Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Australian National University Metadata Stores * Copyright (C) 2013 The Australian National University * * This file is part of Australian National University Metadata Stores. * * Australian National University Metadata Stores is free software: you * can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. ******************************************************************************/ package; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * <p>GrantService<p> * * <p>The Australian National University</p> * * <p>Service class to retrieve and update grant information</p> * * @author Genevieve Turner * */ public class GrantService extends AbstractItemService { static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GrantService.class); private static GrantService singleton_; private AriesService ariesService_ = AriesService.getSingleton(); private PersonService personService_ = PersonService.getSingleton(); private ANDSService andsService_ = ANDSService.getSingleton(); private static final String ARC_FUNDS_PROVIDER = StoreProperties.getProperty("arc.grant.title"); private static final String NHMRC_FUNDS_PROVIDER = StoreProperties.getProperty("nhmrc.grant.title"); private static final String ARC_PREFIX = StoreProperties.getProperty("arc.prefix"); private static final String NHMRC_PREFIX = StoreProperties.getProperty("nhmrc.prefix"); /** * Main class to execute grants * * @param args Arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { GrantService grantService = GrantService.getSingleton(); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { System.out.println("Argument " + i + ": " + args[i]); if (args[i].startsWith("u") || args[i].startsWith("a") || args[i].startsWith("f")) { List<Grant> grants = grantService.fetchGrantsForPerson(args[i]); for (Grant grant : grants) { grantService.saveGrant(grant); } } } } /** * Constructor */ private GrantService() { } /** * Get the GrantService instance * * @return The GrantService */ public static GrantService getSingleton() { if (singleton_ == null) { singleton_ = new GrantService(); } return singleton_; } /** * Fetches grant information from the Aries Database * * @param staffId The id of the staff member to find grants for * @return A list of grants associated with the given staff member */ public List<Grant> fetchGrantsForPerson(String staffId) { ANUActivity[] activities = ariesService_.getContracts(staffId); List<Grant> grants = new ArrayList<Grant>(); Grant grant = null; for (ANUActivity activity : activities) { grant = new Grant(); grant.setContractCode(activity.getActivityId()); grant.setTitle(activity.getActivityTitle()); Person firstInvestigator = new Person(); firstInvestigator.setExtId(activity.getFirstInvestigatorId()); grant.setFirstInvestigator(firstInvestigator); Person person = null; List<Person> people = new ArrayList<Person>(); for (String investigatorId : activity.getInvestigators()) { person = new Person(); person.setExtId(investigatorId); people.add(person); } grant.setAssociatedPeople(people); grant.setStartDate(activity.getStartDate()); grant.setEndDate(activity.getEndDate()); grant.setStatus(activity.getStatus()); grant.setFundsProvider(activity.getFundsProvider()); grant.setReferenceNumber(activity.getSchemeReference()); if (activity.getForSubject1() != null) { Subject subject = new Subject(activity.getForSubject1().getCode(), activity.getForSubject1().getDescription(), activity.getForSubject1().getPercentage()); grant.getAnzforSubjects().add(subject); } if (activity.getForSubject2() != null) { Subject subject = new Subject(activity.getForSubject2().getCode(), activity.getForSubject2().getDescription(), activity.getForSubject2().getPercentage()); grant.getAnzforSubjects().add(subject); } if (activity.getForSubject3() != null) { Subject subject = new Subject(activity.getForSubject3().getCode(), activity.getForSubject3().getDescription(), activity.getForSubject3().getPercentage()); grant.getAnzforSubjects().add(subject); } grant.setDescription(getDescription(grant)); grants.add(grant); } return grants; } /** * Set the description. * * The information for this field is retrieved from ANDS * * @param grant The grant to retrieve the description for * @return The description */ private String getDescription(Grant grant) { String description = null; if (grant.getFundsProvider() != null && grant.getFundsProvider().trim().length() > 0 && grant.getReferenceNumber() != null && grant.getReferenceNumber().trim().length() > 0) { if (ARC_FUNDS_PROVIDER.equals(grant.getFundsProvider())) { String key = ARC_PREFIX + grant.getReferenceNumber(); description = andsService_.getActivityDescription(key); } else if (NHMRC_FUNDS_PROVIDER.equals(grant.getFundsProvider())) { String key = NHMRC_PREFIX + grant.getReferenceNumber(); description = andsService_.getActivityDescription(key); } } return description; } /** * Save the given grant and make the appropriate associations * * @param grant The grant to save * @return The grant item that has been created/updated */ public GrantItem saveGrant(Grant grant) { return saveGrant(grant, Boolean.FALSE); } /** * Save a list of grants * * @param grants The grants to save * @return THe saved grant items */ public List<GrantItem> saveGrants(List<Grant> grants) { List<GrantItem> grantItems = new ArrayList<GrantItem>(); GrantItem grantItem = null; for (Grant grant : grants) { grantItem = saveGrant(grant); grantItems.add(grantItem); } return grantItems; } /** * Save the grant information * * @param grant The grant to save * @param userUpdated Indicator of whether it is user updated or system updated * @return The GrantItem that has been created/updated */ public GrantItem saveGrant(Grant grant, Boolean userUpdated) { Session session = StoreHibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession(); GrantItem item = null; try { session.enableFilter("attributes"); session.beginTransaction(); Query query = session.createQuery("from GrantItem where extId = :extId"); query.setParameter("extId", grant.getContractCode()); item = (GrantItem) query.uniqueResult(); Date lastModified = new Date(); ItemTraitParser parser = new ItemTraitParser(); Item newItem = null; newItem = parser.getItem(grant, userUpdated, lastModified); if (item == null) { item = new GrantItem(); if (newItem.getExtId() == null) { return null; } item.setExtId(newItem.getExtId());; } updateAttributesFromItem(item, newItem, session, lastModified); LOGGER.debug("Number of item attributes before: {}", item.getItemAttributes().size()); associatePeople(item, grant, session); LOGGER.debug("Number of Item Attributes after: {}", item.getItemAttributes().size()); item = (GrantItem) session.merge(item); session.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { LOGGER.error("Exception accessing field when trying to get a grant item", e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { LOGGER.error("Exception invoking method when trying to get a grant item", e); } catch (Exception e) { if (item == null) { LOGGER.error("Exception querying item", e); } else { LOGGER.error("Error Merging Item {}", item.getIid(), e);"Error with item: {}, Title: {}, System: {}, Ext Id: {}", item.getIid(), item.getTitle(), item.getExtSystem(), item.getExtId()); for (ItemAttribute attr : item.getItemAttributes()) {"AID: {}, IID: {}, Type: {}, Value: {}", new Object[] { attr.getAid(), attr.getItem().getIid(), attr.getAttrType(), attr.getAttrValue() }); } for (HistItemAttribute attr : item.getHistItemAttributes()) {"AID: {}, Date: {}, Type: {}, Value: {}", new Object[] { attr.getId().getAid(), attr.getId().getHistDatetime(), attr.getAttrType(), attr.getAttrValue() }); } } } finally { session.close(); } return item; } /** * Add the people involved with the grant * * @param item The grant item to add people to * @param grant The grant that holds the people who need to be associated * @param session The session */ private void associatePeople(GrantItem item, Grant grant, Session session2) { //TODO add the removing of people who are no longer associated Session session = StoreHibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession(); try { LOGGER.debug("Associate People"); for (Person person : grant.getAssociatedPeople()) { PersonItem personItem = personService_.getPersonItem(person.getExtId()); ItemRelationId relationId = null; if (personItem != null) { if (grant.getFirstInvestigator() != null && person.getExtId().equals(grant.getFirstInvestigator().getExtId())) { relationId = new ItemRelationId(item.getIid(), "hasPrincipalInvestigator", personItem.getIid()); } else { relationId = new ItemRelationId(item.getIid(), "hasAssociationWith", personItem.getIid()); } ItemRelation relation = (ItemRelation) session.get(ItemRelation.class, relationId); if (relation == null) { LOGGER.debug("Adding Relation: {}, {}, {}", relationId.getIid(), relationId.getRelatedIid(), relationId.getRelationValue()); relation = new