Java tutorial
/** * ************************************************************************ * Copyright (C) 2010 Atlas of Living Australia All Rights Reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. * ************************************************************************* */ package; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.ui.ModelMap; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; import javax.annotation.Resource; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.TreeMap; /** * @author Adam */ @Controller public class TabulationService { private final String WS_TABULATION_LIST = "/tabulations"; /* * URLs: /tabulation/area/{fid1}/{fid2}/{type} * /tabulation/area/rows/{fid1}/{fid2}/{type} * /tabulation/area/columns/{fid1}/{fid2}/{type} * /tabulation/area/total/{fid1}/{fid2}/{type} * /tabulation/occurrences/{fid1}/{fid2}/{type} * /tabulation/occurrences/rows/{fid1}/{fid2}/{type} * /tabulation/occurrences/columns/{fid1}/{fid2}/{type} * /tabulation/occurrences/total/{fid1}/{fid2}/{type} * /tabulation/species/{fid1}/{fid2}/{type} * /tabulation/species/rows/{fid1}/{fid2}/{type} * /tabulation/species/columns/{fid1}/{fid2}/{type} * /tabulation/species/total/{fid1}/{fid2}/{type} * /tabulation/{fid}/{pid} * /tabulation/{fid}?wkt= */ /* * Log4j instance */ protected Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()); @Resource(name = "fieldDao") private FieldDAO fieldDao; @Resource(name = "tabulationDao") private TabulationDAO tabulationDao; /* * list distribution table records, GET */ @RequestMapping(value = WS_TABULATION_LIST, method = RequestMethod.GET) public ModelAndView listAvailableTabulationsHtml(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException { List<Tabulation> tabulations = tabulationDao.listTabulations(); ModelMap m = new ModelMap(); m.addAttribute("tabulations", tabulations); return new ModelAndView("tabulations/list", m); } /* * list distribution table records, GET */ @RequestMapping(value = "/tabulation/{func1}/{func2}/{fid1}/{fid2}/tabulation.html", method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST }) public ModelAndView displayTabulation(@PathVariable("func1") String func1, @PathVariable("func2") String func2, @PathVariable("fid1") String fid1, @PathVariable("fid2") String fid2, @RequestParam(value = "wkt", required = false, defaultValue = "") String wkt, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException { String func = func1 + func2; List<Tabulation> tabulations = tabulationDao.getTabulation(fid1, fid2, wkt); return generateTabulation(tabulations, func, fid1, fid2, wkt); } @RequestMapping(value = "/tabulation/{func1}/{fid1}/{fid2}/tabulation.html", method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST }) public ModelAndView displayTabulation(@PathVariable("func1") String func1, @PathVariable("fid1") String fid1, @PathVariable("fid2") String fid2, @RequestParam(value = "wkt", required = false, defaultValue = "") String wkt, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException { List<Tabulation> tabulations = tabulationDao.getTabulation(fid1, fid2, wkt); return generateTabulation(tabulations, func1, fid1, fid2, wkt); } public ModelAndView generateTabulation(List<Tabulation> tabulations, String func, String fid1, String fid2, String wkt) throws IOException { ModelMap m = new ModelMap(); Field field1 = fieldDao.getFieldById(fid1); Field field2 = fieldDao.getFieldById(fid2); String title = "Tabulation for \""; if (field1 != null) { title += field1.getName(); } else { title += fid1; } title += "\" and \""; if (field2 != null) { title += field2.getName(); } else { title += fid2; } if (func.equals("area")) { title += "\"(sq km)"; } else { title += "\""; } m.addAttribute("title", title); String[][] grid = tabulationGridGenerator(tabulations, fid1, fid2, wkt, func); double[] sumOfColumns = func.equals("species") ? speciesTotals(tabulations, true) : tabulationSumOfColumnsGenerator(grid, func); double[] sumOfRows = func.equals("species") ? speciesTotals(tabulations, false) : tabulationSumOfRowsGenerator(grid, func); double[][] gridRowPercentage = tabulationGridRowPercentageGenerator(grid, sumOfColumns, func); double[][] gridColumnPercentage = tabulationGridColumnPercentageGenerator(grid, sumOfRows, func); double[][] gridTotalPercentage = tabulationGridTotalPercentageGenerator(grid, sumOfColumns, func); double[] sumOfRowsGridPercentage = tabulationSumOfRowsGridPercentageGenerator(grid, gridRowPercentage, gridColumnPercentage, gridTotalPercentage, sumOfColumns, func); double[] sumOfColumnsGridPercentage = tabulationSumOfColumnsGridPercentageGenerator(grid, gridRowPercentage, gridColumnPercentage, gridTotalPercentage, sumOfColumns, func); double Total = 0.0; for (int j = 1; j < grid[0].length; j++) { Total += sumOfRows[j - 1]; } double TotalPercentage = 0.0; for (int j = 1; j < grid[0].length; j++) { TotalPercentage += sumOfRowsGridPercentage[j - 1]; } double[] AveragePercentageOverRows = new double[grid[0].length - 1]; for (int