Java tutorial
package; /* * TrueHardcore * Copyright (C) 2013 add5tar <copyright at addstar dot com dot au> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <> */ import; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.logging.FileHandler; import java.util.logging.Logger; import me.botsko.prism.Prism; import; import net.milkbowl.vault.economy.Economy; import net.milkbowl.vault.economy.EconomyResponse; import net.milkbowl.vault.economy.EconomyResponse.ResponseType; import net.milkbowl.vault.permission.Permission; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.GameMode; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.block.Block; import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration; import org.bukkit.entity.Entity; import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.event.entity.PlayerDeathEvent; import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin; import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile; import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager; import org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredServiceProvider; import; import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask; import org.kitteh.vanish.VanishManager; import org.kitteh.vanish.VanishPlugin; import com.griefcraft.lwc.LWC; import com.griefcraft.lwc.LWCPlugin; import com.griefcraft.model.Protection; import com.wimbli.WorldBorder.BorderData; import com.wimbli.WorldBorder.WorldBorder; import; import*; import*; public final class TrueHardcore extends JavaPlugin { public static TrueHardcore instance; public static Economy econ = null; public static Permission perms = null; public static Chat chat = null; public boolean VaultEnabled = false; public boolean DebugEnabled = false; public List<String> RollbackCmds = null; public boolean GameEnabled = true; public String BroadcastChannel = null; public boolean AutoSaveEnabled = false; private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft"); private static final Logger debuglog = Logger.getLogger("DebugLog"); private FileHandler debugfh; public ConfigManager cfg = new ConfigManager(this); public PluginDescriptionFile pdfFile = null; public PluginManager pm = null; public Database dbcon = null; public String DBHost; public String DBPort; public String DBName; public String DBUser; public String DBPass; private Boolean LWCHooked = false; private Boolean LBHooked = false; private Boolean WBHooked = false; private Boolean VNPHooked = false; private Boolean BCHooked = false; private LWC lwc; private Prism prism; private WorldBorder wb; private VanishManager vnp; // Hardcore worlds public HardcoreWorlds HardcoreWorlds = new HardcoreWorlds(); // Data for ALL hardcore players public HardcorePlayers HCPlayers = new HardcorePlayers(); public String Header = ChatColor.DARK_RED + "[" + ChatColor.RED + "TrueHardcore" + ChatColor.DARK_RED + "] " + ChatColor.YELLOW; private final List<Material> SpawnBlocks = Arrays.asList(Material.DIRT, Material.GRASS, Material.SAND, Material.STONE, Material.COBBLESTONE, Material.BEDROCK, Material.SNOW, Material.SNOW_BLOCK, Material.CLAY, Material.OBSIDIAN, Material.SANDSTONE); @Override public void onEnable() { instance = this; // This block configure the logger with handler and formatter try { debuglog.setUseParentHandlers(false); debugfh = new FileHandler("plugins/TrueHardcore/debug.log", true); Util.LogFormatter formatter = new Util.LogFormatter(); debugfh.setFormatter(formatter); debuglog.addHandler(debugfh); } catch (SecurityException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Grab that plugin manager! pdfFile = this.getDescription(); pm = this.getServer().getPluginManager(); // Check if vault is loaded (required for economy) VaultEnabled = setupEconomy(); if (VaultEnabled) { Log("Found Vault! Hooking for economy!"); } else { Log("Vault was not detected! Economy rewards are not available."); } Plugin p = pm.getPlugin("LWC"); if (p != null && p instanceof LWCPlugin) { LWCHooked = true; lwc = ((LWCPlugin) p).getLWC(); Log("LWC Found, hooking into LWC."); } else { LWCHooked = false; Log("LWC not Found"); } p = pm.getPlugin("Prism"); if (p != null && p instanceof Prism) { LBHooked = true; prism = (Prism) p; Log("Prism found, hooking it."); } else { LBHooked = false; Log("Prism not found! This won't work very well..."); } p = pm.getPlugin("WorldBorder"); if (p != null && p instanceof WorldBorder) { WBHooked = true; wb = WorldBorder.plugin; Log("WorldBorder found, hooking it."); } else { WBHooked = false; Log("WorldBorder not found! Spawning will not be limited..."); } p = pm.getPlugin("BungeeChatBukkit"); if (p != null && p instanceof BungeeChat) { BCHooked = true; Log("BungeeChat found, hooking it."); } else { BCHooked = false; Log("BungeeChat not found! No cross server messages"); } p = pm.getPlugin("VanishNoPacket"); if (p != null && p instanceof VanishPlugin) { VNPHooked = true; vnp = ((VanishPlugin) p).getManager(); Log("VanishNoPacket found, hooking it."); } else { WBHooked = false; Log("VanishNoPacket not found! Vanished players will not be unvanished..."); } // Read (or initialise) plugin config file cfg.LoadConfig(getConfig()); // Save the default config (if one doesn't exist) saveDefaultConfig(); // Open/initialise the database dbcon = new Database(this); if (dbcon.IsConnected) { Log("Successfully connected to the database."); Log("Loading players from database..."); LoadAllPlayers(); } else { Log(pdfFile.getName() + " " + pdfFile.getVersion() + " could not be enabled!"); this.setEnabled(false); return; } Log("Registering commands and events..."); getCommand("truehardcore").setExecutor(new CommandTH(this)); getCommand("th").setExecutor(new CommandTH(this)); pm.registerEvents(new PlayerListener(this), this); // Set auto save timer if (AutoSaveEnabled) { Log("Launching auto-save timer (every 5 minutes)..."); getServer().getScheduler().runTaskTimer(this, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { SaveIngamePlayers(); } }, 300 * 20L, 300 * 20L); } Log(pdfFile.getName() + " " + pdfFile.getVersion() + " has been enabled"); } @Override public void onDisable() { // cancel all tasks we created getServer().getScheduler().cancelTasks(this); SaveAllPlayers(); Log(pdfFile.getName() + " has been disabled!"); debugfh.close(); } /* * Detect/configure Vault */ private boolean setupEconomy() { if (getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("Vault") == null) { return false; } RegisteredServiceProvider<Economy> rsp = getServer().getServicesManager().getRegistration(Economy.class); if (rsp == null) { return false; } econ = rsp.getProvider(); return econ != null; } public void Log(String data) {"[" + pdfFile.getName() + "] " + data);; } public void Warn(String data) { logger.warning("[" + pdfFile.getName() + "] " + data); debuglog.warning(data); } public void Debug(String data) { if (DebugEnabled) {"[" + pdfFile.getName() + "] " + data); }; } // Write data to debug log public void DebugLog(String data) {; } public FileConfiguration Config() { return getConfig(); } public boolean GiveMoney(String player, int money) { if (VaultEnabled) { EconomyResponse resp = econ.depositPlayer(player, money); if (resp.type == ResponseType.SUCCESS) { Log(player + " has been given $" + resp.amount + " (new balance $" + resp.balance + ")"); return true; } else { Warn("Vault payment failed! Error: " + resp.errorMessage); } } return false; } public void DoPlayerDeath(final Player player, PlayerDeathEvent event) { final TrueHardcore plugin = this; final World realworld = player.getWorld(); final HardcorePlayer hcp = HCPlayers.Get(realworld, player); final World world = getServer().getWorld(hcp.getWorld()); final HardcoreWorld hcw = HardcoreWorlds.Get(world.getName()); hcp.setState(PlayerState.DEAD); hcp.setDeathMsg(event.getDeathMessage()); hcp.setDeathPos(player.getLocation()); hcp.setDeaths(hcp.getDeaths() + 1); hcp.updatePlayer(player); hcp.calcGameTime(); String DeathMsg = event.getDeathMessage(); DeathMsg = DeathMsg.replaceFirst(player.getName(), ChatColor.AQUA + player.getName() + ChatColor.YELLOW); BroadcastToAllServers(Header + DeathMsg + "!"); BroadcastToAllServers(Header + "Final Score: " + ChatColor.GREEN + player.getTotalExperience() + " " + ChatColor.AQUA + "(" + hcp.getWorld() + ")"); event.setDeathMessage(null); if (hcp.getScore() > 0) { // Check if this is the player's personal best boolean personalbest = false; if (hcp.getScore() > hcp.getTopScore()) { hcp.setTopScore(hcp.getScore()); personalbest = true; } // Check if this is a high score boolean highscore = true; for (Map.Entry<String, HardcorePlayer> entry : HCPlayers.AllRecords().entrySet()) { HardcorePlayer h = entry.getValue(); if (h != null) { // Only compare other player's scores in the same world if ((h.getWorld().equals(hcp.getWorld())) && (h.getPlayerName() != hcp.getPlayerName())) { if (h.getTopScore() >= hcp.getScore()) { highscore = false; Debug(hcp.getPlayerName() + "'s score (" + hcp.getScore() + ") did not beat " + h.getPlayerName() + " (" + h.getTopScore() + ")"); break; } } } else { Warn("Record for key \"" + entry.getKey() + "\" not found! This should not happen!"); } } if (highscore) { BroadcastToAllServers(Header + ChatColor.AQUA + player.getName() + ChatColor.GREEN + " has beaten the all time high score!"); } else if (personalbest) { player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Congratulations! You just beat your personal high score!"); } } SavePlayer(hcp); // Dont drop XP or items if (!hcw.getDeathDrops()) { event.setDroppedExp(0); event.getDrops().clear(); } // Reset XP levels event.setNewExp(0); event.setNewLevel(0); event.setNewTotalExp(0); event.setKeepLevel(false); player.setLevel(0); player.setExp(0); if (hcw.getRollbackDelay() > 0) { String wh = ChatColor.DARK_RED + "[" + ChatColor.RED + hcp.getWorld() + ChatColor.DARK_RED + "] " + ChatColor.YELLOW; BroadcastToWorld(hcp.getWorld(), wh + " " + ChatColor.YELLOW + "You now have " + Util.Long2Time(hcw.getRollbackDelay()) + " to raid " + ChatColor.AQUA + player.getName() + "'s " + ChatColor.YELLOW + "stuff before it all disappears!"); } plugin.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskLater(plugin, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { if (plugin.LWCHooked) { // Always remove the locks straight away! plugin.Debug("Removing LWC locks..."); int count = 0; if (lwc.getPhysicalDatabase() != null) { List<Protection> prots = lwc.getPhysicalDatabase() .loadProtectionsByPlayer(player.getUniqueId().toString()); String w = world.getName(); for (Protection prot : prots) { if (prot.getWorld().equals(w) || prot.getWorld().equals(w + "_nether")) { count++; // Remove LWC protection prot.remove(); prot.removeCache(); } } } else { plugin.Log("WARNING: LWC.getPhysicalDatabase() failed!"); } plugin.Debug("Removed " + count + " LWC protections."); } if (LBHooked) { // Overworld rollback Runnable rb1 = new WorldRollback(prism, player, world, 30); plugin.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskLaterAsynchronously(plugin, rb1, 40L + (hcw.getRollbackDelay() * 20L)); // Nether rollback (delayed by 5s to reduce collisions) World netherworld = plugin.getServer().getWorld(world.getName() + "_nether"); if (netherworld != null) { Runnable rb2 = new WorldRollback(prism, player, netherworld, 30); plugin.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskLaterAsynchronously(plugin, rb2, 40L + ((hcw.getRollbackDelay() * 20L) + (5 * 20L))); } } } catch (Exception e) { // Do nothing or throw an error if you want e.printStackTrace(); } } }, 20L); } public boolean PlayGame(String world, Player player) { if (!IsOnWhiteList(world, player.getUniqueId())) { player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Sorry, you are not allowed to play this world."); return false; } if (!GameEnabled && !player.hasPermission("truehardcore.admin")) { player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "TrueHardcore is currently disabled."); return false; } HardcoreWorld hcw = HardcoreWorlds.Get(world); HardcorePlayer hcp = HCPlayers.Get(world, player.getUniqueId()); if (hcp != null) { if ((hcp.getState() == PlayerState.DEAD) && (hcp.getGameEnd() != null)) { // Check last death time Date now = new Date(); long