Source code

Java tutorial


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/** See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. */

import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Enumeration;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.glassfish.jersey.uri.UriComponent;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;


/** Utility methods for working with files. */
public final class ToolkitFileUtils {

    /** Logger for this class. */
    private static Logger logger;

    /** Maximum length of a slug component. All generated slug
     * components are truncated to this length.
    private static final int MAX_SLUG_COMPONENT_LENGTH = 50;

    /** Private constructor for utility class. */
    private ToolkitFileUtils() {

    static {
        logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass());

    /** Require the existence of a directory. Create it, if it
     * does not already exist.
     * @param dir The full pathname of the required directory.
    public static void requireDirectory(final String dir) {
        File oDir = new File(dir);
        if (!oDir.exists()) {

    /** Require the existence of a directory, but clean it out if
     * it already exists. Create it, if it does not already exist.
     * @param dir The full pathname of the required directory.
     * @throws IOException If the directory already exists but can
     * not be cleaned.
    public static void requireEmptyDirectory(final String dir) throws IOException {
        File oDir = new File(dir);
        if (!oDir.exists()) {
        } else {
            try {
                FileUtils.cleanDirectory(new File(dir));
            } catch (IOException e) {
                logger.error("requireEmptyDirectory failed: ", e);
                throw e;

    /** Save data to a file.
     * @param dirName The full directory name
     * @param fileName The base name of the file to create
     * @param format The format to use; a key in
     *  ToolkitConfig.FORMAT_TO_FILEEXT_MAP.
     * @param data The data to be written
     * @return The complete, full path to the file.
    public static String saveFile(final String dirName, final String fileName, final String format,
            final String data) {
        String fileExtension = ToolkitConfig.FORMAT_TO_FILEEXT_MAP.get(format.toLowerCase());
        String filePath = dirName + File.separator + fileName + fileExtension;
        FileWriter writer = null;
        try {
            File oFile = new File(filePath);
            writer = new FileWriter(oFile);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            return "Exception: " + e.toString();
        } finally {
            if (writer != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    return "Exception: " + e.toString();
        return filePath;

    /** Construct a TaskInfo object based on a task id.
     * @param taskId The task's task id
     * @return The TaskInfo object
    public static TaskInfo getTaskInfo(final int taskId) {
        Task task = TaskUtils.getTaskById(taskId);
        if (task == null) {
            logger.error("getTaskInfo: getTaskById returned null; task id:" + taskId);
            return null;
        Vocabulary vocab = VocabularyUtils.getVocabularyById(task.getVocabularyId());
        if (vocab == null) {
            logger.error("getTaskInfo: getVocabularyById returned null; " + "task id:" + taskId + "; vocab id:"
                    + task.getVocabularyId());
            return null;
        Version version = VersionUtils.getVersionById(task.getVersionId());
        if (version == null) {
            logger.error("getTaskInfo: getVersionById returned null; " + "task id:" + taskId + "; version id:"
                    + task.getVersionId());
            return null;
        if (!version.getVocabId().equals(task.getVocabularyId())) {
            logger.error("getTaskInfo: task's vocab id does not match" + " task's version's vocab id; " + "task id:"
                    + taskId + "; vocab id:" + task.getVocabularyId() + "; version's vocab id:"
                    + version.getVocabId());
            return null;
        if (vocab.getSlug() == null || vocab.getSlug().trim().isEmpty()) {
            logger.error("getTaskInfo: vocab's slug is empty; " + "task id:" + taskId + "; vocab id:"
                    + task.getVocabularyId());
            return null;
        if (vocab.getOwner() == null || vocab.getOwner().trim().isEmpty()) {
            logger.error("getTaskInfo: vocab's owner is empty; " + "task id:" + taskId + "; vocab id:"
                    + task.getVocabularyId());
            return null;
        if (version.getTitle() == null || version.getTitle().trim().isEmpty()) {
            logger.error("getTaskInfo: version's title is empty; " + "task id:" + taskId + "; version id:"
                    + task.getVersionId());
            return null;

        TaskInfo taskInfo = new TaskInfo(task, vocab, version);
        return taskInfo;