j = 1; j < grid[0].length; j++) { double NumOfNonzeroRows = 0.0; for (int k = 1; k < grid.length; k++) { if (grid[k][j] != null) { NumOfNonzeroRows = NumOfNonzeroRows + 1; } } if (NumOfNonzeroRows != 0.0) { AveragePercentageOverRows[j - 1] = sumOfRowsGridPercentage[j - 1] / NumOfNonzeroRows; } } double[] AveragePercentageOverColumns = new double[grid.length - 1]; for (int i = 1; i < grid.length; i++) { double NumOfNonzeroColumns = 0.0; for (int k = 1; k < grid[0].length; k++) { if (grid[i][k] != null) { NumOfNonzeroColumns = NumOfNonzeroColumns + 1; } } if (NumOfNonzeroColumns != 0.0) { AveragePercentageOverColumns[i - 1] = sumOfColumnsGridPercentage[i - 1] / NumOfNonzeroColumns; } } if (func.equals("area") || func.equals("occurrences") || func.equals("species")) { m.addAttribute("grid", grid); m.addAttribute("sumofcolumns", sumOfColumns); m.addAttribute("sumofrows", sumOfRows); if (!func.equals("species")) m.addAttribute("total", Total); } else if (func.equals("arearow") || func.equals("occurrencesrow") || func.equals("speciesrow")) { m.addAttribute("grid", grid); m.addAttribute("sumofcolumns", sumOfColumns); m.addAttribute("sumofrows", sumOfRows); m.addAttribute("gridpercentage", gridRowPercentage); m.addAttribute("sumofrowsgridpercentage", sumOfRowsGridPercentage); m.addAttribute("sumofcolumnsgridpercentage", sumOfColumnsGridPercentage); m.addAttribute("AveragePercentageOverRows", AveragePercentageOverRows); } else if (func.equals("areacolumn") || func.equals("occurrencescolumn") || func.equals("speciescolumn")) { m.addAttribute("grid", grid); m.addAttribute("sumofcolumns", sumOfColumns); m.addAttribute("sumofrows", sumOfRows); m.addAttribute("gridpercentage", gridColumnPercentage); m.addAttribute("sumofrowsgridpercentage", sumOfRowsGridPercentage); m.addAttribute("sumofcolumnsgridpercentage", sumOfColumnsGridPercentage); m.addAttribute("AveragePercentageOverColumns", AveragePercentageOverColumns); } else if (func.equals("areatotal") || func.equals("occurrencestotal") || func.equals("speciestotal")) { m.addAttribute("grid", grid); m.addAttribute("sumofcolumns", sumOfColumns); m.addAttribute("sumofrows", sumOfRows); m.addAttribute("gridpercentage", gridTotalPercentage); m.addAttribute("sumofrowsgridpercentage", sumOfRowsGridPercentage); m.addAttribute("sumofcolumnsgridpercentage", sumOfColumnsGridPercentage); m.addAttribute("totalpercentage", TotalPercentage); } if (func.equals("area")) { m.addAttribute("tabulationDescription", "Area (square kilometres)"); m.addAttribute("tabulationRowMargin", "Total area"); m.addAttribute("tabulationColumnMargin", "Total area"); m.addAttribute("id", 1); } else if (func.equals("occurrences")) { m.addAttribute("tabulationDescription", "Number of occurrences"); m.addAttribute("tabulationRowMargin", "Total occurrences"); m.addAttribute("tabulationColumnMargin", "Total occurrences"); m.addAttribute("id", 2); } else if (func.equals("species")) { m.addAttribute("tabulationDescription", "Number of species"); m.addAttribute("tabulationRowMargin", "Total species"); m.addAttribute("tabulationColumnMargin", "Total species"); m.addAttribute("id", 2); } else if (func.equals("arearow")) { m.addAttribute("tabulationDescription", "Area: Row%"); m.addAttribute("tabulationRowMargin", "Total"); m.addAttribute("tabulationColumnMargin", "Average"); m.addAttribute("id", 4); } else if (func.equals("occurrencesrow")) { m.addAttribute("tabulationDescription", "Occurrences: Row%"); m.addAttribute("tabulationRowMargin", "Total"); m.addAttribute("tabulationColumnMargin", "Average"); m.addAttribute("id", 4); } else if (func.equals("speciesrow")) { m.addAttribute("tabulationDescription", "Species: Row%"); m.addAttribute("tabulationRowMargin", "Total"); m.addAttribute("tabulationColumnMargin", "Average"); m.addAttribute("id", 4); } else if (func.equals("areacolumn")) { m.addAttribute("tabulationDescription", "Area: Column%"); m.addAttribute("tabulationRowMargin", "Average"); m.addAttribute("tabulationColumnMargin", "Total"); m.addAttribute("id", 3); } else if (func.equals("occurrencescolumn")) { m.addAttribute("tabulationDescription", "Occurrences: Column%"); m.addAttribute("tabulationRowMargin", "Average"); m.addAttribute("tabulationColumnMargin", "Total"); m.addAttribute("id", 3); } else if (func.equals("speciescolumn")) { m.addAttribute("tabulationDescription", "Species: Column%"); m.addAttribute("tabulationRowMargin", "Average"); m.addAttribute("tabulationColumnMargin", "Total"); m.addAttribute("id", 3); } else if (func.equals("areatotal")) { m.addAttribute("tabulationDescription", "Area: Total%"); m.addAttribute("tabulationRowMargin", "Total"); m.addAttribute("tabulationColumnMargin", "Total"); m.addAttribute("id", 5); } else if (func.equals("occurrencestotal")) { m.addAttribute("tabulationDescription", "Occurrences: Total%"); m.addAttribute("tabulationRowMargin", "Total"); m.addAttribute("tabulationColumnMargin", "Total"); m.addAttribute("id", 5); } else if (func.equals("speciestotal")) { m.addAttribute("tabulationDescription", "Species: Total%"); m.addAttribute("tabulationRowMargin", "Total"); m.addAttribute("tabulationColumnMargin", "Total"); m.addAttribute("id", 5); } return new ModelAndView("tabulations/tabulation", m); } private String[][] tabulationGridGenerator(List<Tabulation> tabulations, String fid1, String fid2, String wkt, String func) throws IOException { //determine x & y field names TreeMap<String, String> objects1 = new TreeMap<String, String>(); TreeMap<String, String> objects2 = new TreeMap<String, String>(); for (Tabulation t : tabulations) { objects1.put(t.getPid1(), t.getName1()); objects2.put(t.getPid2(), t.getName2()); } int rows = Math.max(objects1.size(), objects2.size()); int columns = Math.min(objects1.size(), objects2.size()); String[][] grid = new String[rows + 1][columns + 1]; //populate grid if (objects1.size() <= objects2.size()) { //row and column sort order and labels TreeMap<String, Integer> order1 = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(); TreeMap<String, Integer> order2 = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(); int pos = 0; for (String s : objects1.keySet()) { order1.put(s, pos++); grid[0][pos] = objects1.get(s); } pos = 0; for (String s : objects2.keySet()) { order2.put(s, pos++); grid[pos][0] = objects2.get(s); } //grid for (Tabulation t : tabulations) { if (func.equals("area") || func.equals("arearow") || func.equals("areacolumn") || func.equals("areatotal")) { grid[order2.get(t.getPid2()) + 1][order1.get(t.getPid1()) + 1] = String.format("%.1f", t.getArea() / 1000000.0); //convert sqm to sqkm } else if (func.equals("occurrences") || func.equals("occurrencesrow") || func.equals("occurrencescolumn") || func.equals("occurrencestotal")) { grid[order2.get(t.getPid2()) + 1][order1.get(t.getPid1()) + 1] = String .valueOf(t.getOccurrences()); } else if (func.equals("species") || func.equals("speciesrow") || func.equals("speciescolumn") || func.equals("speciestotal")) { grid[order2.get(t.getPid2()) + 1][order1.get(t.getPid1()) + 1] = String.valueOf(t.getSpecies()); } } } else { //row and column sort order and labels TreeMap<String, Integer> order1 = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(); TreeMap<String, Integer> order2 = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(); int pos = 0; for (String s : objects1.keySet()) { order1.put(s, pos++); grid[pos][0] = objects1.get(s); } pos = 0; for (String s : objects2.keySet()) { order2.put(s, pos++); grid[0][pos] = objects2.get(s); } //grid for (Tabulation t : tabulations) { if (func.equals("area") || func.equals("arearow") || func.equals("areacolumn") || func.equals("areatotal")) { grid[order1.get(t.getPid1()) + 1][order2.get(t.getPid2()) + 1] = String.format("%.1f", t.getArea() / 1000000.0); //convert sqm to sqkm } else if (func.equals("occurrences") || func.equals("occurrencesrow") || func.equals("occurrencescolumn") || func.equals("occurrencestotal")) { grid[order1.get(t.getPid1()) + 1][order2.get(t.getPid2()) + 1] = String .valueOf(t.getOccurrences()); } else if (func.equals("species") || func.equals("speciesrow") || func.equals("speciescolumn") || func.equals("speciestotal")) { grid[order1.get(t.getPid1()) + 1][order2.get(t.getPid2()) + 1] = String.valueOf(t.getSpecies()); } } } return grid; } private double[] speciesTotals(List<Tabulation> tabulations, boolean row) throws IOException { //determine x & y field names TreeMap<String, String> objects1 = new TreeMap<String, String>(); TreeMap<String, String> objects2 = new TreeMap<String, String>(); for (Tabulation t : tabulations) { objects1.put(t.getPid1(), t.getName1()); objects2.put(t.getPid2(), t.getName2()); } int rows = Math.max(objects1.size(), objects2.size()); int columns = Math.min(objects1.size(), objects2.size()); double[] grid = new double[row ? rows : columns]; //populate grid if (objects1.size() <= objects2.size()) { //row and column sort order and labels TreeMap<String, Integer> order1 = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(); TreeMap<String, Integer> order2 = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(); int pos = 0; for (String s : objects1.keySet()) { order1.put(s, pos++); } pos = 0; for (String s : objects2.keySet()) { order2.put(s, pos++); } //grid for (Tabulation t : tabulations) { //grid[order2.get(t.getPid2()) + 1][order1.get(t.getPid1()) + 1] = String.valueOf(t.getSpecies()); if (row) grid[order2.get(t.getPid2())] = t.getSpeciest2() == null ? 0 : t.getSpeciest2(); else grid[order1.get(t.getPid1())] = t.getSpeciest1() == null ? 0 : t.getSpeciest1(); } } else { //row and column sort order and labels TreeMap<String, Integer> order1 = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(); TreeMap<String, Integer> order2 = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(); int pos = 0; for (String s : objects1.keySet()) { order1.put(s, pos++); } pos = 0; for (String s : objects2.keySet()) { order2.put(s, pos++); } //grid for (Tabulation t : tabulations) { //grid[order1.get(t.getPid1()) + 1][order2.get(t.getPid2()) + 1] = String.valueOf(t.getSpecies()); if (!row) grid[order2.get(t.getPid2())] = t.getSpeciest2() == null ? 