Java tutorial
/************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2013 Atlas of Living Australia * All Rights Reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. ***************************************************************************/ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.ala.client.appender.RestLevel; import org.ala.client.model.LogEventVO; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpException; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import org.springframework.web.client.RestOperations; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import*; import java.util.*; import; /** * Services to perform the downloads. * * Can configure the number of off-line download processors * @author Natasha Carter ( */ @Component("downloadService") public class DownloadService { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DownloadService.class); /** Number of threads to perform to offline downloads on can be configured. */ @Value("${concurrent.downloads:1}") protected int concurrentDownloads = 1; @Inject protected PersistentQueueDAO persistentQueueDAO; @Inject SearchDAO searchDAO; @Inject private RestOperations restTemplate; @Inject private objectMapper; @Inject private EmailService emailService; @Inject private AbstractMessageSource messageSource; //default value is supplied for the property below @Value("${webservices.root:http://localhost:8080/biocache-service}") protected String webservicesRoot; //NC 20131018: Allow citations to be disabled via config (enabled by default) @Value("${citations.enabled:true}") protected Boolean citationsEnabled; /** Stores the current list of downloads that are being performed. */ private List<DownloadDetailsDTO> currentDownloads = Collections .synchronizedList(new ArrayList<DownloadDetailsDTO>()); @Value("${data.description.url:}") private String dataFieldDescriptionURL; @Value("${registry.url:}") protected String registryUrl; @Value("${citations.url:}") protected String citationServiceUrl; @Value("${media.url:}") public static String biocacheMediaUrl; @Value("${media.dir:/data/biocache-media/}") public static String biocacheMediaDir; @PostConstruct public void init() { //create the threads that will be used to perform the downloads int i = 0; while (i < concurrentDownloads) { new Thread(new DownloadThread()).start(); i++; } } /** * Registers a new active download * @param requestParams * @param ip * @param type * @return */ public DownloadDetailsDTO registerDownload(DownloadRequestParams requestParams, String ip, DownloadDetailsDTO.DownloadType type) { DownloadDetailsDTO dd = new DownloadDetailsDTO(requestParams.toString(), ip, type); currentDownloads.add(dd); return dd; } /** * Removes a completed download from active list. * @param dd */ public void unregisterDownload(DownloadDetailsDTO dd) { //remove it from the list currentDownloads.remove(dd); } /** * Returns a list of current downloads * @return */ public List<DownloadDetailsDTO> getCurrentDownloads() { return currentDownloads; } private void writeQueryToStream(DownloadDetailsDTO dd, DownloadRequestParams requestParams, String ip, OutputStream out, boolean includeSensitive, boolean fromIndex) throws Exception { writeQueryToStream(dd, requestParams, ip, out, includeSensitive, fromIndex, true); } /** * Writes the supplied download to the supplied output stream. It will include all the appropriate citations etc. * * @param dd * @param requestParams * @param ip * @param out * @param includeSensitive * @param fromIndex * @throws Exception */ private void writeQueryToStream(DownloadDetailsDTO dd, DownloadRequestParams requestParams, String ip, OutputStream out, boolean includeSensitive, boolean fromIndex, boolean limit) throws Exception { String filename = requestParams.getFile(); String originalParams = requestParams.toString(); //Use a zip output stream to include the data and citation together in the download ZipOutputStream zop = new ZipOutputStream(out); String suffix = requestParams.getFileType().equals("shp") ? "zip" : requestParams.getFileType(); zop.putNextEntry(new + "." + suffix)); //put the facets if ("all".equals(requestParams.getQa())) { requestParams.setFacets(new String[] { "assertions", "data_resource_uid" }); } else { requestParams.setFacets(new String[] { "data_resource_uid" }); } Map<String, Integer> uidStats = null; try { if (fromIndex) uidStats = searchDAO.writeResultsFromIndexToStream(requestParams, zop, includeSensitive, dd, limit); else uidStats = searchDAO.writeResultsToStream(requestParams, zop, 100, includeSensitive, dd); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { unregisterDownload(dd); } zop.closeEntry(); //add the Readme for the data field descriptions zop.putNextEntry(new"README.html")); zop.write(("For more information about the fields that are being downloaded please consult <a href='" + dataFieldDescriptionURL + "'>Download Fields</a>.").getBytes()); //add the readme for the Shape file header mappings if necessary if (dd.getHeaderMap() != null) { zop.putNextEntry(new"Shape-README.html")); zop.write( ("The name of features is limited to 10 characters. Listed below are the mappings of feature name to download field:") .getBytes()); zop.write(("<table><td><b>Feature</b></td><td><b>Download Field<b></td>").getBytes()); for (String key : dd.getHeaderMap().keySet()) { zop.write(("<tr><td>" + key + "</td><td>" + dd.getHeaderMap().get(key) + "</td></tr>").getBytes()); } zop.write(("</table>").getBytes()); //logger.debug("JSON::: " + objectMapper.writeValueAsString(dd)); } //Add the data citation to the download if (uidStats != null && !uidStats.isEmpty() && citationsEnabled) { //add the citations for the supplied uids zop.putNextEntry(new"citation.csv")); try { getCitations(uidStats, zop, requestParams.getSep(), requestParams.getEsc()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } zop.closeEntry(); } else { logger.debug("Not adding citation. Enabled: " + citationsEnabled + " uids: " + uidStats); } zop.flush(); zop.close(); //now construct the sourceUrl for the log event String sourceUrl = originalParams.contains("qid:") ? webservicesRoot + "?" + requestParams.toString() : webservicesRoot + "?" + originalParams; //logger.debug("UID stats : " + uidStats); //log the stats to ala logger LogEventVO vo = new LogEventVO(1002, requestParams.getReasonTypeId(), requestParams.getSourceTypeId(), requestParams.getEmail(), requestParams.getReason(), ip, null, uidStats, sourceUrl); logger.log(RestLevel.REMOTE, vo); } public void writeQueryToStream(DownloadRequestParams requestParams, HttpServletResponse response, String ip, ServletOutputStream out, boolean includeSensitive, boolean fromIndex) throws Exception { String filename = requestParams.getFile(); response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "must-revalidate"); response.setHeader("Pragma", "must-revalidate"); response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + filename + ".zip"); response.setContentType("application/zip"); DownloadDetailsDTO.DownloadType type = fromIndex ? DownloadType.RECORDS_INDEX : DownloadType.RECORDS_DB; DownloadDetailsDTO dd = registerDownload(requestParams, ip, type); writeQueryToStream(dd, requestParams, ip, out, includeSensitive, fromIndex); } /** * get citation info from citation web service and write it into citation.txt file. * * @param uidStats * @param out * @throws HttpException * @throws IOException */ public void getCitations(Map<String, Integer> uidStats, OutputStream out, char sep, char esc) throws IOException { if (citationsEnabled) { if (uidStats == null || uidStats.isEmpty() || out == null) { //throw new NullPointerException("keys and/or out is null!!"); logger.error("Unable to generate citations: keys and/or out is null!!"); return; } CSVWriter writer = new CSVWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out), sep, '"', esc); //Object[] citations = restfulClient.restPost(citationServiceUrl, "text/json", uidStats.keySet()); List<LinkedHashMap<String, Object>> entities = restTemplate.postForObject(citationServiceUrl, uidStats.keySet(), List.class); if (entities.size() > 0) { //i18n of the citation header writer.writeNext(new String[] { messageSource.getMessage("citation.uid", null, "UID", null), messageSource.getMessage("", null, "Name", null), messageSource.getMessage("citation.citation", null, "Citation", null), messageSource.getMessage("citation.rights", null, "Rights", null), messageSource.getMessage("", null, "More Information", null), messageSource.getMessage("citation.dataGeneralizations", null, "Data generalisations", null), messageSource.getMessage("citation.informationWithheld", null, "Information withheld", null), messageSource.getMessage("citation.downloadLimit", null, "Download limit", null), messageSource.getMessage("citation.count", null, "Number of Records in Download", null) }); for (Map<String, Object> record : entities) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); //ensure that the record is not null to prevent NPE on the "get"s if (record != null) { String count = uidStats.get(record.get("uid")).toString(); String[] row = new String[] { getOrElse(record, "uid", ""), getOrElse(record, "name", ""), getOrElse(record, "citation", ""), getOrElse(record, "rights", ""), getOrElse(record, "link", ""), getOrElse(record, "dataGeneralizations", ""), getOrElse(record, "informationWithheld", ""), getOrElse(record, "downloadLimit", ""), count }; writer.writeNext(row); } else { logger.warn("A null record was returned from the collectory citation service: " + entities); } } } writer.flush(); } } private String getOrElse(Map map, String key, String value) { if (map.containsKey(key)) { return map.get(key).toString(); } else { return value; } } /** * A thread responsible for creating a records dump offline. * * @author Natasha Carter ( */ private class DownloadThread implements Runnable { private DownloadDetailsDTO currentDownload = null; @Override public void run() { while (true) { if (persistentQueueDAO.getTotalDownloads() == 0) { try { Thread.currentThread().sleep(10000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { //I don't care that I have been interrupted. } } currentDownload = persistentQueueDAO.getNextDownload(); if (currentDownload != null) {"Starting to download the offline request: " + currentDownload); //we are now ready to start the download //we need to create an output stream to the file system try { FileOutputStream fos = FileUtils .openOutputStream(new File(currentDownload.getFileLocation())); //register the download currentDownloads.add(currentDownload); writeQueryToStream(currentDownload, currentDownload.getRequestParams(), currentDownload.getIpAddress(), fos, currentDownload.getIncludeSensitive(), currentDownload.getDownloadType() == DownloadType.RECORDS_INDEX, false); //now that the download is complete email a link to the recipient. String subject = messageSource.getMessage("offlineEmailSubject", null, "Occurrence Download Complete - " + currentDownload.getRequestParams().getFile(), null); if (currentDownload != null && currentDownload.getFileLocation() != null) { // String fileLocation = currentDownload.getFileLocation().replace(biocacheMediaDir, biocacheMediaUrl); String fileLocation = currentDownload.getFileLocation(); //.replace(biocacheMediaDir, biocacheMediaUrl); String body = messageSource.getMessage("offlineEmailBody", new Object[] { fileLocation }, "The file has been generated. Please download you file from " + fileLocation, null); emailService.sendEmail(currentDownload.getEmail(), subject, body); //now take the job off the list persistentQueueDAO.removeDownloadFromQueue(currentDownload); //save the statistics to the download directory FileOutputStream statsStream = FileUtils.openOutputStream( new File(new File(currentDownload.getFileLocation()).getParent() + File.separator + "downloadStats.json")); String json = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(currentDownload); statsStream.write(json.getBytes()); statsStream.flush(); statsStream.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in offline download", e); //TODO maybe send an email to support saying that the offline email failed?? } } } } } }