    /** Get the full path of the directory used to store all
     * the files referred to by the task.
     * @param taskInfo The TaskInfo object representing the task.
     * @param extraPath An optional additional path component to be added
     * at the end. If not required, pass in null or an empty string.
     * @return The full path of the directory used to store the
     * vocabulary data.
    public static String getTaskOutputPath(final TaskInfo taskInfo, final String extraPath) {
        // NB: We call makeSlug() on the vocabulary slug, which should
        // (as of ANDS-Registry-Core commit e365392831ae)
        // not really be necessary.
        Path path = Paths.get(ToolkitConfig.DATA_FILES_PATH).resolve(makeSlug(taskInfo.getVocabulary().getOwner()))
        if (extraPath != null && (!extraPath.isEmpty())) {
            path = path.resolve(extraPath);
        return path.toString();

    /** Get the full path of the directory used to store all
     * harvested data referred to by the task.
     * @param taskInfo The TaskInfo object representing the task.
     * @return The full path of the directory used to store the
     * vocabulary data.
    public static String getTaskHarvestOutputPath(final TaskInfo taskInfo) {
        return getTaskOutputPath(taskInfo, ToolkitConfig.HARVEST_DATA_PATH);

    /** Get the full path of (what will be) a new directory used to store
     * transformed data referred to by the task. This is intended
     * to be used as a temporary directory during the transform.
     * If the transform succeeds, call renameTransformTemporaryOutputPath()
     * to rename this directory to become the harvest directory.
     * @param taskInfo The TaskInfo object representing the task.
     * @param transformName The name of the transform being done. This is
     * used in the generation of the path.
     * @return The full path of the directory used to store the
     * transformed data. The directory does not yet exist; it must be
     * created by the caller.
    public static String getTaskTransformTemporaryOutputPath(final TaskInfo taskInfo, final String transformName) {
        return getTaskOutputPath(taskInfo, "after_" + transformName);

    /** This method is used by transforms that produce new vocabulary
     * data to replace harvested data. If such a transform succeeds,
     * call this method. It renames the original harvest directory, and
     * then renames the temporary directory to become the harvest directory.
     * @param taskInfo The TaskInfo object representing the task.
     * @param transformName The name of the transform that has been done.
     * @return True iff the renaming succeeded.
    public static boolean renameTransformTemporaryOutputPath(final TaskInfo taskInfo, final String transformName) {
        Path transformOutputPath = Paths.get(getTaskOutputPath(taskInfo, "after_" + transformName));
        Path harvestPath = Paths.get(getTaskHarvestOutputPath(taskInfo));
        Path harvestPathDestination = Paths.get(getTaskOutputPath(taskInfo, "before_" + transformName));
        try {
            // Remove any previous harvestPathDestination
            Files.move(harvestPath, harvestPathDestination);
            Files.move(transformOutputPath, harvestPath);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            logger.error("Exception in renameTransformTemporaryOutputPath", e);
            return false;
        return true;

    /** Get the full path of the temporary directory used to store all
     * harvested data for metadata extraction for a PoolParty vocabulary.
     * @param projectId The PoolParty projectId.
     * @return The full path of the directory used to store the
     * vocabulary data.
    public static String getMetadataOutputPath(final String projectId) {
        Path path = Paths.get(ToolkitConfig.METADATA_TEMP_FILES_PATH).resolve(makeSlug(projectId));
        return path.toString();

    /** Get the full path of the backup directory used to store all
     * backup data for a project.
     * @param projectId The project ID. For now, this will be a PoolParty
     * project ID.
     * @return The full path of the directory used to store the
     * vocabulary data.
    public static String getBackupPath(final String projectId) {
        Path path = Paths.get(ToolkitConfig.BACKUP_FILES_PATH).resolve(makeSlug(projectId));
        return path.toString();

    /** Apply slug conventions. In practice, this means
     * (a) replacing punctuation with hyphens,
     * (b) replacing whitespace with hyphen,
     * (c) converting to lowercase,
     * (d) encoding as a URL,
     * (e) replacing percents with hyphens,
     * (f) coalescing multiple consecutive hyphens into one,
     * (g) removing any leading and trailing hyphens,
     * (h) trimming the result to a maximum length of
     * (i) removing any remaining trailing hyphen.
     * @param aString The string that is to be converted.
     * @return The value of aString with slug conventions applied.
    public static String makeSlug(final String aString) {
        String slug = StringUtils.strip(
                UriComponent.encode(aString.replaceAll("\\p{Punct}", "-").replaceAll("\\s", "-").toLowerCase(),
                        UriComponent.Type.PATH_SEGMENT).replaceAll("%", "-").replaceAll("-+", "-"),

        return StringUtils.stripEnd(slug.substring(0, Math.min(MAX_SLUG_COMPONENT_LENGTH, slug.length())), "-");

