Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


/** See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. */

import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.nio.file.DirectoryIteratorException;
import java.nio.file.DirectoryStream;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import org.openrdf.model.Statement;
import org.openrdf.model.URI;
import org.openrdf.model.Value;
import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.RDF;
import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.SKOS;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;


/** Transform provider for generating a forest-like representation of the
 * concepts as JSON. This assumes a vocabulary encoded using SKOS.
 * The resulting output is sorted at each level by prefLabel,
 * case-insensitively.
 * Concepts without prefLabels are gathered at the end, sorted
 * by IRI.
 * The structure of the generated JSON is:
 * <pre>
 * [
 *   {
 *     "iri": "http://uri1",
 *     "prefLabel": "Label 1",
 *     "definition": "Definition 1",
 *     "notation": "1"
 *     "narrower": [
 *       {
 *         "iri": "http://uri1/narrower1",
 *         "prefLabel": "Label 1.1",
 *         "definition": "Definition 1.1",
 *         "notation": "1.1",
 *         "narrower": [
 *           {
 *             "iri": "http://uri1/narrower1/narrower1",
 *             "prefLabel": "Label 1.1.1",
 *             "definition": "Definition 1.1.1",
 *             "notation": "1.1.1"
 *           }
 *         ]
 *       }
 *     ]
 *   },
 *   {
 *     "iri": "http://uri2",
 *     "prefLabel: "Label 2",
 *     "definition": "Definition 2"
 *   },
 *   {
 *     "iri": "http://noPrefLabel1",
 *     "definition": "Concepts without preflabels go at the end ..."
 *   },
 *   {
 *     "iri": "http://noPrefLabel2",
 *     "definition": "... sorted by IRI"
 *   }
 * ]
 * </pre>
 * See ANDS-Registry-Core's
 * {@code applications/portal/vocabs/models/_vocabulary.php}, method
 * {@code buildTree()}, for the consumer of the generated data.
 * Changes made to the structure made here need to be reflected there.
 * The input vocabulary can have its hierarchy specified using either
 * skos:narrower or skos:broader; missing properties are inferred.
 * Because the SKOS model explicitly allows polyhierarchies and cycles,
 * a depth-first search is performed to compute a depth-first spanning forest.
 * The concepts that have no broader concept are privileged: they are
 * roots of the forest. Then a depth-first search is performed on all roots,
 * identifying the tree edges. When this is complete, do any nodes
 * remain unvisited? If so, one is chosen and added to the set of roots,
 * and a DFS is performed on it. This process is repeated until there
 * are no more unvisited nodes.
 * In the following pseudo code, the elements of Roots are the roots
 * of the spanning forest, and the "children" sets of
 * each node form the edges of the spanning forest. The flag "Cycle" is True
 * if there is a cycle. The flag "OnlyTreeEdges" is True if there are only
 * tree edges: there are neither cycles nor polyhierarchies.
 * Rather than adding "visited" and "active" properties to each node,
 * we use AllNodesNotVisited and NodesActive sets.
 * <pre>
 * Roots = All concepts that have no broader concept
 * AllNodesNotVisited = AllConcepts
 * NodesActive = empty set
 * Cycle = false
 * OnlyTreeEdges = true
 * for each node in AllNodes:
 *   set node.children = empty set
 * for each root in Roots:
 *   DFS(root)
 * if AllNodesNotVisited is empty:
 *   Cycle = true
 * while AllNodesNotVisited is not empty:
 *   select node from AllNodesNotVisited
 *     add node to Roots
 *     DFS(node)
 * DFS(node):
 *   remove node from AllNodesNotVisited
 *   add node to NodesActive
 *   foreach narrower in narrower(node):
 *     if narrower is not in AllNodesNotVisited:
 *       add narrower to node.children
 *       DFS(narrower)
 *     else:
 *       OnlyTreeEdges = False
 *       if narrower is in NodesActive:
 *         Cycle = true
 *   remove node from NodesActive
 * </pre>
public class JsonTreeTransformProvider extends TransformProvider {

    /** Logger for this class. */
    private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass());

    /** Short form of the concept type name. Used both in
     * {@link #typesToLookFor} and
     * {@link ConceptHandler#populateRoots()}. */
    private static final String CONCEPT_SHORT_FORM = "Concept";

