detailed description (hidden by * default) o link to raw data (hidden by default) o Iframe full of raw data * (hidden by default) There are lots of parameters for this method so if * you want to use it, it's easiest to write a wrapper and just call that * when you have a problem. * <p/> * This is not a general purpose error message - everything is fixed sizes * (has to be or the iframe doesn't display properly. If you want a general * purpose error message, use the showMessageNow() calls * * @param title TEXT of the title or null to use default from config file * @param message TEXT in config file of the error message * @param messageDetail TEXT to display if user clicks 'show detail' * @param rawMessageTitle TEXT to display before raw output or null to * ignore * @param rawMessage TEXT of raw error message or null to ignore */ public void showMessage(String title, String message, String messageDetail, String linkTitle, String linkHref, String rawMessageTitle, String rawMessage) { Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("messageTitle", title); params.put("message", message); params.put("messageDetail", messageDetail); params.put("linkTitle", linkTitle); params.put("linkHref", linkHref); params.put("rawMessageTitle", rawMessageTitle); // this will be the inside of the iframe... /* * have to store the raw error message in the user's session temporarily * to prevent getting a big zk severe error if the iframe is requested * after it is supposed to have been dereferenced */ rawMessageIframeHack.setContent(null); /* * the raw text can't go in with the params or it gets escaped by zk - * you have to do weird things with iframes and the media class instead */ Window window; window = (Window) Executions.createComponents("WEB-INF/zul/ErrorMessageWithDetailAndRawData.zul", null, params); /* * now we grab the hidden iframe in index.zul and move it into our * message box - again this is to prevent a massive zk error if the * iframe content is requested after it's supposed to have gone */ Component holder = window.getFellow("rawMessageHolder"); rawMessageIframeHack.setParent(holder); window.doOverlapped(); /* * at this point the user has closed the message box - we only have one * more thing to do to stop the big zk error and that is to grab the * iframe back off the error message window and put it back where we * found it in the index.zul page - not pretty or efficient but works a * treat! */ rawMessageIframeHack.setParent(rawMessageHackHolder); } /** * Add a map layer to the user defined map layers group (My Layers) * * @param mapLayer */ public void addUserDefinedLayerToMenu(MapLayer mapLayer, boolean activate) { if (safeToPerformMapAction()) { // activate the layer in openlayers and display in active layers without // updating the tree (because its not displayed) activateLayer(mapLayer, true, true); LOGGER.debug("leaving addUserDefinedLayerToMenu"); } } /** * Initial building of the tree menu and active layers list based on the * values obtained from the current session. * <p/> * JavaScript for loading default map layers and setting the default zoombox * is in */ public void load() { LOGGER.debug("entering loadMapLayers"); PortalSession portalSession = getPortalSession(); List<MapLayer> activeLayers = portalSession.getActiveLayers(); // model and renderer for active layers list ListModelList activeLayerModel = new ListModelList(activeLayers, true); // tell the list about them... if (activeLayers.isEmpty()) { MapLayer ml = remoteMap.createLocalLayer(LayerUtilitiesImpl.MAP, "Map options"); ml.setRemoveable(false); activeLayers.add(ml); } activeLayersList.setModel(activeLayerModel); activeLayersList.setItemRenderer(activeLayerRenderer); activeLayersList.setSelectedIndex(activeLayerModel.size() - 1); updateLayerControls(); refreshContextualMenu(); } /** * Adds a object as a layer to the map. * * @param pid * @param displayName * @param radiusKm for use when the pid refers to a point not a polygon * @return */ public MapLayer addObjectByPid(String pid, String displayName, double radiusKm) { JSONParser jp = new JSONParser(); JSONObject obj = null; try { obj = (JSONObject) jp.parse(Util.readUrl(CommonData.getLayersServer() + "/object/" + pid)); } catch (ParseException e) { LOGGER.error("failed to parse for object: " + pid); } //add feature to the map as a new layer String areaName = obj.get(StringConstants.NAME).toString(); MapLayer mapLayer = null; boolean pointLayer = false; List<Double> dbb = null; try { dbb = Util.getBoundingBox(obj.get(StringConstants.BBOX).toString()); //if the layer is a point create a radius if (dbb.get(0).floatValue() == dbb.get(2).floatValue() && dbb.get(1).floatValue() == dbb.get(3).floatValue()) { double radius = radiusKm * 1000.0; String wkt = Util.createCircleJs(dbb.get(0).floatValue(), dbb.get(1).floatValue(), radius); mapLayer = getMapComposer().addWKTLayer(wkt, displayName, displayName); pointLayer = true; } } catch (Exception e) { } if (mapLayer == null) { //not a point layer mapLayer = getMapComposer().addWMSLayer("PID:" + pid, displayName == null ? areaName : displayName, obj.get(StringConstants.WMSURL).toString(), 0.6f, null, null, LayerUtilitiesImpl.WKT, null, null); mapLayer.setAreaSqKm(obj.get(StringConstants.AREA_KM).toString()); } if (mapLayer == null) { return null; } if (dbb != null) { mapLayer.getMapLayerMetadata().setBbox(dbb); } mapLayer.setPid(pid); mapLayer.setPolygonLayer(true); //if the layer is a point create a radius String fid = obj.get(StringConstants.FID).toString(); MapLayerMetadata md = mapLayer.getMapLayerMetadata(); Facet facet = null; if (!pointLayer && CommonData.getLayer(fid) != null && CommonData.getFacetLayerNameDefault(fid) != null) { JSONObject field = CommonData.getLayer(fid); if (field.containsKey("indb") && StringConstants.TRUE.equalsIgnoreCase(field.get("indb").toString())) { String spid = field.get("spid").toString(); md.setMoreInfo(CommonData.getLayersServer() + "/layers/view/more/" + spid); facet = Util.getFacetForObject(areaName, fid); } } if (facet != null) { List<Facet> facets = new ArrayList<Facet>(); facets.add(facet); mapLayer.setFacets(facets); //do not set WKT for grids as shapefiles if (!((JSONObject) CommonData.getLayer(fid).get("layer")).get("path_orig").toString() .contains("diva")) { mapLayer.setWktUrl(CommonData.getLayersServer() + "/shape/wkt/" + pid); } } else if (!pointLayer) { //not in biocache, so add as WKT mapLayer.setWKT(Util.readUrl(CommonData.getLayersServer() + "/shape/wkt/" + pid)); } int colour = Util.nextColour(); int r = (colour >> 16) & 0x000000ff; int g = (colour >> 8) & 0x000000ff; int b = (colour) & 0x000000ff; mapLayer.setRedVal(r); mapLayer.setGreenVal(g); mapLayer.setBlueVal(b); mapLayer.setDynamicStyle(true); getMapComposer().applyChange(mapLayer); getMapComposer().updateLayerControls(); return mapLayer; } /** * Add a WMS layer identified by the given parameters to the menu system and * activate it * * @param name Name of map layer * @param uri URI for the WMS service * @param opacity 0 for invisible, 1 for solid */ public MapLayer addWMSLayer(String name, String displayName, String uri, float opacity, String metadata, String legendUri, int subType, String cqlfilter, String envParams) { return addWMSLayer(name, displayName, uri, opacity, metadata, legendUri, subType, cqlfilter, envParams, null); } /* * Public utility methods to interogate the state of the form controls */ public MapLayer addWMSLayer(String name, String displayName, String uri, float opacity, String metadata, String legendUri, int subType, String cqlfilter, String envParams, Query q) { MapLayer mapLayer = null; if (safeToPerformMapAction()) { if (portalSessionUtilities.getUserDefinedById(getPortalSession(), uri) == null) { mapLayer = remoteMap.createAndTestWMSLayer(name, uri, opacity); mapLayer.setDisplayName(displayName); if (q != null) { mapLayer.setSpeciesQuery(q); } //ok mapLayer.setSubType(subType); mapLayer.setCql(cqlfilter); mapLayer.setEnvParams(envParams); String fieldId = mapLayer.getUri().replaceAll("^.*&styles=", "").replaceAll("&.*", "") .replaceAll("_style", ""); String newUri = CommonData.getGeoServer() + "/wms?REQUEST=GetLegendGraphic&VERSION=1.0.0&FORMAT=image/png&WIDTH=20&HEIGHT=9&LAYER=" + mapLayer.getLayer() + (fieldId.length() < 10 ? "&styles=" + fieldId + "_style" : ""); mapLayer.setDefaultStyleLegendUri(newUri); if (metadata != null && metadata.startsWith("http")) { mapLayer.getMapLayerMetadata().setMoreInfo(metadata + "\n" + displayName); } else { mapLayer.getMapLayerMetadata().setMoreInfo(metadata); } if (legendUri != null) { WMSStyle style = new WMSStyle(); style.setName(StringConstants.DEFAULT); style.setDescription("Default style"); style.setTitle(StringConstants.DEFAULT); style.setLegendUri(legendUri); mapLayer.addStyle(style); mapLayer.setSelectedStyleIndex(1); LOGGER.debug("adding WMSStyle with legendUri: " + legendUri); mapLayer.setDefaultStyleLegendUriSet(true); } addUserDefinedLayerToMenu(mapLayer, true); } else { // fail showMessage(languagePack.getLang("wms_layer_already_exists")); LOGGER.debug( "refusing to add a new layer with URI " + uri + " because it already exists in the menu"); } } return mapLayer; } public MapLayer getMapLayer(String label) { // check if layer already present List udl = getPortalSession().getActiveLayers(); Iterator iudl = udl.iterator(); LOGGER.debug("session active layers: " + udl.size() + " looking for: " + label); while (iudl.hasNext()) { MapLayer ml = (MapLayer); LOGGER.debug("layer: " + ml.getName() + " - " + ml.getId() + " - " + ml.getNameJS()); if (ml.getName().equals(label)) { return ml; } } // now check if we can find it using the display name