     * Get the Sesame repository ID for a vocabulary's version
     * referred to by the task.
     * @param taskInfo
     *            The TaskInfo object representing the task.
     * @return The repository id for the vocabulary with this version.
    public static String getSesameRepositoryId(final TaskInfo taskInfo) {
        // As of ANDS-Registry-Core commit e365392831ae,
        // now use the vocabulary title slug directly from the database.
        return makeSlug(taskInfo.getVocabulary().getOwner()) + "_" + taskInfo.getVocabulary().getSlug() + "_"
                + makeSlug(taskInfo.getVersion().getTitle());

     * Get the SISSVoc repository ID for a vocabulary's version
     * referred to by the task. It neither begins nor ends with a slash.
     * @param taskInfo
     *            The TaskInfo object representing the task.
     * @return The repository id for the vocabulary with this version.
    public static String getSISSVocRepositoryPath(final TaskInfo taskInfo) {
        // As of ANDS-Registry-Core commit e365392831ae,
        // now use the vocabulary title slug directly from the database.
        return makeSlug(taskInfo.getVocabulary().getOwner()) + "/" + taskInfo.getVocabulary().getSlug() + "/"
                + makeSlug(taskInfo.getVersion().getTitle());

    /** Size of buffer to use when writing to a ZIP archive. */
    private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 4096;

    /** Add a file to a ZIP archive.
     * @param zos The ZipOutputStream representing the ZIP archive.
     * @param file The File which is to be added to the ZIP archive.
     * @return True if adding succeeded.
     * @throws IOException Any exception when reading/writing data.
    private static boolean zipFile(final ZipOutputStream zos, final File file) throws IOException {
        if (!file.canRead()) {
            logger.error("zipFile can not read " + file.getCanonicalPath());
            return false;
        zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(file.getName()));
        FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);

        byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
        int byteCount = 0;
        while ((byteCount = != -1) {
            zos.write(buffer, 0, byteCount);
        return true;

    /** Compress the files in the backup folder for a project.
     * @param projectId The project ID
     * @throws IOException Any exception when reading/writing data.
    public static void compressBackupFolder(final String projectId) throws IOException {
        String backupPath = getBackupPath(projectId);
        if (!Files.isDirectory(Paths.get(backupPath))) {
            // No such directory, so nothing to do.
        String projectSlug = makeSlug(projectId);
        // The name of the ZIP file that does/will contain all
        // backups for this project.
        Path zipFilePath = Paths.get(backupPath).resolve(projectSlug + ".zip");
        // A temporary ZIP file. Any existing content in the zipFilePath
        // will be copied into this, followed by any other files in
        // the directory that have not yet been added.
        Path tempZipFilePath = Paths.get(backupPath).resolve("temp" + ".zip");

        File tempZipFile = tempZipFilePath.toFile();
        if (!tempZipFile.exists()) {

        ZipOutputStream tempZipOut = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tempZipFile));

        File existingZipFile = zipFilePath.toFile();
        if (existingZipFile.exists()) {
            ZipFile zipIn = new ZipFile(existingZipFile);

            Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> entries = zipIn.entries();
            while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
                ZipEntry e = entries.nextElement();
                logger.debug("compressBackupFolder copying: " + e.getName());
                if (!e.isDirectory()) {
                    copy(zipIn.getInputStream(e), tempZipOut);

        File dir = new File(backupPath);
        File[] files = dir.listFiles();

        for (File source : files) {
            if (!source.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".zip")) {
                logger.debug("compressBackupFolder compressing and " + "deleting file: " + source.toString());
                if (zipFile(tempZipOut, source)) {


    /** Size of buffer to use for copying files. */
    private static final int COPY_BUFFER_SIZE = 4096 * 1024;

    /** Copy the contents of an InputStream into an OutputStream.
     * @param input The content to be copied.
     * @param output The destination of the content being copied.
     * @throws IOException Any IOException during read/write.
    public static void copy(final InputStream input, final OutputStream output) throws IOException {
        int bytesRead;
        byte[] buffer = new byte[COPY_BUFFER_SIZE];

        while ((bytesRead = != -1) {
            output.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