    /** A map of SKOS types to take note of. */
    private static HashMap<URI, String> typesToLookFor = new HashMap<URI, String>();

    static {
        typesToLookFor.put(SKOS.CONCEPT_SCHEME, "ConceptScheme");
        typesToLookFor.put(SKOS.CONCEPT, CONCEPT_SHORT_FORM);
        typesToLookFor.put(SKOS.COLLECTION, "Collection");
        typesToLookFor.put(SKOS.ORDERED_COLLECTION, "OrderedCollection");

    public final String getInfo() {
        // Not implemented.
        return null;

    public final boolean transform(final TaskInfo taskInfo, final JsonNode subtask,
            final HashMap<String, String> results) {
        Path dir = Paths.get(ToolkitFileUtils.getTaskHarvestOutputPath(taskInfo));
        ConceptHandler conceptHandler = new ConceptHandler();
        // Parse all input files in the harvest directory, loading
        // the content into conceptHandler.
        try (DirectoryStream<Path> stream = Files.newDirectoryStream(dir)) {
            for (Path entry : stream) {
                RDFFormat format = Rio.getParserFormatForFileName(entry.toString());
                RDFParser rdfParser = Rio.createParser(format);
                FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(entry.toString());
                rdfParser.parse(is, entry.toString());
                logger.debug("Reading RDF: " + entry.toString());
        } catch (DirectoryIteratorException | IOException | RDFParseException | RDFHandlerException
                | UnsupportedRDFormatException ex) {
            results.put(TaskStatus.EXCEPTION, "Exception in JsonTreeTransform while Parsing RDF");
            logger.error("Exception in JsonTreeTransform while Parsing RDF:", ex);
            return false;

        // Extract the result, save in results Set and store in the
        // file system.
        String resultFileNameTree = ToolkitFileUtils.getTaskOutputPath(taskInfo, "concepts_tree.json");
        try {
            Set<Concept> conceptTree = conceptHandler.buildForest();

            // Future work: either (a) make the returned JSON not
            // just an array, but an object in which the concept tree
            // is the value of one key/value pair, and the
            // other key/value pairs are this sort of diagnostic information,
            // or (b) return an array as usual, if everything is OK,
            // or a string containing diagnostic information if
            // something went wrong.
            // For now, generate a JSON tree _only_ if there are only
            // tree edges.
            if (conceptHandler.isOnlyTreeEdges()) {
                // Serialize the tree and write to the file system.
                // Jackson will serialize TreeSets in sorted order of values
                // (i.e., the Concept objects' prefLabels).
                File out = new File(resultFileNameTree);
                results.put("concepts_tree", resultFileNameTree);
                FileUtils.writeStringToFile(out, TaskUtils.collectionToJSONString(conceptTree));
            } else {
                String reason;
                if (conceptHandler.isCycle()) {
                    // In giving a reason, cycles take priority.
                    reason = "there is a cycle";
                } else {
                    reason = "there is a forward or cross edge";
                        "No concepts tree " + "provided, because " + reason + ".");
                logger.error("JsonTreeTransform: not providing a concept " + "tree because " + reason + ".");
                // Future work:
                // write something else, e.g., a JSON string.
                //    FileUtils.writeStringToFile(out, "something");
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            results.put(TaskStatus.EXCEPTION, "IO exception in JsonTreeTransform while " + "generating result");
            logger.error("IO exception in JsonTreeTransform generating result:", ex);
            return false;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // Any other possible cause?
            results.put(TaskStatus.EXCEPTION, "Exception in JsonTreeTransform while generating result");
            logger.error("Exception in JsonTreeTransform generating result:", ex);
            return false;
        return true;

    /** Inner class for representing concepts, to be used as
     * values of Sets that store concepts. An instance
     * stores an IRI, its narrower Concepts, and (optional) metadata
     * of the concept: a prefLabel, definition, and notation.
     * The natural order of instances
     * ({@link #compareTo(JsonTreeTransformProvider.Concept)})
     * is based on a case-insensitive comparison of the prefLabels,
     * but equality, and the value of {@link #toString()}, is based
     * on the IRI.
     * The purpose of this class is to facilitate sorting of
     * the result of this transform based on prefLabels.
    static class Concept implements Comparable<Concept> {