ItemRelation(); relation.setId(relationId); item.getItemRelationsForIid().add(relation); } else { LOGGER.debug("Found Relation: {}, {}, {}", relationId.getIid(), relationId.getRelatedIid(), relationId.getRelationValue()); } } else { LOGGER.error("Error finding and saving person with an id of: {}", person.getExtId()); } } } finally { session.close(); } } /** * Return the Grant with the given id * * @param grantId The id of the grant to retrieve * @return The grant information */ public Grant getGrant(String grantId) { Session session = StoreHibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession(); try { session.enableFilter("attributes"); Query query = session.createQuery("FROM GrantItem WHERE extId = :extId"); query.setParameter("extId", grantId); GrantItem item = (GrantItem) query.uniqueResult(); Grant grant = getGrant(item); return grant; } finally { session.close(); } } /** * Return the Grant from the given GrantItem * * @param item The grant item to process * @return The grant */ public Grant getGrant(GrantItem item) { Grant grant = new Grant(); ItemTraitParser traitParser = new ItemTraitParser(); try { grant = (Grant) traitParser.getItemObject(item, Grant.class); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Exception getting grant", e); } String firstInvestigatorId = getSingleAttributeValue(item, StoreAttributes.FIRST_INVESTIGATOR_ID); Person firstInvestigator = personService_.getBasicPerson(firstInvestigatorId); grant.setFirstInvestigator(firstInvestigator); LOGGER.debug("Number of subjects?: {}", item.getAnzforSubjects().size()); for (ItemRelation relation : item.getItemRelationsForIid()) { Item relatedItem = relation.getItemByRelatedIid(); if (relatedItem instanceof PersonItem) { PersonItem personItem = (PersonItem) relatedItem; Person person = personService_.getBasicPerson(personItem); grant.getAssociatedPeople().add(person); } } return grant; } /** * Retrieves a list of grants associated with the person with the given id * * @param staffId The staff id of the person to retrieve grants for * @return The list of grants */ public List<Grant> getGrantsForPerson(String staffId) { Session session = StoreHibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession(); try { session.enableFilter("attributes"); Query query = session.createQuery( "SELECT grant FROM GrantItem grant, PersonItem person join person.itemRelationsForRelatedIid personRelation WHERE personRelation.itemByIid = grant and person.extId = :staffId"); query.setParameter("staffId", staffId); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<GrantItem> grantItems = query.list(); List<Grant> grants = new ArrayList<Grant>(); Grant grant = null; for (GrantItem grantItem : grantItems) { grant = getGrant(grantItem); if (grant != null) { grants.add(grant); } } return grants; } finally { session.close(); } } /** * Find grants with the given attributes and attribute values * * @param attributes The attributes to query on * @return The grants */ public List<Grant> queryGrantsByAttributes(Map<String, String> attributes) { List<Grant> grants = new ArrayList<Grant>(); Session session = StoreHibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession(); session.enableFilter("attributes"); try { List<String> parameters = new ArrayList<String>(); StringBuilder fromString = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder whereString = new StringBuilder(); fromString.append(" FROM GrantItem gi"); whereString.append(" WHERE"); int i = 0; for (Entry<String, String> entry : attributes.entrySet()) { fromString.append(" LEFT JOIN gi.itemAttributes gia"); fromString.append(i); if (i > 0) { whereString.append(" AND"); } whereString.append(" gia"); whereString.append(i); whereString.append(".attrType = ? AND lower(gia"); whereString.append(i); whereString.append(".attrValue) like ?"); parameters.add(entry.getKey()); parameters.add("%" + entry.getValue().toLowerCase() + "%"); i++; } String queryString = "SELECT gi " + fromString.toString() + " " + whereString.toString();"Query: {}", queryString);"Number of parameters: {}", parameters.size()); Query query = session.createQuery(queryString); for (i = 0; i < parameters.size(); i++) { query.setParameter(i, parameters.get(i)); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<GrantItem> grantItems = query.list(); Grant grant = null; for (GrantItem grantItem : grantItems) { grant = getGrant(grantItem); grants.add(grant); } } finally { session.close(); } return grants; } }