0 : t.getSpeciest2(); else grid[order1.get(t.getPid1())] = t.getSpeciest1() == null ? 0 : t.getSpeciest1(); } } return grid; } private double[] tabulationSumOfColumnsGenerator(String[][] grid, String func) throws IOException { //define row totals double[] sumofcolumns = new double[grid.length - 1]; for (int k = 1; k < grid.length; k++) { //sum of rows for (int j = 1; j < grid[0].length; j++) { //not row and column headers if (grid[k][j] != null) { if (func.equals("area") || func.equals("arearow") || func.equals("areacolumn") || func.equals("areatotal")) { sumofcolumns[k - 1] = sumofcolumns[k - 1] + Double.parseDouble(grid[k][j]); } else if (func.equals("occurrences") || func.equals("occurrencesrow") || func.equals("occurrencescolumn") || func.equals("occurrencestotal") || func.equals("species") || func.equals("speciesrow") || func.equals("speciescolumn") || func.equals("speciestotal")) { sumofcolumns[k - 1] = sumofcolumns[k - 1] + Double.parseDouble(grid[k][j]); } } } } return sumofcolumns; } private double[] tabulationSumOfRowsGenerator(String[][] grid, String func) throws IOException { //define column totals double[] sumofrows = new double[grid[0].length - 1]; for (int j = 1; j < grid[0].length; j++) { //sum of rows for (int k = 1; k < grid.length; k++) { //not row and column headers if (grid[k][j] != null) { if (func.equals("area") || func.equals("arearow") || func.equals("areacolumn") || func.equals("areatotal")) { sumofrows[j - 1] = sumofrows[j - 1] + Double.parseDouble(grid[k][j]); } else if (func.equals("occurrences") || func.equals("occurrencesrow") || func.equals("occurrencescolumn") || func.equals("occurrencestotal") || func.equals("species") || func.equals("speciesrow") || func.equals("speciescolumn") || func.equals("speciestotal")) { sumofrows[j - 1] = sumofrows[j - 1] + Double.parseDouble(grid[k][j]); } } } } return sumofrows; } private double[][] tabulationGridRowPercentageGenerator(String[][] grid, double[] sumofcolumns, String func) throws IOException { double[][] gridRowPercentage = new double[grid.length - 1][grid[0].length - 1]; if (func.equals("arearow") || func.equals("occurrencesrow") || func.equals("speciesrow")) { for (int i = 0; i < grid.length - 1; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < grid[0].length - 1; j++) { if (grid[i + 1][j + 1] != null && sumofcolumns[i] != 0.0) { if (func.equals("arearow")) { gridRowPercentage[i][j] = Double.parseDouble(grid[i + 1][j + 1]) / sumofcolumns[i] * 100.00; } else if (func.equals("occurrencesrow") || func.equals("speciesrow")) { gridRowPercentage[i][j] = Double.parseDouble(grid[i + 1][j + 1]) / sumofcolumns[i] * 100.00; } } else { gridRowPercentage[i][j] = 0; } } } } return gridRowPercentage; } private double[][] tabulationGridColumnPercentageGenerator(String[][] grid, double[] sumofrows, String func) throws IOException { double[][] gridColumnPercentage = new double[grid.length - 1][grid[0].length - 1]; if (func.equals("areacolumn") || func.equals("occurrencescolumn") || func.equals("speciescolumn")) { for (int i = 0; i < grid.length - 1; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < grid[0].length - 1; j++) { if (grid[i + 1][j + 1] != null && sumofrows[j] != 0.0) { if (func.equals("areacolumn")) { gridColumnPercentage[i][j] = Double.parseDouble(grid[i + 1][j + 1]) / sumofrows[j] * 100.00; } else if (func.equals("occurrencescolumn") || func.equals("speciescolumn")) { gridColumnPercentage[i][j] = Double.parseDouble(grid[i + 1][j + 1]) / sumofrows[j] * 100.00; } } else { gridColumnPercentage[i][j] = 0.0; } } } } return gridColumnPercentage; } private double[][] tabulationGridTotalPercentageGenerator(String[][] grid, double[] sumofcolumns, String func) throws IOException { double[][] gridTotalPercentage = new double[grid.length - 1][grid[0].length - 1]; double total = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < grid.length - 1; i++) { total += sumofcolumns[i]; } if (func.equals("areatotal") || func.equals("occurrencestotal") || func.equals("speciestotal")) { for (int i = 0; i < grid.length - 1; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < grid[0].length - 1; j++) { if (grid[i + 1][j + 1] != null && total != 0.0) { if (func.equals("areatotal")) { gridTotalPercentage[i][j] = Double.parseDouble(grid[i + 1][j + 1]) / total * 100.00; } else if (func.equals("occurrencestotal") || func.equals("speciestotal")) { gridTotalPercentage[i][j] = Double.parseDouble(grid[i + 1][j + 1]) / total * 100.00; } } else { gridTotalPercentage[i][j] = 0.0; } } } } return gridTotalPercentage; } private double[] tabulationSumOfRowsGridPercentageGenerator(String[][] grid, double[][] gridRowPercentage, double[][] gridColumnPercentage, double[][] gridTotalPercentage, double[] sumofcolumns, String func) throws IOException { double[] sumofrowsGridRowPercentage = new double[grid[0].length - 