Java tutorial
// - Copyright (C) Yannick Comte. // This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in // file 'LICENSE', which is part of this source code package. package atlantis.engine.graphics3d.importer.babylonjs; import java.awt.Color; import; import; import; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import atlantis.engine.graphics3d.Face3; import atlantis.engine.graphics3d.Material; import atlantis.engine.graphics3d.Mesh; import atlantis.engine.graphics3d.Vertex; import atlantis.framework.Vector2; import atlantis.framework.Vector3; /** * Importer for a babylon scene. * @author Yannick */ public class BabylonImporter { public static Mesh[] loadBabyonScene(String filename) { Mesh[] mesh = null; BufferedReader reader = null; StringBuilder jsonString = new StringBuilder(); try { reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename)); String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { jsonString.append(line); } reader.close(); String[] temp = filename.split("/"); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0, l = temp.length - 1; i < l; i++) { builder.append(temp[i]); builder.append("/"); } return getMeshes(createBabylonScene(jsonString.toString(), builder.toString())); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return mesh; } public static BabylonScene createBabylonScene(String jsonString, String path) { BabylonScene scene = new BabylonScene(); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jsonString); JSONArray materials = json.getJSONArray("materials"); JSONArray meshes = json.getJSONArray("meshes"); int countMaterials = materials.length(); int countMeshes = meshes.length(); scene.materials = new BabylonMaterial[countMaterials]; for (int i = 0; i < countMaterials; i++) { scene.materials[i] = new BabylonMaterial(); JSONObject bMaterial = materials.getJSONObject(i); scene.materials[i].name = bMaterial.getString("name"); scene.materials[i].id = bMaterial.getString("id"); scene.materials[i].ambient = getFloat3Array(bMaterial, "ambient"); scene.materials[i].diffuse = getFloat3Array(bMaterial, "diffuse"); scene.materials[i].specular = getFloat3Array(bMaterial, "specular"); scene.materials[i].specularPower = (float) bMaterial.getDouble("specularPower"); scene.materials[i].emissive = getFloat3Array(bMaterial, "emissive"); scene.materials[i].alpha = (float) bMaterial.getDouble("alpha"); scene.materials[i].backFaceCulling = bMaterial.getBoolean("backFaceCulling"); JSONObject dTexture = bMaterial.getJSONObject("diffuseTexture"); if (dTexture != null) { scene.materials[i].diffuseTexture = new BabylonTexture(); scene.materials[i] = path + dTexture.getString("name"); scene.materials[i].diffuseTexture.level = (float) dTexture.getDouble("level"); scene.materials[i].diffuseTexture.hasAlpha = (float) dTexture.getDouble("hasAlpha"); scene.materials[i].diffuseTexture.coordinatesMode = dTexture.getInt("coordinatesMode"); scene.materials[i].diffuseTexture.uOffset = (float) dTexture.getDouble("uOffset"); scene.materials[i].diffuseTexture.vOffset = (float) dTexture.getDouble("vOffset"); scene.materials[i].diffuseTexture.uScale = (float) dTexture.getDouble("uScale"); scene.materials[i].diffuseTexture.vScale = (float) dTexture.getDouble("vScale"); scene.materials[i].diffuseTexture.uAng = (float) dTexture.getDouble("uAng"); scene.materials[i].diffuseTexture.vAng = (float) dTexture.getDouble("vAng"); scene.materials[i].diffuseTexture.wAng = (float) dTexture.getDouble("wAng"); scene.materials[i].diffuseTexture.wrapU = dTexture.getBoolean("wrapU"); scene.materials[i].diffuseTexture.wrapV = dTexture.getBoolean("wrapV"); scene.materials[i].diffuseTexture.coordinatesIndex = dTexture.getInt("coordinatesIndex"); } } scene.meshes = new BabylonMesh[countMeshes]; for (int i = 0; i < countMeshes; i++) { scene.meshes[i] = new BabylonMesh(); JSONObject jsonMesh = meshes.getJSONObject(i); scene.meshes[i].name = jsonMesh.getString("name"); scene.meshes[i].id = jsonMesh.getString("id"); try { scene.meshes[i].materialId = jsonMesh.getString("materialId"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } scene.meshes[i].position = getFloat3Array(jsonMesh, "position"); scene.meshes[i].rotation = getFloat3Array(jsonMesh, "rotation"); scene.meshes[i].scaling = getFloat3Array(jsonMesh, "scaling"); scene.meshes[i].isVisible = jsonMesh.getBoolean("isVisible"); scene.meshes[i].isEnabled = jsonMesh.getBoolean("isEnabled"); scene.meshes[i].checkCollisions = jsonMesh.getBoolean("checkCollisions"); scene.meshes[i].billboardMode = jsonMesh.getInt("billboardMode"); scene.meshes[i].uvCount = jsonMesh.getInt("uvCount"); scene.meshes[i].vertices = getFloatNArray(jsonMesh, "vertices"); scene.meshes[i].indices = getFloatNArray(jsonMesh, "indices"); } return scene; } public static float[] getFloat3Array(JSONObject json, String key) { float[] float3 = new float[3]; JSONArray jsonFloat3 = json.getJSONArray(key); float3[0] = (float) jsonFloat3.getDouble(0); float3[1] = (float) jsonFloat3.getDouble(1); float3[2] = (float) jsonFloat3.getDouble(2); return float3; } public static float[] getFloatNArray(JSONObject json, String key) { JSONArray jsonFloatN = json.getJSONArray(key); int countElem = jsonFloatN.length(); float[] floatN = new float[countElem]; for (int i = 0; i < countElem; i++) { floatN[i] = (float) jsonFloatN.getDouble(i); } return floatN; } private static Material getMaterialById(BabylonMaterial[] materials, String id) { int i = 0; int size = materials.length; BabylonMaterial bMaterial = null; while (i < size && bMaterial == null) { bMaterial = (materials[i].id.equals(id)) ? materials[i] : bMaterial; i++; } Material material = new Material(); if (bMaterial != null) { material = new Material(); material.setId(; material.setName(; material.setAlpha(bMaterial.alpha); material.setAmbientColor(new Color(bMaterial.ambient[0], bMaterial.ambient[1], bMaterial.ambient[2])); material.setDiffuseTextureName(bMaterial.diffuseTexture != null ? : ""); material.setDiffuseColor(new Color(bMaterial.diffuse[0], bMaterial.diffuse[1], bMaterial.diffuse[2])); material.setSpecularColor( new Color(bMaterial.specular[0], bMaterial.specular[1], bMaterial.specular[2])); material.setSpecularPower(bMaterial.specularPower); material.setEmissiveColor( new Color(bMaterial.emissive[0], bMaterial.emissive[1], bMaterial.emissive[2])); material.setBackFaceCulling(bMaterial.backFaceCulling); } return material; } public static Mesh[] getMeshes(BabylonScene scene) { Mesh[] meshesCollection = new Mesh[scene.meshes.length]; for (int i = 0, l = scene.meshes.length; i < l; i++) { float[] verticesArray = scene.meshes[i].vertices; float[] indicesArray = scene.meshes[i].indices; int uvCount = scene.meshes[i].uvCount; int verticesStep = 1; verticesStep = uvCount == 0 ? 6 : verticesStep; verticesStep = uvCount == 1 ? 8 : verticesStep; verticesStep = uvCount == 2 ? 10 : verticesStep; int verticesCount = verticesArray.length / verticesStep; int facesCount = indicesArray.length / 3; Mesh mesh = new Mesh(scene.meshes[i].name, verticesCount, facesCount); for (int index = 0; index < verticesCount; index++) { float x = verticesArray[index * verticesStep]; float y = verticesArray[index * verticesStep + 1]; float z = verticesArray[index * verticesStep + 2]; float nx = verticesArray[index * verticesStep + 3]; float ny = verticesArray[index * verticesStep + 4]; float nz = verticesArray[index * verticesStep + 5]; Vector2 textureCoordinate = Vector2.Zero(); if (uvCount > 0) { float u = verticesArray[index * verticesStep + 6]; float v = verticesArray[index * verticesStep + 7]; textureCoordinate.x = u; textureCoordinate.y = v; } Vertex vertex = new Vertex(new Vector3(x, y, z), new Vector3(nx, ny, nz), Vector3.Zero(), textureCoordinate); mesh.setVertex(index, vertex); } for (int index = 0; index < facesCount; index++) { int a = (int) indicesArray[index * 3]; int b = (int) indicesArray[index * 3 + 1]; int c = (int) indicesArray[index * 3 + 2]; mesh.setFace(index, new Face3(a, b, c)); } if (uvCount > 0 && scene.meshes[i].materialId != "") { mesh.setMaterial(getMaterialById(scene.materials, scene.meshes[i].materialId)); } mesh.setPosition(new Vector3(scene.meshes[i].position[0], scene.meshes[i].position[1], scene.meshes[i].position[2])); mesh.setRotation(new Vector3(scene.meshes[i].rotation[0], scene.meshes[i].rotation[1], scene.meshes[i].rotation[2])); mesh.setScale(new Vector3(scene.meshes[i].scaling[0], scene.meshes[i].scaling[1], scene.meshes[i].scaling[2])); meshesCollection[i] = mesh; } return meshesCollection; } }