return getMapLayerDisplayName(label); } public int getMapLayerIdxInLegend(String label) { // check if layer already present List udl = getPortalSession().getActiveLayers(); Iterator iudl = udl.iterator(); LOGGER.debug("session active layers: " + udl.size() + " looking for: " + label); int pos = -1; while (iudl.hasNext()) { pos++; MapLayer ml = (MapLayer); LOGGER.debug("layer: " + ml.getName() + " - " + ml.getId() + " - " + ml.getNameJS()); if (ml.getName().equals(label)) { return pos; } } // now check if we can find it using the display name return 0; } public MapLayer getMapLayerDisplayName(String label) { // check if layer already present List udl = getPortalSession().getActiveLayers(); Iterator iudl = udl.iterator(); LOGGER.debug("session active layers: " + udl.size() + " looking for: " + label); while (iudl.hasNext()) { MapLayer ml = (MapLayer); LOGGER.debug("layer: " + ml.getName() + " - " + ml.getId() + " - " + ml.getNameJS()); if (ml.getDisplayName().equals(label)) { return ml; } } return null; } public void removeLayer(String label) { if (safeToPerformMapAction()) { MapLayer mapLayer = getMapLayer(label); if (mapLayer != null) { deactiveLayer(mapLayer, true, false); } else { // fail showMessage(languagePack.getLang("wms_layer_remove_error")); LOGGER.debug("unable to remove layer with label" + label); } } } public MapLayer addImageLayer(String id, String label, String uri, float opacity, List<Double> bbox, int subType) { // check if layer already present MapLayer imageLayer = getMapLayer(label); if (safeToPerformMapAction()) { if (imageLayer == null) { LOGGER.debug("activating new layer"); //start with a new MapLayer imageLayer = new MapLayer(); //set its type imageLayer.setType(LayerUtilitiesImpl.IMAGELAYER); //the name is what will appear in the active layer list imageLayer.setName(label); imageLayer.setSubType(subType); //where do i find the image at the moment it is only enabled for png imageLayer.setId(label); //the combination of the next two is used by openlayers to create a unique name //its a bit dull using the ural and layer name but its a hangover from thinking //everything in the world is a WMS layer imageLayer.setLayer("wms.png"); imageLayer.setUri(uri); //set the layers opacity 0 - 1 imageLayer.setOpacity(opacity); //need the bbox so the map knows where to put it //bbox info is stored in here imageLayer.getMapLayerMetadata().setBbox(bbox); //call this to add it to the map and also put it in the active layer list activateLayer(imageLayer, true, true); } else { LOGGER.debug("refreshing exisiting layer"); imageLayer.setUri(uri); imageLayer.setOpacity(opacity); openLayersJavascript.reloadMapLayerNow(imageLayer); } } return imageLayer; } /** * Return the MapLayer instance associated with the item currently selected * in the active layers listbox or null if no item is currently selected. * <p/> * If nothing is selected and alertOnNoSelection is set true, show the user * a message and return null * * @return selected MapLayer instance or null if there is nothing selected */ public MapLayer getActiveLayersSelection(boolean alertOnNoSelection) { MapLayer mapLayer = null; // only one item can be selected at a time Listitem selected = activeLayersList.getSelectedItem(); if (selected != null) { mapLayer = selected.getValue(); } else if (alertOnNoSelection) { showMessage(languagePack.getLang("active_layer_not_selected")); } return mapLayer; } public void mapLoaded(String text) { boolean loaded = Boolean.parseBoolean(text); getPortalSession().setMapLoaded(loaded); BoundingBox bb = getPortalSession().getDefaultBoundingBox(); if (loaded) { LOGGER.debug("map is now loaded. let's try mapping."); MapLayer ml = loadUrlParameters(); if (ml == null) { openLayersJavascript.useAdditionalScript(); } } openLayersJavascript.zoomToBoundingBox(bb, false); } /** * Check if its safe to do things to the map - if it's not, show a popup box * * @return */ public boolean safeToPerformMapAction() { boolean safe; if (openLayersJavascript.mapLoaded()) { safe = true; } else { showMessage(languagePack.getLang("map_load_error")); safe = false; } return safe; } //-- AfterCompose --// @Override public void afterCompose() { super.afterCompose(); //window settings, for printing applyWindowParams(); // showtime! load(); //active layers list } /** * apply window parameters * <p/> * p = width in pixels,height in * pixels,longitude1,latitude1,longitude2,latitude2 */ void applyWindowParams() { String s = Executions.getCurrent().getParameter("p"); //TODO: validate params if (s != null) { String[] pa = s.split(","); setWidth(pa[0] + "px"); if (pa.length > 1) { setHeight(pa[1] + "px"); } } } public String getCookieValue(String cookieName) { try { for (Cookie c : ((HttpServletRequest) Executions.getCurrent().getNativeRequest()).getCookies()) { if (c.getName().equals(cookieName)) { return c.getValue(); } } } catch (Exception e) { //does not matter if it does not work } return null; } public void mapMultiQueryLayers(boolean[] geospatialKosher, String baseBiocacheUrl, String baseWSBiocacheUrl, boolean supportDynamic) { Map<String, String> userParams = getQueryParameterMap( Executions.getCurrent().getDesktop().getQueryString()); if (userParams != null) { for (Entry<String, String> entry : userParams.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); if (layerNameParamPattern.matcher(key).find()) { //we have a layer, retrieve the other bits String layerName = entry.getValue(); String query = userParams.get(key + ".q"); String style = userParams.get(key + ".s"); LOGGER.debug(String.format("Add layer: '%s', query: '%s', style: '%s', key: '%s'", layerName, query, style, key)); //format the query if (query != null && query.contains(",")) { String[] queryComponents = query.split(","); query = StringUtils.join(queryComponents, " OR "); } if (query != null && style != null && layerName != null) { BiocacheQuery q = new BiocacheQuery(null, null, query, null, true, geospatialKosher, baseBiocacheUrl, baseWSBiocacheUrl, supportDynamic); mapSpecies(q, layerName, StringConstants.SPECIES, q.getOccurrenceCount(), LayerUtilitiesImpl.SPECIES, null, 0, 4, 0.8f, Integer.decode(style), false); } } } } } /** * Maps environmental and contextual layers from a "&layers" param. Uses the * short name of the layer. e.g. "aspect" or "" */ public void mapLayerFromParams() { Map<String, String> userParams = getQueryParameterMap( Executions.getCurrent().getDesktop().getQueryString()); if (userParams != null) { String layersCSV = userParams.get("layers"); if (StringUtils.trimToNull(layersCSV) == null) { return; } String[] layers = layersCSV.split(","); for (String s : layers) { JSONArray layerlist = CommonData.getLayerListJSONArray(); for (int j = 0; j < layerlist.size(); j++) { JSONObject field = (JSONObject) layerlist.get(j); JSONObject layer = (JSONObject) field.get("layer"); String name = field.get(StringConstants.ID).toString(); if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(s) || s.equalsIgnoreCase(layer.get("name").toString())) { String fieldId = field.get(StringConstants.ID).toString(); String uid = layer.get(StringConstants.ID).toString(); String type = layer.get(StringConstants.TYPE).toString(); String treeName = StringUtils.capitalize(field.get(StringConstants.NAME).toString()); String treePath = layer.get("displaypath").toString(); String legendurl = CommonData.getGeoServer() + "/wms?REQUEST=GetLegendGraphic&VERSION=1.0.0&FORMAT=image/png&WIDTH=20&HEIGHT=9&LAYER=" + s + (fieldId.length() < 10 ? "&styles=" + fieldId + "_style" : ""); String metadata = CommonData.getLayersServer() + "/layers/view/more/" + uid; getMapComposer().addWMSLayer(s, treeName, treePath, (float) 0.75, metadata, legendurl, StringConstants.ENVIRONMENTAL.equalsIgnoreCase(type) ? LayerUtilitiesImpl.GRID : LayerUtilitiesImpl.CONTEXTUAL, null, null, null); } } } } } /** * Maps environmental and contextual layers from a "&layers" param. Uses the * short name of the layer. e.g. "aspect" or "" */ public void mapObjectFromParams() { Map<String, String> userParams = getQueryParameterMap( Executions.getCurrent().getDesktop().getQueryString()); if (userParams != null) { String pidsAsString = userParams.get(StringConstants.PID); if (StringUtils.trimToNull(pidsAsString) == null) { return; } String[] pids = pidsAsString.trim().split(","); List<MapLayer> mapLayers = getMapComposer().getPortalSession().getActiveLayers(); Map<String, MapLayer> names = new HashMap<String, MapLayer>(); for (MapLayer ml : mapLayers) { names.put(ml.getName(), ml); } for (String pid : pids) { if (names.get("PID:" + pid) == null) { MapLayer mapLayer = getMapComposer().addObjectByPid(pid, null, 1); if (pids.length == 1) { //zoom to this region getMapComposer().zoomToExtent(mapLayer); } } else if (pids.length == 1) { MapLayer mapLayer = names.get("PID:" + pid); getMapComposer().zoomToExtent(mapLayer); } } } } /** * Parsing of "q" and "fq" params * * @return */ private MapLayer loadUrlParameters() { MapLayer mapLayer = null; String params = null; try { String analysisLayerSelections = getCookieValue("analysis_layer_selections"); if (analysisLayerSelections != null) { String[] s = URLDecoder.decode(analysisLayerSelections, StringConstants.UTF_8).split("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { String[] ls = s[i].split(" // "); if (ls.length > 1) { selectedLayers.add(new LayerSelection(ls[0], ls[1])); } } } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("error loading url parameters", e); } String tool = null; String toolParameters = null; try { params = Executions.getCurrent().getDesktop().getQueryString(); LOGGER.debug("User params: " + params); List<Entry<String, String>> userParams = Util.getQueryParameters(params); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String qc = null; String bs = null; String ws = null; String wkt = null; int size = 4; float opacity = 0.6f; int colour = 0xff0000; String pointtype = "auto"; String bb = null; Double lat = null; Double lon = null; Double radius = null; String colourBy = null; String savedsession = ""; String s = null; boolean[] geospatialKosher = null; boolean supportDynamic = false; String qname = null; Boolean includeDistributions = true; for (int i = 0; i < userParams.size(); i++) { String key = userParams.get(i).getKey(); String value = userParams.get(i).getValue(); if ("wmscache".equals(key)) { useSpeciesWMSCache = value; } if ("tool".equals(key)) { tool = value; } if ("toolParameters".equals(key)) { toolParameters = value; } if ("species_lsid".equals(key)) { sb.append("lsid:").append(value); } else if ("q".equals(key)) { //relies on spitonparams (biocachequery) s = value; //biocache is unhappy with (lsid:...) //remove brackets to make it work if (value.startsWith("(") && value.endsWith(")") && !value.contains(" ")) { s = value.substring(1, value.length() - 2); } } else if ("qname".equals(key)) { qname = value; } else if ("fq".equals(key)) { //flag geospatialKosher filters separately boolean[] gk; if ((gk = BiocacheQuery.parseGeospatialKosher(value)) != null) { geospatialKosher = gk; } else { //use as-is //spitonparams (biocachequery) splits these sb.append("&").append(key).append("=").append(value); } } else if ("qc".equals(key)) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(qc)) { qc = "&qc=" + URLEncoder.encode(value, StringConstants.UTF_8); } } else if ("bs".equals(key)) { bs = value; } else if ("ws".equals(key)) { ws = value; } else if (StringConstants.WKT.equals(key)) { wkt = value; } else if ("psize".equals(key)) { size = Integer.parseInt(value); } else if ("popacity".equals(key)) { opacity = Float.parseFloat(value); } else if ("pcolour".equals(key)) { colour = Integer.parseInt(value, 16); } else if ("ptype".equals(key)) { pointtype = value; } else if (StringConstants.BBOX.equals(key)) { bb = value; } else if ("lat".equals(key)) { lat = Double.parseDouble(value); } else if ("lon".equals(key)) { lon = Double.parseDouble(value); } else if ("radius".equals(key)) { radius = Double.parseDouble(value); } else if ("ss".equals(key)) { savedsession = value.trim(); } else if ("dynamic".equals(key)) { supportDynamic = Boolean.parseBoolean(value); } else if ("cm".equals(key)) { colourBy = value.trim(); } else if ("includeDistributions".equals(key)) { try { includeDistributions = Boolean.parseBoolean(value.trim()); } catch (Exception e) { } } } if (lat != null && lon != null && radius != null) { //m to km wkt = Util.createCircleJs(lon, lat, radius * 1000); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(savedsession)) { loadUserSession(savedsession); } else { LOGGER.debug("No saved session to load"); } LOGGER.debug("url query: " + sb.toString()); if (sb.length() > 0 || (s != null && s.length() > 0)) { if (s != null) { s += sb.toString(); } else { s = sb.toString(); } BiocacheQuery q = new BiocacheQuery(null, wkt, s, null, true, geospatialKosher, bs, ws, supportDynamic); if (qc != null) { q.setQc(qc); } if (getMapLayerDisplayName(q.getSolrName()) == null) { if (bb == null) { List<Double> bbox = q.getBBox(); String script = "map.zoomToExtent(new OpenLayers.Bounds(" + bbox.get(0) + "," + bbox.get(1) + "," + bbox.get(2) + "," + bbox.get(3) + ")" + ".transform(" + " new OpenLayers.Projection('EPSG:4326')," + " map.getProjectionObject()));"; openLayersJavascript.setAdditionalScript(script); } //mappable attributes int setGrid = -1; if (pointtype.equals(StringConstants.GRID)) { setGrid = 1; } else if ("point".equals(pointtype)) { setGrid = 0; } mapLayer = mapSpecies(q, qname != null ? qname : q.getSolrName(), StringConstants.SPECIES, q.getOccurrenceCount(), LayerUtilitiesImpl.SPECIES, null, setGrid, size, opacity, colour, colourBy, includeDistributions); } } mapMultiQueryLayers(geospatialKosher, bs, ws, supportDynamic); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.debug("Error loading url parameters: " + params, e); } //load any deep linked layers mapLayerFromParams(); //load any deep linked objects mapObjectFromParams(); if (tool != null) { //open this tool try { JSONParser jp = new JSONParser(); Map map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (toolParameters != null) { JSONObject jo = (JSONObject) jp.parse(toolParameters); for (Object key : jo.keySet()) { map.put(key.toString(), jo.get(key)); } } if ("phylogeneticdiversity".equals(tool)) { openModal("WEB-INF/zul/tool/PhylogeneticDiversity.zul", map, StringConstants.ADDTOOLWINDOW); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("failed to open tool: " + tool, e); } } return mapLayer; } public void onActivateLink(ForwardEvent event) { Component component = event.getOrigin().getTarget(); Object oLink = component.getAttribute("link"); if (oLink instanceof String) { String uri = (String) oLink; String label = (String) component.getAttribute("label"); this.activateLink(uri, label, false); } } public MapLayer addPointsOfInterestLayer(String wkt, String label, String displayName) { MapLayer mapLayer = null; if (safeToPerformMapAction()) { if (portalSessionUtilities.getUserDefinedById(getPortalSession(), label) == null) { mapLayer = remoteMap.createWKTLayer(wkt, label); mapLayer.setDisplayName(displayName); mapLayer.setPointsOfInterestWS(CommonData.getLayersServer() + "/intersect/poi/wkt"); mapLayer.setOpacity((float) 0.4); mapLayer.setDynamicStyle(true); activateLayer(mapLayer, true, true); } else { // fail showMessage("WKT layer already exists"); LOGGER.debug("refusing to add a new layer with name " + label + " because it already exists in the menu"); } } return mapLayer; } public MapLayer addWKTLayer(String wkt, String label, String displayName) { if (wkt != null) { wkt = Util.fixWkt(wkt); } MapLayer mapLayer = null; if (safeToPerformMapAction()) { if (portalSessionUtilities.getUserDefinedById(getPortalSession(), label) == null) { mapLayer = remoteMap.createWKTLayer(wkt, label); mapLayer.setDisplayName(displayName); mapLayer.setOpacity((float) 0.4); mapLayer.setDynamicStyle(true); activateLayer(mapLayer, true, true); } else { // fail showMessage("WKT layer already exists"); LOGGER.debug("refusing to add a new layer with name " + label + " because it already exists in the menu"); } } return mapLayer; } /** * Destroy session and reload page * <p/> * - added confirmation message, needs to be event driven since message box * always returning '1' with current zk settings. */ public void onClick$reloadPortal() { // user confirmation for whole map reset try {"Reset map to initial empty state, with no layers and default settings?", "Reset Map", Messagebox.YES | Messagebox.NO, Messagebox.QUESTION, new EventListener() { @Override public void onEvent(Event event) throws Exception { if ((Integer) event.getData() == Messagebox.YES) { //reset map reloadPortal(); } } }); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("error reloading portal", e); } } /** * split from button for yes/no event processing * <p/> * see onClick$reloadPortal() */ void reloadPortal() { // grab the portaluser instance so that logged in users stay logged in... PortalSession portalSession = getPortalSession(); // remove the old species filters getSession().removeAttribute("speciesfilters"); // create a new session from the master session SessionInit sessionInit = new SessionInitImpl(); try { sessionInit.init(Sessions.getCurrent(), null); } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.error("Error creating replacement session information after user clicked reload portal", ex); } // check PortalSession is not null - if it is, something is badly wrong // so redirect to error page portalSession = getPortalSession(); if (portalSession == null) { LOGGER.error("Null portal session created after clicking reset map, sending user to error page"); try { Executions.getCurrent().forward("/WEB-INF/jsp/Error.jsp"); } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.error("error redirecting to error page", ex); } } else { // all good - put the portal user back in, then force a page reload Executions.getCurrent().sendRedirect(CommonData.getWebportalServer() + "/"); } } /** * Reload all species layers */ public void onReloadLayers(Event event) { String tbxReloadLayers; if (event == null) { mapZoomLevel = getLeftmenuSearchComposer().getZoom(); tbxReloadLayers = (new StringBuffer()).append("z=").append(String.valueOf(mapZoomLevel)) .append("&b=").append(getLeftmenuSearchComposer().getViewportBoundingBox().toString()) .toString(); } else { tbxReloadLayers = (String) event.getData(); String s = tbxReloadLayers; int s1 = s.indexOf("z="); int s2 = s.indexOf('&'); if (s1 >= 0) { if (s2 >= 0) { mapZoomLevel = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(s1 + 2, s2)); } else { mapZoomLevel = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(s1 + 2)); } } } LOGGER.debug("tbxReloadLayers.getValue(): " + tbxReloadLayers); // iterate thru' active map layers List udl = getPortalSession().getActiveLayers(); Iterator iudl = udl.iterator(); List<String> processedLayers = new ArrayList(); String reloadScript = ""; while (iudl.hasNext()) { MapLayer ml = (MapLayer); if (processedLayers.contains(ml.getName())) { LOGGER.debug(ml.getName() + " already processed."); continue; } LOGGER.debug("checking reload layer: " + ml.getName() + " - " + ml.getId() + " - " + ml.getNameJS() + " -> type: " + ml.getType() + "," + ml.getGeometryType()); processedLayers.add(ml.getName()); } if (reloadScript.length() > 