Java tutorial
/************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2013 Atlas of Living Australia * All Rights Reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. ***************************************************************************/ package; import; import; import*; import*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocumentList; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.ui.Model; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import*; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; /** * This controller provides mapping services which include WMS services. Includes support for: * * <ul> * <li>GetCapabilities</li> * <li>GetMap</li> * <li>GetFeatureInfo</li> * <li>GetMetadata</li> * </ul> */ @Controller public class WMSController { /** webportal results limit */ private final int DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = 1000000; /** categorical colours */ private final int[] colourList = { 0x003366CC, 0x00DC3912, 0x00FF9900, 0x00109618, 0x00990099, 0x000099C6, 0x00DD4477, 0x0066AA00, 0x00B82E2E, 0x00316395, 0x00994499, 0x0022AA99, 0x00AAAA11, 0x006633CC, 0x00E67300, 0x008B0707, 0x00651067, 0x00329262, 0x005574A6, 0x003B3EAC, 0x00B77322, 0x0016D620, 0x00B91383, 0x00F4359E, 0x009C5935, 0x00A9C413, 0x002A778D, 0x00668D1C, 0x00BEA413, 0x000C5922, 0x00743411 }; //For WMS services final String[] colorsNames = new String[] { "DarkRed", "IndianRed", "DarkSalmon", "SaddleBrown", "Chocolate", "SandyBrown", "Orange", "DarkGreen", "Green", "Lime", "LightGreen", "MidnightBlue", "Blue", "SteelBlue", "CadetBlue", "Aqua", "PowderBlue", "DarkOliveGreen", "DarkKhaki", "Yellow", "Moccasin", "Indigo", "Purple", "Fuchsia", "Plum", "Black", "White" }; final String[] colorsCodes = new String[] { "8b0000", "FF0000", "CD5C5C", "E9967A", "8B4513", "D2691E", "F4A460", "FFA500", "006400", "008000", "00FF00", "90EE90", "191970", "0000FF", "4682B4", "5F9EA0", "00FFFF", "B0E0E6", "556B2F", "BDB76B", "FFFF00", "FFE4B5", "4B0082", "800080", "FF00FF", "DDA0DD", "000000", "FFFFFF" }; private final int DEFAULT_COLOUR = 0x00000000; /** webportal image max pixel count */ private final int MAX_IMAGE_PIXEL_COUNT = 36000000; //this is slightly larger than 600dpi A4 /** legend limits */ private final String NULL_NAME = "Unknown"; /** max uncertainty mappable in m */ private final double MAX_UNCERTAINTY = 30000; /** add pixel radius for wms highlight circles */ private final static int HIGHLIGHT_RADIUS = 3; /** Logger initialisation */ private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(WMSController.class); /** Fulltext search DAO */ @Inject protected SearchDAO searchDAO; @Inject protected TaxonDAO taxonDAO; @Inject protected SearchUtils searchUtils; /** Load a smaller 256x256 png than java.image produces */ final static byte[] blankImageBytes; @Value("${webservices.root:}") protected String baseWsUrl; @Value("${geoserver.url:}") protected String geoserverUrl; @Value("${organizationName:Atlas of Living Australia}") protected String organizationName; @Value("${orgCity:Canberra}") protected String orgCity; @Value("${orgStateProvince:ACT}") protected String orgStateProvince; @Value("${orgPostcode:2601}") protected String orgPostcode; @Value("${orgCountry:Australia}") protected String orgCountry; @Value("${orgPhone:+61 (0) 2 6246 4400}") protected String orgPhone; @Value("${orgFax:+61 (0) 2 6246 4400}") protected String orgFax; @Value("${}") protected String orgEmail; static { byte[] b = null; try { RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(WMSController.class.getResource("/blank.png").getFile(), "r"); b = new byte[(int) raf.length()];; raf.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Unable to open blank image file"); } blankImageBytes = b; } /** * Store query params list */ @RequestMapping(value = { "/webportal/params", "/mapping/params" }, method = RequestMethod.POST) public void storeParams(SpatialSearchRequestParams requestParams, @RequestParam(value = "bbox", required = false, defaultValue = "false") String bbox, @RequestParam(value = "title", required = false) String title, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { //get bbox (also cleans up Q) double[] bb = null; if (bbox != null && bbox.equals("true")) { bb = getBBox(requestParams); } else { //get a formatted Q by running a query requestParams.setPageSize(0); searchDAO.findByFulltext(requestParams); } //store the title if necessary if (title == null) title = requestParams.getDisplayString(); String[] fqs = getFq(requestParams); if (fqs != null && fqs.length == 1 && fqs[0].length() == 0) { fqs = null; } Long qid = ParamsCache.put(requestParams.getFormattedQuery(), title, requestParams.getWkt(), bb, fqs); response.setContentType("text/plain"); writeBytes(response, qid.toString().getBytes()); } /** * Test presence of query params {id} in params store. */ @RequestMapping(value = { "/webportal/params/{id}", "/mapping/params/{id}" }, method = RequestMethod.GET) public @ResponseBody Boolean storeParams(@PathVariable("id") Long id) throws Exception { return ParamsCache.get(id) != null; } /** * Allows the details of a cached query to be viewed. * @param id * @return * @throws Exception */ @RequestMapping(value = { "/webportal/params/details/{id}", "/mapping/params/details/{id}" }, method = RequestMethod.GET) public @ResponseBody ParamsCacheObject getParamCacheObject(@PathVariable("id") Long id) throws Exception { return ParamsCache.get(id); } /** * * JSON web service that returns a list of species and record counts for a given location search * * @throws Exception */ @RequestMapping(value = { "/webportal/species", "/mapping/species" }, method = RequestMethod.GET) public @ResponseBody List<TaxaCountDTO> listSpecies(SpatialSearchRequestParams requestParams) throws Exception { return searchDAO.findAllSpecies(requestParams); } /** * * List of species for webportal as csv. * * @param response * @throws Exception */ @RequestMapping(value = { "/webportal/species.csv", "/mapping/species.csv" }, method = RequestMethod.GET) public void listSpeciesCsv(SpatialSearchRequestParams requestParams, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { List<TaxaCountDTO> list = searchDAO.findAllSpecies(requestParams); //format as csv StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Family,Scientific name,Common name,Taxon rank,LSID,# Occurrences"); for (TaxaCountDTO d : list) { String family = d.getFamily(); String name = d.getName(); String commonName = d.getCommonName(); String guid = d.getGuid(); String rank = d.getRank(); if (family == null) { family = ""; } if (name == null) { name = ""; } if (commonName == null) { commonName = ""; } if (d.getGuid() == null) { //when guid is empty name contains name_lsid value. if (d.getName() != null) { //parse name String[] nameLsid = d.getName().split("\\|"); if (nameLsid.length >= 2) { name = nameLsid[0]; guid = nameLsid[1]; rank = "scientific name"; if (nameLsid.length >= 3) { commonName = nameLsid[2]; } // if(nameLsid.length >= 4) { // kingdom = nameLsid[3]; // } } else { name = NULL_NAME; } } } if (d.getCount() != null && guid != null) { sb.append("\n\"").append(family.replace("\"", "\"\"").trim()).append("\",\"") .append(name.replace("\"", "\"\"").trim()).append("\",\"") .append(commonName.replace("\"", "\"\"").trim()).append("\",").append(rank).append(",") .append(guid).append(",").append(d.getCount()); } } writeBytes(response, sb.toString().getBytes("UTF-8")); } /** * Get legend for a query and facet field (colourMode). * *if "Accept" header is application/json return json otherwise * * @param requestParams * @param colourMode * @param response * @throws Exception */ @RequestMapping(value = { "/webportal/legend", "/mapping/legend" }, method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public List<LegendItem> legend(SpatialSearchRequestParams requestParams, @RequestParam(value = "cm", required = false, defaultValue = "") String colourMode, @RequestParam(value = "type", required = false, defaultValue = "application/csv") String returnType, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { String[] acceptableTypes = new String[] { "application/json", "application/csv" }; String accepts = request.getHeader("Accept"); //only allow a single format to be supplied in the header otherwise use the default returnType returnType = StringUtils.isNotEmpty(accepts) && !accepts.contains(",") ? accepts : returnType; if (!Arrays.asList(acceptableTypes).contains(returnType)) { response.sendError(response.SC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE, "Unable to produce a legend in the supplied \"Accept\" format: " + returnType); return null; } boolean isCsv = returnType.equals("application/csv"); //test for cutpoints on the back of colourMode String[] s = colourMode.split(","); String[] cutpoints = null; if (s.length > 1) { cutpoints = new String[s.