Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2011 Atlas of Living Australia * All Rights Reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.jdesktop.application.ResourceMap; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.Date; /** * The status of the current import or export operation. Used as a model for the ImportExportStatusDialog. */ public class ImportExportStatus { private String heading; private String importDirectory; private String currentFile; private String currentDirective; private int totalDirectives; private int totalErrors; private int directivesInCurentFile; private int errorsInCurrentFile; private String textFromLastShowDirective; private RTFBuilder _logBuilder; private boolean _error; private volatile boolean _cancelled; private volatile boolean _paused; private volatile boolean _finished; private volatile boolean _pauseOnError; private String _resourcePrefix; private ResourceMap _resources; public ImportExportStatus(ResourceMap resources, String resourcePrefix) { _cancelled = false; _finished = false; _paused = false; _pauseOnError = true; _resourcePrefix = resourcePrefix; _resources = resources; _logBuilder = new RTFBuilder(); _logBuilder.startDocument(); } /** * @param heading the heading to set */ public void setHeading(String heading) { this.heading = heading; _logBuilder.setAlignment(RTFAlignment.CENTER); _logBuilder.appendText(_resources.getString(_resourcePrefix + ".heading")); _logBuilder.appendText(_resources.getString("importExportReport.dataSetLabel", heading)); } /** * @return the importDirectory */ public String getImportDirectory() { return importDirectory; } public String getHeading() { return this.heading; } /** * @param importDirectory the importDirectory to set */ public void setImportDirectory(String importDirectory) { this.importDirectory = importDirectory; _logBuilder.appendText(_resources.getString(_resourcePrefix + ".directoryLabel", importDirectory)); _logBuilder.appendText(_resources.getString(_resourcePrefix + ".timeLabel", currentTime())); } private String currentTime() { DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(); return dateFormat.format(new Date()); } /** * @return the currentFile */ public String getCurrentFile() { return currentFile; } /** * @param currentFile the currentFile to set */ public void setCurrentFile(DirectiveFileInfo currentFile) { finishPreviousDirective(); _error = false; this.currentFile = currentFile.getFileName(); errorsInCurrentFile = 0; directivesInCurentFile = 0; _logBuilder.setAlignment(RTFAlignment.LEFT); _logBuilder.appendText(""); _logBuilder.appendText(_resources.getString("importExportReport.directivesFileLabel", currentFile)); _logBuilder.increaseIndent(); _logBuilder.appendText(_resources.getString("importExportReport.fileTypeLabel", currentFile.getType())); _logBuilder.decreaseIndent(); } private void finishPreviousDirective() { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(this.currentFile)) { _logBuilder.increaseIndent(); if (_error) { _logBuilder.appendText(_resources.getString(_resourcePrefix + ".failure")); } else { _logBuilder.appendText(_resources.getString(_resourcePrefix + ".success")); } _logBuilder.decreaseIndent(); } } /** * @return the currentDirective */ public String getCurrentDirective() { return currentDirective; } /** * @param directive the current directive being processed * @param data the data supplied to the directive being processed. * */ public void setCurrentDirective(AbstractDirective<? extends AbstractDeltaContext> directive, String data) { directivesInCurentFile++; totalDirectives++; currentDirective = directive.getName(); if (ArrayUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(Show.CONTROL_WORDS, directive.getControlWords())) { _logBuilder.increaseIndent(); _logBuilder.appendText("*" + directive.getName() + " " + data); _logBuilder.decreaseIndent(); textFromLastShowDirective = data; } else if (ArrayUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(Heading.CONTROL_WORDS, directive.getControlWords())) { heading = data; } } public void setCurrentDirective(DirectiveInstance directive) { directivesInCurentFile++; totalDirectives++; String name = directive.getDirective().joinNameComponents(); currentDirective = name; if (directive.getDirective().getNumber() == ConforDirType.SHOW) { _logBuilder.increaseIndent(); String data = ""; DirectiveArguments args = directive.getDirectiveArguments(); if (args != null) { data = args.getFirstArgumentText(); } _logBuilder.appendText("*" + name + " " + data); _logBuilder.decreaseIndent(); textFromLastShowDirective = data; } else if (directive.getDirective().getNumber() == ConforDirType.HEADING) { String data = ""; DirectiveArguments args = directive.getDirectiveArguments(); if (args != null) { data = args.getFirstArgumentText(); } heading = data; } } /** * @return the totalLines */ public int getTotalDirectives() { return totalDirectives; } public void error(String message) { incrementErrors(); _error = true; _logBuilder.increaseIndent(); _logBuilder.appendText(message); _logBuilder.decreaseIndent(); } private void incrementErrors() { totalErrors++; errorsInCurrentFile++; } /** * @return the totalErrors */ public int getTotalErrors() { return totalErrors; } /** * @return the lineInCurentFile */ public int getDirectivesInCurentFile() { return directivesInCurentFile; } /** * @return the errorsInCurrentFile */ public int getErrorsInCurrentFile() { return errorsInCurrentFile; } /** * @param errorsInCurrentFile the errorsInCurrentFile to set */ public void setErrorsInCurrentFile(int errorsInCurrentFile) { this.errorsInCurrentFile = errorsInCurrentFile; } /** * @return the textFromLastShowDirective */ public String getTextFromLastShowDirective() { return textFromLastShowDirective; } /** * @param textFromLastShowDirective the textFromLastShowDirective to set */ public void setTextFromLastShowDirective(String textFromLastShowDirective) { this.textFromLastShowDirective = textFromLastShowDirective; } public String getImportLog() { return _logBuilder.toString() + "}\n"; } public boolean getPauseOnError() { return _pauseOnError; } /** * Pauses the execution of the calling Thread until such time as some * other thread calls resume(). * In the intended use case, this object becomes the synchronization * point between the ImportController.DoImportTask and the ImportExportStatusDialog. */ public void pause() { _paused = true; synchronized (this) { try { this.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } /** * Combined with the pause() method, this is used by the * ImportController.DoImportTask to pause and resume the import operation. */ public void resume() { _paused = false; synchronized (this) { this.notify(); } } public void cancel() { _cancelled = true; synchronized (this) { this.notify(); } } public boolean isCancelled() { return _cancelled; } public boolean isPaused() { return _paused; } public void finish() { _finished = true; finishPreviousDirective(); writeReportFooter(); } private void writeReportFooter() { _logBuilder.setAlignment(RTFAlignment.CENTER); _logBuilder.appendText(_resources.getString(_resourcePrefix + ".finished", currentTime())); if (totalErrors > 0) { _logBuilder.appendText(_resources.getString(_resourcePrefix + ".failureMessage", totalErrors)); } } public boolean isFinished() { return _finished; } public void setPauseOnError(boolean pauseOnError) { _pauseOnError = pauseOnError; } }