diff = (now.getTime() - hcp.getGameEnd().getTime()) / 1000; long wait = (hcw.getBantime() - diff); if (wait > 0) { player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Sorry, you must wait " + Util.Long2Time(wait) + " to play " + hcw.getWorld().getName() + " again."); return false; } } } if ((hcp == null) || (hcp.getState() == PlayerState.DEAD)) { Location spawn = null; World w = getServer().getWorld(world); // Never played before... create them! if (hcp == null) { Debug("New hardcore player: " + player.getName() + " (" + world + ")"); hcp = HCPlayers.NewPlayer(world, player.getUniqueId(), player.getName()); spawn = GetNewLocation(w, 0, 0, hcw.getSpawnDistance()); } else if (hcp.getDeathPos() == null) { Warn("No previous position found for known " + player.getName()); spawn = GetNewLocation(w, 0, 0, hcw.getSpawnDistance()); } else { Debug(player.getName() + " is restarting game (" + world + ")"); spawn = GetNewLocation(w, hcp.getDeathPos().getBlockX(), hcp.getDeathPos().getBlockZ(), hcw.getSpawnDistance()); } if (spawn != null) { hcp.setState(PlayerState.IN_GAME); if (NewSpawn(player, spawn)) { SetProtected(hcp, hcw.getSpawnProtection()); hcp.setGameTime(0); hcp.setChickenKills(0); hcp.setCowKills(0); hcp.setPigKills(0); hcp.setSheepKills(0); hcp.setChickenKills(0); hcp.setCreeperKills(0); hcp.setZombieKills(0); hcp.setSkeletonKills(0); hcp.setSpiderKills(0); hcp.setEnderKills(0); hcp.setSlimeKills(0); hcp.setMooshKills(0); hcp.setOtherKills(0); hcp.setPlayerKills(0); hcp.updatePlayer(player); SavePlayer(hcp); UnvanishPlayer(player); String greeting = HardcoreWorlds.Get(world).getGreeting(); if ((greeting != null) && (!greeting.isEmpty())) { player.sendMessage(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', greeting)); } return true; } else { return false; } } else { player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Unable to find suitable spawn location. Please try again."); Warn("Unable to find suitable spawn location for " + player.getName() + " (" + world + ")"); return false; } } else if (hcp.getState() == PlayerState.IN_GAME) { player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "You are already playing hardcore!"); return false; } else { // Resume existing game Debug(player.getName() + " is returning to " + hcw.getWorld().getName()); hcp.setState(PlayerState.IN_GAME); JoinGame(world, player); SavePlayer(hcp); UnvanishPlayer(player); String greeting = HardcoreWorlds.Get(world).getGreeting(); if ((greeting != null) && (!greeting.isEmpty())) { player.sendMessage(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', greeting)); } player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Returning to your last hardcore location... good luck!"); return true; } } public boolean NewSpawn(Player player, Location spawn) { HardcorePlayer hcp = HCPlayers.Get(spawn.getWorld(), player); if (Util.Teleport(player, spawn)) { hcp.setState(PlayerState.IN_GAME); hcp.setSpawnPos(spawn); player.setFallDistance(0); player.setHealth(20.0D); player.setFoodLevel(20); player.setAllowFlight(false); player.setFlying(false); player.setExp(0); player.setLevel(0); player.setTotalExperience(0); player.setWalkSpeed(0.2F); player.setFlySpeed(0.2F); player.setGameMode(GameMode.SURVIVAL); player.setOp(false); player.getEnderChest().clear(); player.getEquipment().clear(); player.getInventory().clear(); player.setPassenger(null); player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "!!!! WARNING !!!! WARNING !!!!"); player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "This plugin is highly experimental! Use at own risk!"); player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Please report ALL problems in detail."); player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Welcome to TrueHardcore. Good luck on your adventure!"); player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Type " + ChatColor.AQUA + "/th leave" + ChatColor.GREEN + " to exit (progress will be saved)"); return true; } else { Warn("Teleport failed!"); return false; } } public Location GetNewLocation(World