        /** The IRI of the concept. */
        private String iri;

        /** The prefLabel of the concept. */
        private String prefLabel;

        /** The definition of the concept. */
        private String definition;

        /** The notation of the concept. */
        private String notation;

        /** The narrower concepts of the concept. */
        private TreeSet<Concept> narrower;

        /** Constructor with an IRI specified.
         * @param anIRI The IRI of the concept. Must be non-null.
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if {@code anIRI == null}.
        Concept(final String anIRI) {
            if (anIRI == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Won't make a Concept " + "with a null IRI");
            iri = anIRI;

        /** Get the IRI.
         * @return The value of the IRI.
        public String getIri() {
            return iri;

        /** Set the prefLabel.
         * @param aPrefLabel The value of the prefLabel.
        public void setPrefLabel(final String aPrefLabel) {
            prefLabel = aPrefLabel;

        /** Get the prefLabel.
         * @return The value of the prefLabel.
        public String getPrefLabel() {
            return prefLabel;

        /** Set the definition.
         * @param aDefinition The value of the definition.
        public void setDefinition(final String aDefinition) {
            definition = aDefinition;

        /** Get the definition.
         * @return The value of the definition.
        public String getDefinition() {
            return definition;

        /** Set the notation.
         * @param aNotation The value of the notation.
        public void setNotation(final String aNotation) {
            notation = aNotation;

        /** Get the notation.
         * @return The value of the notation.
        public String getNotation() {
            return notation;

        /** Add a narrower concept.
         * @param aNarrower A narrower concept to be added to the set
         *      of narrower concepts.
        public void addNarrower(final Concept aNarrower) {
            if (narrower == null) {
                narrower = new TreeSet<Concept>();

        /** Get the Set of narrower concepts. Invoked during
         * serialization into JSON.
         * @return The Set of narrower concepts.
        public TreeSet<Concept> getNarrower() {
            return narrower;

        /** {@inheritDoc}
         * Comparison based first (case-insensitively) on prefLabels,
         * then on IRIs.
         * All Concepts with null prefLabels are sorted at the end
         * (by their IRIs).
        public int compareTo(final Concept otherConcept) {
            if (otherConcept == null) {
                // NPE required by the contract specified in
                // the Javadocs of Comparable<T>.
                throw new NullPointerException();
            if (prefLabel == null) {
                // This concept has no prefLabel. It will be sorted
                // after all concepts that _do_ have prefLabels.
                if (otherConcept.prefLabel == null) {
                    // Both concepts have null prefLabels, so
                    // sort by their IRIs.
                    return iri.compareTo(otherConcept.iri);
                // The other concept has a prefLabel. This concept
                // is sorted after it.
                return 1;
            // This concept has a prefLabel.
            if (otherConcept.prefLabel == null) {
                // The other concept doesn't have a prefLabel. It is
                // sorted after this concept.
                return -1;
            // Both this and otherConcept have prefLabels.
            // Use String case-insensitive comparison on them.
            int prefLabelComparison = prefLabel.compareToIgnoreCase(otherConcept.prefLabel);
            if (prefLabelComparison != 0) {
                return prefLabelComparison;
            // Identical prefLabels. Fall back to comparing their IRIs.
            return iri.compareTo(otherConcept.iri);

        /** {@inheritDoc}
         * Equality test based on IRI. But there should be only one
         * instance of an IRI in a Set or Map of Concepts.
        public boolean equals(final Object other) {
            if (other == null || !(other instanceof Concept)) {
                return false;
            Concept otherConcept = (Concept) other;
            return iri.equals(otherConcept.iri);

        /** {@inheritDoc}
         * The hash code returned is that of the IRI.
        public int hashCode() {
            return iri.hashCode();

        /** {@inheritDoc}
         * Generate String representation based on the IRI.
        public String toString() {
            return iri;