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(s, 1, cutpoints, 0, cutpoints.length); } List<LegendItem> legend = searchDAO.getLegend(requestParams, s[0], cutpoints); if (cutpoints == null) { java.util.Collections.sort(legend); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (isCsv) { sb.append("name,red,green,blue,count"); } int i = 0; //add legend entries. int offset = 0; for (i = 0; i < legend.size(); i++) { LegendItem li = legend.get(i); String name = li.getName(); if (name == null) { name = NULL_NAME; } int colour = DEFAULT_COLOUR; if (cutpoints == null) { colour = colourList[Math.min(i, colourList.length - 1)]; } else if (cutpoints != null && i - offset < cutpoints.length) { if (name.equals(NULL_NAME) || name.startsWith("-")) { offset++; colour = DEFAULT_COLOUR; } else { colour = getRangedColour(i - offset, cutpoints.length / 2); } } li.setRGB(colour); if (isCsv) { sb.append("\n\"").append(name.replace("\"", "\"\"")).append("\",").append(getRGB(colour)) //repeat last colour if required .append(",").append(legend.get(i).getCount()); } } //now generate the JSON if necessary if (returnType.equals("application/json")) { return legend; } else { writeBytes(response, sb.toString().getBytes("UTF-8")); return null; } } /** * List data providers for a query. * * @param requestParams * @return * @throws Exception */ @RequestMapping(value = { "/webportal/dataProviders", "/mapping/dataProviders" }, method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public List<DataProviderCountDTO> queryInfo(SpatialSearchRequestParams requestParams) throws Exception { return searchDAO.getDataProviderList(requestParams); } /** * Get query bounding box as csv containing: * min longitude, min latitude, max longitude, max latitude * * @param requestParams * @param response * @throws Exception */ @RequestMapping(value = { "/webportal/bbox", "/mapping/bbox" }, method = RequestMethod.GET) public void boundingBox(SpatialSearchRequestParams requestParams, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { double[] bbox = null; String q = requestParams.getQ(); if (q.startsWith("qid:")) { try { bbox = ParamsCache.get(Long.parseLong(q.substring(4))).getBbox(); } catch (Exception e) { } } if (bbox == null) { bbox = getBBox(requestParams); } writeBytes(response, (bbox[0] + "," + bbox[1] + "," + bbox[2] + "," + bbox[3]).getBytes("UTF-8")); } /** * Get query bounding box as JSON array containing: * min longitude, min latitude, max longitude, max latitude * * @param requestParams * @param response * @return * @throws Exception */ @RequestMapping(value = { "/webportal/bounds", "/mapping/bounds" }, method = RequestMethod.GET) public @ResponseBody double[] jsonBoundingBox(SpatialSearchRequestParams requestParams, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { double[] bbox = null; String q = requestParams.getQ(); if (q.startsWith("qid:")) { try { bbox = ParamsCache.get(Long.parseLong(q.substring(4))).getBbox(); } catch (Exception e) { } } if (bbox == null) { bbox = getBBox(requestParams); } return bbox; } /** * Get occurrences by query as JSON. * * @param requestParams * @throws Exception */ @RequestMapping(value = { "/webportal/occurrences*", "/mapping/occurrences*" }, method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public SearchResultDTO occurrences(SpatialSearchRequestParams requestParams, Model model) throws Exception { SearchResultDTO searchResult = new SearchResultDTO(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(requestParams.getQ())) { return searchResult; } //searchUtils.updateSpatial(requestParams); searchResult = searchDAO.findByFulltextSpatialQuery(requestParams, null); model.addAttribute("searchResult", searchResult); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Returning results set with: " + searchResult.getTotalRecords()); } return searchResult; } /** * Get occurrences by query as gzipped csv. * * @param requestParams * @param response * @throws Exception */ @RequestMapping(value = { "/webportal/occurrences.gz", "/mapping/occurrences.gz" }, method = RequestMethod.GET) public void occurrenceGz(SpatialSearchRequestParams requestParams, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { response.setContentType("text/plain"); response.setCharacterEncoding("gzip"); ServletOutputStream outStream = response.getOutputStream(); gzip = new; writeOccurrencesCsvToStream(requestParams, gzip); gzip.flush(); gzip.close(); } private void writeOccurrencesCsvToStream(SpatialSearchRequestParams requestParams, OutputStream stream) throws Exception { SolrDocumentList sdl = searchDAO.findByFulltext(requestParams); byte[] bComma = ",".getBytes("UTF-8"); byte[] bNewLine = "\n".getBytes("UTF-8"); byte[] bDblQuote = "\"".getBytes("UTF-8"); if (sdl != null && sdl.size() > 0) { //header field identification ArrayList<String> header = new ArrayList<String>(); if (requestParams.getFl() == null || requestParams.getFl().isEmpty()) { TreeSet<String> unique = new TreeSet<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < sdl.size(); i++) { unique.addAll(sdl.get(i).getFieldNames()); } header = new ArrayList<String>(unique); } else { String[] fields = requestParams.getFl().split(","); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { if (fields[i].length() > 0) { header.add(fields[i]); } } } //write header for (int i = 0; i < header.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { stream.write(bComma); } stream.write(header.get(i).getBytes("UTF-8")); } //write records for (int i = 0; i < sdl.size(); i++) { stream.write(bNewLine); for (int j = 0; j < header.size(); j++) { if (j > 0) { stream.write(bComma); } if (sdl.get(i).containsKey(header.get(j))) { stream.write(bDblQuote); stream.write(String.valueOf(sdl.get(i).getFieldValue(header.get(j))).replace("\"", "\"\"") .getBytes("UTF-8")); stream.write(bDblQuote); } } } } } private void writeBytes(HttpServletResponse response, byte[] bytes) throws IOException { response.setContentType("text/plain"); response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); ServletOutputStream outStream = response.getOutputStream(); outStream.write(bytes); outStream.flush(); outStream.close(); } /** 4326 to 900913 pixel and m conversion */ private int map_offset = 268435456; // half the Earth's circumference at zoom level 21 private double map_radius = map_offset / Math.PI; int convertLatToPixel(double lat) { return (int) Math.round(map_offset - map_radius * Math.log((1 + Math.sin(lat * Math.PI / 180)) / (1 - Math.sin(lat * Math.PI / 180))) / 2); } int convertLatToPixel4326(double lat, double top, double bottom, int pixelHeight) { return (int) (((lat - top) / (bottom - top)) * pixelHeight); } int convertLngToPixel4326(double lng, double left, double right, int pixelWidth) { return (int) (((lng - left) / (right - left)) * pixelWidth); } int convertLngToPixel(double lng) { return (int) Math.round(map_offset + map_radius * lng * Math.PI / 180); } double convertMetersToLng(double meters) { return meters / 20037508.342789244 * 180; } // // double convertLngToMeters(double lng) { return 6378137.0 * Math.PI / 180 * lng; } // // public static final double WGS_84_EQUATORIALRADIUS = 6378137.0; double convertLatToMeters(double lat) { return 6378137.0 * Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI / 180 * (45 + lat / 2.0))); } double convertMetersToLat(double meters) { return 180.0 / Math.PI * (2 * Math.atan(Math.exp(meters / 20037508.342789244 * Math.PI)) - Math.PI / 2.0); } /** * Map a zoom level to a coordinate accuracy level * * @return */ protected PointType getPointTypeForDegreesPerPixel(double resolution) { PointType pointType = null; // Map zoom levels to lat/long accuracy levels if (resolution >= 1) { pointType = PointType.POINT_1; } else if (resolution >= 0.1) { pointType = PointType.POINT_01; } else if (resolution >= 0.01) { pointType = PointType.POINT_001; } else if (resolution >= 0.001) { pointType = PointType.POINT_0001; } else if (resolution >= 0.0001) { pointType = PointType.POINT_00001; } else { pointType = PointType.POINT_RAW; } return pointType; } void displayBlankImage(HttpServletResponse response) { try { ServletOutputStream outStream = response.getOutputStream(); outStream.write(blankImageBytes); outStream.flush(); outStream.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Unable to write image", e); } } /** * * @param bboxString * @param width * @param height * @param size * @param uncertainty * @param mbbox the mbbox to initialise * @param bbox the bbox to initialise * @param pbbox the pbbox to initialise * @return */ private double getBBoxes(String bboxString, int width, int height, int size, boolean uncertainty, double[] mbbox, double[] bbox, double[] pbbox, double[] tilebbox) { int i = 0; for (String s : bboxString.split(",")) { try { tilebbox[i] = Double.parseDouble(s); mbbox[i] = tilebbox[i]; i++; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Problem parsing BBOX: '" + bboxString + "'", e); } } //adjust bbox extents with half pixel width/height double pixelWidth = (mbbox[2] - mbbox[0]) / width; double pixelHeight = (mbbox[3] - mbbox[1]) / height; mbbox[0] += pixelWidth / 2; mbbox[2] -= pixelWidth / 2; mbbox[1] += pixelHeight / 2; mbbox[3] -= pixelHeight / 2; //offset for points bounding box by dot size double xoffset = (mbbox[2] - mbbox[0]) / (double) width * size; double yoffset = (mbbox[3] - mbbox[1]) / (double) height * size; //check offset for points bb by maximum uncertainty if (uncertainty) { if (xoffset < MAX_UNCERTAINTY) { xoffset = MAX_UNCERTAINTY; } if (yoffset < MAX_UNCERTAINTY) { yoffset = MAX_UNCERTAINTY; } } //adjust offset for pixel height/width xoffset += pixelWidth; yoffset += pixelHeight; pbbox[0] = convertLngToPixel(convertMetersToLng(mbbox[0])); pbbox[1] = convertLatToPixel(convertMetersToLat(mbbox[1])); pbbox[2] = convertLngToPixel(convertMetersToLng(mbbox[2])); pbbox[3] = convertLatToPixel(convertMetersToLat(mbbox[3])); bbox[0] = convertMetersToLng(mbbox[0] - xoffset); bbox[1] = convertMetersToLat(mbbox[1] - yoffset); bbox[2] = convertMetersToLng(mbbox[2] + xoffset); bbox[3] = convertMetersToLat(mbbox[3] + yoffset); double degreesPerPixel = Math.min( (convertMetersToLng(mbbox[2]) - convertMetersToLng(mbbox[0])) / (double) width, (convertMetersToLng(mbbox[3]) - convertMetersToLng(mbbox[1])) / (double) height); return degreesPerPixel; } /** * * @param bboxString * @param width * @param height * @param size * @param uncertainty * @param mbbox the mbbox to initialise * @param bbox the bbox to initialise * @param pbbox the pbbox to initialise * @return */ private double getBBoxes4326(String bboxString, int width, int height, int size, boolean uncertainty, double[] mbbox, double[] bbox, double[] pbbox, double[] tilebbox) { int i = 0; for (String s : bboxString.split(",")) { try { tilebbox[i] = Double.parseDouble(s); mbbox[i] = tilebbox[i]; i++; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Problem parsing BBOX: '" + bboxString + "'", e); } } //adjust bbox extents with half pixel width/height double pixelWidth = (mbbox[2] - mbbox[0]) / width; double pixelHeight = (mbbox[3] - mbbox[1]) / height; mbbox[0] += pixelWidth / 2; mbbox[2] -= pixelWidth / 2; mbbox[1] += pixelHeight / 2; mbbox[3] -= pixelHeight / 2; //offset for points bounding box by dot size double xoffset = (mbbox[2] - mbbox[0]) / (double) width * size; double yoffset = (mbbox[3] - mbbox[1]) / (double) height * size; //check offset for points bb by maximum uncertainty if (uncertainty) { //estimate 0.01 degrees is 1000m double scale = 0.01 / 1000; if (xoffset < MAX_UNCERTAINTY * scale) { xoffset = MAX_UNCERTAINTY * scale; } if (yoffset < MAX_UNCERTAINTY * scale) { yoffset = MAX_UNCERTAINTY * scale; } } //adjust offset for pixel height/width xoffset += pixelWidth; yoffset += pixelHeight; /* not required for 4326 pbbox[0] = convertLngToPixel(convertMetersToLng(mbbox[0])); pbbox[1] = convertLatToPixel(convertMetersToLat(mbbox[1])); pbbox[2] = convertLngToPixel(convertMetersToLng(mbbox[2])); pbbox[3] = convertLatToPixel(convertMetersToLat(mbbox[3])); */ //actual bounding box bbox[0] = mbbox[0] - xoffset; bbox[1] = mbbox[1] - yoffset; bbox[2] = mbbox[2] + xoffset; bbox[3] = mbbox[3] + yoffset; double degreesPerPixel = Math.min(pixelWidth, pixelHeight); return degreesPerPixel; } private String getQ(String cql_filter) { String q = cql_filter; int p1 = cql_filter.indexOf("qid:"); if (p1 >= 0) { int p2 = cql_filter.indexOf('&', p1 + 1); if (p2 < 0) { p2 = cql_filter.indexOf(';', p1 + 1); } if (p2 < 0) { p2 = cql_filter.length(); } q = cql_filter.substring(p1, p2); } return q; } /** * Get legend items for the first colourList.length-1 items only. * * @param colourMode * @throws Exception */ private List<LegendItem> getColours(SpatialSearchRequestParams request, String colourMode) throws Exception { List<LegendItem> colours = new ArrayList<LegendItem>(); if (colourMode.equals("grid")) { for (int i = 0; i <= 500; i += 100) { LegendItem li; if (i == 0) { li = new LegendItem(">0", 0, null); } else { li = new LegendItem(String.valueOf(i), 0, null); } li.setColour((((500 - i) / 2) << 8) | 0x00FF0000); colours.add(li); } } else { SpatialSearchRequestParams requestParams = new SpatialSearchRequestParams(); requestParams.setQ(request.getQ()); requestParams.setQc(request.getQc()); requestParams.setFq(getFq(request)); //test for cutpoints on the back of colourMode String[] s = colourMode.split(","); String[] cutpoints = null; if (s.length > 1) { cutpoints = new String[s.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(s, 1, cutpoints, 0, cutpoints.length); } if (s[0].equals("-1") || s[0].equals("grid")) { return null; } else { List<LegendItem> legend = searchDAO.getLegend(requestParams, s[0], cutpoints); if (cutpoints == null) { //do not sort if cutpoints are provided java.util.Collections.sort(legend); } int i = 0; int offset = 0; for (i = 0; i < legend.size() && i < colourList.length - 1; i++) { colours.add(new LegendItem(legend.get(i).getName(), legend.get(i).getCount(), legend.get(i).getFq())); int colour = DEFAULT_COLOUR; if (cutpoints == null) { colour = colourList[i]; } else if (cutpoints != null && i - offset < cutpoints.length) { if (legend.get(i).getName() == null || legend.get(i).getName().equals(NULL_NAME) || legend.get(i).getName().startsWith("-")) { offset++; } else { colour = getRangedColour(i - offset, cutpoints.length / 2); } } colours.get(colours.size() - 1).setColour(colour); } } } return colours; } int getRangedColour(int pos, int length) { int[] colourRange = { 0x00002DD0, 0x00005BA2, 0x00008C73, 0x0000B944, 0x0000E716, 0x00A0FF00, 0x00FFFF00, 0x00FFC814, 0x00FFA000, 0x00FF5B00, 0x00FF0000 }; double step = 1 / (double) colourRange.length; double p = pos / (double) (length); double dist = p / step; int minI = (int) Math.floor(dist); int maxI = (int) Math.ceil(dist); if (maxI >= colourRange.length) { maxI = colourRange.length - 1; } double minorP = p - (minI * step); double minorDist = minorP / step; //scale RGB individually int colour = 0x00000000; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int minC = (colourRange[minI] >> (i * 8)) & 0x000000ff; int maxC = (colourRange[maxI] >> (i * 8)) & 0x000000ff; int c = Math.min((int) ((maxC - minC) * minorDist + minC), 255); colour = colour | ((c & 0x000000ff) << (i * 8)); } return colour; } String getRGB(int colour) { return ((colour >> 16) & 0x000000ff) + "," + ((colour >> 8) & 0x000000ff) + "," + (colour & 0x000000ff); } /** * Get bounding box for a query. * * @param requestParams * @return * @throws Exception */ double[] getBBox(SpatialSearchRequestParams requestParams) throws Exception { double[] bbox = new double[4]; String[] sort = { "longitude", "latitude", "longitude", "latitude" }; String[] dir = { "asc", "asc", "desc", "desc" }; //remove instances of null longitude or latitude String[] fq = (String[]) ArrayUtils.addAll(getFq(requestParams), new String[] { "longitude:[* TO *]", "latitude:[* TO *]" }); requestParams.setFq(fq); requestParams.setPageSize(10); for (int i = 0; i < sort.length; i++) { requestParams.setSort(sort[i]); requestParams.setDir(dir[i]); requestParams.setFl(sort[i]); SolrDocumentList sdl = searchDAO.findByFulltext(requestParams); if (sdl != null && sdl.size() > 0) { if (sdl.get(0) != null) { bbox[i] = (Double) sdl.get(0).getFieldValue(sort[i]); } else { logger.error("searchDAO.findByFulltext returning SolrDocumentList with null records"); } } } return bbox; } private String convertBBox4326To900913(String bbox) { int i = 0; Double[] mbbox = new Double[4]; for (String s : bbox.split(",")) { if (i % 2 == 0) mbbox[i] = convertLngToMeters(Double.parseDouble(s)); else mbbox[i] = convertLatToMeters(Double.parseDouble(s)); i++; } return StringUtils.join(mbbox, ","); } // add this to the GetCapabilities... @RequestMapping(value = { "/ogc/getMetadata" }, method = RequestMethod.GET) public String getMetadata(@RequestParam(value = "LAYER", required = false, defaultValue = "") String layer, @RequestParam(value = "q", required = false, defaultValue = "") String query, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Model model) throws Exception { //System.out.println("GETMETADATA: " + request.getQueryString()); String taxonName = ""; String rank = ""; String q = ""; if (StringUtils.trimToNull(layer) != null) { String[] parts = layer.split(":"); taxonName = parts[parts.length - 1]; if (parts.length > 1) { rank = parts[0]; } q = layer; } else if (StringUtils.trimToNull(query) != null) { String[] parts = query.split(":"); taxonName = parts[parts.length - 1]; if (parts.length > 1) { rank = parts[0]; } q = query; } else { response.sendError(400); } // - get the guid ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper(); String guid = null; JsonNode guidLookupNode = om .readTree(new URL("" + URLEncoder.encode(taxonName, "UTF-8"))); //NC: Fixed the ArraryOutOfBoundsException when the lookup fails to yield a result if (guidLookupNode.isArray() && guidLookupNode.size() > 0) { JsonNode idNode = guidLookupNode.get(0).get("acceptedIdentifier");//NC: changed to used the acceptedIdentifier because this will always hold the guid for the accepted taxon concept whether or not a synonym name is provided guid = idNode != null ? idNode.asText() : null; } String newQuery = "raw_name:" + taxonName; if (guid != null) { model.addAttribute("guid", guid); model.addAttribute("speciesPageUrl", "" + guid); JsonNode node = om.readTree(new URL("" + guid + ".json")); JsonNode tc = node.get("taxonConcept"); JsonNode imageNode = tc.get("smallImageUrl"); String imageUrl = imageNode != null ? imageNode.asText() : null; if (imageUrl != null) { model.addAttribute("imageUrl", imageUrl); JsonNode imageMetadataNode = node.get("taxonConcept").get("imageMetadataUrl"); String imageMetadataUrl = imageMetadataNode != null ? imageMetadataNode.asText() : null; //image metadata JsonNode imageMetadata = om.readTree(new URL(imageMetadataUrl)); if (imageMetadata != null) { if (imageMetadata.get("") != null) model.addAttribute("imageCreator", imageMetadata.get("").asText()); if (imageMetadata.get("") != null) model.addAttribute("imageLicence", imageMetadata.get("").asText()); if (imageMetadata.get("") != null) model.addAttribute("imageSource", imageMetadata.get("").asText()); } } JsonNode leftNode = tc.get("left"); JsonNode rightNode = tc.get("right"); newQuery = leftNode != null && rightNode != null ? "lft:[" + leftNode.asText() + " TO " + rightNode.asText() + "]" : "taxon_concept_lsid:" + guid; logger.debug("The new query : " + newQuery); //common name JsonNode commonNameNode = tc.get("commonNameSingle"); if (commonNameNode != null) { model.addAttribute("commonName", commonNameNode.asText()); logger.debug("retrieved name: " + commonNameNode.asText()); } //name JsonNode nameNode = tc.get("nameComplete"); if (nameNode != null) { model.addAttribute("name", nameNode.asText()); logger.debug("retrieved name: " + nameNode.asText()); } //authorship JsonNode authorshipNode = node.get("taxonConcept").get("author"); if (authorshipNode != null) model.addAttribute("authorship", authorshipNode.asText()); //taxonomic information JsonNode node2 = om.readTree(new URL("" + guid + ".json")); JsonNode classificationNode = node2.get("classification"); model.addAttribute("kingdom", StringUtils.capitalize(classificationNode.get("kingdom").asText().toLowerCase())); model.addAttribute("phylum", StringUtils.capitalize(classificationNode.get("phylum").asText().toLowerCase())); model.addAttribute("clazz", StringUtils.capitalize(classificationNode.get("clazz").asText().toLowerCase())); model.addAttribute("order", StringUtils.capitalize(classificationNode.get("order").asText().toLowerCase())); model.addAttribute("family", StringUtils.capitalize(classificationNode.get("family").asText().toLowerCase())); model.addAttribute("genus", classificationNode.get("genus").asText()); JsonNode taxonNameNode = node2.get("taxonName"); if (taxonNameNode != null && taxonNameNode.get("specificEpithet") != null) { model.addAttribute("specificEpithet", taxonNameNode.get("specificEpithet").asText()); } } SpatialSearchRequestParams searchParams = new SpatialSearchRequestParams(); searchParams.setQ(newQuery); searchParams.setFacets(new String[] { "data_resource" }); searchParams.setPageSize(0); List<FacetResultDTO> facets = searchDAO.getFacetCounts(searchParams); model.addAttribute("query", newQuery); //need a facet on data providers model.addAttribute("dataProviders", facets.get(0).getFieldResult()); //need a facet on data providers return "metadata/mcp"; } @RequestMapping(value = { "/ogc/getFeatureInfo" }, method = RequestMethod.GET) public String getFeatureInfo( @RequestParam(value = "CQL_FILTER", required = false, defaultValue = "") String cql_filter, @RequestParam(value = "ENV", required = false, defaultValue = "") String env, @RequestParam(value = "BBOX", required = true, defaultValue = "0,-90,180,0") String bboxString, @RequestParam(value = "WIDTH", required = true, defaultValue = "256") Integer width, @RequestParam(value = "HEIGHT", required = true, defaultValue = "256") Integer height, @RequestParam(value = "STYLES", required = false, defaultValue = "") String styles, @RequestParam(value = "SRS", required = false, defaultValue = "") String srs, @RequestParam(value = "QUERY_LAYERS", required = false, defaultValue = "") String queryLayers, @RequestParam(value = "X", required = true, defaultValue = "0") Double x, @RequestParam(value = "Y", required = true, defaultValue = "0") Double y, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Model model) throws Exception { logger.debug("WMS - GetFeatureInfo requested for: " + queryLayers); if ("EPSG:4326".equals(srs)) bboxString = convertBBox4326To900913(bboxString); // to work around a UDIG bug WmsEnv vars = new WmsEnv(env, styles); double[] mbbox = new double[4]; double[] bbox = new double[4]; double[] pbbox = new double[4]; double[] tilebbox = new double[4]; int size = vars.size + (vars.highlight != null ? HIGHLIGHT_RADIUS * 2 + (int) (vars.size * 0.2) : 0) + 5; //bounding box buffer //what is the size of the dot in degrees double resolution = getBBoxes(bboxString, width, height, size, vars.uncertainty, mbbox, bbox, pbbox, tilebbox); //resolution should be a value < 1 PointType pointType = getPointTypeForDegreesPerPixel(resolution); double longitude = bbox[0] + (((bbox[2] - bbox[0]) / width) * x); double latitude = bbox[3] - (((bbox[3] - bbox[1]) / height) * y); //round to the correct point size double roundedLongitude = pointType.roundToPointType(longitude); double roundedLatitude = pointType.roundToPointType(latitude); //get the pixel size of the circles double minLng = pointType.roundDownToPointType(roundedLongitude - (pointType.getValue() * 2 * (size + 3))); double maxLng = pointType.roundUpToPointType(roundedLongitude + (pointType.getValue() * 2 * (size + 3))); double minLat = pointType.roundDownToPointType(roundedLatitude - (pointType.getValue() * 2 * (size + 3))); double maxLat = pointType.roundUpToPointType(roundedLatitude + (pointType.getValue() * 2 * (size + 3))); //do the SOLR query SpatialSearchRequestParams requestParams = new SpatialSearchRequestParams(); String q = convertLayersParamToQ(queryLayers); requestParams.setQ(convertLayersParamToQ(queryLayers)); //need to derive this from the layer name logger.debug("WMS GetFeatureInfo for " + queryLayers + ", longitude:[" + minLng + " TO " + maxLng + "], latitude:[" + minLat + " TO " + maxLat + "]"); String[] fqs = new String[] { "longitude:[" + minLng + " TO " + maxLng + "]", "latitude:[" + minLat + " TO " + maxLat + "]" }; requestParams.setFq(fqs); //requestParams.setFq(new String[]{"point-"+pointType.getValue()+":"+roundedLatitude+","+roundedLongitude}); requestParams.setFacet(false); //TODO: paging SolrDocumentList sdl = searchDAO.findByFulltext(requestParams); //send back the results. String body = ""; if (sdl != null && sdl.size() > 0) { SolrDocument doc = sdl.get(0); model.addAttribute("record", doc.getFieldValueMap()); model.addAttribute("totalRecords", sdl.getNumFound()); } model.addAttribute("uriUrl", "" + URLEncoder.encode(q, "UTF-8") + "&fq=" + URLEncoder.encode(fqs[0], "UTF-8") + "&fq=" + URLEncoder.encode(fqs[1], "UTF-8")); model.addAttribute("pointType",; model.addAttribute("minLng", minLng); model.addAttribute("maxLng", maxLng); model.addAttribute("minLat", minLat); model.addAttribute("maxLat", maxLat); model.addAttribute("latitudeClicked", latitude); model.addAttribute("longitudeClicked", longitude); return "metadata/getFeatureInfo"; } String convertLayersParamToQ(String layers) { if (StringUtils.trimToNull(layers) != null) { String[] parts = layers.split(","); String[] formattedParts = new String[parts.length]; int i = 0; for (String part : parts) { if (part.contains(":")) { formattedParts[i] = part.replace('_', ' ').replace(":", ":\"") + "\""; } else if (part.startsWith("\"")) { formattedParts[i] = "\"" + part + "\""; } else { formattedParts[i] = part; } i++; } return StringUtils.join(formattedParts, " OR "); } else { return null; } } @RequestMapping(value = { "/ogc/legendGraphic" }, method = RequestMethod.GET) public void getLegendGraphic(@RequestParam(value = "ENV", required = false, defaultValue = "") String env, @RequestParam(value = "STYLE", required = false, defaultValue = "8b0000;opacity=1;size=5") String style, @RequestParam(value = "WIDTH", required = false, defaultValue = "30") Integer width, @RequestParam(value = "HEIGHT", required = false, defaultValue = "20") Integer height, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { try { if (StringUtils.trimToNull(env) == null && StringUtils.trimToNull(style) == null) { style = "8b0000;opacity=1;size=5"; } WmsEnv wmsEnv = new WmsEnv(env, style); BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) img.getGraphics(); int size = width > height ? height : width; Paint fill = new Color(wmsEnv.colour | wmsEnv.alpha << 24); g.setPaint(fill); g.fillOval(0, 0, size, size); OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); logger.debug("WMS - GetLegendGraphic requested : " + request.getQueryString()); response.setContentType("image/png"); ImageIO.write(img, "png", out); out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * Returns a get capabilities response by default. * * @param requestParams * @param cql_filter * @param env * @param srs * @param styles * @param style * @param bboxString * @param width * @param height * @param cache * @param requestString * @param outlinePoints * @param outlineColour * @param layers * @param query * @param filterQueries * @param x * @param y * @param spatiallyValidOnly * @param marineOnly * @param terrestrialOnly * @param limitToFocus * @param useSpeciesGroups * @param request * @param response * @param model * @throws Exception */ @RequestMapping(value = { "/ogc/ows", "/ogc/capabilities" }, method = RequestMethod.GET) public void getCapabilities(SpatialSearchRequestParams requestParams, @RequestParam(value = "CQL_FILTER", required = false, defaultValue = "") String cql_filter, @RequestParam(value = "ENV", required = false, defaultValue = "") String env, @RequestParam(value = "SRS", required = false, defaultValue = "EPSG:900913") String srs, //default to google mercator @RequestParam(value = "STYLES", required = false, defaultValue = "") String styles, @RequestParam(value = "STYLE", required = false, defaultValue = "") String style, @RequestParam(value = "BBOX", required = false, defaultValue = "") String bboxString, @RequestParam(value = "WIDTH", required = false, defaultValue = "256") Integer width, @RequestParam(value = "HEIGHT", required = false, defaultValue = "256") Integer height, @RequestParam(value = "CACHE", required = false, defaultValue = "off") String cache, @RequestParam(value = "REQUEST", required = false, defaultValue = "") String requestString, @RequestParam(value = "OUTLINE", required = false, defaultValue = "false") boolean outlinePoints, @RequestParam(value = "OUTLINECOLOUR", required = false, defaultValue = "0x000000") String outlineColour, @RequestParam(value = "LAYERS", required = false, defaultValue = "") String layers, @RequestParam(value = "q", required = false, defaultValue = "*:*") String query, @RequestParam(value = "fq", required = false) String[] filterQueries, @RequestParam(value = "X", required = true, defaultValue = "0") Double x, @RequestParam(value = "Y", required = true, defaultValue = "0") Double y, @RequestParam(value = "spatiallyValidOnly", required = false, defaultValue = "true") boolean spatiallyValidOnly, @RequestParam(value = "marineSpecies", required = false, defaultValue = "false") boolean marineOnly, @RequestParam(value = "terrestrialSpecies", required = false, defaultValue = "false") boolean terrestrialOnly, @RequestParam(value = "limitToFocus", required = false, defaultValue = "true") boolean limitToFocus, @RequestParam(value = "useSpeciesGroups", required = false, defaultValue = "false") boolean useSpeciesGroups, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Model model) throws Exception { if ("GetMap".equalsIgnoreCase(requestString)) { generateWmsTile(requestParams, cql_filter, env, srs, styles, bboxString, width, height, cache, requestString, outlinePoints, outlineColour, layers, null, request, response); return; } if ("GetLegendGraphic".equalsIgnoreCase(requestString)) { getLegendGraphic(env, style, 30, 20, request, response); return; } if ("GetFeatureInfo".equalsIgnoreCase(requestString)) { getFeatureInfo(cql_filter, env, bboxString, width, height, styles, srs, layers, x, y, request, response, model); return; } //add the get capabilities request response.setContentType("text/xml"); response.setHeader("Content-Description", "File Transfer"); response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=GetCapabilities.xml"); response.setHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "binary"); try { //webservicesRoot String biocacheServerUrl = request.getSession().getServletContext().getInitParameter("webservicesRoot"); PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter(); writer.