world, int oldX, int oldZ, int dist) { Location l = new Location(world, oldX, 255, oldZ); Debug("Selecting spawn point " + dist + " blocks from: " + l.getBlockX() + " / " + l.getBlockY() + " / " + l.getBlockZ()); double x; double z; int deg; Location nl = null; // Only try to find a good place 30 times for (int count = 0; count < 30; count++) { boolean GoodSpawn = false; Location spawn = null; String reason = ""; // Lets do some trig!! dist = dist + (int) (Math.random() * 100); // Random radius padding deg = (int) (Math.random() * 360); // Random degrees x = (dist * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(deg))) + l.getBlockX(); z = (dist * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(deg))) + l.getBlockZ(); nl = new Location(world, x, 255, z); // Get the highest block at the selected location Block b = nl.getBlock(); while ((b.getType() == Material.AIR) && (b.getY() > 1)) { b = b.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN); } spawn = new Location(b.getWorld(), b.getX(), b.getY() + 2, b.getZ()); if (SpawnBlocks.contains(b.getType())) { if (spawn.getBlockX() >= 0) { spawn.setX(spawn.getBlockX() + 0.5); } if (spawn.getBlockX() < 0) { spawn.setX(spawn.getBlockX() - 0.5); } if (spawn.getBlockZ() >= 0) { spawn.setZ(spawn.getBlockZ() + 0.5); } if (spawn.getBlockZ() < 0) { spawn.setZ(spawn.getBlockZ() - 0.5); } // Make sure it's inside the world border (if one exists) if (InsideWorldBorder(spawn)) { GoodSpawn = true; reason = "Allowed block type (" + b.getType() + ")!"; } else { reason = "Outside world border"; } } else { reason = "Wrong block type (" + b.getType() + ")"; } if (GoodSpawn) { Debug("GOOD: " + Util.padLeft(String.valueOf(spawn.getX()), 9) + Util.padLeft(String.valueOf(spawn.getY()), 7) + Util.padLeft(String.valueOf(spawn.getZ()), 9) + " (" + dist + " blocks away)" + " => " + reason); // Return the good location spawn.setPitch(0F); spawn.setYaw(0F); return spawn; } else { Debug("BAD : " + Util.padLeft(String.valueOf(spawn.getX()), 9) + Util.padLeft(String.valueOf(spawn.getY()), 7) + Util.padLeft(String.valueOf(spawn.getZ()), 9) + " (" + dist + " blocks away)" + " => " + reason); } } return null; } public void LeaveGame(Player player) { HardcorePlayer hcp = HCPlayers.Get(player); if ((hcp != null) && (hcp.getState() == PlayerState.IN_GAME)) { if (!player.isInsideVehicle()) { // We have to change the game state to allow the teleport out of the world hcp.setState(PlayerState.ALIVE); hcp.updatePlayer(player); if (Util.Teleport(player, GetLobbyLocation(player, hcp.getWorld()))) { BroadcastToHardcore( Header + ChatColor.YELLOW + player.getDisplayName() + " has left " + hcp.getWorld(), player.getName()); hcp.calcGameTime(); SavePlayer(hcp); } else { // Teleport failed so set the game state back hcp.setState(PlayerState.IN_GAME); player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Teleportation failed."); } } else { player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "You cannot leave while you are a passenger."); } } else { player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "You are not currently in a hardcore game."); } } public BukkitTask SavePlayer(HardcorePlayer hcp) { return SavePlayer(hcp, true, false); } public BukkitTask SavePlayer(HardcorePlayer hcp, boolean Async) { return SavePlayer(hcp, Async, false); } public BukkitTask SavePlayer(HardcorePlayer hcp, boolean Async, final boolean AutoSave) { if (hcp == null) { Warn("SavePlayer called with null record!"); return null; } if (AutoSave) { DebugLog("Auto-saving data for " + hcp.getWorld() + "/" + hcp.getPlayerName()); } else { Debug("Saving data for " + hcp.getWorld() + "/" + hcp.getPlayerName()); } // CowKills, PigKills, SheepKills, ChickenKills; // CreeperKills, ZombieKills, SkeletonKills, SpiderKills, EnderKills, SlimeKills; // OtherKills, PlayerKills; final String query = "INSERT INTO `truehardcore`.