0) { openLayersJavascript.execute(openLayersJavascript.getIFrameReferences() + reloadScript); } } /** * generate pdf for from innerHTML of printHack txtbox * <p/> * dependant on whatever the ends up being on the map tab * <p/> * uses wkhtmltoimage (wkhtmltopdf not working?) */ public void onClick$onPrint(Event event) { Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put(StringConstants.PRINT_PARAMS, event.getData()); params.put(StringConstants.BASE_LAYER, getBaseMap()); params.put(StringConstants.BOUNDING_BOX, getLeftmenuSearchComposer().getViewportBoundingBox()); params.put(StringConstants.LAYERS, getPortalSession().getActiveLayers()); openModal("WEB-INF/zul/Printing.zul", params, "printingwindow"); } /** * watch for layer loaded signals */ public void onLayerLoaded(Event event) { tbxLayerLoaded = (String) event.getData(); for (EventListener el : layerLoadedChangeEvents.values()) { try { el.onEvent(null); } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.error("error firing layer loaded listener", ex); } } } public String getLayerLoaded() { return tbxLayerLoaded; } public void addLayerLoadedEventListener(String eventName, EventListener eventListener) { layerLoadedChangeEvents.put(eventName, eventListener); } public void removeLayerLoadedEventListener(String eventName) { layerLoadedChangeEvents.remove(eventName); } public MapLayer mapPointsOfInterest(String wkt, String label, String displayName) { return addPointsOfInterestLayer(wkt, label, displayName); } /** * gets a species map that doesn't have colourby set */ public MapLayer mapSpecies(Query sq, String species, String rank, int count, int subType, String wkt, int setGrid, int size, float opacity, int colour, boolean mapExpertDistribution) { return mapSpecies(sq, species, rank, count, subType, wkt, setGrid, size, opacity, colour, null, mapExpertDistribution); } /** * * @param sq * @param species * @param rank * @param count * @param subType e.g. LayerUtilitiesImpl.SPECIES * @param wkt * @param setGrid * @param size * @param opacity * @param colour * @param colourBy * @param mapExpertDistribution * @return */ public MapLayer mapSpecies(Query sq, String species, String rank, int count, int subType, String wkt, int setGrid, int size, float opacity, int colour, String colourBy, boolean mapExpertDistribution) { String newSpecies = species; String newRank = rank; if (newSpecies == null) { newSpecies = sq.getName(); newRank = sq.getRank(); } int newCount = count; if (newCount < 0) { newCount = sq.getOccurrenceCount(); } //use # of points cutoff boolean grid; if (setGrid == 0) { grid = false; } else { grid = setGrid == 1 || sq.getOccurrenceCount() > Integer .parseInt(getSettingsSupplementary().getProperty("points_cluster_threshold")); } MapLayer ml = mapSpeciesFilter(sq, newSpecies, newRank, newCount, subType, wkt, grid, size, opacity, colour, mapExpertDistribution); if (ml != null) { if (colourBy != null) { ml.setColourMode(colourBy); } //for Active Area mapping ml.getMapLayerMetadata().setOccurrencesCount(newCount); String layerType = "Species - Search"; if (newSpecies.startsWith("Occurrences in ")) { layerType = "Species - Occurrences"; } else if (StringConstants.SPECIES_ASSEMBLAGE.equals(newSpecies)) { layerType = "Species - Assemblage"; } else if (newSpecies.contains(StringConstants.MY_FACET)) { layerType = "Species - Facet"; } if (subType == LayerUtilitiesImpl.SPECIES_UPLOAD) { layerType = "Import - Species"; } if (subType == LayerUtilitiesImpl.SPECIES && "user".equals(newRank)) { layerType = "Import - LSID"; } if (sq instanceof BiocacheQuery) { BiocacheQuery bq = (BiocacheQuery) sq; String extra = bq.getWS() + "|" + bq.getBS() + "|" + bq.getFullQ(false); remoteLogger.logMapSpecies(ml.getDisplayName(), bq.getLsids(), wkt, layerType, extra); } else if (sq instanceof UserDataQuery) { remoteLogger.logMapSpecies(ml.getDisplayName(), "user-" + sq.getSpeciesCount() + " records", wkt, layerType, sq.getMetadataHtml()); } else { remoteLogger.logMapSpecies(ml.getDisplayName(), newSpecies, wkt, layerType, sq.getMetadataHtml()); } updateLayerControls(); refreshContextualMenu(); //changes need to be apply when the colour by is not null this allows the map to be updated to // reflect the correct facet if (colourBy != null) { applyChange(ml); } } return ml; } void addLsidBoundingBoxToMetadata(MapLayerMetadata md, Query query) { //get bounding box for lsid List<Double> bb = query.getBBox(); md.setBbox(bb); } public String getLayerBoundingBox(MapLayer ml) { String bbox = null; if (ml.getMapLayerMetadata().getBboxString() != null) { bbox = ml.getMapLayerMetadata().getBboxString(); } else { Clients.evalJavaScript("jq('$currentLayerExtent')[0].innerHTML=map.getLayersByName('" + ml.getName() + "')[0].getExtent().transform(map.getProjectionObject()," + "new OpenLayers.Projection('EPSG:4326')).toString();"); String bboxstr = currentLayerExtent.getValue(); LOGGER.debug("Got bboxstr: " + bboxstr); if (bboxstr != null) { String[] b = bboxstr.split(","); List<Double> bb = new ArrayList<Double>(); bb.add(Double.parseDouble(b[0])); bb.add(Double.parseDouble(b[1])); bb.add(Double.parseDouble(b[2])); bb.add(Double.parseDouble(b[3])); ml.getMapLayerMetadata().setBbox(bb); bbox = bboxstr; } } return bbox; } private void loadDistributionMap(String lsids, String wkt) { String newWkt = wkt; if (CommonData.WORLD_WKT.equals(newWkt)) { newWkt = null; } //test for a valid lsid match String[] wmsNames = CommonData.getSpeciesDistributionWMS(lsids); String[] spcode = CommonData.getSpeciesDistributionSpcode(lsids); MapLayer ml; JSONParser jp = new JSONParser(); if (wmsNames.length > 0 && (newWkt == null || newWkt.equals(CommonData.WORLD_WKT))) { //add all for (int i = 0; i < wmsNames.length; i++) { if (getMapLayerWMS(wmsNames[i]) == null) { //map this layer with its recorded scientific name try { JSONObject jo = ((JSONObject) jp.parse(Util.readUrl( CommonData.getLayersServer() + "/distribution/" + spcode[i] + "?nowkt=true"))); String scientific = jo.get(StringConstants.SCIENTIFIC).toString(); String distributionAreaName = jo.get("area_name").toString(); String layerName = getNextAreaLayerName(scientific); String html = Util.getMetadataHtmlForDistributionOrChecklist(spcode[i], null, layerName); ml = addWMSLayer(layerName, getNextAreaLayerName(distributionAreaName), wmsNames[i], 0.35f, html, null, LayerUtilitiesImpl.WKT, null, null); ml.setSPCode(spcode[i]); setupMapLayerAsDistributionArea(ml); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("failed to parse for distribution: " + spcode[i]); } } } } else if (wmsNames.length > 0 && newWkt != null && !newWkt.equals(CommonData.WORLD_WKT)) { String url = CommonData.getLayersServer() + "/distributions"; try { HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); PostMethod post = new PostMethod(url); post.addParameter(StringConstants.WKT, newWkt); post.addParameter(StringConstants.LSIDS, lsids); post.addRequestHeader(StringConstants.ACCEPT, StringConstants.JSON_JAVASCRIPT_ALL); int result = client.executeMethod(post); if (result == 200) { String txt = post.getResponseBodyAsString(); JSONArray ja = (JSONArray) jp.parse(txt); List<String> found = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < ja.size(); i++) { JSONObject jo = (JSONObject) ja.get(i); if (jo.containsKey(StringConstants.WMSURL)) { found.add(jo.get(StringConstants.WMSURL).toString()); } } for (int i = 0; i < wmsNames.length; i++) { if (getMapLayerWMS(wmsNames[i]) == null) { String scientific = ((JSONObject) jp.parse(Util.readUrl( CommonData.getLayersServer() + "/distribution/" + spcode[i] + "?nowkt=true"))) .get(StringConstants.SCIENTIFIC).toString(); String layerName = getNextAreaLayerName(scientific + " area " + (i + 1)); String html = Util.getMetadataHtmlForDistributionOrChecklist(spcode[i], null, layerName); ml = addWMSLayer(layerName, getNextAreaLayerName("Expert distribution: " + scientific), found.get(i), 0.35f, html, null, LayerUtilitiesImpl.WKT, null, null); ml.setSPCode(spcode[i]); setupMapLayerAsDistributionArea(ml); } } } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("error posting distributions: " + url); } } openChecklistSpecies(lsids, newWkt, true); } void openChecklistSpecies(String lsids, String wkt, boolean mapIfOnlyOne) { try { //species checklists String[] finallist = Util.getDistributionsOrChecklists(StringConstants.CHECKLISTS, wkt, lsids, null); //open for optional mapping of areas if (finallist.length > 1) { if (mapIfOnlyOne && finallist.length == 2) { try { String[] row; CSVReader csv = new CSVReader(new StringReader(finallist[1])); row = csv.readNext(); csv.close(); if (getMapLayerWMS(CommonData.getSpeciesChecklistWMSFromSpcode(row[0])[1]) == null) { //map it String[] mapping = CommonData.getSpeciesChecklistWMSFromSpcode(row[0]); String displayName = mapping[0] + " area"; if (row[11] != null && row[11].length() > 0) { displayName = row[11]; } String layerName = getNextAreaLayerName(row[0] + " area"); String html = Util.getMetadataHtmlForDistributionOrChecklist(row[0], row, layerName); MapLayer ml = getMapComposer().addWMSLayer(layerName, displayName, mapping[1], 0.6f, html, null, LayerUtilitiesImpl.WKT, null, null); ml.setSPCode(row[0]); setupMapLayerAsDistributionArea(ml); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("error opening checklist species", e); } } else { if (hasFellow(StringConstants.DISTRIBUTION_RESULTS)) { getFellowIfAny(StringConstants.DISTRIBUTION_RESULTS).detach(); } Map params = new HashMap(); params.put(StringConstants.TITLE, "Checklist species"); params.put(StringConstants.SIZE, String.valueOf(finallist.length - 1)); params.put(StringConstants.TABLE, finallist); Window window = (Window) Executions .createComponents("WEB-INF/zul/results/AnalysisDistributionResults.zul", this, params); try { window.setParent(this); window.doModal(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("error opening checklist species dialog", e); } } } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("error opening distribution area dialog", e); } } void openAreaChecklist(String geomIdx, String lsids, String wkt) { try { //checklist species String[] finallist = Util.getDistributionsOrChecklists(StringConstants.CHECKLISTS, wkt, lsids, geomIdx); if (hasFellow(StringConstants.DISTRIBUTION_RESULTS)) { getFellowIfAny(StringConstants.DISTRIBUTION_RESULTS).detach(); } Map params = new HashMap(); params.put(StringConstants.TITLE, "Checklist species"); params.put(StringConstants.SIZE, String.valueOf(finallist.length - 1)); params.put(StringConstants.TABLE, finallist); Window window = (Window) Executions .createComponents("WEB-INF/zul/results/AnalysisDistributionResults.zul", this, params); try { window.setParent(this); window.doModal(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("error opening checklist species dialog", e); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("error opening distribution area dialog", e); } } void openDistributionSpecies(String lsids, String wkt) { try { //expert distributions String[] distributions = Util.getDistributionsOrChecklists(StringConstants.DISTRIBUTIONS, wkt, lsids, null); //open for optional mapping of areas if (distributions.length > 0) { if (hasFellow(StringConstants.DISTRIBUTION_RESULTS)) { getFellowIfAny(StringConstants.DISTRIBUTION_RESULTS).detach(); } Map params = new HashMap(); params.put(StringConstants.TABLE, distributions); params.put(StringConstants.TITLE, "Expert distributions"); params.put(StringConstants.SIZE, String.valueOf(distributions.length - 1)); Window window = (Window) Executions .createComponents("WEB-INF/zul/results/AnalysisDistributionResults.zul", this, params); try { window.setParent(this); window.doModal(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("error opening analysisdistributionresults.zul", e); } } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("error opening distribution species", e); } } public void setupMapLayerAsDistributionArea(MapLayer mapLayer) { try { //identify the spcode from the url String spcode = mapLayer.getSPCode(); String url = CommonData.getLayersServer() + "/distribution/" + spcode; String jsontxt = Util.readUrl(url); if (jsontxt == null || jsontxt.length() == 0) { url = CommonData.getLayersServer() + "/checklist/" + spcode; jsontxt = Util.readUrl(url); } if (jsontxt == null || jsontxt.length() == 0) { LOGGER.debug("******** failed to find wkt for " + mapLayer.getUri() + " > " + spcode); return; } JSONParser jp = new JSONParser(); JSONObject jo = (JSONObject) jp.parse(jsontxt); if (!jo.containsKey(StringConstants.GEOMETRY)) { return; } mapLayer.setWKT(jo.get(StringConstants.GEOMETRY).toString()); mapLayer.setPolygonLayer(true); Facet facet = null; if (jo.containsKey(StringConstants.PID) && jo.containsKey(StringConstants.AREA_NAME)) { JSONObject object = (JSONObject) jp.parse(Util .readUrl(CommonData.getLayersServer() + "/object/" + jo.containsKey(StringConstants.PID))); //only get field data if it is an intersected layer (to exclude layers containing points) if (CommonData.getLayer((String) object.get(StringConstants.FID)) != null) { facet = Util.getFacetForObject(jo.get(StringConstants.AREA_NAME).toString(), (String) object.get(StringConstants.FID)); } } if (facet != null) { List<Facet> facets = new ArrayList<Facet>(); facets.add(facet); mapLayer.setFacets(facets); } MapLayerMetadata md = mapLayer.getMapLayerMetadata(); try { List<Double> bbox; if (jo.containsKey("bounding_box")) { bbox = Util.getBoundingBox(jo.get("bounding_box").toString()); } else { bbox = Util.getBoundingBox(jo.get(StringConstants.GEOMETRY).toString()); } md.setBbox(bbox); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("failed to parse wkt in : " + url, e); } //add colour! int colour = Util.nextColour(); int r = (colour >> 16) & 0x000000ff; int g = (colour >> 8) & 0x000000ff; int b = (colour) & 0x000000ff; mapLayer.setRedVal(r); mapLayer.setGreenVal(g); mapLayer.setBlueVal(b); mapLayer.setDynamicStyle(true); getMapComposer().applyChange(mapLayer); warnForLargeWKT(mapLayer); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("error setting up distributions map layer", e); } } public void warnForLargeWKT(MapLayer ml) { //display warning for large wkt that does not have a facet if (ml.getFacets() == null) { WKTReader wktReader = new WKTReader(); try { Geometry g =; if (g.getNumPoints() > Integer .parseInt(CommonData.getSettings().getProperty("max_q_wkt_points", "200"))) { WKTReducedDTO reduced = Util.reduceWKT(ml.getWKT()); ml.setWKT(reduced.getReducedWKT()); Geometry gsimplified =; getMapComposer().showMessage( "WARNING: The polygon has more than the maximum number of points and has been simplified, " + "\r\n\r\noriginal points: " + g.getNumPoints() + "\r\nmax points: " + CommonData.getSettings().getProperty("max_q_wkt_points", "200") + "\r\nsimplified points: " + gsimplified.getNumPoints()); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("error testing and reducing WKT", e); } } } MapLayer mapSpeciesFilter(Query q, String species, String rank, int count, int subType, String wkt, boolean grid, int size, float opacity, int colour, boolean mapExpertDistributions) { String filter = q.getQ(); //just in case it fails if (mapExpertDistributions) { try { if (q instanceof BiocacheQuery) { String lsids = ((BiocacheQuery) q).getLsids(); List<String> extraLsids = ((BiocacheQuery) q).getLsidFromExtraParams(); if (lsids != null && lsids.length() > 0) { loadDistributionMap(lsids, wkt); } for (String extraLsid : extraLsids) { if (extraLsid != null && extraLsid.length() > 0) { LOGGER.debug("loading layer for: " + extraLsid); loadDistributionMap(extraLsid, wkt); } } } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("failed to map species distribution areas", e); } } MapLayer ml = mapSpeciesWMSByFilter(getNextAreaLayerName(species), filter, subType, q, grid, size, opacity, colour); if (ml != null) { addToSession(ml.getName(), filter); MapLayerMetadata md = ml.getMapLayerMetadata(); md.setOccurrencesCount(count); ml.setClustered(false); if (grid) { ml.setColourMode(StringConstants.GRID); } addLsidBoundingBoxToMetadata(md, q); } return ml; } MapLayer mapSpeciesWMSByFilter(String label, String filter, int subType, Query query, boolean grid, int size, float opacity, int colour) { String uri; int r = (colour >> 16) & 0x000000ff; int g = (colour >> 8) & 0x000000ff; int b = (colour) & 0x000000ff; int sz = size; int uncertaintyCheck = 0; float op = opacity; if (activeLayerMapProperties != null) { r = (Integer) activeLayerMapProperties.get(StringConstants.RED); b = (Integer) activeLayerMapProperties.get(StringConstants.BLUE); g = (Integer) activeLayerMapProperties.get(StringConstants.GREEN); sz = (Integer) activeLayerMapProperties.get(StringConstants.SIZE); op = (Float) activeLayerMapProperties.get(StringConstants.OPACITY); uncertaintyCheck = (Integer) activeLayerMapProperties.get(StringConstants.UNCERTAINTY); } if (subType == LayerUtilitiesImpl.SCATTERPLOT) { //set defaults for scatterplot r = 0; g = 0; b = 255; op = 1; sz = 4; } Color c = new Color(r, g, b); String hexColour = Integer.toHexString(c.getRGB() & 0x00ffffff); String envString = ""; //TODO make the default map type configurable envString = "color:" + hexColour + ";colormode:osgrid"; // if (grid) { // colour mode is in 'filter' but need to move it to envString // envString += "colormode:grid"; // } else { // envString = "color:" + hexColour; // } envString += ";name:circle;size:" + sz + ";opacity:1"; if (uncertaintyCheck > 0) { envString += ";uncertainty:1"; } uri = query.getUrl(); uri += "service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&styles=&format=image/png"; uri += "&layers=ALA:occurrences"; uri += "&transparent=true"; uri += (query.getQc() == null ? "" : query.getQc()); uri += "&CACHE=" + useSpeciesWMSCache; uri += "&CQL_FILTER="; LOGGER.debug("Mapping: " + label + " with " + uri + filter); try { if (safeToPerformMapAction()) { if (getMapLayer(label) == null) { MapLayer ml = addWMSLayer(label, label, uri + filter, op, null, null, subType, "", envString, query); if (ml != null) { ml.setDynamicStyle(true); ml.setEnvParams(envString); ml.setGeometryType(LayerUtilitiesImpl.POINT); ml.setBlueVal(b); ml.setGreenVal(g); ml.setRedVal(r); ml.setSizeVal(sz); ml.setOpacity(op); ml.setClustered(false); ml.setSpeciesQuery(query); updateLayerControls(); //create highlight layer MapLayer mlHighlight = (MapLayer) ml.clone(); mlHighlight.setName(ml.getName() + "_highlight"); ml.addChild(mlHighlight); return ml; } else { // fail //hide error, might be clustering zoom in LOGGER.debug("adding WMS layer failed "); } } else { //need to cleanup any additional scripts outstanding openLayersJavascript.useAdditionalScript(); // fail LOGGER.debug("refusing to add a new layer with URI " + uri + " because it already exists in the menu"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.error("error mapSpeciesByNameRank:", ex); } return null; } public LeftMenuSearchComposer getLeftmenuSearchComposer() { return (LeftMenuSearchComposer) getFellow("leftMenuSearch").getFellow("leftSearch"); } public Iframe getRawMessageIframeHack() { return rawMessageIframeHack; } public void setRawMessageIframeHack(Iframe rawMessageIframeHack) { this.rawMessageIframeHack = rawMessageIframeHack; } public Div getRawMessageHackHolder() { return rawMessageHackHolder; } public void setRawMessageHackHolder(Div