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + "<!DOCTYPE WMT_MS_Capabilities SYSTEM \"\">\n" + "<WMT_MS_Capabilities version=\"1.1.1\" updateSequence=\"28862\">\n" + " <Service>\n" + " <Name>OGC:WMS</Name>\n" + " <Title>" + organizationName + "(WMS) - Species occurrences</Title>\n" + " <Abstract>WMS services for species occurrences.</Abstract>\n" + " <KeywordList>\n" + " <Keyword>WMS</Keyword>\n" + " <Keyword>Species occurrence data</Keyword>\n" + " <Keyword>ALA</Keyword>\n" + " <Keyword>CRIS</Keyword>\n" + " </KeywordList>\n" + " <OnlineResource xmlns:xlink=\"\" xlink:type=\"simple\" xlink:href=\"" + biocacheServerUrl + "/ogc/wms\"/>\n" + " <ContactInformation>\n" + " <ContactPersonPrimary>\n" + " <ContactPerson>ALA Support</ContactPerson>\n" + " <ContactOrganization>" + organizationName + "</ContactOrganization>\n" + " </ContactPersonPrimary>\n" + " <ContactPosition>Support Manager</ContactPosition>\n" + " <ContactAddress>\n" + " <AddressType></AddressType>\n" + " <Address/>\n" + " <City>" + orgCity + "</City>\n" + " <StateOrProvince>" + orgStateProvince + "</StateOrProvince>\n" + " <PostCode>" + orgPostcode + "</PostCode>\n" + " <Country>" + orgCountry + "</Country>\n" + " </ContactAddress>\n" + " <ContactVoiceTelephone>" + orgPhone + "</ContactVoiceTelephone>\n" + " <ContactFacsimileTelephone>" + orgFax + "</ContactFacsimileTelephone>\n" + " <ContactElectronicMailAddress>" + orgEmail + "</ContactElectronicMailAddress>\n" + " </ContactInformation>\n" + " <Fees>NONE</Fees>\n" + " <AccessConstraints>NONE</AccessConstraints>\n" + " </Service>\n" + " <Capability>\n" + " <Request>\n" + " <GetCapabilities>\n" + " <Format>application/vnd.ogc.wms_xml</Format>\n" + " <DCPType>\n" + " <HTTP>\n" + " <Get>\n" + " <OnlineResource xmlns:xlink=\"\" xlink:type=\"simple\" xlink:href=\"" + baseWsUrl + "/ogc/capabilities?SERVICE=WMS&\"/>\n" + " </Get>\n" + " <Post>\n" + " <OnlineResource xmlns:xlink=\"\" xlink:type=\"simple\" xlink:href=\"" + baseWsUrl + "/ogc/capabilities?SERVICE=WMS&\"/>\n" + " </Post>\n" + " </HTTP>\n" + " </DCPType>\n" + " </GetCapabilities>\n" + " <GetMap>\n" + " <Format>image/png</Format>\n" + " <DCPType>\n" + " <HTTP>\n" + " <Get>\n" + " <OnlineResource xmlns:xlink=\"\" xlink:type=\"simple\" xlink:href=\"" + baseWsUrl + "/ogc/wms/reflect?SERVICE=WMS&OUTLINE=TRUE&\"/>\n" + " </Get>\n" + " </HTTP>\n" + " </DCPType>\n" + " </GetMap>\n" + " <GetFeatureInfo>\n" + " <Format>text/html</Format>\n" + " <DCPType>\n" + " <HTTP>\n" + " <Get>\n" + " <OnlineResource xmlns:xlink=\"\" xlink:type=\"simple\" xlink:href=\"" + baseWsUrl + "/ogc/getFeatureInfo\"/>\n" + " </Get>\n" + " <Post>\n" + " <OnlineResource xmlns:xlink=\"\" xlink:type=\"simple\" xlink:href=\"" + baseWsUrl + "/ogc/getFeatureInfo\"/>\n" + " </Post>\n" + " </HTTP>\n" + " </DCPType>\n" + " </GetFeatureInfo>\n" + " <GetLegendGraphic>\n" + " <Format>image/png</Format>\n" + " <Format>image/jpeg</Format>\n" + " <Format>image/gif</Format>\n" + " <DCPType>\n" + " <HTTP>\n" + " <Get>\n" + " <OnlineResource xmlns:xlink=\"\" xlink:type=\"simple\" xlink:href=\"" + baseWsUrl + "/ogc/legendGraphic\"/>\n" + " </Get>\n" + " </HTTP>\n" + " </DCPType>\n" + " </GetLegendGraphic>\n" + " </Request>\n" + " <Exception>\n" + " <Format>application/vnd.ogc.se_xml</Format>\n" + " <Format>application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage</Format>\n" + " </Exception>\n" + " <Layer>\n" + " <Title>" + organizationName + " - Species occurrence layers</Title>\n" + " <Abstract>Custom WMS services for " + organizationName + " species occurrences</Abstract>\n" + " <SRS>EPSG:900913</SRS>\n" + " <SRS>EPSG:4326</SRS>\n" + " <LatLonBoundingBox minx=\"-179.9\" miny=\"-89.9\" maxx=\"179.9\" maxy=\"89.9\"/>\n"); writer.write(generateStylesForPoints()); if (spatiallyValidOnly) { filterQueries = org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils.add(filterQueries, "geospatial_kosher:true"); } if (marineOnly) { filterQueries = org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils.add(filterQueries, "species_habitats:Marine OR species_habitats:\"Marine and Non-marine\""); } if (terrestrialOnly) { filterQueries = org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils.add(filterQueries, "species_habitats:\"Non-marine\" OR species_habitats:Limnetic"); } if (limitToFocus) { //TODO retrieve focus from config file filterQueries = org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils.add(filterQueries, "latitude:[-89 TO -8] AND longitude:[100 TO 165]"); } query = searchUtils.convertRankAndName(query); logger.debug("GetCapabilities query in use: " + query); if (useSpeciesGroups) { taxonDAO.extractBySpeciesGroups(baseWsUrl + "/ogc/getMetadata", query, filterQueries, writer); } else { taxonDAO.extractHierarchy(baseWsUrl + "/ogc/getMetadata", query, filterQueries, writer); } writer.write("</Layer></Capability></WMT_MS_Capabilities>\n"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } public String generateStylesForPoints() { //need a better listings of colours String[] sizes = new String[] { "5", "10", "2" }; String[] sizesNames = new String[] { "medium", "large", "small" }; String[] opacities = new String[] { "0.5", "1", "0.2" }; String[] opacitiesNames = new String[] { "medium", "opaque", "transparency" }; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); int colorIdx = 0; int sizeIdx = 0; int opIdx = 0; for (String color : colorsNames) { for (String size : sizes) { for (String opacity : opacities) { sb.append("<Style>\n" + "<Name>" + colorsCodes[colorIdx] + ";opacity=" + opacity + ";size=" + size + "</Name> \n" + "<Title>" + color + ";opacity=" + opacitiesNames[opIdx] + ";size=" + sizesNames[sizeIdx] + "</Title> \n" + "</Style>\n"); opIdx++; } opIdx = 0; sizeIdx++; } sizeIdx = 0; colorIdx++; } return sb.toString(); } /** * WMS service for webportal. * * @param cql_filter q value. * @param env ';' delimited field:value pairs. See Env * @param bboxString * @param width * @param height * @param cache 'on' = use cache, 'off' = do not use cache this * also removes any related cache data. * @param response * @throws Exception */ @RequestMapping(value = { "/webportal/wms/reflect", "/ogc/wms/reflect", "/mapping/wms/reflect" }, method = RequestMethod.GET) public void generateWmsTile(SpatialSearchRequestParams requestParams, @RequestParam(value = "CQL_FILTER", required = false, defaultValue = "") String cql_filter, @RequestParam(value = "ENV", required = false, defaultValue = "") String env, @RequestParam(value = "SRS", required = false, defaultValue = "EPSG:900913") String srs, //default to google mercator @RequestParam(value = "STYLES", required = false, defaultValue = "") String styles, @RequestParam(value = "BBOX", required = true, defaultValue = "") String bboxString, @RequestParam(value = "WIDTH", required = true, defaultValue = "256") Integer width, @RequestParam(value = "HEIGHT", required = true, defaultValue = "256") Integer height, @RequestParam(value = "CACHE", required = true, defaultValue = "off") String cache, @RequestParam(value = "REQUEST", required = true, defaultValue = "") String requestString, @RequestParam(value = "OUTLINE", required = true, defaultValue = "false") boolean outlinePoints, @RequestParam(value = "OUTLINECOLOUR", required = true, defaultValue = "0x000000") String outlineColour, @RequestParam(value = "LAYERS", required = false, defaultValue = "") String layers, @RequestParam(value = "HQ", required = false) String[] hqs, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { //Some WMS clients are ignoring sections of the GetCapabilities.... if ("GetLegendGraphic".equalsIgnoreCase(requestString)) { getLegendGraphic(env, styles, 30, 20, request, response); return; } Set<Integer> hq = new HashSet<Integer>(); if (hqs != null && hqs.length > 0) { for (String h : hqs) { hq.add(Integer.parseInt(h)); } } logger.debug("WMS tile: " + request.getQueryString()); response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "max-age=86400"); //age == 1 day response.setContentType("image/png"); //only png images generated boolean is4326 = false; WmsEnv vars = new WmsEnv(env, styles); double[] mbbox = new double[4]; double[] bbox = new double[4]; double[] pbbox = new double[4]; double[] tilebbox = new double[4]; int size = vars.size + (vars.highlight != null ? HIGHLIGHT_RADIUS * 2 + (int) (vars.size * 0.2) : 0) + 5; //bounding box buffer double resolution; if ("EPSG:4326".equals(srs)) { is4326 = true; //bboxString = convertBBox4326To900913(bboxString); // to work around a UDIG bug resolution = getBBoxes4326(bboxString, width, height, size, vars.uncertainty, mbbox, bbox, pbbox, tilebbox); } else { resolution = getBBoxes(bboxString, width, height, size, vars.uncertainty, mbbox, bbox, pbbox, tilebbox); } PointType pointType = getPointTypeForDegreesPerPixel(resolution); logger.debug("Rendering: " +; String q = ""; //CQL Filter takes precedence of the layer if (StringUtils.trimToNull(cql_filter) != null) { q = getQ(cql_filter); } else if (StringUtils.trimToNull(layers) != null && !"ALA:Occurrences".equalsIgnoreCase(layers)) { q = convertLayersParamToQ(layers); } String[] boundingBoxFqs = new String[2]; boundingBoxFqs[0] = String.format("longitude:[%f TO %f]", bbox[0], bbox[2]); boundingBoxFqs[1] = String.format("latitude:[%f TO %f]", bbox[1], bbox[3]); int pointWidth = vars.size * 2; double width_mult = (width / (pbbox[2] - pbbox[0])); double height_mult = (height / (pbbox[1] - pbbox[3])); //build request if (q.length() > 0) { requestParams.setQ(q); } else { q = requestParams.getQ(); } //bounding box test (q must be 'qid:' + number) if (q.startsWith("qid:")) { double[] queryBBox = ParamsCache.get(Long.parseLong(q.substring(4))).getBbox(); if (queryBBox != null && (queryBBox[0] > bbox[2] || queryBBox[2] < bbox[0] || queryBBox[1] > bbox[3] || queryBBox[3] < bbox[1])) { displayBlankImage(response); return; } } String[] originalFqs = getFq(requestParams); //get from cache WMSTile wco = null; if (WMSCache.isEnabled() && cache.equalsIgnoreCase("on")) { wco = getWMSCacheObject(vars, pointType, requestParams, bbox); } else if (!cache.equalsIgnoreCase("on")) { WMSCache.remove(requestParams.getUrlParams(), vars.colourMode, pointType); } ImgObj imgObj = null; if (wco == null) { imgObj = wmsUncached(requestParams, vars, pointType, pbbox, mbbox, width, height, width_mult, height_mult, pointWidth, originalFqs, hq, boundingBoxFqs, outlinePoints, outlineColour, response, is4326, tilebbox); } else { imgObj = wmsCached(wco, requestParams, vars, pointType, pbbox, bbox, mbbox, width, height, width_mult, height_mult, pointWidth, originalFqs, hq, boundingBoxFqs, outlinePoints, outlineColour, response, is4326, tilebbox); } if (imgObj != null && imgObj.g != null) { imgObj.g.dispose(); try { ServletOutputStream outStream = response.getOutputStream(); ImageIO.write(imgObj.img, "png", outStream); outStream.flush(); outStream.