`players` \n" + "(`id`, `player`, `world`, `spawnpos`, `lastpos`, `lastjoin`, `lastquit`, `gamestart`, `gameend`, `gametime`,\n" + "`level`, `exp`, `score`, `topscore`, `state`, `deathmsg`, `deathpos`, `deaths`,\n" + "`cowkills`, `pigkills`, `sheepkills`, `chickenkills`, `creeperkills`, `zombiekills`, `skeletonkills`,\n" + "`spiderkills`, `enderkills`, `slimekills`, `mooshkills`, `otherkills`, `playerkills`)\n\n" + "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE \n\n" + "`spawnpos`=?, `lastpos`=?, `lastjoin`=?, `lastquit`=?, `gamestart`=?, `gameend`=?, `gametime`=?,\n" + "`level`=?, `exp`=?, `score`=?, `topscore`=?, `state`=?, `deathmsg`=?, `deathpos`=?, `deaths`=?,\n" + "`cowkills`=?, `pigkills`=?, `sheepkills`=?, `chickenkills`=?, `creeperkills`=?, `zombiekills`=?, `skeletonkills`=?,\n" + "`spiderkills`=?, `enderkills`=?, `slimekills`=?, `mooshkills`=?, `otherkills`=?, `playerkills`=?\n"; final String[] values = { hcp.getUniqueId().toString(), hcp.getPlayerName(), hcp.getWorld(), Util.Loc2Str(hcp.getSpawnPos()), Util.Loc2Str(hcp.getLastPos()), Util.Date2Mysql(hcp.getLastJoin()), Util.Date2Mysql(hcp.getLastQuit()), Util.Date2Mysql(hcp.getGameStart()), Util.Date2Mysql(hcp.getGameEnd()), String.valueOf(hcp.getGameTime()), String.valueOf(hcp.getLevel()), String.valueOf(hcp.getExp()), String.valueOf(hcp.getScore()), String.valueOf(hcp.getTopScore()), hcp.getState().toString(), hcp.getDeathMsg(), Util.Loc2Str(hcp.getDeathPos()), String.valueOf(hcp.getDeaths()), String.valueOf(hcp.getCowKills()), String.valueOf(hcp.getPigKills()), String.valueOf(hcp.getSheepKills()), String.valueOf(hcp.getChickenKills()), String.valueOf(hcp.getCreeperKills()), String.valueOf(hcp.getZombieKills()), String.valueOf(hcp.getSkeletonKills()), String.valueOf(hcp.getSpiderKills()), String.valueOf(hcp.getEnderKills()), String.valueOf(hcp.getSlimeKills()), String.valueOf(hcp.getMooshKills()), String.valueOf(hcp.getOtherKills()), String.valueOf(hcp.getPlayerKills()), // REPEATED FOR UPDATE! Util.Loc2Str(hcp.getSpawnPos()), Util.Loc2Str(hcp.getLastPos()), Util.Date2Mysql(hcp.getLastJoin()), Util.Date2Mysql(hcp.getLastQuit()), Util.Date2Mysql(hcp.getGameStart()), Util.Date2Mysql(hcp.getGameEnd()), String.valueOf(hcp.getGameTime()), String.valueOf(hcp.getLevel()), String.valueOf(hcp.getExp()), String.valueOf(hcp.getScore()), String.valueOf(hcp.getTopScore()), hcp.getState().toString(), hcp.getDeathMsg(), Util.Loc2Str(hcp.getDeathPos()), String.valueOf(hcp.getDeaths()), String.valueOf(hcp.getCowKills()), String.valueOf(hcp.getPigKills()), String.valueOf(hcp.getSheepKills()), String.valueOf(hcp.getChickenKills()), String.valueOf(hcp.getCreeperKills()), String.valueOf(hcp.getZombieKills()), String.valueOf(hcp.getSkeletonKills()), String.valueOf(hcp.getSpiderKills()), String.valueOf(hcp.getEnderKills()), String.valueOf(hcp.getSlimeKills()), String.valueOf(hcp.getMooshKills()), String.valueOf(hcp.getOtherKills()), String.valueOf(hcp.getPlayerKills()) }; hcp.setModified(false); Runnable savetask = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { int result = dbcon.PreparedUpdate(query, values, AutoSave); if (result < 0) { Debug("Player record save failed!"); Debug("Query: " + query); Debug("Values: " + Arrays.toString(values)); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug("Unable to save player record to database!"); Debug("Query: " + query); Debug("Values: " + Arrays.toString(values)); e.printStackTrace(); } } }; BukkitTask task = null; if (Async) { if (!AutoSave) Debug("Launching async save task..."); task = getServer().getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(this, savetask); } else { if (!AutoSave) Debug("Saving synchronously...");; } return task; } public void JoinGame(String world, Player player) { Debug("Joining game for " + player.getName()); HardcorePlayer hcp = HCPlayers.Get(world, player.getUniqueId()); if (hcp != null) { if (hcp.getLastPos() != null) { DebugLog("Returning player to: " + hcp.getLastPos()); if (Util.Teleport(player, hcp.getLastPos())) { player.setWalkSpeed(0.2F); player.setFlySpeed(0.2F); player.setGameMode(GameMode.SURVIVAL); player.setOp(false); player.setAllowFlight(false); player.setFlying(false); player.setFallDistance(0); player.setNoDamageTicks(60); BroadcastToHardcore( Header + ChatColor.GREEN + player.getDisplayName() + " has entered " + hcp.getWorld(), player.getName()); } else { Warn("Teleport failed!"); } } } else { Warn("Player record NOT found!"); } return; } public Boolean LoadAllPlayers() { String query = "SELECT * FROM `players` ORDER BY world,id"; try { HCPlayers.Clear(); ResultSet res = dbcon.PreparedQuery(query, null); if (res != null) { while ( { UUID id = UUID.fromString(res.getString("id")); String name = res.getString("player"); String world = res.getString("world"); DebugLog("Loading: " + world + "/" + name); HardcorePlayer hcp = HCPlayers.NewPlayer(world, id, name); LoadPlayerFromData(hcp, res); } } } catch (Exception e) { Debug("Unable to load player record to database!"); e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return true; } public Boolean LoadPlayer(String world, UUID player) { String query = "SELECT * FROM `players` WHERE `id`=? and `world`=?"; try { DebugLog("Reload player record from DB: " + world + "/" + player); ResultSet res = dbcon.PreparedQuery(query, new String[] { player.toString(), world }); HardcorePlayer hcp = HCPlayers.Get(world, player); if ((res != null) && (hcp != null) && ( { DebugLog("Loading: " + world + "/" + player); LoadPlayerFromData(hcp, res); } else { return false; } } catch (Exception e) { Debug("Unable to load player record to database!"); e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return true; } public void LoadPlayerFromData(HardcorePlayer hcp, ResultSet res) { try { hcp.setLoadDataOnly(true); hcp.setLastPos(Util.Str2Loc(res.getString("lastpos"))); hcp.setLastJoin(Util.Mysql2Date(res.getString("lastjoin"))); hcp.setLastQuit(Util.Mysql2Date(res.getString("lastquit"))); hcp.setGameStart(Util.Mysql2Date(res.getString("gamestart"))); hcp.setGameEnd(Util.Mysql2Date(res.getString("gameend"))); hcp.setGameTime(res.getInt("gametime")); hcp.setLevel(res.getInt("level")); hcp.setExp(res.getInt("exp")); hcp.setScore(res.getInt("score")); hcp.setTopScore(res.getInt("topscore")); hcp.setState(PlayerState.valueOf(res.getString("state"))); hcp.setDeathMsg(res.getString("deathmsg")); hcp.setDeathPos(Util.Str2Loc(res.getString("deathpos"))); hcp.setDeaths(res.getInt("deaths")); hcp.setCowKills(res.getInt("cowkills")); hcp.setPigKills(res.getInt("pigkills")); hcp.setSheepKills(res.getInt("sheepkills")); hcp.setChickenKills(res.getInt("chickenkills")); hcp.setCreeperKills(res.getInt("creeperkills")); hcp.setZombieKills(res.getInt("zombiekills")); hcp.setSkeletonKills(res.getInt("skeletonkills")); hcp.setSpiderKills(res.getInt("spiderkills")); hcp.setEnderKills(res.getInt("enderkills")); hcp.setSlimeKills(res.getInt("slimekills")); hcp.setMooshKills(res.getInt("mooshkills")); hcp.setOtherKills(res.getInt("otherkills")); hcp.setPlayerKills(res.getInt("playerkills")); hcp.setModified(false); hcp.setLoadDataOnly(false); } catch (Exception e) { Debug("Unable to load player record to database!"); e.printStackTrace(); } } public void SaveAllPlayers() { for (Map.Entry<String, HardcorePlayer> entry : HCPlayers.AllRecords().entrySet()) { HardcorePlayer hcp = entry.getValue(); if ((hcp != null) && (hcp.isModified())) { SavePlayer(hcp, false); } } } public void SaveIngamePlayers() { for (Map.Entry<String, HardcorePlayer> entry : HCPlayers.AllRecords().entrySet()) { HardcorePlayer hcp = entry.getValue(); if ((hcp != null) && (hcp.getState() == PlayerState.IN_GAME)) { Player p = Bukkit.getPlayer(hcp.getPlayerName()); if (p != null) { hcp.updatePlayer(p); SavePlayer(hcp, true, true); } } } } public boolean IsHardcoreWorld(World world) { if (world != null) { return HardcoreWorlds.Contains(world.getName()); } return false; } public Location GetLobbyLocation(Player player, String world) { Location loc = null; if (world != null) { HardcoreWorld hcw = HardcoreWorlds.Get(world); loc = hcw.getExitPos(); } if (loc == null) { Warn("Sending " + player.getName() + " to world spawn!"); loc = getServer().getWorld(getConfig().getString("lobbyWorld", "games")).getSpawnLocation(); } return loc; } public boolean IsOnWhiteList(String