    /** RDF Handler to extract prefLabels, notation, definition,
     * and use broader and narrow properties to construct a tree-like
     * structure.
     * Note the use of both HashMaps and TreeSets.
     * TreeSets are used when the sorting of keys is required
     * during serialization;
     * in this case, the values are Concepts.
     * HashMaps are used when the sorting of keys is not required;
     * in this case, the keys are Strings ("prefLabel", "notation",
     * etc.)
     * Note well that all TreeSets are constructed only <i>after</i>
     * all the RDF data has been parsed, so that all {@link Concept}
     * instances have their prefLabel data set, so that insertion
     * of the subsequently generated {@link Concept} instances
     * into a TreeSet (which is based on the
     * {@link Concept#compareTo(JsonTreeTransformProvider.Concept)}
     * method) will work correctly. */
    class ConceptHandler extends RDFHandlerBase {

        /** Map from concept IRI to Concept object,
         * used as a cache of all Concept objects. This Map
         * is maintained by {@link #getConcept(String)}, whose
         * body contains the only invocation of the constructor of the
         * Concept class.
        private Map<String, Concept> iriConceptMap = new HashMap<String, Concept>();

        /** Map from concept IRI to a map that maps
         * property name to the property value(s).
         * Used during parsing to collect all of the concepts.
         * This can be a HashMap (e.g., rather than a TreeMap),
         * because we are not sorting at this
         * stage. Sorting happens during {@link #buildForest()}.
         * The values of the map are themselves maps.
         * Those maps have keys which are
         * Strings: either "type", "broader", or "narrower".
         * (The keys "prefLabel", "notation", "definition" are
         * not used for now; they may come back, if it is desired
         * to represent values for resources other than SKOS Concepts.)
         * The values depend on what the keys are
         * (hence, the formal type is Object). For key "type"
         * (and "prefLabel", "notation", and "definition", if supported),
         * the actual type will be String;
         * for keys "broader", "narrower", the actual type will be
         * {@code Set<Concept>}.
         * */
        private Map<Concept, HashMap<String, Object>> conceptMap = new HashMap<Concept, HashMap<String, Object>>();

        /** The top-most concepts of the vocabulary. This is based on
         * finding all concepts that do not have a broader concept.
         * This is used in the first stage of {@link #buildForest()}
         * to collect the top-most concepts. It can be a HashMap
         * (e.g., rather than a TreeMap), because its contents are iterated
         * over to produce the Set that is actually returned by
         * {@link #buildForest()}. */
        private Map<Concept, HashMap<String, Object>> topmostConcepts = new HashMap<Concept, HashMap<String, Object>>();

        /** Get the Concept object for an IRI from the iriConceptMap
         * cache. Create such an object and add it to the cache,
         * if it is not already there.
         * @param iri The IRI to look up.
         * @return The Concept for this IRI.
        private Concept getConcept(final String iri) {
            Concept concept = iriConceptMap.get(iri);
            if (concept == null) {
                concept = new Concept(iri);
                iriConceptMap.put(iri, concept);
            return concept;

        // Fields and methods to compute the depth-first spanning forest.

        /** Flag for the presence of a cycle. Initialized to false,
         *  and subsequently set to true if a cycle is detected.
        private boolean cycle;

        /** Was a cycle detected during depth-first search?
         * @return True, if a cycle was detected.
        public boolean isCycle() {
            return cycle;

        /** Flag for the presence of non-tree edges. Initialized to true,
         * and subsequently set to false if a non-tree edge is found
         * during depth-first search.
        private boolean onlyTreeEdges = true;

        /** Were only tree edges found during depth-first search?
         * @return True, if only tree edges were found during depth-first
         *      search.
        public boolean isOnlyTreeEdges() {
            return onlyTreeEdges;

        /** A set into which all concepts will be added, and then
         * progressively removed during depth-first search.
         * When the set is empty again, construction of the spanning
         * forest is complete.
        private Set<Concept> nodesNotVisited = new HashSet<Concept>();

        /** A set into which concepts are added while they are the
         * subject of the depth-first search. A concept is added to this
         * set on entry to the call to DFS on the concept, and it is
         * removed from the set on exit. There is a cycle if and
         * only if, during DFS we are considering visiting a node,
         * and it is currently in this set.
        private Set<Concept> nodesActive = new HashSet<Concept>();