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Unable to write image", e); } } else { displayBlankImage(response); } } /** * Method that produces the downloadable map integrated in AVH/OZCAM/Biocache. * * @param requestParams * @param format * @param extents * @param widthMm * @param pointRadiusMm * @param pradiusPx * @param pointColour * @param pointOpacity * @param baselayer * @param scale * @param dpi * @param outlinePoints * @param outlineColour * @param fileName * @param request * @param response * @throws Exception */ @RequestMapping(value = { "/webportal/wms/image", "/mapping/wms/image" }, method = RequestMethod.GET) public void generatePublicationMap(SpatialSearchRequestParams requestParams, @RequestParam(value = "format", required = false, defaultValue = "jpg") String format, @RequestParam(value = "extents", required = true) String extents, @RequestParam(value = "widthmm", required = false, defaultValue = "60") Double widthMm, @RequestParam(value = "pradiusmm", required = false, defaultValue = "2") Double pointRadiusMm, @RequestParam(value = "pradiuspx", required = false) Integer pradiusPx, @RequestParam(value = "pcolour", required = false, defaultValue = "FF0000") String pointColour, @RequestParam(value = "popacity", required = false, defaultValue = "0.8") Double pointOpacity, @RequestParam(value = "baselayer", required = false, defaultValue = "world") String baselayer, @RequestParam(value = "scale", required = false, defaultValue = "off") String scale, @RequestParam(value = "dpi", required = false, defaultValue = "300") Integer dpi, @RequestParam(value = "outline", required = true, defaultValue = "false") boolean outlinePoints, @RequestParam(value = "outlineColour", required = true, defaultValue = "#000000") String outlineColour, @RequestParam(value = "fileName", required = false) String fileName, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { String[] bb = extents.split(","); double long1 = Double.parseDouble(bb[0]); double lat1 = Double.parseDouble(bb[1]); double long2 = Double.parseDouble(bb[2]); double lat2 = Double.parseDouble(bb[3]); if (lat1 <= -90) { lat1 = -89.999; } if (lat2 >= 90) { lat2 = 89.999; } int pminx = convertLngToPixel(long1); int pminy = convertLatToPixel(lat1); int pmaxx = convertLngToPixel(long2); int pmaxy = convertLatToPixel(lat2); int width = (int) ((dpi / 25.4) * widthMm); int height = (int) Math.round(width * ((pminy - pmaxy) / (double) (pmaxx - pminx))); if (height * width > MAX_IMAGE_PIXEL_COUNT) { String errorMessage = "Image size in pixels " + width + "x" + height + " exceeds " + MAX_IMAGE_PIXEL_COUNT + " pixels. Make the image smaller"; response.sendError(response.SC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE, errorMessage); throw new Exception(errorMessage); } int pointSize = -1; if (pradiusPx != null) { pointSize = (int) pradiusPx; } else { pointSize = (int) ((dpi / 25.4) * pointRadiusMm); } double[] boundingBox = transformBbox4326To900913(Double.parseDouble(bb[0]), Double.parseDouble(bb[1]), Double.parseDouble(bb[2]), Double.parseDouble(bb[3])); //" //q=macropus&ENV=color%3Aff0000%3Bname%3Acircle%3Bsize%3A3%3Bopacity%3A1 //&BBOX=12523443.0512,-2504688.2032,15028131.5936,0.33920000120997&WIDTH=256&HEIGHT=256"); String speciesAddress = baseWsUrl + "/ogc/wms/reflect?" + "ENV=color%3A" + pointColour + "%3Bname%3Acircle%3Bsize%3A" + pointSize + "%3Bopacity%3A" + pointOpacity + "&BBOX=" + boundingBox[0] + "," + boundingBox[1] + "," + boundingBox[2] + "," + boundingBox[3] + "&WIDTH=" + width + "&HEIGHT=" + height + "&OUTLINE=" + outlinePoints + "&OUTLINECOLOUR=" + outlineColour + "&" + request.getQueryString(); URL speciesURL = new URL(speciesAddress); BufferedImage speciesImage =; //" //LAYERS=ALA%3Aworld&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&STYLES= //&FORMAT=image%2Fjpeg&SRS=EPSG%3A900913&BBOX=12523443.0512,-1252343.932,13775787.3224,0.33920000004582&WIDTH=256&HEIGHT=256" String layout = ""; if (!scale.equals("off")) { layout += "layout:scale"; } String basemapAddress = geoserverUrl + "/wms/reflect?" + "LAYERS=ALA%3A" + baselayer + "&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&STYLES=" + "&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&SRS=EPSG%3A900913" //specify the mercator projection + "&BBOX=" + boundingBox[0] + "," + boundingBox[1] + "," + boundingBox[2] + "," + boundingBox[3] + "&WIDTH=" + width + "&HEIGHT=" + height + "&OUTLINE=" + outlinePoints + "&format_options=dpi:" + dpi + ";" + layout; BufferedImage basemapImage = URL(basemapAddress)); BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); Graphics2D combined = (Graphics2D) img.getGraphics(); combined.drawImage(basemapImage, 0, 0, Color.WHITE, null); //combined.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, pointOpacity.floatValue())); combined.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 1.0f)); combined.drawImage(speciesImage, null, 0, 0); combined.dispose(); //if filename supplied, force a download if (fileName != null) { response.setContentType("application/octet-stream"); response.setHeader("Content-Description", "File Transfer"); response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + fileName); response.setHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "binary"); } else if (format.equalsIgnoreCase("png")) { response.setContentType("image/png"); } else { response.setContentType("image/jpeg"); } if (format.equalsIgnoreCase("png")) { OutputStream os = response.getOutputStream(); ImageIO.write(img, format, os); os.close(); } else { //handle jpeg + BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB BufferedImage img2; Graphics2D c2; (c2 = (Graphics2D) (img2 = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB)).getGraphics()) .drawImage(img, 0, 0, Color.WHITE, null); c2.dispose(); OutputStream os = response.getOutputStream(); ImageIO.write(img2, format, os); os.close(); } } /** * * @return * @throws Exception */ private ImgObj wmsCached(WMSTile wco, SpatialSearchRequestParams requestParams, WmsEnv vars, PointType pointType, double[] pbbox, double[] bbox, double[] mbbox, int width, int height, double width_mult, double height_mult, int pointWidth, String[] originalFqs, Set<Integer> hq, String[] boundingBoxFqs, boolean outlinePoints, String outlineColour, HttpServletResponse response, boolean is4326, double[] tilebbox) throws Exception { ImgObj imgObj = null; //grid setup int divs = 16; //number of x & y divisions in the WIDTH/HEIGHT int[][] gridCounts = new int[divs][divs]; int xstep = 256 / divs; int ystep = 256 / divs; double grid_width_mult = (width / (pbbox[2] - pbbox[0])) / (width / divs); double grid_height_mult = (height / (pbbox[1] - pbbox[3])) / (height / divs); int x, y; //if not transparent and zero size, render dots if (vars.alpha > 0 && vars.size > 0) { List<float[]> points = wco.getPoints(); List<int[]> counts = wco.getCounts(); List<Integer> pColour = wco.getColours(); if (pColour.size() == 1 && vars.colourMode.equals("-1")) { pColour.set(0, vars.colour | (vars.alpha << 24)); } //initialise the image object imgObj = ImgObj.create(width, height); for (int j = 0; j < points.size(); j++) { if (hq != null && hq.contains(j)) { //dont render these points continue; } float[] ps = points.get(j); if (ps == null || ps.length == 0) { continue; } //for 4326 double top = tilebbox[3]; double bottom = tilebbox[1]; double left = tilebbox[0]; double right = tilebbox[2]; if (vars.colourMode.equals("grid")) { //render grids int[] count = counts.get(j); //populate grid for (int i = 0; i < ps.length; i += 2) { float lng = ps[i]; float lat = ps[i + 1]; if (lng >= bbox[0] && lng <= bbox[2] && lat >= bbox[1] && lat <= bbox[3]) { if (is4326) { x = convertLngToPixel4326(lng, left, right, width); y = convertLatToPixel4326(lat, top, bottom, height); } else { x = (int) ((convertLngToPixel(lng) - pbbox[0]) * grid_width_mult); y = (int) ((convertLatToPixel(lat) - pbbox[3]) * grid_height_mult); } if (x >= 0 && x < divs && y >= 0 && y < divs) { gridCounts[x][y] += count[i / 2]; } } } } else { //render points Paint currentFill = new Color(pColour.get(j), true); imgObj.g.setPaint(currentFill); Color oColour = Color.decode(outlineColour); for (int i = 0; i < ps.length; i += 2) { float lng = ps[i]; float lat = ps[i + 1]; if (lng >= bbox[0] && lng <= bbox[2] && lat >= bbox[1] && lat <= bbox[3]) { if (is4326) { x = convertLngToPixel4326(lng, left, right, width); y = convertLatToPixel4326(lat, top, bottom, height); } else { x = (int) ((convertLngToPixel(lng) - pbbox[0]) * width_mult); y = (int) ((convertLatToPixel(lat) - pbbox[3]) * height_mult); } imgObj.g.fillOval(x - vars.size, y - vars.size, pointWidth, pointWidth); if (outlinePoints) { imgObj.g.setPaint(oColour); imgObj.g.drawOval(x - vars.size, y - vars.size, pointWidth, pointWidth); imgObj.g.setPaint(currentFill); } } } } } } //no points if (imgObj == null) { if (vars.highlight == null) { displayBlankImage(response); return null; } } else if (vars.colourMode.equals("grid")) { //draw grid for (x = 0; x < divs; x++) { for (y = 0; y < divs; y++) { int v = gridCounts[x][y]; if (v > 0) { if (v > 500) { v = 500; } int colour = (((500 - v) / 2) << 8) | (vars.alpha << 24) | 0x00FF0000; imgObj.g.setColor(new Color(colour)); imgObj.g.fillRect(x * xstep, y * ystep, xstep, ystep); } } } } else { drawUncertaintyCircles(requestParams, vars, height, width, pbbox, mbbox, width_mult, height_mult, imgObj.g, originalFqs, boundingBoxFqs, is4326, tilebbox); } //highlight if (vars.highlight != null) { imgObj = drawHighlight(requestParams, vars, pointType, width, height, pbbox, width_mult, height_mult, imgObj, originalFqs, boundingBoxFqs, is4326, tilebbox); } return imgObj; } void drawUncertaintyCircles(SpatialSearchRequestParams requestParams, WmsEnv vars, int height, int width, double[] pbbox, double[] mbbox, double width_mult, double height_mult, Graphics2D g, String[] originalFqs, String[] boundingBoxFqs, boolean is4326, double[] tilebbox) throws Exception { //draw uncertainty circles double hmult = (height / (mbbox[3] - mbbox[1])); //only draw uncertainty if max radius will be > 1 pixels if (vars.uncertainty && MAX_UNCERTAINTY * hmult > 1) { //uncertainty colour/fq/radius, [0]=map, [1]=not specified, [2]=too large Color[] uncertaintyColours = { new Color(255, 170, 0, vars.alpha), new Color(255, 255, 100, vars.alpha), new Color(50, 255, 50, vars.alpha) }; //TODO: don't assume MAX_UNCERTAINTY > default_uncertainty String[] uncertaintyFqs = { "coordinate_uncertainty:[* TO " + MAX_UNCERTAINTY + "] AND -assertions:uncertaintyNotSpecified", "assertions:uncertaintyNotSpecified", "coordinate_uncertainty:[" + MAX_UNCERTAINTY + " TO *]" }; double[] uncertaintyR = { -1, MAX_UNCERTAINTY, MAX_UNCERTAINTY }; String[] fqs = new String[originalFqs.length + 3]; System.arraycopy(originalFqs, 0, fqs, 3, originalFqs.length); fqs[1] = boundingBoxFqs[0]; fqs[2] = boundingBoxFqs[1]; requestParams.setPageSize(DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE); for (int j = 0; j < uncertaintyFqs.length; j++) { //do not display for [1]=not specified if (j == 1) { continue; } fqs[0] = uncertaintyFqs[j]; requestParams.setFq(fqs); requestParams.setFl("longitude,latitude,coordinate_uncertainty"); //only retrieve longitude and latitude requestParams.setFacet(false); //TODO: paging SolrDocumentList sdl = searchDAO.findByFulltext(requestParams); //for 4326 double top = tilebbox[3]; double bottom = tilebbox[1]; double left = tilebbox[0]; double right = tilebbox[2]; double lng, lat; int x, y; int uncertaintyRadius = (int) Math.ceil(uncertaintyR[j] * hmult); if (sdl != null && sdl.size() > 0) { g.setColor(uncertaintyColours[j]); for (int i = 0; i < sdl.size(); i++) { if (uncertaintyR[j] < 0) { uncertaintyRadius = (int) Math .ceil((Double) sdl.get(i).getFieldValue("coordinate_uncertainty") * hmult); } lng = (Double) sdl.get(i).getFieldValue("longitude"); lat = (Double) sdl.get(i).getFieldValue("latitude"); if (is4326) { x = convertLngToPixel4326(lng, left, right, width); y = convertLatToPixel4326(lat, top, bottom, height); } else { x = (int) ((convertLngToPixel(lng) - pbbox[0]) * width_mult); y = (int) ((convertLatToPixel(lat) - pbbox[3]) * height_mult); } if (uncertaintyRadius > 0) { g.drawOval(x - uncertaintyRadius, y - uncertaintyRadius, uncertaintyRadius * 2, uncertaintyRadius * 2); } else { g.drawRect(x, y, 1, 1); } } } } } } ImgObj drawHighlight(SpatialSearchRequestParams requestParams, WmsEnv vars, PointType pointType, int width, int height, double[] pbbox, double width_mult, double height_mult, ImgObj imgObj, String[] originalFqs, String[] boundingBoxFqs, boolean is4326, double[] tilebbox) throws Exception { String[] fqs = new String[originalFqs.length + 3]; System.arraycopy(originalFqs, 0, fqs, 3, originalFqs.length); fqs[0] = vars.highlight; fqs[1] = boundingBoxFqs[0]; fqs[2] = boundingBoxFqs[1]; requestParams.setFq(fqs); List<OccurrencePoint> ps = searchDAO.getFacetPoints(requestParams, pointType); if (ps != null && ps.size() > 0) { if (imgObj == null || imgObj.img == null) { //when vars.alpha == 0 img is null imgObj = ImgObj.create(width, height); } int highightRadius = vars.size + HIGHLIGHT_RADIUS; int highlightWidth = highightRadius * 2; imgObj.g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2)); imgObj.g.setColor(new Color(255, 0, 0, 255)); int x, y; //for 4326 double top = tilebbox[3]; double bottom = tilebbox[1]; double left = tilebbox[0]; double right = tilebbox[2]; for (int i = 0; i < ps.size(); i++) { OccurrencePoint pt = ps.get(i); float lng = pt.getCoordinates().get(0).floatValue(); float lat = pt.getCoordinates().get(1).floatValue(); if (is4326) { x = convertLngToPixel4326(lng, left, right, width); y = convertLatToPixel4326(lat, top, bottom, height); } else { x = (int) ((convertLngToPixel(lng) - pbbox[0]) * width_mult); y = (int) ((convertLatToPixel(lat) - pbbox[3]) * height_mult); } imgObj.g.drawOval(x - highightRadius, y - highightRadius, highlightWidth, highlightWidth); } } return imgObj; } /** * Returns the wms cache object and initialises it if required. * @param vars * @param pointType * @param requestParams * @param bbox * @return * @throws Exception */ WMSTile getWMSCacheObject(WmsEnv vars, PointType pointType, SpatialSearchRequestParams requestParams, double[] bbox) throws Exception { if (WMSCache.isFull() || !WMSCache.isEnabled()) { return null; } String q = requestParams.getUrlParams(); WMSTile wco = WMSCache.get(q, vars.colourMode, pointType); if (wco.getCached()) { return wco; } else if (!wco.isCacheable()) { return null; } //build only once synchronized (wco) { if (wco.getCached()) { return wco; } else if (!wco.isCacheable()) { return null; } List<LegendItem> colours = (vars.colourMode.equals("-1") || vars.colourMode.equals("grid")) ? null : getColours(requestParams, vars.colourMode); int sz = colours == null ? 1 : colours.size() + 1; //points count SpatialSearchRequestParams r = new SpatialSearchRequestParams(); r.setQ(requestParams.getQ()); r.setFq(getFq(requestParams)); r.setQc(requestParams.getQc()); r.setPageSize(0); r.setFacet(false); SolrDocumentList sdl = searchDAO.findByFulltext(r); int occurrenceCount = (int) sdl.getNumFound(); if (!WMSCache.isCachable(wco, occurrenceCount, vars.colourMode.equals("grid"))) { return null; } List<List<OccurrencePoint>> points = new ArrayList<List<OccurrencePoint>>(sz); List<Integer> pColour = new ArrayList<Integer>(sz); ArrayList<String> forNulls = new ArrayList<String>(sz); String[] fqs = null; String[] originalFqs = getFq(requestParams); if (originalFqs == null || originalFqs.length == 0) { fqs = new String[1]; } else { fqs = new String[originalFqs.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(originalFqs, 0, fqs, 1, originalFqs.length); } requestParams.setFq(fqs); if (colours != null) { //get facet points for (int i = 0; i < colours.size(); i++) { LegendItem li = colours.get(i); fqs[0] = li.getFq(); if (li.getName() == null) { //li.getFq() is of the form "-(...)" forNulls.add(fqs[0].substring(1)); } else { if (fqs[0].charAt(0) == '-') { forNulls.add(fqs[0].substring(1)); } else { forNulls.add("-" + fqs[0]); } } requestParams.setFq(fqs); points.add(searchDAO.getFacetPoints(requestParams, pointType)); pColour.add(li.getColour() | (vars.alpha << 24)); } } //get points for occurrences not in colours. if (colours == null || colours.isEmpty()) { requestParams.setFq(originalFqs); //only filter by bounding box points.add(searchDAO.getFacetPoints(requestParams, pointType)); pColour.add(vars.colour); } else if (colours.size() >= colourList.length - 1) { fqs = new String[forNulls.size()]; forNulls.toArray(fqs); requestParams.setFq(fqs); points.add(searchDAO.getFacetPoints(requestParams, pointType)); pColour.add(colourList[colourList.length - 1] | (vars.alpha << 24)); } //construct points and their counts List<float[]> pointsArrays = new ArrayList<float[]>(points.size()); for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) { List<OccurrencePoint> ops = points.get(i); float[] d = new float[ops.size() * 2]; for (int k = 0, j = 0; k < ops.size(); k++, j += 2) { d[j] = ops.get(k).getCoordinates().get(0).floatValue(); d[j + 1] = ops.get(k).getCoordinates().get(1).floatValue(); } pointsArrays.add(d); } List<int[]> countsArrays = null; if (vars.colourMode.equals("grid")) { countsArrays = new ArrayList<int[]>(points.size()); for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) { List<OccurrencePoint> ops = points.get(i); int[] c = new int[ops.size()]; for (int k = 0; k < ops.size(); k++) { c[k] = ops.get(k).getCount().intValue(); } countsArrays.add(c); } } wco.setBbox(bbox); wco.setColourmode(q); wco.setColourmode(vars.colourMode); wco.setColours(pColour); wco.setCounts(countsArrays); wco.setPoints(pointsArrays); wco.setQuery(q); WMSCache.put(q, vars.colourMode, pointType, wco); return wco; } } private String[] getFq(SpatialSearchRequestParams requestParams) { int requestParamsFqLength = requestParams.getFq() != null ? requestParams.getFq().length : 0; String[] qidFq = null; int qidFqLength = 0; String q = requestParams.getQ(); if (q.startsWith("qid:")) { try { qidFq = ParamsCache.get(Long.parseLong(q.substring(4))).getFqs(); if (qidFq != null) { qidFqLength = qidFq.length; } } catch (Exception e) { } } if (requestParamsFqLength + qidFqLength == 0) { return null; } String[] allFqs = new String[requestParamsFqLength + qidFqLength]; if (requestParamsFqLength > 0) { System.arraycopy(requestParams.getFq(), 0, allFqs, 0, requestParamsFqLength); } if (qidFqLength > 0) { System.arraycopy(qidFq, 0, allFqs, requestParamsFqLength, qidFqLength); } return allFqs; } /** * TODO remove code duplicate between wmsUncached and wmsCached * * @return * @throws Exception */ private ImgObj wmsUncached(SpatialSearchRequestParams requestParams, WmsEnv vars, PointType pointType, double[] pbbox, double[] mbbox, int width, int height, double width_mult, double height_mult, int pointWidth, String[] originalFqs, Set<Integer> hq, String[] boundingBoxFqs, boolean outlinePoints, String outlineColour, HttpServletResponse response, boolean is4326, double[] tilebbox) throws Exception { //colour mapping List<LegendItem> colours = (vars.colourMode.equals("-1") || vars.colourMode.equals("grid")) ? null : getColours(requestParams, vars.colourMode); int sz = colours == null ? 