Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2011 Atlas of Living Australia * All Rights Reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.math.IntRange; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * The DirectiveArgsParser provides methods for parsing common formats * used in DELTA directives. */ public abstract class DirectiveArgsParser extends AbstractStreamParser { protected static final char MARK_IDENTIFIER = '#'; protected static final char VALUE_SEPARATOR = ','; public static final char SET_VALUE_SEPARATOR = ':'; protected DirectiveArguments _args; protected int _markedInt; protected boolean _validateRangeOrder = true; public DirectiveArgsParser(AbstractDeltaContext context, Reader reader) { super(context, reader); } public DirectiveArguments getDirectiveArgs() { return _args; } protected String readFully() throws ParseException { int next = readNext(); StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); while (next != -1) { text.append((char) next); next = readNext(); } return text.toString(); } protected void expect(char token) throws ParseException { expect(token, false); } protected void expect(char token, boolean allowEndOfStream) throws ParseException { if (allowEndOfStream && _currentInt < 0) { return; } if (_currentChar != token) { throw DirectiveError.asException(DirectiveError.Error.ILLEGAL_SYMBOL_WITH_ARGS, _position - 1, token, _currentChar); } } protected BigDecimal readValue() throws ParseException { int startPosition = _position; try { String value = readToNextWhiteSpaceOrEnd(); return new BigDecimal(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw DirectiveError.asException(DirectiveError.Error.INVALID_REAL_NUMBER, startPosition - 1); } } protected String readToNextWhiteSpaceOrEnd() throws ParseException { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); while (_currentInt >= 0 && !Character.isWhitespace(_currentChar)) { text.append(_currentChar); readNext(); } return text.toString(); } /** * Reads from the stream up the next character of the specified type or until the * end of the stream is reached. * @param next the character to read up to. * @return the contents of the stream up to (but not including) the supplied character. * @throws Exception if there is an error reading from the stream. */ protected String readToNext(char next) throws ParseException { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); while (_currentInt >= 0 && _currentChar != next) { text.append(_currentChar); readNext(); } return text.toString(); } protected IntRange readIds(IntegerValidator validator) throws ParseException { int startPos = _position; int first = readInteger(); validateId(first, validator, startPos); if (_currentChar == '-') { readNext(); startPos = _position; int last = readInteger(); validateId(last, validator, startPos); if (_validateRangeOrder && first > last) { throw DirectiveError.asException(DirectiveError.Error.RANGE_SEQUENCE_ERROR, startPos); } return new IntRange(first, last); } return new IntRange(first); } private void validateId(int id, IntegerValidator validator, int parsePosition) throws ParseException { if (validator != null) { DirectiveError result = validator.validateInteger(id); if (result != null) { result.setPosition(parsePosition); throw result.asException(); } } } protected List<Integer> readSet(IntegerValidator validator) throws ParseException { List<Integer> values = new ArrayList<Integer>(); while (_currentInt > 0 && !Character.isWhitespace(_currentChar)) { values.addAll(readSetComponent(validator)); } return values; } /** * Reads a component of a set based directive, optionally starting with the SET_VALUE_SEPARATOR character. * @param validator validates the integers as they are read. * @return a List of integers read by this method. * @throws ParseException if the format of the set component is not as expected. */ private List<Integer> readSetComponent(IntegerValidator validator) throws ParseException { List<Integer> values = new ArrayList<Integer>(); if (_currentChar == SET_VALUE_SEPARATOR) { readNext(); } IntRange ids = readIds(validator); for (int i : ids.toArray()) { values.add(i); } return values; } protected List<Integer> readSet(IntegerValidator validator, char setTerminatorChar) throws ParseException { List<Integer> values = new ArrayList<Integer>(); while (_currentInt > 0 && (Character.isDigit(_currentChar) || _currentChar == SET_VALUE_SEPARATOR)) { values.addAll(readSetComponent(validator)); } return values; } protected void readValueSeparator() throws ParseException { expect(VALUE_SEPARATOR); // consume the comma. readNext(); } protected String readItemDescription() throws ParseException { expect(MARK_IDENTIFIER); readNext(); char previousChar = (char) 0; StringBuilder id = new StringBuilder(); while (!(previousChar == '/' && (_currentChar == ' ' || _currentChar == '\r' || _currentChar == '\n'))) { id.append(_currentChar); previousChar = _currentChar; readNext(); } // Delete the '/' if (id.charAt(id.length() - 1) != '/') { throw DirectiveError.asException(DirectiveError.Error.ITEM_NAME_MISSING_SLASH, _position); } id.deleteCharAt(id.length() - 1); return id.toString().trim(); } protected int readListId(IntegerValidator validator) throws ParseException { expect(MARK_IDENTIFIER); readNext(); int id = readInteger(); if (validator != null) { validator.validateInteger(id); } expect('.'); readNext(); // consume the . character. return id; } protected void mark() throws ParseException { try { _reader.mark(2); _markedInt = _currentInt; } catch (IOException e) { throw DirectiveError.asException(DirectiveError.Error.FATAL_ERROR, _position); } } protected void reset() throws ParseException { try { _reader.reset(); _currentChar = (char) _markedInt; _currentInt = _markedInt; } catch (IOException e) { throw DirectiveError.asException(DirectiveError.Error.FATAL_ERROR, _position); } } }