rawMessageHackHolder) { this.rawMessageHackHolder = rawMessageHackHolder; } public LanguagePack getLanguagePack() { return languagePack; } public void setLanguagePack(LanguagePack languagePack) { this.languagePack = languagePack; } public Properties getSettingsSupplementary() { settingsSupplementary = CommonData.getSettings(); return CommonData.getSettings(); } public void setSettingsSupplementary(Properties settingsSupplementary) { this.settingsSupplementary = settingsSupplementary; } public OpenLayersJavascript getOpenLayersJavascript() { return openLayersJavascript; } public void setOpenLayersJavascript(OpenLayersJavascript openLayersJavascript) { this.openLayersJavascript = openLayersJavascript; } public HttpConnection getHttpConnection() { return httpConnection; } public void setHttpConnection(HttpConnection httpConnection) { this.httpConnection = httpConnection; } public RemoteMap getRemoteMap() { return remoteMap; } public void setRemoteMap(RemoteMap remoteMap) { this.remoteMap = remoteMap; } public ActiveLayerRenderer getActiveLayerRenderer() { return activeLayerRenderer; } public void setActiveLayerRenderer(ActiveLayerRenderer activeLayerRenderer) { this.activeLayerRenderer = activeLayerRenderer; } public PortalSessionUtilities getPortalSessionUtilities() { return portalSessionUtilities; } public void setPortalSessionUtilities(PortalSessionUtilities portalSessionUtilities) { this.portalSessionUtilities = portalSessionUtilities; } public Settings getSettings() { return settings; } public void setSettings(Settings settings) { this.settings = settings; } public boolean isLayerControlVisible() { return layerControls.isVisible(); } /* * for Events.echoEvent(Constants.OPEN_URL,mapComposer,url as string) */ public void openUrl(Event event) { String s = (String) event.getData(); LOGGER.debug("\n\n******\n\ns: " + s + "\n\n******\n\n"); String url = ""; String header = ""; String download = ""; String[] data = s.split("\n"); if (!ArrayUtils.isEmpty(data)) { LOGGER.debug("data.length: " + data.length); if (data.length == 1) { url = data[0]; } if (data.length == 2) { url = data[0]; header = data[1]; // now the 'header' might be a 'header' or 'download link' if (header.startsWith("pid:")) { download = header; header = ""; } } if (data.length == 3) { url = data[0]; header = data[1]; download = data[2]; } if (download.length() > 0 && download.startsWith(StringConstants.PID)) { download = download.substring(4); } activateLink(url, header, false, download); } } /* * for Events.echoEvent(Constants.OPEN_HTML,mapComposer,url as string) * * first line of String input is header */ public void openHTML(Event event) { String html = (String) event.getData(); String[] lines = html.split("\n"); String header = lines[0]; String url = "*" + html.substring(header.length()).trim(); activateLink(url, header, false); } public String getViewArea() { //default to: current view to be dynamically returned on usage BoundingBox bb = getMapComposer().getLeftmenuSearchComposer().getViewportBoundingBox(); //NC 20130319: Change the order of the rectangle polygon so that it is going in the correct direction for SOLR return StringConstants.POLYGON + "((" + bb.getMinLongitude() + " " + bb.getMinLatitude() + "," + bb.getMaxLongitude() + " " + bb.getMinLatitude() + "," + bb.getMaxLongitude() + " " + bb.getMaxLatitude() + "," + bb.getMinLongitude() + " " + bb.getMaxLatitude() + "," + bb.getMinLongitude() + " " + bb.getMinLatitude() + "))"; } public Session getSession() { return Sessions.getCurrent(); } public int getMapZoom() { return mapZoomLevel; } public void addToSession(String species, String filter) { Map speciesfilters = (Map) getSession().getAttribute("speciesfilters"); if (speciesfilters == null) { speciesfilters = new HashMap(); } speciesfilters.put(species, filter); getSession().setAttribute("speciesfilters", speciesfilters); } public void removeFromSession(String species) { Map speciesfilters = (Map) Sessions.getCurrent().getAttribute("speciesfilters"); if (speciesfilters != null) { speciesfilters.remove(species); getSession().setAttribute("speciesfilters", speciesfilters); } } public void loadScatterplot(ScatterplotDataDTO data, String lyrName) { MapLayer ml = mapSpecies(data.getQuery(), lyrName, StringConstants.SPECIES, 0, LayerUtilitiesImpl.SCATTERPLOT, null, 0, DEFAULT_POINT_SIZE, DEFAULT_POINT_OPACITY, Util.nextColour(), false); ml.setDisplayName(lyrName); ml.setSubType(LayerUtilitiesImpl.SCATTERPLOT); ml.setType(LayerUtilitiesImpl.SCATTERPLOT); ml.setScatterplotDataDTO(data); addUserDefinedLayerToMenu(ml, true); updateLayerControls(); refreshContextualMenu(); } public String getNextAreaLayerName(String layerPrefix) { String newLayerPrefix = layerPrefix; if (getMapLayer(newLayerPrefix) == null && getMapLayerDisplayName(newLayerPrefix) == null) { return newLayerPrefix; } newLayerPrefix += " "; int i = 1; while (getMapLayer(newLayerPrefix + i) != null || getMapLayerDisplayName(newLayerPrefix + i) != null) { i++; } return newLayerPrefix + i; } public String getNextActiveAreaLayerName(String areaName) { String newAreaName = areaName; if (newAreaName == null) { newAreaName = "Active area"; } else if (newAreaName.trim().isEmpty()) { newAreaName = "Active area"; } return "Occurrences in " + newAreaName + " "; } public void onClick$btnAddSpecies(Event event) { openModal("WEB-INF/zul/add/AddSpecies.zul", null, "addspecieswindow"); } public void onClick$btnAddArea(Event event) { openModal("WEB-INF/zul/add/AddArea.zul", null, StringConstants.ADDAREAWINDOW); } public void onClick$btnAddLayer(Event event) { openModal("WEB-INF/zul/add/AddLayer.zul", null, "addlayerwindow"); } public void onClick$btnAddFacet(Event event) { openModal("WEB-INF/zul/add/AddFacet.zul", null, StringConstants.ADDFACETWINDOW); } public void onClick$btnAddWMSLayer(Event event) { openModal("WEB-INF/zul/add/AddWMSLayer.zul", null, "addwmslayerwindow"); } public void onClick$btnAddGDM(Event event) { openModal("WEB-INF/zul/tool/GDM.zul", null, StringConstants.ADDTOOLWINDOW); } public void onClick$btnAddMaxent(Event event) { openModal("WEB-INF/zul/tool/Maxent.zul", null, StringConstants.ADDTOOLWINDOW); } public void onClick$btnAddAooEoo(Event event) { openModal("WEB-INF/zul/tool/AOOEOO.zul", null, StringConstants.ADDTOOLWINDOW); } public void onClick$btnAddSampling(Event event) { openModal("WEB-INF/zul/tool/Sampling.zul", null, StringConstants.ADDTOOLWINDOW); } public void onClick$btnAddAloc(Event event) { openModal("WEB-INF/zul/tool/ALOC.zul", null, StringConstants.ADDTOOLWINDOW); } public void onClick$btnAddScatterplot(Event event) { openModal("WEB-INF/zul/tool/Scatterplot.zul", null, StringConstants.ADDTOOLWINDOW); } public void onClick$btnAddScatterplotList(Event event) { openModal("WEB-INF/zul/tool/ScatterplotList.zul", null, StringConstants.ADDTOOLWINDOW); } public void runTabulation(Event event) { openModal("WEB-INF/zul/tool/Tabulation.zul", null, StringConstants.ADDTOOLWINDOW); } public void onClick$btnAreaReport(Event event) { openModal("WEB-INF/zul/tool/AreaReport.zul", null, StringConstants.ADDTOOLWINDOW); } public void onClick$btnInOut(Event event) { openModal("WEB-INF/zul/tool/InOut.zul", null, StringConstants.ADDTOOLWINDOW); } public void onClick$btnAreaReportPDF(Event event) { openModal("WEB-INF/zul/tool/AreaReportPDF.zul", null, StringConstants.ADDTOOLWINDOW); } public void runNearestLocalityAction(Event event) { remoteLogger.logMapAnalysis("Nearest locality", "Tool - Nearest locality", "", "", "", "", "", ""); } public void runPointComparisons(Event event) { openOverlapped("WEB-INF/zul/results/PointComparison.zul"); } public void onClick$btnSpeciesList(Event event) { openModal("WEB-INF/zul/tool/SpeciesList.zul", null, StringConstants.ADDTOOLWINDOW); } public void onClick$btnSitesBySpecies(Event event) { openModal("WEB-INF/zul/tool/SitesBySpecies.zul", null, StringConstants.ADDTOOLWINDOW); } public void onClick$btnPhylogeneticDiversity(Event event) { openModal("WEB-INF/zul/tool/PhylogeneticDiversity.zul", null, StringConstants.ADDTOOLWINDOW); } public Window openModal(String page, Map<String, Object> params, String windowname) { //remove any existing window with the same name (bug somewhere?) if (windowname != null && getFellowIfAny(windowname) != null) { getFellowIfAny(windowname).detach(); } Window window = (Window) Executions.createComponents(page, this, params); try { window.setParent(this); window.doModal(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("error opening dialog: " + page, e); } return window; } void openOverlapped(String page) { Window window = (Window) Executions.createComponents(page, this, null); try { window.doOverlapped(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("error opening overlapped dialog: " + page, e); } } public void updateLayerControls() { adjustActiveLayersList(); //remove any scatterplot legend Component c = getFellowIfAny("scatterplotlayerlegend"); if (c != null) { c.detach(); } //remove children for (int i = layerControls.getChildren().size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { layerControls.getChildren().get(i).detach(); } MapLayer selectedLayer = this.getActiveLayersSelection(false); if (selectedLayer == null) { if (activeLayersList.getItemCount() > 0) { activeLayersList.setSelectedIndex(0); selectedLayer = (MapLayer) activeLayersList.getModel().getElementAt(0); } else { return; } } lblSelectedLayer.setValue(selectedLayer.getDisplayName()); String page; Window window; if (selectedLayer.getType() == LayerUtilitiesImpl.SCATTERPLOT) { page = "WEB-INF/zul/legend/LayerLegendScatterplot.zul"; } else if (selectedLayer.getType() == LayerUtilitiesImpl.MAP) { page = "WEB-INF/zul/legend/MapOptions.zul"; } else { Map params = new HashMap(); llc2MapLayer = selectedLayer; params.put("map_layer", llc2MapLayer); window = (Window) Executions.createComponents("WEB-INF/zul/legend/LayerLegendGeneral.zul", layerControls, params); try { window.doEmbedded(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("error setting up layer legend", e); } return; } window = (Window) Executions.createComponents(page, layerControls, null); try { if (window instanceof HasMapLayer) { ((HasMapLayer) window).setMapLayer(selectedLayer); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error( "failed to set map layer to window: " + (window != null ? window.getId() : "window is null"), e); } try { window.doEmbedded(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("error setting layer legend", e); } } public void redrawLayersList() { int idx = activeLayersList.getSelectedIndex(); List<MapLayer> activeLayers = getPortalSession().getActiveLayers(); activeLayersList.setModel(new ListModelList(activeLayers, true)); activeLayersList.setSelectedIndex(idx); if (layerLegendNameRefresh != null) { try { layerLegendNameRefresh.onEvent(new ForwardEvent("", this, null, llc2MapLayer.getDisplayName())); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("failed to refresh legend name with current map layer", e); } } lblSelectedLayer.setValue(llc2MapLayer.getDisplayName()); adjustActiveLayersList(); } public void onSelect$activeLayersList(Event event) { updateLayerControls(); refreshContextualMenu(); } public List<MapLayer> getPolygonLayers() { List<MapLayer> list = new ArrayList<MapLayer>(); List<MapLayer> allLayers = getPortalSession().getActiveLayers(); for (int i = 0; i < allLayers.size(); i++) { if (allLayers.get(i).isPolygonLayer()) { list.add(allLayers.get(i)); } } return list; } public List<MapLayer> getSpeciesLayers() { List<MapLayer> list = new ArrayList<MapLayer>(); List<MapLayer> allLayers = getPortalSession().getActiveLayers(); for (int i = 0; i < allLayers.size(); i++) { if (allLayers.get(i).getSpeciesQuery() != null) { list.add(allLayers.get(i)); } } return list; } public List<MapLayer> getGridLayers() { List<MapLayer> list = new ArrayList<MapLayer>(); List<MapLayer> allLayers = getPortalSession().getActiveLayers(); for (int i = 0; i < allLayers.size(); i++) { if (allLayers.get(i).isGridLayer() && allLayers.get(i).getSubType() != LayerUtilitiesImpl.MAXENT && allLayers.get(i).getSubType() != LayerUtilitiesImpl.GDM && allLayers.get(i).getSubType() != LayerUtilitiesImpl.ALOC) { list.add(allLayers.get(i)); } } return list; } public List<MapLayer> getAnalysisLayers() { List<MapLayer> list = new ArrayList<MapLayer>(); List<MapLayer> allLayers = getPortalSession().getActiveLayers(); for (int i = 0; i < allLayers.size(); i++) { if (allLayers.get(i).getSubType() == LayerUtilitiesImpl.MAXENT || allLayers.get(i).getSubType() == LayerUtilitiesImpl.GDM || allLayers.get(i).getSubType() == LayerUtilitiesImpl.ALOC || allLayers.get(i).getSubType() == LayerUtilitiesImpl.ODENSITY || allLayers.get(i).getSubType() == LayerUtilitiesImpl.SRICHNESS) { list.add(allLayers.get(i)); } } return list; } public List<MapLayer> getContextualLayers() { List<MapLayer> list = new ArrayList<MapLayer>(); List<MapLayer> allLayers = getPortalSession().getActiveLayers(); for (int i = 0; i < allLayers.size(); i++) { if (allLayers.get(i).isContextualLayer() && allLayers.get(i).getSubType() != LayerUtilitiesImpl.ALOC) { list.add(allLayers.get(i)); } } return list; } public boolean isSelectedLayer(MapLayer ml) { return ml == getActiveLayersSelection(false); } public void setContextualMenuRefreshListener(EventListener contextualMenuRefreshListener) { this.contextualMenuRefreshListener = contextualMenuRefreshListener; } public void refreshContextualMenu() { if (contextualMenuRefreshListener != null) { try { contextualMenuRefreshListener.onEvent(null); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("failed to refresh contextual menu", e); } } adjustActiveLayersList(); } /** * Searches the occurrences at a given point and then maps the polygon * feature found at the location (for the current top contextual layer). * * @param event triggered by the usual javascript trickery */ public void exportArea(Event event) { openModal("WEB-INF/zul/output/ExportLayer.zul", null, StringConstants.ADDTOOLWINDOW); } public void onBaseMap(Event event) { String newBaseMap = (String) event.getData(); getPortalSession().setBaseLayer(newBaseMap); } public String getBaseMap() { return getPortalSession().getBaseLayer(); } public void adjustActiveLayersList() { if (activeLayersList != null && activeLayersList.getItems() != null) { for (Listitem li : activeLayersList.getItems()) { if (li.getValue() != null && ((MapLayer) li.getValue()).getType() == LayerUtilitiesImpl.MAP) { Listcell lc = (Listcell) li.getLastChild(); int checkedCount = 0; for (Listitem i : activeLayersList.getItems()) { if (i.getFirstChild().getFirstChild() != null && ((Checkbox) i.getFirstChild().getFirstChild()).isChecked()) { checkedCount++; } } //Buttons are created in the ActiveLayerRenderer for the base map layer. //update label Div div = (Div) lc.getLastChild(); Button unsel = (Button) div.getLastChild(); Button sel = (Button) unsel.getPreviousSibling(); Button remove = (Button) sel.getPreviousSibling(); //if all but map options layer is selected, title = 'unselect all' if (activeLayersList.getItemCount() == 1) { sel.setVisible(false); unsel.setVisible(false); remove.setVisible(false); } else if (checkedCount == activeLayersList.getItemCount()) { sel.setDisabled(true); unsel.setDisabled(false); sel.setVisible(true); unsel.setVisible(true); remove.setVisible(true); } else if (checkedCount == 1) { sel.setDisabled(false); unsel.setDisabled(true); sel.setVisible(true); unsel.setVisible(true); remove.setVisible(true); } else { sel.setDisabled(false); unsel.setDisabled(false); sel.setVisible(true); unsel.setVisible(true); remove.setVisible(true); } } } } } public void setLayersVisible(boolean show) { PortalSession portalSession = (PortalSession) Executions.getCurrent().getDesktop().getSession() .getAttribute(StringConstants.PORTAL_SESSION); for (Listitem li : activeLayersList.getItems()) { if (li.getValue() == null || !"Map options".equals(((MapLayer) li.getValue()).getName())) { Checkbox cb = (Checkbox) li.getFirstChild().getFirstChild(); if (show && !cb.isChecked()) { openLayersJavascript.execute(openLayersJavascript.getIFrameReferences() + openLayersJavascript.activateMapLayer((MapLayer) li.getValue(), false, true) + openLayersJavascript.updateMapLayerIndexes(portalSession.getActiveLayers())); } else if (!show && cb.isChecked()) { openLayersJavascript.removeMapLayerNow((MapLayer) li.getValue()); } cb.setChecked(show); cb.setTooltiptext(show ? "Hide" : "Show"); } } refreshContextualMenu(); } public void importAnalysis(Event event) { openModal("WEB-INF/zul/input/ImportAnalysis.zul", null, "importanalysis"); } private Map<String, String> getQueryParameterMap(String params) { if (params == null || params.length() == 0) { return null; } Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (String s : params.split("&")) { String[] keyvalue = s.split("="); if (keyvalue.length >= 2) { String key = keyvalue[0]; String value = keyvalue[1]; try { value = URLDecoder.decode(value, StringConstants.UTF_8); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("error decoding to UTF-8: " + value, e); } map.put(key, value); } } return map; } public List<LayerSelection> getLayerSelections() { return selectedLayers; } public void addLayerSelection(LayerSelection ls) { //check for duplication for (int i = 0; i < selectedLayers.size(); i++) { if (selectedLayers.get(i).equalsList(ls)) { selectedLayers.get(i).setLastUse(System.currentTimeMillis()); return; } } //add selectedLayers.add(ls); //if more than 10, remove the recod with oldest use if (selectedLayers.size() > 20) { int oldestIdx = 0; for (int i = 1; i < selectedLayers.size(); i++) { if (selectedLayers.get(i).getLastUse() < selectedLayers.get(oldestIdx).getLastUse()) { oldestIdx = i; } } selectedLayers.remove(oldestIdx); } } public void onClick$openDistributions(Event event) { String lsids = (String) event.getData(); if (lsids != null && lsids.length() > 0) { closeExternalContentWindow(); openDistributionSpecies(lsids, null); } } public void onClick$openChecklists(Event event) { String lsids = (String) event.getData(); if (lsids != null && lsids.length() > 0) { closeExternalContentWindow(); openChecklistSpecies(lsids, null, false); } } public void onClick$openAreaChecklist(Event event) { String geomIdx = (String) event.getData(); if (geomIdx != null && geomIdx.length() > 0) { closeExternalContentWindow(); openAreaChecklist(geomIdx, null, null); } } void closeExternalContentWindow() { //close any prevously opened externalcontentwindow try { Component c = getFellowIfAny("externalContentWindow"); if (c != null) { LOGGER.debug("found externalContentWindow, closing"); c.detach(); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("error closing externalContentWindow window", e); } } public Object getMapLayerWMS(String wmsurl) { // check if layer already present List udl = getPortalSession().getActiveLayers(); Iterator iudl = udl.iterator(); while (iudl.hasNext()) { MapLayer ml = (MapLayer); if (ml.getUri() != null && ml.getUri().equals(wmsurl)) { return ml; } } return null; } /** * Species are imported through the species list tool. * * @param event */ public void importSpecies(Event event) { String type = (String) event.getData(); if (type != null && type.length() > 0) { if ("assemblage".