Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Atlas of Living Australia * All Rights Reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. */ package; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.WordUtils; import org.gbif.ecat.model.ParsedName; import org.gbif.ecat.parser.NameParser; import org.gbif.ecat.parser.UnparsableException; import org.gbif.ecat.voc.NameType; import org.gbif.ecat.voc.Rank; /** * A Parser that can be used to parse a "Phrase" name. It is assumed * that any name being parsed has not been matched to a regular scientific name. * <p/> * It expects everything to the right of the rank marker. * * It extends the GBIF NameParser {@see org.gbif.ecat.parser.NameParser}, when the name is not wellformed this parser will then * attempt parse it into a phrase name. See * for more information about phrase names. * * @author Natasha Carter */ public class PhraseNameParser extends NameParser { public static final HashMap<String, Rank> VALID_PHRASE_RANKS; static { HashMap<String, Rank> ranks = new HashMap<String, Rank>(); ranks.put("subsp", Rank.SUBSPECIES); ranks.put("ssp", Rank.SUBSPECIES); ranks.put("var", Rank.VARIETY); ranks.put("sp", Rank.SPECIES); ranks.put("cv", Rank.SPECIES); // added for the situation where phrase names are mistaken for cultivars VALID_PHRASE_RANKS = ranks; } //protected static final String LOCATION_OR_DESCR = "["+NAME_LETTERS+"0-9'](?:["+all_letters_numbers+" -]+|\\.)"; protected static final String LOCATION_OR_DESCR = "(?:[" + all_letters_numbers + " -'\"_\\.]+|\\.)"; protected static final String VOUCHER = "(\\([" + all_letters_numbers + "- \\./&,']+\\))"; protected static final String SOURCE_AUTHORITY = "([" + all_letters_numbers + "\\[\\]'\" -,\\.]+|\\.)"; protected static final String PHRASE = ""; protected static final String PHRASE_RANKS = "(?:" + StringUtils.join(VALID_PHRASE_RANKS.keySet(), "|") + ")\\.? "; private static final String RANK_MARKER_ALL = "(notho)? *(" + StringUtils.join(Rank.RANK_MARKER_MAP.keySet(), "|") + ")\\.?"; public static final Pattern RANK_MARKER = Pattern.compile("^" + RANK_MARKER_ALL + "$"); protected static final Pattern SPECIES_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("sp\\.?"); protected static final Pattern POTENTIAL_SPECIES_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^" + "([\\x00-\\x7F\\s]*)(" + SPECIES_PATTERN.pattern() + " )" + "([" + name_letters + "]{3,})(?: *)" + "([\\x00-\\x7F\\s]*)"); protected static final Pattern PHRASE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^" + //GROUP 1 is normal scientific name - will either represent a Monomial or binomial "([\\x00-\\x7F\\s]*)(?: *)" // Group 2 is the Rank marker. For a phrase it needs to be sp. subsp. or var. + "(" + PHRASE_RANKS + ")(?: *)" // Group 3 indicates the mandatory location/desc for the phrase name. But it may be possible to have homonyms if the VOUCHER is not supplied + "(" + LOCATION_OR_DESCR + ")" //Group 4 is the VOUCHER for the phrase it indicates the collector and a voucher id + VOUCHER + "?" //Group 5 is the party propsoing addition of the taxon + SOURCE_AUTHORITY + "?$"); protected static final Pattern WRONG_CASE_INFRAGENERIC = Pattern.compile("(?:" + "\\( ?([" + name_letters + "-]+) ?\\)" + "|" + "(" + StringUtils.join(Rank.RANK_MARKER_MAP_INFRAGENERIC.keySet(), "|") + ")\\.? ?([" + NAME_LETTERS + "][" + name_letters + "-]+)" + ")"); protected static final Pattern IGNORE_MARKERS = Pattern.compile("s[\\.| ]+str[\\. ]+"); @Override public <T> ParsedName<T> parse(String scientificName) throws UnparsableException { ParsedName pn = super.parse(scientificName); if (pn.getType() != NameType.wellformed && isPhraseRank(pn.rank) && (!pn.authorsParsed || pn.specificEpithet == null || SPECIES_PATTERN.matcher(pn.specificEpithet).matches())) { //if the rank marker is sp. and the word after the rank marker is lower case check to see if removing the marker will result is a wellformed name if (SPECIES_PATTERN.matcher(pn.rank).matches()) { Matcher m1 = POTENTIAL_SPECIES_PATTERN.matcher(scientificName); //System.out.println(POTENTIAL_SPECIES_PATTERN.pattern()); if (m1.find()) { //now reparse without the rankMarker String newName = + + StringUtils.defaultString(, ""); pn = super.parse(newName); if (pn.getType() == NameType.wellformed) return pn; } } //check to see if the name represents a phrase name Matcher m = PHRASE_PATTERN.matcher(scientificName); if (m.find()) { ALAParsedName alapn = new ALAParsedName(pn); alapn.setLocationPhraseDescription(StringUtils.trimToNull(; alapn.setPhraseVoucher(StringUtils.trimToNull(; alapn.setPhraseNominatingParty(StringUtils.trimToNull(; return alapn; } } else { //check for the situation where the subgenus was supplied without Title case. Matcher m = WRONG_CASE_INFRAGENERIC.matcher(scientificName); if (m.find()) { scientificName = WordUtils.capitalize(scientificName, '('); pn = super.parse(scientificName); } } return pn; } private boolean isPhraseRank(String rank) { if (rank == null) return false; return VALID_PHRASE_RANKS.containsKey(rank.replaceAll("\\.", "")); } }