Java tutorial
/** * SAHARA Scheduling Server * * Schedules and assigns local laboratory rigs. * * @license See LICENSE in the top level directory for complete license terms. * * Copyright (c) 2011, University of Technology, Sydney * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the University of Technology, Sydney nor the names * of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * @author Michael Diponio (mdiponio) * @date 21st October 2011 */ package; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONArray; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONException; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.criterion.CriteriaSpecification; import org.hibernate.criterion.DetachedCriteria; import org.hibernate.criterion.MatchMode; import org.hibernate.criterion.Order; import org.hibernate.criterion.Property; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * User administration page. */ public class UsersPage extends AbstractPermissionsPage { @Override public void setupView(HttpServletRequest req) { // TODO Implement user management page. } /** * Gets a list of users with a specific search term. The users may be * excluded from a specific class. * * @param request * @return response * @throws Exception */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public JSONArray list(HttpServletRequest request) throws JSONException { JSONArray arr = new JSONArray(); Criteria qu = this.db.createCriteria(User.class); String search = request.getParameter("search"); if (search != null) { /* Search filter. */ qu.add(Restrictions.disjunction().add("name", search, MatchMode.ANYWHERE)) .add("firstName", search, MatchMode.ANYWHERE)) .add("lastName", search, MatchMode.ANYWHERE))); } if (request.getParameter("max") != null) { /* Max results. */ qu.setMaxResults(Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("max"))); } if (request.getParameter("in") != null) { /* Users in class. */ UserClass inClass = new UserClassDao(this.db).findByName(request.getParameter("in")); if (inClass == null) { this.logger.warn("Not going to add in class as a user list restriction because the class '" + request.getParameter("in") + "' was not found."); } else { qu.createCriteria("userAssociations").add(Restrictions.eq("userClass", inClass)); } } if (request.getParameter("notIn") != null) { /* Users not in class. */ UserClass notInClass = new UserClassDao(this.db).findByName(request.getParameter("notIn")); if (notInClass == null) { this.logger.warn("Not going to add not in class as a user list restriction because the class '" + request.getParameter("notIn") + "' was not found."); } else { DetachedCriteria subQu = DetachedCriteria.forClass(User.class) .setProjection(Property.forName("name")).createCriteria("userAssociations") .add(Restrictions.eq("userClass", notInClass)); List<String> names = subQu.getExecutableCriteria(this.db).list(); if (names.size() > 0) { qu.add(Restrictions.not("name", names))); } } } qu.setResultTransformer(CriteriaSpecification.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY); qu.addOrder(Order.asc("lastName")); qu.addOrder(Order.asc("name")); for (User user : (List<User>) qu.list()) { JSONObject uo = new JSONObject(); uo.put("name", user.getNamespace() + "-_-" + user.getName()); if (user.getFirstName() == null || user.getLastName() == null) { uo.put("display", user.getName()); } else { uo.put("display", user.getLastName() + ", " + user.getFirstName()); } arr.put(uo); } return arr; } /** * Adds users to a user class. * * @param request * @return response * @throws JSONException */ public JSONObject addUsersToClass(HttpServletRequest request) throws JSONException { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); obj.put("success", false); UserClass uc = new UserClassDao(this.db).findByName(request.getParameter("name")); if (uc == null) { this.logger.warn("Unable to add users to user class because the class with name '" + request.getParameter("name") + "' was not found."); return obj; } UserDao dao = new UserDao(this.db); UserAssociationDao uaDao = new UserAssociationDao(this.db); String[] splitNames = request.getParameter("users").split(","); if (splitNames.length < 1) { this.logger.warn("Unable to add users to user class because no names have been specified."); return obj; } for (String userName : splitNames) { String ns = userName.substring(0, userName.indexOf("-_-")); String name = userName.substring(userName.indexOf("-_-") + 3); User user = dao.findByName(ns, name); if (user == null) { this.logger.warn("Unable to add user association for user with name '" + ns + ':' + name + "' because the user was not found"); continue; } this.logger .info("Adding association for class '" + uc.getName() + "' and user '" + user.qName() + "'."); uaDao.add(user, uc); } obj.put("success", true); return obj; } /** * Deletes users from a user class. * * @param request * @return response * @throws JSONException */ public JSONObject deleteUsersInClass(HttpServletRequest request) throws JSONException { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); obj.put("success", false); UserClass uc = new UserClassDao(this.db).findByName(request.getParameter("name")); if (uc == null) { this.logger.warn("Unable to delete users in user class because the class with name '" + request.getParameter("name") + "' was not found."); return obj; } UserDao dao = new UserDao(this.db); UserAssociationDao uaDao = new UserAssociationDao(this.db); String[] splitNames = request.getParameter("users").split(","); if (splitNames.length < 1) { this.logger.warn("Unable to delete users in user class because no names have been specified."); return obj; } for (String userName : splitNames) { String ns = userName.substring(0, userName.indexOf("-_-")); String name = userName.substring(userName.indexOf("-_-") + 3); User user = dao.findByName(ns, name); if (user == null) { this.logger.warn("Unable to delete user assocition of user with name '" + ns + ':' + name + "' because the user was not found"); continue; } this.logger .info("Deleted association with class '" + uc.getName() + "' and user '" + user.qName() + "'."); uaDao.delete(user, uc); } obj.put("success", true); return obj; } @Override protected String getPageType() { return "Users"; } public static HostedPage getHostedPage() { return new HostedPage("Users", UsersPage.class, "perm-users", "Allows users to be created, read, updated and deleted.", false, false); } }