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { Map params = new HashMap(); params.put("enableImportAssemblage", true); openModal("WEB-INF/zul/add/AddSpecies.zul", params, "addspecieswindow"); } else { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty((String) CommonData.getSettings().getProperty("sandbox.url", null)) && CommonData.getSettings().getProperty("import.points.layers-service", "false") .equals("false")) { String sandboxEmbedded = CommonData.getSettings().getProperty("sandbox.embedded", "false"); if (sandboxEmbedded != null && Boolean.parseBoolean(sandboxEmbedded)) { SandboxEmbeddedController spc = (SandboxEmbeddedController) Executions.createComponents( "WEB-INF/zul/sandbox/SandboxEmbedded.zul", getMapComposer(), null); spc.setAddToMap(true); spc.setParent(getMapComposer()); spc.doModal(); } else { SandboxPasteController spc = (SandboxPasteController) Executions .createComponents("WEB-INF/zul/sandbox/SandboxPaste.zul", getMapComposer(), null); spc.setAddToMap(true); spc.setParent(getMapComposer()); spc.doModal(); } } else { Map params = new HashMap(); params.put("setTbInstructions", "3. Select file (comma separated ID (text), " + "longitude (decimal degrees), latitude(decimal degrees))"); params.put("addToMap", true); openModal("WEB-INF/zul/input/UploadSpecies.zul", params, "uploadspecieswindow"); } } } } public void generatePoints(Event event) { openModal("WEB-INF/zul/tool/PointGeneration.zul", null, "addtoolwindow"); } public void importAreas(Event event) { openModal("WEB-INF/zul/input/ImportAreas.zul", null, StringConstants.ADDAREAWINDOW); } public void saveUserSession(Event event) { LOGGER.debug("saving session"); PrintWriter out = null; try { String jsessionid = getCookieValue("JSESSIONID"); if (jsessionid == null) { jsessionid = "test"; } String sfld = getSettingsSupplementary().getProperty(StringConstants.ANALYSIS_OUTPUT_DIR) + "session/" + jsessionid; // if the session dir exists, then clear it, // if not let's create it. File sessfolder = new File(sfld + "/"); if (!sessfolder.exists()) { sessfolder.mkdirs(); } else { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(sessfolder); sessfolder.mkdirs(); } StringBuilder sbSession = new StringBuilder(); sbSession.append(String.valueOf(mapZoomLevel)).append(",") .append(getLeftmenuSearchComposer().getViewportBoundingBox().toString()); sbSession.append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); PersistenceStrategy strategy = new FilePersistenceStrategy(new File(sfld)); List list = new XmlArrayList(strategy); String scatterplotNames = ""; List udl = getPortalSession().getActiveLayers(); Iterator iudl = udl.iterator(); while (iudl.hasNext()) { MapLayer ml = (MapLayer); if (ml.getType() != LayerUtilitiesImpl.MAP) { if (ml.getSubType() == LayerUtilitiesImpl.SCATTERPLOT) { list.add(ml.getScatterplotDataDTO()); scatterplotNames += ((scatterplotNames.length() > 1) ? "___" + ml.getName() : ml.getName()); } else { list.add(ml); } } } sbSession.append("scatterplotNames=").append(scatterplotNames); sbSession.append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(sfld + "/details.txt"))); out.write(sbSession.toString()); out.close(); String sessionurl = CommonData.getWebportalServer() + "/?ss=" + jsessionid; activateLink( "*" + "<p>Your session has been saved and now available to share at <br />" + "<a href='" + sessionurl + "'>" + sessionurl + "</a>" + "<br />(Right-click on the link and to copy the link to clipboard)" + "</p>", "Saved session", false, ""); } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.error("Unable to save session data: ", ex); } finally { if (out != null) { out.close(); } } } public void loadUserSession(String sessionid) { Scanner scanner = null; try { String sfld = getSettingsSupplementary().getProperty(StringConstants.ANALYSIS_OUTPUT_DIR) + "session/" + sessionid; File sessfolder = new File(sfld); if (!sessfolder.exists()) { showMessage("Session information does not exist. Please provide a valid session id"); return; } scanner = new Scanner(new File(sfld + "/details.txt")); // first grab the zoom level and bounding box String[] mapdetails = scanner.nextLine().split(","); BoundingBox bb = new BoundingBox(); bb.setMinLongitude(Float.parseFloat(mapdetails[1])); bb.setMinLatitude(Float.parseFloat(mapdetails[2])); bb.setMaxLongitude(Float.parseFloat(mapdetails[3])); bb.setMaxLatitude(Float.parseFloat(mapdetails[4])); openLayersJavascript.setAdditionalScript(openLayersJavascript.zoomToBoundingBox(bb, true)); String[] scatterplotNames = null; while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { String line = scanner.nextLine(); if (line.startsWith("scatterplotNames")) { scatterplotNames = line.substring(17).split("___"); } } ArrayUtils.reverse(scatterplotNames); // ignore fields not found XStream xstream = new XStream(new DomDriver()) { protected MapperWrapper wrapMapper(MapperWrapper next) { return new MapperWrapper(next) { public boolean shouldSerializeMember(Class definedIn, String fieldName) { if (definedIn == Object.class || !super.shouldSerializeMember(definedIn, fieldName)) System.out.println("faled to read: " + definedIn + ", " + fieldName); return definedIn != Object.class ? super.shouldSerializeMember(definedIn, fieldName) : false; } }; } @Override public Object unmarshal(HierarchicalStreamReader reader) { Object o = super.unmarshal(reader); if (o instanceof BiocacheQuery) ((BiocacheQuery) o).getFullQ(false); return o; } @Override public Object unmarshal(HierarchicalStreamReader reader, Object root) { Object o = super.unmarshal(reader, root); if (o instanceof BiocacheQuery) ((BiocacheQuery) o).getFullQ(false); return o; } @Override public Object unmarshal(HierarchicalStreamReader reader, Object root, DataHolder dataHolder) { Object o = super.unmarshal(reader, root, dataHolder); if (o instanceof BiocacheQuery) ((BiocacheQuery) o).getFullQ(false); return o; } }; PersistenceStrategy strategy = new FilePersistenceStrategy(new File(sfld), xstream); List list = new XmlArrayList(strategy); ListIterator it = list.listIterator(list.size()); int scatterplotIndex = 0; while (it.hasPrevious()) { Object o = it.previous(); MapLayer ml = null; if (o instanceof MapLayer) { ml = (MapLayer) o; LOGGER.debug("Loading " + ml.getName() + " -> " + ml.isDisplayed()); addUserDefinedLayerToMenu(ml, false); } else if (o instanceof ScatterplotDataDTO) { ScatterplotDataDTO spdata = (ScatterplotDataDTO) o; loadScatterplot(spdata, "My Scatterplot " + scatterplotIndex++); } if (ml != null) { addUserDefinedLayerToMenu(ml, true); } } } catch (Exception e) { try { File f = new File("/data/sessions/" + sessionid + ".txt"); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(f); e.printStackTrace(pw); pw.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } LOGGER.error("Unable to load session data", e); showMessage("Unable to load session data"); } finally { if (scanner != null) { scanner.close(); } try { File f = new File("/data/sessions/ok/" + sessionid + ".txt"); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(f, "ok"); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } public void updateAdhocGroup(Event event) { String[] params = ((String) event.getData()).split("\n"); MapLayer ml = getMapLayer(params[0]); Query query; if (ml != null && (query = ml.getSpeciesQuery()) != null) { query.flagRecord(params[1], StringConstants.TRUE.equalsIgnoreCase(params[2])); } updateLayerControls(); } public void downloadSecond(Event event) { } public Query getDownloadSecondQuery() { return downloadSecondQuery; } public String[] getDownloadSecondLayers() { return downloadSecondLayers; } public String[] getDownloadSecondLayersDN() { return downloadSecondLayersDN; } public void openFacets(Event event) { if (facetsOpenListener != null) { try { facetsOpenListener.onEvent(null); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("failed to open the colour (facets) list", e); } } } public void onClick$downloadFeaturesCSV(Event event) { if (featuresCSV != null) {, "application/csv", "pointFeatures.csv"); } } public void replaceWKTwithWMS(MapLayer ml) { //don't replace if it has a facet or is mapped with WMS or is WKT ENVELOPE if (ml.getFacets() != null || ml.getWKT() == null || ml.getWKT().startsWith(StringConstants.ENVELOPE) || ml.getUri() != null) { return; } //only replace if WKT upload is successful String pid = UserShapes.upload(ml.getWKT(), ml.getDisplayName(), ml.getDescription(), Util.getUserEmail(), CommonData.getSettings().getProperty("api_key")); if (pid != null) { //2. remove old layer deactiveLayer(ml, true, false); //1. create new layer MapLayer newml = addObjectByPid(pid, ml.getDisplayName(), 1); newml.setMapLayerMetadata(ml.getMapLayerMetadata()); newml.setAreaSqKm(ml.getAreaSqKm()); newml.setUserDefinedLayer(ml.isUserDefinedLayer()); newml.setDescription(ml.getDescription()); newml.setWKT(ml.getWKT()); } } public void setLabelSelectedLayer(String labelSelectedLayer) { lblSelectedLayer.setValue(labelSelectedLayer); } public void setFacetsOpenListener(EventListener facetsOpenListener) { this.facetsOpenListener = facetsOpenListener; } public void setLayerLegendNameRefresh(EventListener layerLegendNameRefresh) { this.layerLegendNameRefresh = layerLegendNameRefresh; } public void setFeaturesCSV(String featuresCSV) { this.featuresCSV = featuresCSV; } public void setDownloadSecondQuery(Query downloadSecondQuery) { this.downloadSecondQuery = downloadSecondQuery; } public void setDownloadSecondLayers(String[] downloadSecondLayers, String[] downloadSecondLayersDN) { this.downloadSecondLayers = downloadSecondLayers == null ? null : downloadSecondLayers.clone(); this.downloadSecondLayersDN = downloadSecondLayersDN == null ? null : downloadSecondLayersDN.clone(); } }