1]; double[] sumofrowsGridColumnPercentage = new double[grid[0].length - 1]; double[] sumofrowsGridTotalPercentage = new double[grid[0].length - 1]; double[] result = new double[grid[0].length - 1]; for (int j = 0; j < grid[0].length - 1; j++) { //sum of rows for (int i = 0; i < grid.length - 1; i++) { //not row and column headers if (grid[i + 1][j + 1] != null) { if (func.equals("arearow") || func.equals("occurrencesrow") || func.equals("speciesrow")) { sumofrowsGridRowPercentage[j] = sumofrowsGridRowPercentage[j] + gridRowPercentage[i][j]; } else if (func.equals("areacolumn") || func.equals("occurrencescolumn") || func.equals("speciescolumn")) { sumofrowsGridColumnPercentage[j] = sumofrowsGridColumnPercentage[j] + gridColumnPercentage[i][j]; } else if (func.equals("areatotal") || func.equals("occurrencestotal") || func.equals("speciestotal")) { sumofrowsGridTotalPercentage[j] = sumofrowsGridTotalPercentage[j] + gridTotalPercentage[i][j]; } } } //System.out.println("sumofrowsGridRowPercentage["+j+"]:"+sumofrowsGridRowPercentage[j]); } if (func.equals("arearow") || func.equals("occurrencesrow") || func.equals("speciesrow")) { result = sumofrowsGridRowPercentage; } else if (func.equals("areacolumn") || func.equals("occurrencescolumn") || func.equals("speciescolumn")) { result = sumofrowsGridColumnPercentage; } else if (func.equals("areatotal") || func.equals("occurrencestotal") || func.equals("speciestotal")) { result = sumofrowsGridTotalPercentage; } return result; } //define row totals private double[] tabulationSumOfColumnsGridPercentageGenerator(String[][] grid, double[][] gridRowPercentage, double[][] gridColumnPercentage, double[][] gridTotalPercentage, double[] sumofcolumns, String func) throws IOException { double[] sumofcolumnsGridRowPercentage = new double[grid.length - 1]; double[] sumofcolumnsGridColumnPercentage = new double[grid.length - 1]; double[] sumofcolumnsGridTotalPercentage = new double[grid.length - 1]; double[] result = new double[grid.length - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < grid.length - 1; i++) { //sum of rows for (int j = 0; j < grid[0].length - 1; j++) { //not row and column headers if (grid[i + 1][j + 1] != null) { if (func.equals("arearow") || func.equals("occurrencesrow") || func.equals("speciesrow")) { sumofcolumnsGridRowPercentage[i] = sumofcolumnsGridRowPercentage[i] + gridRowPercentage[i][j]; } else if (func.equals("areacolumn") || func.equals("occurrencescolumn") || func.equals("speciescolumn")) { sumofcolumnsGridColumnPercentage[i] = sumofcolumnsGridColumnPercentage[i] + gridColumnPercentage[i][j]; } else if (func.equals("areatotal") || func.equals("occurrencestotal") || func.equals("speciestotal")) { System.out.println( "sumofcolumnsGridTotalPercentage[" + i + "]:" + sumofcolumnsGridTotalPercentage[i] + ";gridTotalPercentage:" + gridTotalPercentage[i][j]); sumofcolumnsGridTotalPercentage[i] += gridTotalPercentage[i][j]; } } } } if (func.equals("arearow") || func.equals("occurrencesrow") || func.equals("speciesrow")) { result = sumofcolumnsGridRowPercentage; } else if (func.equals("areacolumn") || func.equals("occurrencescolumn") || func.equals("speciescolumn")) { result = sumofcolumnsGridColumnPercentage; } else if (func.equals("areatotal") || func.equals("occurrencestotal") || func.equals("speciestotal")) { result = sumofcolumnsGridTotalPercentage; } return result; } /* * list distribution table records, GET */ @RequestMapping(value = "/tabulation/{func1}/{func2}/{fid1}/{fid2}/tabulation.{type}", method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST }) public void displayTabulationCSVHTML(@PathVariable("func1") String func1, @PathVariable("func2") String func2, @PathVariable("fid1") String fid1, @PathVariable("fid2") String fid2, @PathVariable("type") String type, @RequestParam(value = "wkt", required = false, defaultValue = "") String wkt, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException { String func = func1 + func2; List<Tabulation> tabulations = tabulationDao.getTabulation(fid1, fid2, wkt); generateTabulationCSVHTML(tabulations, resp, func, fid1, fid2, wkt, type); } @RequestMapping(value = "/tabulation/{func1}/{fid1}/{fid2}/tabulation.{type}", method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST }) public void displayTabulationCSVHTML(@PathVariable("func1") String func1, @PathVariable("fid1") String fid1, @PathVariable("fid2") String fid2, @PathVariable("type") String type, @RequestParam(value = "wkt", required = false, defaultValue = "") String wkt, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException { List<Tabulation> tabulations = tabulationDao.getTabulation(fid1, fid2, wkt); generateTabulationCSVHTML(tabulations, resp, func1, fid1, fid2, wkt, type); } public void generateTabulationCSVHTML(List<Tabulation> tabulations, HttpServletResponse resp, String func, String fid1, String fid2, String wkt, String type) throws IOException { String[][] grid = tabulationGridGenerator(tabulations, fid1, fid2, wkt, func); double[] sumOfColumns = func.equals("species") ? speciesTotals(tabulations, true) : tabulationSumOfColumnsGenerator(grid, func); double[] sumOfRows = func.equals("species") ? speciesTotals(tabulations, false) : tabulationSumOfRowsGenerator(grid, func); double[][] gridRowPercentage = tabulationGridRowPercentageGenerator(grid, sumOfColumns, func); double[][] gridColumnPercentage = tabulationGridColumnPercentageGenerator(grid, sumOfRows, func); double[][] gridTotalPercentage = tabulationGridTotalPercentageGenerator(grid, sumOfColumns, func); double[] sumOfRowsGridPercentage = tabulationSumOfRowsGridPercentageGenerator(grid, gridRowPercentage, gridColumnPercentage, gridTotalPercentage, sumOfColumns, func); double[] sumOfColumnsGridPercentage = tabulationSumOfColumnsGridPercentageGenerator(grid, gridRowPercentage, gridColumnPercentage, gridTotalPercentage, sumOfColumns, func); double Total = 0.0; for (int j = 1; j < grid[0].length; j++) { Total += sumOfRows[j - 1]; } double TotalPercentage = 0.0; for (int j = 1; j < grid[0].length; j++) { TotalPercentage += sumOfRowsGridPercentage[j - 1]; } double[] AveragePercentageOverRows = new double[grid[0].length - 1]; for (int j = 1; j < grid[0].length; j++) { double NumOfNonzeroRows = 0.0; for (int k = 1; k < grid.length; k++) { if (grid[k][j] != null) { NumOfNonzeroRows = NumOfNonzeroRows + 1; } } if (NumOfNonzeroRows != 0.0) { AveragePercentageOverRows[j - 1] = sumOfRowsGridPercentage[j - 1] / NumOfNonzeroRows; } } double[] AveragePercentageOverColumns = new double[grid.length - 1]; for (int i = 1; i < grid.length; i++) { double NumOfNonzeroColumns = 0.0; for (int k = 1; k < grid[0].length; k++) { if (grid[i][k] != null) { NumOfNonzeroColumns = NumOfNonzeroColumns + 1; } } if (NumOfNonzeroColumns != 0.0) { AveragePercentageOverColumns[i - 1] = sumOfColumnsGridPercentage[i - 1] / NumOfNonzeroColumns; } } //write to csv or json StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (type.equals("csv")) { //resp.setContentType("text/plain"); resp.setContentType("text/comma-separated-values"); for (int i = 0; i < grid.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { sb.append("\n"); } for (int j = 0; j < grid[i].length; j++) { if (i == 0 || j == 0) { if (i == 0 && j == 0) { if (func.equals("area")) { sb.append("\"Area (square kilometres)\""); } else if (func.equals("arearow")) { sb.append("\"Area: Row%\""); } else if (func.equals("areacolumn")) { sb.append("\"Area: Column%\""); } else if (func.equals("areatotal")) { sb.append("\"Area: Total%\""); } else if (func.equals("occurrences")) { sb.append("\"Number of occurrences\""); } else if (func.equals("occurrencesrow")) { sb.append("\"Occurrences: Row%\""); } else if (func.equals("occurrencescolumn")) { sb.append("\"Occurrences: Column%\""); } else if (func.equals("occurrencestotal")) { sb.append("\"Occurrences: Total%\""); } else if (func.equals("species")) { sb.append("\"Number of species\""); } else if (func.equals("speciesrow")) { sb.append("\"Species: Row%\""); } else if (func.equals("speciescolumn")) { sb.append("\"Species: Column%\""); } else if (func.equals("speciestotal")) { sb.append("\"Species: Total%\""); } } if (j > 0) { sb.append(","); } if (grid[i][j] != null) { sb.append("\"").append(grid[i][j].replace("\"", "\"\"")).append("\""); } } else { sb.append(","); if (grid[i][j] != null) { if (func.equals("area") || func.equals("occurrences") || func.equals("species")) { sb.append(grid[i][j]); } else if (func.equals("arearow") || func.equals("occurrencesrow") || func.equals("speciesrow")) { //sb.append(gridRowPercentage[i-1][j-1]/100.00); sb.append(gridRowPercentage[i - 1][j - 1] + "%"); } else if (func.equals("areacolumn") || func.equals("occurrencescolumn") || func.equals("speciescolumn")) { //sb.append(gridColumnPercentage[i-1][j-1]/100.00); sb.append(gridColumnPercentage[i - 1][j - 1] + "%"); } else if (func.equals("areatotal") || func.equals("occurrencestotal") || func.equals("speciestotal")) { //sb.append(gridTotalPercentage[i-1][j-1]/100.00); sb.append(gridTotalPercentage[i - 1][j - 1] + "%"); } } } } if (i == 0) { if (func.equals("area")) { sb.append(",\"Total area\""); } else if (func.equals("occurrences")) { sb.append(",\"Total occurrences\""); } else if (func.equals("species")) { sb.append(",\"Total species\""); } else if (func.equals("arearow") || func.equals("occurrencesrow") || func.equals("speciesrow") || func.equals("areatotal") || func.equals("occurrencestotal") || func.equals("speciestotal")) { sb.append(",\"Total\""); } else if (func.equals("areacolumn") || func.equals("occurrencescolumn") || func.equals("speciescolumn")) { sb.append(",\"Average\""); } else if (func.equals("areatotal") || func.equals("occurrencestotal") || func.equals("speciestotal")) { sb.append(",\"Total\""); } } else { if (func.equals("area")) { sb.append("," + sumOfColumns[i - 1]); } else if (func.equals("occurrences") || func.equals("species")) { sb.append("," + sumOfColumns[i - 1]); } else if (func.equals("arearow") || func.equals("occurrencesrow") || func.equals("speciesrow")) { //sb.append(","+ sumOfColumnsGridPercentage[i - 1]/100.00); sb.append("," + sumOfColumnsGridPercentage[i - 1] + "%"); } else if (func.equals("areacolumn") || func.equals("occurrencescolumn") || func.equals("speciescolumn")) { int numOfNonzeroClasses = 0; for (int k = 1; k < grid[0].length; k++) { if (grid[i][k] != null) { numOfNonzeroClasses = numOfNonzeroClasses + 1; } } //sb.append(","+ AveragePercentageOverColumns[i - 1]/100.00); sb.append("," + AveragePercentageOverColumns[i - 1] + "%"); } else if (func.equals("areatotal") || func.equals("occurrencestotal") || func.equals("speciestotal")) { //sb.append(","+ sumOfColumnsGridPercentage[i - 1]/100.00); sb.append("," + sumOfColumnsGridPercentage[i - 1] + "%"); } } } sb.append("\n"); if (func.equals("area")) { sb.append("\"Total area\""); } else if (func.equals("occurrences")) { sb.append("\"Total occurrences\""); } else if (func.equals("species")) { sb.append("\"Total species\""); } else if (func.equals("arearow") || func.equals("occurrencesrow") || func.equals("speciesrow") || func.equals("areatotal") || func.equals("occurrencestotal") || func.equals("speciestotal")) { sb.append("\"Average\""); } else if (func.equals("areacolumn") || func.equals("occurrencescolumn") || func.equals("speciescolumn")) { sb.append("\"Total\""); } else if (func.equals("areatotal") || func.equals("occurrencestotal") || func.equals("speciestotal")) { sb.append("\"Total\""); } for (int j = 1; j < grid[0].length; j++) { if (func.equals("area")) { sb.append("," + sumOfRows[j - 1]); } else if (func.equals("occurrences") || func.equals("species")) { sb.append("," + sumOfRows[j - 1]); } else if (func.equals("arearow") || func.equals("occurrencesrow") || func.equals("speciesrow")) { //sb.append(","+ AveragePercentageOverRows[j - 1]/100.00); sb.append("," + AveragePercentageOverRows[j - 1] + "%"); } else if (func.equals("areacolumn") || func.equals("occurrencescolumn") || func.equals("speciescolumn")) { //sb.append(","+ sumOfRowsGridPercentage[j - 1]/100.00); sb.append("," + sumOfRowsGridPercentage[j - 1] + "%"); } else if (func.equals("areatotal") || func.equals("occurrencestotal") || func.equals("speciestotal")) { //sb.append(","+ sumOfRowsGridPercentage[j - 1]/100.00); sb.append("," + sumOfRowsGridPercentage[j - 1] + "%"); } } if (func.equals("areatotal") || func.equals("occurrencestotal") || func.equals("speciestotal")) { //sb.append(","+ TotalPercentage/100.00); sb.append("," + TotalPercentage + "%"); } else if (func.equals("area")) { sb.append("," + Total); } else if (func.equals("occurrences")) { sb.append("," + Total); } else { sb.append(","); } sb.append("\n\n"); sb.append("Blanks = no intersection\n"); sb.append("0 = no records in intersection\n"); } else if (type.equals("json")) { resp.setContentType("application/json"); sb.append("{"); for (int i = 1; i < grid.length; i++) { sb.append("\"").append(grid[i][0].replace("\"", "\"\"")).append("\":"); sb.append("{"); for (int j = 1; j < grid[i].length; j++) { if (grid[i][j] != null) { sb.append("\"").append(grid[0][j].replace("\"", "\"\"")).append("\":"); //sb.append(grid[i][j]); if (func.equals("area") || func.equals("occurrences") || func.equals("species")) { sb.append(grid[i][j]); } else if (func.equals("arearow") || func.equals("occurrencesrow") || func.equals("speciesrow")) { sb.append(gridRowPercentage[i - 1][j - 1] / 100.00); } else if (func.equals("areacolumn") || func.equals("occurrencescolumn") || func.equals("speciescolumn")) { sb.append(gridColumnPercentage[i - 1][j - 1] / 100.00); } else if (func.equals("areatotal") || func.equals("occurrencestotal") || func.equals("speciestotal")) { sb.append(gridTotalPercentage[i - 1][j - 1] / 100.00); } sb.append(","); } } if (func.equals("area")) { sb.append("\"Total area\":" + sumOfColumns[i - 1]); } else if (func.equals("occurrences")) { sb.append("\"Total occurrences\":" + sumOfColumns[i - 1]); } else if (func.equals("species")) { sb.append("\"Total species\":" + sumOfColumns[i - 1]); } else if (func.equals("arearow") || func.equals("occurrencesrow") || func.equals("speciesrow")) { sb.append("\"Total\":" + sumOfColumnsGridPercentage[i - 1] / 100); } else if (func.equals("areacolumn") || func.equals("occurrencescolumn") || func.equals("speciescolumn")) { sb.append("\"Average\":" + AveragePercentageOverColumns[i - 1] / 100); } else if (func.equals("areatotal") || func.equals("occurrencestotal") || func.equals("speciestotal")) { sb.append("\"Total\":" + sumOfColumnsGridPercentage[i - 1] / 100); } if (sb.toString().endsWith(",")) { sb.deleteCharAt(sb.toString().length() - 1); } sb.append("}"); if (i < grid.length - 1) { sb.append(","); } sb.append("\n"); } if (func.equals("area")) { sb.append(",\"Total area\":"); } else if (func.equals("occurrences")) { sb.append(",\"Total occurrences\":"); } else if (func.equals("species")) { sb.append(",\"Total species (non-unique)\":"); } else if (func.equals("arearow") || func.equals("occurrencesrow") || func.equals("speciesrow")) { sb.append(",\"Average\":"); } else