        /** When either a broader or narrower triple is encountered,
         * keep track of that relationship and infer its inverse.
         * Also, infer that both subject and object are Concepts.
         * See section 8.6.2 of the SKOS Reference.
         * @param parent The parent Concept.
         * @param child The child Concept.
        private void addBroaderNarrower(final Concept parent, final Concept child) {
            HashMap<String, Object> parentConcept;
            HashMap<String, Object> childConcept;

            if (conceptMap.get(parent) == null) {
                parentConcept = conceptMap.put(parent, new HashMap<String, Object>());
            parentConcept = conceptMap.get(parent);

            if (conceptMap.get(child) == null) {
                childConcept = conceptMap.put(child, new HashMap<String, Object>());
            childConcept = conceptMap.get(child);

            if (parentConcept.get("narrower") == null) {
                parentConcept.put("narrower", new HashSet<Concept>());
            HashSet<Concept> narrowerSet = (HashSet<Concept>) parentConcept.get("narrower");

            if (childConcept.get("broader") == null) {
                childConcept.put("broader", new HashSet<Concept>());
            HashSet<Concept> broaderSet = (HashSet<Concept>) childConcept.get("broader");

            // Inference on the type of both parent and child,
            // as per the SKOS Reference.
            if (!parentConcept.containsKey("type")) {
                parentConcept.put("type", CONCEPT_SHORT_FORM);
            if (!childConcept.containsKey("type")) {
                childConcept.put("type", CONCEPT_SHORT_FORM);

        public void handleStatement(final Statement st) {
            Concept subjectConcept = getConcept(st.getSubject().stringValue());
            if (conceptMap.get(subjectConcept) == null) {
                conceptMap.put(subjectConcept, new HashMap<String, Object>());
            HashMap<String, Object> concept = conceptMap.get(subjectConcept);
            if (st.getPredicate().equals(RDF.TYPE)) {
                Value typeIRI = st.getObject();
                if (typesToLookFor.containsKey(typeIRI)) {
                    concept.put("type", typesToLookFor.get(typeIRI));
            if (st.getPredicate().equals(SKOS.PREF_LABEL)) {
                // Don't need need to do this, since for now
                // we are only processing SKOS Concepts. If we later
                // somehow wish to support prefLabels on things
                // other than Concepts, uncomment/modify as needed.
                // concept.put("prefLabel", st.getObject().stringValue());
            // Future work: uncomment/modify the next six lines
            // when the portal is ready to receive it.
            //            if (st.getPredicate().equals(SKOS.ALT_LABEL)) {
            //                concept.put("altLabel", st.getObject().stringValue());
            //            }
            //            if (st.getPredicate().equals(SKOS.HIDDEN_LABEL)) {
            //                concept.put("hiddenLabel", st.getObject().stringValue());
            //            }
            if (st.getPredicate().equals(SKOS.NOTATION)) {
                // Don't need need to do this, since for now
                // we are only processing SKOS Concepts. If we later
                // somehow wish to support notations on things
                // other than Concepts, uncomment/modify as needed.
                // concept.put("notation", st.getObject().stringValue());
            if (st.getPredicate().equals(SKOS.DEFINITION)) {
                // Don't need need to do this, since for now
                // we are only processing SKOS Concepts. If we later
                // somehow wish to support definitions on things
                // other than Concepts, uncomment/modify as needed.
                // concept.put("definition", st.getObject().stringValue());
            // The (absence of a) broader relationship is used to identify
            // top concepts.
            if (st.getPredicate().equals(SKOS.BROADER)) {
                addBroaderNarrower(getConcept(st.getObject().stringValue()), subjectConcept);
            if (st.getPredicate().equals(SKOS.NARROWER)) {
                addBroaderNarrower(subjectConcept, getConcept(st.getObject().stringValue()));
            // Future work: uncomment the next ten lines when work begins
            // on handling collections. NB: this code doesn't reflect
            // the "new" data structures; it will need to be updated.
            //            if (st.getPredicate().equals(SKOS.MEMBER)) {
            //                if (concept.get("member") == null) {
            //                    concept.put("member",
            //                            new ArrayList<String>());
            //                }
            //                @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
            //                ArrayList<String> memberList =
            //                    (ArrayList<String>) concept.get("member");
            //                memberList.add(st.getObject().stringValue());
            //            }