1 : colours.size() + 1; List<List<OccurrencePoint>> points = new ArrayList<List<OccurrencePoint>>(sz); List<Integer> pColour = new ArrayList<Integer>(sz); List<String> forNulls = new ArrayList<String>(sz); String[] fqs = null; String[] origAndBBoxFqs = null; if (originalFqs == null || originalFqs.length == 0) { fqs = new String[3]; fqs[1] = boundingBoxFqs[0]; fqs[2] = boundingBoxFqs[1]; origAndBBoxFqs = boundingBoxFqs; } else { fqs = new String[originalFqs.length + 3]; System.arraycopy(originalFqs, 0, fqs, 3, originalFqs.length); fqs[1] = boundingBoxFqs[0]; fqs[2] = boundingBoxFqs[1]; origAndBBoxFqs = new String[originalFqs.length + 2]; System.arraycopy(originalFqs, 0, origAndBBoxFqs, 2, originalFqs.length); origAndBBoxFqs[0] = boundingBoxFqs[0]; origAndBBoxFqs[1] = boundingBoxFqs[1]; } requestParams.setFq(fqs); if (vars.alpha > 0 && vars.size > 0) { if (colours != null) { //get facet points for (int i = 0; i < colours.size(); i++) { LegendItem li = colours.get(i); fqs[0] = li.getFq(); if (li.getName() == null) { //li.getFq() is of the form "-(...)" forNulls.add(fqs[0].substring(1)); } else { if (fqs[0].charAt(0) == '-') { forNulls.add(fqs[0].substring(1)); } else { forNulls.add("-" + fqs[0]); } } requestParams.setFq(fqs); points.add(searchDAO.getFacetPoints(requestParams, pointType)); pColour.add(li.getColour() | (vars.alpha << 24)); } } //get points for occurrences not in colours. if (colours == null || colours.isEmpty()) { requestParams.setFq(origAndBBoxFqs); //only filter by bounding box points.add(searchDAO.getFacetPoints(requestParams, pointType)); pColour.add(vars.colour); } else if (colours.size() >= colourList.length - 1) { fqs = new String[forNulls.size()]; forNulls.toArray(fqs); String[] newFqs = new String[originalFqs.length + forNulls.size()]; if (originalFqs.length > 0) { System.arraycopy(originalFqs, 0, newFqs, 0, originalFqs.length); } if (fqs.length > 0) { System.arraycopy(fqs, 0, newFqs, originalFqs.length, fqs.length); } requestParams.setFq(newFqs); points.add(searchDAO.getFacetPoints(requestParams, pointType)); pColour.add(colourList[colourList.length - 1] | (vars.alpha << 24)); } } ImgObj imgObj = null; //grid setup int divs = 16; //number of x & y divisions in the WIDTH/HEIGHT int[][] gridCounts = new int[divs][divs]; int xstep = 256 / divs; int ystep = 256 / divs; double grid_width_mult = (width / (pbbox[2] - pbbox[0])) / (width / divs); double grid_height_mult = (height / (pbbox[1] - pbbox[3])) / (height / divs); int x, y; //for 4326 double top = tilebbox[3]; double bottom = tilebbox[1]; double left = tilebbox[0]; double right = tilebbox[2]; for (int j = 0; j < points.size(); j++) { if (hq != null && hq.contains(j)) { //dont render these points continue; } List<OccurrencePoint> ps = points.get(j); if (ps == null || ps.isEmpty()) { continue; } if (imgObj == null || imgObj.img == null) { imgObj = ImgObj.create(width, height); } if (vars.colourMode.equals("grid")) { //populate grid for (int i = 0; i < ps.size(); i++) { OccurrencePoint pt = ps.get(i); float lng = pt.getCoordinates().get(0).floatValue(); float lat = pt.getCoordinates().get(1).floatValue(); if (is4326) { x = convertLngToPixel4326(lng, left, right, width); y = convertLatToPixel4326(lat, top, bottom, height); } else { x = (int) ((convertLngToPixel(lng) - pbbox[0]) * grid_width_mult); y = (int) ((convertLatToPixel(lat) - pbbox[3]) * grid_height_mult); } if (x >= 0 && x < divs && y >= 0 && y < divs) { gridCounts[x][y] += pt.getCount(); } } } else { renderPoints(vars, pbbox, width_mult, height_mult, pointWidth, outlinePoints, outlineColour, pColour, imgObj, j, ps, is4326, tilebbox, height, width); } } //no points if (imgObj == null || imgObj.img == null) { if (vars.highlight == null) { displayBlankImage(response); return null; } } else if (vars.colourMode.equals("grid")) { //draw grid for (x = 0; x < divs; x++) { for (y = 0; y < divs; y++) { int v = gridCounts[x][y]; if (v > 0) { if (v > 500) { v = 500; } int colour = (((500 - v) / 2) << 8) | (vars.alpha << 24) | 0x00FF0000; imgObj.g.setColor(new Color(colour)); imgObj.g.fillRect(x * xstep, y * ystep, xstep, ystep); } } } } else { drawUncertaintyCircles(requestParams, vars, height, width, pbbox, mbbox, width_mult, height_mult, imgObj.g, originalFqs, boundingBoxFqs, is4326, tilebbox); } //highlight if (vars.highlight != null) { imgObj = drawHighlight(requestParams, vars, pointType, width, height, pbbox, width_mult, height_mult, imgObj, originalFqs, boundingBoxFqs, is4326, tilebbox); } return imgObj; } private void renderPoints(WmsEnv vars, double[] pbbox, double width_mult, double height_mult, int pointWidth, boolean outlinePoints, String outlineColour, List<Integer> pColour, ImgObj imgObj, int j, List<OccurrencePoint> ps, boolean is4326, double[] tilebbox, int height, int width) { int x; int y; Paint currentFill = new Color(pColour.get(j), true); imgObj.g.setPaint(currentFill); Color oColour = Color.decode(outlineColour); //for 4326 double top = tilebbox[3]; double bottom = tilebbox[1]; double left = tilebbox[0]; double right = tilebbox[2]; for (int i = 0; i < ps.size(); i++) { OccurrencePoint pt = ps.get(i); float lng = pt.getCoordinates().get(0).floatValue(); float lat = pt.getCoordinates().get(1).floatValue(); if (is4326) { x = convertLngToPixel4326(lng, left, right, width); y = convertLatToPixel4326(lat, top, bottom, height); } else { x = (int) ((convertLngToPixel(lng) - pbbox[0]) * width_mult); y = (int) ((convertLatToPixel(lat) - pbbox[3]) * height_mult); } //System.out.println("Drawing an oval....."); imgObj.g.fillOval(x - vars.size, y - vars.size, pointWidth, pointWidth); if (outlinePoints) { imgObj.g.setPaint(oColour); imgObj.g.drawOval(x - vars.size, y - vars.size, pointWidth, pointWidth); imgObj.g.setPaint(currentFill); } } } //method from Mercator (Spherical) //constant from EPSG:900913 private double[] transformBbox4326To900913(double long1, double lat1, double long2, double lat2) { return new double[] { 6378137.0 * long1 * Math.PI / 180.0, 6378137.0 * Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI / 4.0 + lat1 * Math.PI / 360.0)), 6378137.0 * long2 * Math.PI / 180.0, 6378137.0 * Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI / 4.0 + lat2 * Math.PI / 360.0)) }; } public void setTaxonDAO(TaxonDAO taxonDAO) { this.taxonDAO = taxonDAO; } public void setSearchDAO(SearchDAO searchDAO) { this.searchDAO = searchDAO; } public void setSearchUtils(SearchUtils searchUtils) { this.searchUtils = searchUtils; } public void setBaseWsUrl(String baseWsUrl) { this.baseWsUrl = baseWsUrl; } public void setOrganizationName(String organizationName) { this.organizationName = organizationName; } public void setOrgCity(String orgCity) { this.orgCity = orgCity; } public void setOrgStateProvince(String orgStateProvince) { this.orgStateProvince = orgStateProvince; } public void setOrgPostcode(String orgPostcode) { this.orgPostcode = orgPostcode; } public void setOrgCountry(String orgCountry) { this.orgCountry = orgCountry; } public void setOrgPhone(String orgPhone) { this.orgPhone = orgPhone; } public void setOrgFax(String orgFax) { this.orgFax = orgFax; } public void setOrgEmail(String orgEmail) { this.orgEmail = orgEmail; } } class WmsEnv { private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(WmsEnv.class); public int red, green, blue, alpha, size, colour; public boolean uncertainty; public String colourMode, highlight; /** * Get WMS ENV values from String, or use defaults. * * @param env */ public WmsEnv(String env, String styles) { try { env = URLDecoder.decode(env, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } red = green = blue = alpha = 0; size = 4; uncertainty = false; highlight = null; colourMode = "-1"; colour = 0x00000000; //rgba if (StringUtils.trimToNull(env) == null && StringUtils.trimToNull(styles) == null) { env = "color:cd3844;size:10;opacity:1.0"; } if (StringUtils.trimToNull(env) != null) { for (String s : env.split(";")) { String[] pair = s.split(":"); pair[1] = s.substring(s.indexOf(":") + 1); if (pair[0].equals("color")) { while (pair[1].length() < 6) { pair[1] = "0" + pair[1]; } red = Integer.parseInt(pair[1].substring(0, 2), 16); green = Integer.parseInt(pair[1].substring(2, 4), 16); blue = Integer.parseInt(pair[1].substring(4), 16); } else if (pair[0].equals("size")) { size = Integer.parseInt(pair[1]); } else if (pair[0].equals("opacity")) { alpha = (int) (255 * Double.parseDouble(pair[1])); } else if (pair[0].equals("uncertainty")) { uncertainty = true; } else if (pair[0].equals("sel")) { highlight = s.replace("sel:", "").replace("%3B", ";"); } else if (pair[0].equals("colormode")) { colourMode = pair[1]; } } } else if (StringUtils.trimToNull(styles) != null) { //named styles //blue;opacity=1;size=1 String firstStyle = styles.split(",")[0]; String[] styleParts = firstStyle.split(";"); red = Integer.parseInt(styleParts[0].substring(0, 2), 16); green = Integer.parseInt(styleParts[0].substring(2, 4), 16); blue = Integer.parseInt(styleParts[0].substring(4), 16); alpha = (int) (255 * Double.parseDouble(styleParts[1].substring(8))); size = Integer.parseInt(styleParts[2].substring(5)); } colour = (red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue; colour = colour | (alpha << 24); } } class ImgObj { Graphics2D g; BufferedImage img; public static ImgObj create(int width, int height) { BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) img.getGraphics(); g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); return new ImgObj(g, img); } public ImgObj(Graphics2D g, BufferedImage img) { this.g = g; this.img = img; } }