Java tutorial
/*<ATGCOPYRIGHT> * Copyright (C) 2001-2010 Art Technology Group, Inc. All Rights * Reserved. No use, copying or distribution of this work may be made except in * accordance with a valid license agreement from Art Technology Group. This * notice must be included on all copies, modifications and derivatives of this * work. * * Art Technology Group (ATG) MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES ABOUT THE * SUITABILITY OF THE SOFTWARE, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT * LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. ATG SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE AS A RESULT OF USING, MODIFYING OR DISTRIBUTING * THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS DERIVATIVES. * * "Dynamo" is a trademark of Art Technology Group, Inc. </ATGCOPYRIGHT>*/ package; import atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging; import atg.nucleus.logging.ClassLoggingFactory; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.crypto.BadPaddingException; import javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException; import javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException; import javax.crypto.SecretKey; import javax.crypto.spec.DESedeKeySpec; import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; /** * A simple class for performing encryption/decryption operations using the * javax.crypto package. * * @author ATG * @version $Id: //edu/ILT-Courses/main/COMM/StudentFiles/COM/setup/copy-files/apps/MyStore/EStore/src/atg/projects/store/crypto/ $ * @updated $DateTime: 2011/02/23 04:31:11 $$Author: rmcvey $ */ public class DESedeEncryptor extends AbstractEncryptor { //------------------------------------- /** Class version string */ public static String CLASS_VERSION = "$Id: //edu/ILT-Courses/main/COMM/StudentFiles/COM/setup/copy-files/apps/MyStore/EStore/src/atg/projects/store/crypto/ $$Change: 635816 $"; /** * Class vertion string. */ //------------------------------------- // Constants. //------------------------------------- /** Logger. */ public static ApplicationLogging mLogger = ClassLoggingFactory.getFactory() .getLoggerForClass(DESedeEncryptor.class); /** * Algorithm name - DES-EDE ("triple-DES"). */ private static final String ALGORITHM = "DESede"; /** * 24 byte key string for use with DESede. */ private static final String KEY = "2kCo5j0ca#L.0ije@~l;S!*2"; /** * Encoder. */ private transient static Base64 mEncoder = new Base64(); /** * Key string. */ private byte[] mKeyString = null; /** * Key specification. */ private transient DESedeKeySpec mKeySpec = null; /** * Secret key. */ private transient SecretKey mKey = null; /** * Encrypt cipher. */ private transient javax.crypto.Cipher mEncryptCypher = null; /** * Decrypt cipher. */ private transient javax.crypto.Cipher mDecryptCypher = null; /** * Security providers. */ private List mSecurityProviders = null; //------------------------------------- // Constructors. //------------------------------------- /** * Default constructor. */ public DESedeEncryptor() { super(); } //------------------------------------- // Methods. //------------------------------------- /** * @return list of security providers. */ public List getSecurityProviders() { return mSecurityProviders; } /** * Set the list of Providers from the property. * @param pSecurityProviders - security providers list */ public void setSecurityProviders(List pSecurityProviders) { mSecurityProviders = pSecurityProviders; } /** * @return the logger. */ private ApplicationLogging getLogger() { return mLogger; } /** * This is two way encryption, so encrypt/decrypt keys are the same. * @param pValue - value * @throws EncryptorException if encryptor error occurs */ protected final void doAcceptEncryptKey(byte[] pValue) throws EncryptorException { acceptKey(pValue); } /** * This is two way encryption, so encrypt/decrypt keys are the same. * @param pValue - value * @throws EncryptorException if encryptor error occurs */ protected final void doAcceptDecryptKey(byte[] pValue) throws EncryptorException { acceptKey(pValue); } /** * Initialize the KeySpec. * * @param pValue key in byte[] * @throws EncryptorException This exception indicates that a severe error * occurred while performing a cryptography operation. */ protected final void acceptKey(byte[] pValue) throws EncryptorException { mKeyString = pValue; } /** * Initialize DESedeEncryptor. * * @throws EncryptorException This exception indicates that a severe error * occurred while performing a cryptography operation. */ protected final void doInit() throws EncryptorException { try { addSecurityProviders(); if (mKeyString == null) { mKeyString = KEY.getBytes(); } mKeySpec = new DESedeKeySpec(mKeyString); mKey = new SecretKeySpec(mKeySpec.getKey(), ALGORITHM); mEncryptCypher = javax.crypto.Cipher.getInstance(ALGORITHM); mEncryptCypher.init(javax.crypto.Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, mKey); mDecryptCypher = javax.crypto.Cipher.getInstance(ALGORITHM); mDecryptCypher.init(javax.crypto.Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, mKey); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae) { throw new EncryptorException("Failed to initialize encryptor: ", nsae); } catch (NoSuchPaddingException nspe) { throw new EncryptorException("Failed to initialize encryptor: ", nspe); } catch (InvalidKeyException nske) { throw new EncryptorException("Failed to initialize encryptor: ", nske); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected final byte[] doEncrypt(byte[] pValue) throws EncryptorException { try { return mEncryptCypher.doFinal(pValue); } catch (IllegalBlockSizeException ibse) { throw new EncryptorException("Failed to encrypt: ", ibse); } catch (BadPaddingException bpe) { throw new EncryptorException("Failed to encrypt: ", bpe); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected final byte[] doDecrypt(byte[] pValue) throws EncryptorException { try { return mDecryptCypher.doFinal(pValue); } catch (IllegalBlockSizeException ibse) { throw new EncryptorException("Failed to decrypt: ", ibse); } catch (BadPaddingException bpe) { throw new EncryptorException("Failed to decrypt: ", bpe); } } /** * Once encrypted, string data may no longer be a string because the * encrypted data is binary and may contain null characters, thus it may * need to be encoded using a encoder such as Base64, UUEncode (ASCII only) * or UCEncode(ASCII independent). * @param pValue - value * @throws EncryptorException This exception indicates that an error * occurred while performing a cryptography operation. * @return encoded data */ protected String encodeToString(byte[] pValue) throws EncryptorException { return new String(mEncoder.encode(pValue)); } /** * Decode <code>pValue</code> into array of bytes. * * @param pValue decoded string * @return decoded array of bytes * @throws EncryptorException This exception indicates that a severe error * occurred while performing a cryptography operation. */ protected byte[] decodeToByteArray(String pValue) throws EncryptorException { return mEncoder.decode(pValue.getBytes()); } /** * This method add's new security provider * at the top of the list of exsisting providers. */ protected void addSecurityProviders() { int position = 1; List securityProviders = getSecurityProviders(); if (securityProviders != null) { Iterator securityProvidersIter = securityProviders.iterator(); String securityProvider = null; while (securityProvidersIter.hasNext()) { try { securityProvider = (String); Class providerClass = Class.forName(securityProvider); Provider provider = (Provider) providerClass.newInstance(); Security.insertProviderAt(provider, position); position++; } catch (InstantiationException inste) { if (getLogger().isLoggingWarning()) { getLogger().logWarning("Unable to add provider: " + securityProvider + ".Proceeding with default settings."); } } catch (IllegalAccessException iae) { if (getLogger().isLoggingWarning()) { getLogger().logWarning("Unable to add provider: " + securityProvider + ".Proceeding with default settings."); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { if (getLogger().isLoggingWarning()) { getLogger().logWarning("Unable to add provider: " + securityProvider + ".Proceeding with default settings."); } } } } } }