Java tutorial
// ==================================================================================================================== // Copyright (c) 2013, National ICT Australia Ltd and The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research. // All rights reserved. // // This software and source code is made available under a GPL v2 licence. // The terms of the licence can be read here: // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, // INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE // DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR // SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, // WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // ==================================================================================================================== package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; /** * * @author Alan */ public class CtEntityPropertiesUtil { // stateless comparator public static final Comparator<CtEntityProperties> COMPARE_NAME = new Comparator<CtEntityProperties>() { public int compare(CtEntityProperties a, CtEntityProperties b) { return a.getName().compareTo(b.getName()); } }; // stateless comparator public static final Comparator<CtEntityProperties> COMPARE_VALUE = new Comparator<CtEntityProperties>() { public int compare(CtEntityProperties a, CtEntityProperties b) { return a.getValue().compareTo(b.getValue()); } }; public static String getClassName(Class cls) { return cls.getSimpleName(); } public static List<CtEntityProperties> find(Class entityName, Integer entityPk) { return find(CtSolutionController.getSolutions(), entityName, entityPk); } public static List<CtEntityProperties> find(CtSolutions ctSolutions, Class entityName, Integer entityPk) { return find(ctSolutions, entityName, entityPk, null); } public static List<CtEntityProperties> find(CtSolutions ctSolutions, Class entityName, Integer entityPk, String propertyName) { Session s = CtSession.Current(); s.beginTransaction(); List<CtEntityProperties> r = find(s, ctSolutions, entityName, entityPk, propertyName); s.getTransaction().commit(); return r; } public static List<CtEntityProperties> find(Session s, CtSolutions ctSolutions, Class entityName, Integer entityPk, String propertyName) { List<CtEntityProperties> l = find(s, ctSolutions.getPkSolution(), entityName, entityPk, propertyName); return l; } public static List<CtEntityProperties> find(Session s, Integer solutionPk, Class entityName, Integer entityPk, String propertyName) { String qs = " SELECT ctEP" + " FROM CtEntityProperties as ctEP" + " WHERE"; String prefix = ""; if (solutionPk != null) { qs += prefix + " ctEP.ctSolutions = :ctSolutions"; prefix = " AND"; } if (entityName != null) { qs += prefix + " ctEP.entityName = :entityName"; prefix = " AND"; } if (entityPk != null) { qs += prefix + " ctEP.entityPk = :entityPk"; prefix = " AND"; } if (propertyName != null) { qs += prefix + " = :name"; prefix = " AND"; } Query q = s.createQuery(qs); if (solutionPk != null) { q.setInteger("ctSolutions", solutionPk); // System.out.println( solutionPk ); } if (entityName != null) { q.setString("entityName", getClassName(entityName)); // System.out.println( getClassName(entityName) ); } if (entityPk != null) { q.setInteger("entityPk", entityPk); // System.out.println( entityPk ); } if (propertyName != null) { q.setString("name", propertyName); // System.out.println( propertyName ); } List<CtEntityProperties> l = (List<CtEntityProperties>) q.list(); // long end = System.nanoTime(); // System.out.println( "Time(ms): " + (end-sta)/1000000.0 ); return l; } public static void delete(Class entityName, Integer entityPk, String propertyName) { delete(CtSolutionController.getSolutions(), entityName, entityPk, propertyName); } public static void delete(CtSolutions ctSolutions, Class entityName, Integer entityPk, String propertyName) { Session s = CtSession.Current(); s.beginTransaction(); delete(s, ctSolutions, entityName, entityPk, propertyName); s.getTransaction().commit(); } public static void delete(Session s, CtSolutions ctSolutions, Class entityName, Integer entityPk, String propertyName) { List<CtEntityProperties> l = find(s, ctSolutions, entityName, entityPk, propertyName); if (l == null) { return; } for (CtEntityProperties ep : l) { s.delete(ep); } } public static CtEntityProperties persist(Class entityName, Integer entityPk, String propertyName, String propertyValue) { return persist(CtSolutionController.getSolutions(), entityName, entityPk, propertyName, propertyValue); } public static CtEntityProperties persist(CtSolutions ctSolutions, Class entityName, Integer entityPk, String propertyName, String propertyValue) { Session s = CtSession.Current(); s.beginTransaction(); CtEntityProperties ep = persist(s, ctSolutions, entityName, entityPk, propertyName, propertyValue); s.getTransaction().commit(); return ep; } public static void duplicatePropertyError(String tableName, int entityPk, String propertyName) { throw new Error("Duplicate entity properties entry, " + " Table: " + tableName + " Row: " + entityPk + " Property name: " + propertyName); } public static CtEntityProperties persist(Session s, CtSolutions ctSolutions, Class entityName, Integer entityPk, String propertyName, String propertyValue) { List<CtEntityProperties> l = find(s, ctSolutions, entityName, entityPk, propertyName); if (!l.isEmpty()) { duplicatePropertyError(getClassName(entityName), entityPk, propertyName); } CtEntityProperties ep = new CtEntityProperties(0, ctSolutions, getClassName(entityName), entityPk, propertyName, propertyValue);; return ep; } public static void setValue(Class entityName, Integer entityPk, String propertyName, String propertyValue) { setValue(CtSolutionController.getSolutions(), entityName, entityPk, propertyName, propertyValue); } public static void setValue(CtSolutions ctSolutions, Class entityName, Integer entityPk, String propertyName, String propertyValue) { Session s = CtSession.Current(); s.beginTransaction(); setValue(s, ctSolutions, entityName, entityPk, propertyName, propertyValue); s.getTransaction().commit(); } public static void setValue(Session s, CtSolutions ctSolutions, Class entityName, Integer entityPk, String propertyName, String propertyValue) { List<CtEntityProperties> l = find(s, ctSolutions, entityName, entityPk, propertyName); if (l.isEmpty()) { persist(s, ctSolutions, entityName, entityPk, propertyName, propertyValue); return; } if (l.size() != 1) { for (CtEntityProperties ep : l) { System.out.println("ep.getName(): " + (ep.getName())); } throw new Error("Duplicate entity properties entry, " + " Table: " + getClassName(entityName) + " Row: " + entityPk + " Property name: " + propertyName); } CtEntityProperties ep = l.get(0); ep.setValue(propertyValue); s.saveOrUpdate(ep); } }