world, UUID player) { String query = "SELECT worlds FROM `whitelist` WHERE id=?"; try { ResultSet res = dbcon.PreparedQuery(query, new String[] { player.toString() }); if (res != null) { if ( { String[] worlds = StringUtils.split(res.getString("worlds"), ","); for (String w : worlds) { if ((w.equals(world)) || (w.equals("*"))) { return true; } } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } public Boolean AddToWhitelist(UUID player) { String query = "INSERT INTO `whitelist` (id, worlds) VALUES (?, ?)"; String worlds = HardcoreWorlds.GetNames(); try { DebugLog("Add player to whitelist: " + player); int result = dbcon.PreparedUpdate(query, new String[] { player.toString(), worlds }); if (result < 0) { Debug("Whitelist update failed!"); return false; } } catch (Exception e) { Debug("Unable to load player record to database!"); e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return true; } public void UnvanishPlayer(Player player) { if (IsPlayerVanished(player)) { Debug("Unvanishing " + player.getName()); vnp.toggleVanish(player); } } public boolean IsPlayerVanished(Player player) { if ((VNPHooked) && (vnp.isVanished(player))) { return true; } return false; } public boolean SetProtected(HardcorePlayer hcp, long seconds) { if (hcp != null) { if (hcp.isGodMode()) { Debug(hcp.getPlayerName() + " already in god mode!"); return false; } final String world = hcp.getWorld(); final UUID id = hcp.getUniqueId(); final Player player = getServer().getPlayer(id); hcp.setGodMode(true); player.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "You are now invincible for " + seconds + " seconds..."); getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(this, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { HardcorePlayer hcp = HCPlayers.Get(world, id); if (hcp != null) { hcp.setGodMode(false); if (hcp.getState() == PlayerState.IN_GAME) { player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Your invincibility has now worn off... Good luck!"); } else { //Debug("Disable protection: Player " + pname + " is no longer in game"); } } else { //Debug("Disable protection: Player " + pname + " does not exist!"); } } }, (seconds * 20)); } return false; } public boolean IsPlayerSafe(Player player, double x, double y, double z) { List<EntityType> mobs = Arrays.asList(EntityType.ZOMBIE, EntityType.CREEPER, EntityType.SPIDER, EntityType.CAVE_SPIDER, EntityType.BLAZE, EntityType.GHAST, EntityType.MAGMA_CUBE, EntityType.SKELETON, EntityType.WITCH, EntityType.WITHER, EntityType.ENDERMAN); List<Entity> ents = player.getNearbyEntities(x, y, z); if (ents != null) { for (Entity e : ents) { if (mobs.contains(e.getType())) return false; } } return true; } public void BroadcastToWorld(String world, String rawmsg) { String msg = ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', rawmsg); Debug(msg); for (final Player p : getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) { HardcorePlayer hcp = HCPlayers.Get(world, p.getUniqueId()); if ((hcp != null) && (hcp.getState() == PlayerState.IN_GAME)) { p.sendMessage(msg); } } } public void BroadcastToHardcore(String rawmsg) { BroadcastToHardcore(rawmsg, null); } public void BroadcastToHardcore(String rawmsg, String excludePlayer) { String msg = ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', rawmsg); Debug(msg); for (final Player p : getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) { // Skip the excluded player (if specified) if ((excludePlayer != null) && (excludePlayer.equals(p.getName()))) continue; if (IsHardcoreWorld(p.getWorld())) { HardcorePlayer hcp = HCPlayers.Get(p); if ((hcp != null) && (hcp.getState() == PlayerState.IN_GAME)) { p.sendMessage(msg); } } } } public boolean InsideWorldBorder(Location loc) { BorderData bd = null; if (!WBHooked) return true; bd = wb.getWorldBorder(loc.getWorld().getName()); if ((bd != null) && (bd.insideBorder(loc))) { return true; } return false; } public void BroadcastToAllServers(String msg) { Bukkit.getServer().broadcastMessage(msg); if (BCHooked) { BungeeChat.mirrorChat(msg, BroadcastChannel); } } }