if (func.equals("areacolumn") || func.equals("occurrencescolumn") || func.equals("speciescolumn")) { sb.append(",\"Total\":"); } else if (func.equals("areatotal") || func.equals("occurrencestotal") || func.equals("speciestotal")) { sb.append(",\"Total\":"); } sb.append("{"); for (int j = 1; j < grid[0].length; j++) { sb.append("\"").append(grid[0][j].replace("\"", "\"\"")).append("\":"); if (func.equals("area")) { sb.append(sumOfRows[j - 1] + ","); } else if (func.equals("occurrences") || func.equals("species")) { sb.append(sumOfRows[j - 1] + ","); } else if (func.equals("arearow") || func.equals("occurrencesrow") || func.equals("speciesrow")) { sb.append(AveragePercentageOverRows[j - 1] / 100 + ","); } else if (func.equals("areacolumn") || func.equals("occurrencescolumn") || func.equals("speciescolumn")) { sb.append(sumOfRowsGridPercentage[j - 1] / 100 + ","); } else if (func.equals("areatotal") || func.equals("occurrencestotal") || func.equals("speciestotal")) { sb.append(sumOfRowsGridPercentage[j - 1] / 100 + ","); } } if (func.equals("areatotal") || func.equals("occurrencestotal") || func.equals("speciestotal")) { sb.append("\"%\":" + TotalPercentage / 100 + ","); } else if (func.equals("area") || func.equals("occurrences") || func.equals("species")) { if (func.equals("area")) { sb.append("\"Total area\":" + Total + ","); } else if (func.equals("occurrences")) { sb.append("\"Total occurrences\":" + Total + ","); } else if (func.equals("species")) { //sb.append("\"Total species\":" + Total + ","); } } if (sb.toString().endsWith(",")) { sb.deleteCharAt(sb.toString().length() - 1); } sb.append("\n"); sb.append("}"); sb.append("}"); } OutputStream os = resp.getOutputStream(); os.write(sb.toString().getBytes("UTF-8")); os.close(); } /* * list distribution table records, GET */ @RequestMapping(value = "/tabulation/{func1}/{func2}/{fid1}/tabulation.html", method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST }) public ModelAndView displayTabulationSingle(@PathVariable("func1") String func1, @PathVariable("func2") String func2, @PathVariable("fid1") String fid1, @RequestParam(value = "wkt", required = false, defaultValue = "") String wkt, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException { String func = func1 + func2; List<Tabulation> tabulations = tabulationDao.getTabulationSingle(fid1, wkt); return generateTabulation(tabulations, func, fid1, null, wkt); } @RequestMapping(value = "/tabulation/{func1}/{fid1}/tabulation.html", method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST }) public ModelAndView displayTabulationSingle(@PathVariable("func1") String func1, @PathVariable("fid1") String fid1, @RequestParam(value = "wkt", required = false, defaultValue = "") String wkt, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException { List<Tabulation> tabulations = tabulationDao.getTabulationSingle(fid1, wkt); return generateTabulation(tabulations, func1, fid1, null, wkt); } /* * list distribution table records, GET */ @RequestMapping(value = "/tabulation/{func1}/{func2}/{fid1}/tabulation.{type}", method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST }) public void displayTabulationSingleCSVHTML(@PathVariable("func1") String func1, @PathVariable("func2") String func2, @PathVariable("fid1") String fid1, @PathVariable("type") String type, @RequestParam(value = "wkt", required = false, defaultValue = "") String wkt, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException { String func = func1 + func2; List<Tabulation> tabulations = tabulationDao.getTabulationSingle(fid1, wkt); generateTabulationCSVHTML(tabulations, resp, func, fid1, null, wkt, type); } @RequestMapping(value = "/tabulation/{func1}/{fid1}/tabulation.{type}", method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST }) public void displayTabulationSingleCSVHTML(@PathVariable("func1") String func1, @PathVariable("fid1") String fid1, @PathVariable("type") String type, @RequestParam(value = "wkt", required = false, defaultValue = "") String wkt, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException { List<Tabulation> tabulations = tabulationDao.getTabulationSingle(fid1, wkt); generateTabulationCSVHTML(tabulations, resp, func1, fid1, null, wkt, type); } @RequestMapping(value = "/tabulation/{fid}", method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST }) public List displayTabulationSingleWkt(@PathVariable("fid") String fid, @RequestParam(value = "wkt", required = false, defaultValue = "") String wkt, HttpServletRequest req) throws IOException { return tabulationDao.getTabulationSingle(fid, wkt); } @RequestMapping(value = "/tabulation/{fid}/{pid}", method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.POST }) public List displayTabulationSinglePid(@PathVariable("fid") String fid, @PathVariable("pid") String pid, HttpServletRequest req) throws IOException { System.out.println(fid + "/" + pid); return tabulationDao.getTabulationSingle(fid, pid); } }