        /** Build the concepts forest.
         *  @return The forest of concepts, represented as a TreeSet.
         *  The values are Concepts. Each value represents
         *  one concept and each of its narrower concepts.
        public TreeSet<Concept> buildForest() {
            // This is a rearranged version of conceptMap, with
            // the concepts arranged in a forest structure based on
            // the broader/narrower relations.
            // More technically: the elements of roots are the roots
            // of a depth-first spanning forest.
            TreeSet<Concept> roots = new TreeSet<Concept>();
            for (Entry<Concept, HashMap<String, Object>> topmostConcept : topmostConcepts.entrySet()) {
                depthFirstSearch(topmostConcept.getKey(), topmostConcept.getValue());
            if (!nodesNotVisited.isEmpty()) {
                // There are still some nodes that we haven't seen.
                // But in this case, there is definitely a cycle.
                // A cycle may or may not have been detected _already_, during
                // a depth-first-search of one of the top concepts.
                // But if we get here, there is also a cycle, e.g.,
                // A -> B -> C -> A, in which there are no other nodes
                // that have either A, B, C, as a narrower node.
                // In this case, neither A, B, nor C is a top concept,
                // and we won't have visited any of them yet.
                // We will visit one of those nodes now, in order
                // to "break" the cycle at one point.
                // We don't need to log it now, or note the presence
                // of the cycle now; it will be detected in due course
                // by the DFS. But log it anyway, and note the cycle
                // now anyway.
                logger.debug("JsonTreeTransformProvider: " + "there's a cycle! Non-empty nodesNotVisited.");
                cycle = true;
                do {
                    // Get an arbitrary concept that has not yet been
                    // visited ...
                    Concept newRoot = nodesNotVisited.iterator().next();
                    // ... and make it a root, then do DFS on it.
                    depthFirstSearch(newRoot, conceptMap.get(newRoot));
                } while (!nodesNotVisited.isEmpty());
            return roots;

        /** Perform a depth-first search starting at a concept.
         * @param concept The concept from which to start the search.
         * @param map The HashMap of concept's properties.
        public void depthFirstSearch(final Concept concept, final HashMap<String, Object> map) {
            if (map.containsKey("narrower")) {
                Set<Concept> narrowerSet = (Set<Concept>) map.get("narrower");
                for (Concept narrower : narrowerSet) {
                    if (nodesNotVisited.contains(narrower)) {
                        depthFirstSearch(narrower, conceptMap.get(narrower));
                    } else {
                        // We have visited this narrower concept already,
                        // which means this edge is not a tree edge,
                        // and there is either a cycle or a polyhierarchy.
                        onlyTreeEdges = false;
                        // If the narrower concept is active, we have
                        // a back edge, which means there's a cycle.
                        if (nodesActive.contains(narrower)) {
                            cycle = true;
                            logger.debug("JsonTreeTransformProvider: " + "there's a cycle! Not following a back "
                                    + "edge from " + concept.getIri() + " to " + narrower.getIri());
                        } else {
                            logger.debug("JsonTreeTransformProvider: " + "not following a forward or cross edge "
                                    + "from " + concept.getIri() + " to " + narrower.getIri());

        /** Populate the roots of the forest, which are the top-most concepts.
         * A concept is considered to be "top-most" if it is a SKOS Concept
         * and it does not specify any broader concepts.
         * This (probably) catches both concepts explicitly
         * labelled as top concepts, and also any "dangling"
         * concepts.
        private void populateRoots() {
            for (Entry<Concept, HashMap<String, Object>> concept : conceptMap.entrySet()) {
                HashMap<String, Object> propertyMap = concept.getValue();
                if (!propertyMap.isEmpty() && CONCEPT_SHORT_FORM.equals(propertyMap.get("type"))) {
                    // Add all concepts to nodesNotVisited ...
                    // ... but only those without a broader concept to
                    // the set of topmost concepts.
                    if (propertyMap.get("broader") == null) {
                        // logger.debug("Adding to topmost concepts: "
                        //         + concept.getKey());
                        topmostConcepts.put(concept.getKey(), propertyMap);

    public final boolean untransform(final TaskInfo taskInfo, final JsonNode subtask,
            final HashMap<String, String> results) {
        // Oops, this should remove the concepts tree file!
        return false;
