Java tutorial
/* * This code is part of the BigActor project. * * Copyright (c) 2013 Clemens Krainer <> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package at.uni_salzburg.cs.ros.artificer; import at.uni_salzburg.cs.ckgroup.course.CartesianCoordinate; import at.uni_salzburg.cs.ckgroup.course.PolarCoordinate; import at.uni_salzburg.cs.ckgroup.course.WGS84; import at.uni_salzburg.cs.ros.Configuration; import big_actor_msgs.LatLng; import big_actor_msgs.LatLngAlt; import big_actor_msgs.Location; import big_actor_msgs.Task; import big_actor_msgs.Vehicle; import org.apache.commons.lang.math.RandomUtils; import org.ros.node.ConnectedNode; import java.util.List; /** * VehicleData */ public class VehicleData implements Updatable { private static final int MAXIMUM_WAIT_TIME_FOR_NEW_TASK = 15000; private static volatile int taskCounter = 0; private static final double PI180TH = Math.PI / 180; private Vehicle vehicle; private ConnectedNode node; private LatLngAlt startPosition; private LatLngAlt targetPosition; private double velocity; private long startTime; private long endTime; private boolean busy = false; private float newHeading = 0; private LatLngAlt currentPosition; private Clock clock; private double minLat = 90; private double minLng = 180; private double maxLat = -90; private double maxLng = -180; private double minAlt = Double.MAX_VALUE; private double maxAlt = Double.MIN_VALUE; private double distance; private WGS84 geodeticSystem = new WGS84(); private CartesianCoordinate distanceVector; private CartesianCoordinate cartesianStarPosition; private int currentTaskId = 0; private int newTaskId = 0; private float heading; /** * @param configuration configuration * @param vehicle vehicle */ public VehicleData(Configuration configuration, Vehicle vehicle) { this.node = configuration.getNode(); this.clock = configuration.getClock(); this.vehicle = vehicle; startPosition = node.getTopicMessageFactory().newFromType(LatLngAlt._TYPE); startPosition.setLatitude(vehicle.getPosition().getLatitude()); startPosition.setLongitude(vehicle.getPosition().getLongitude()); startPosition.setAltitude(vehicle.getPosition().getAltitude()); targetPosition = node.getTopicMessageFactory().newFromType(LatLngAlt._TYPE); targetPosition.setLatitude(vehicle.getPosition().getLatitude()); targetPosition.setLongitude(vehicle.getPosition().getLongitude()); targetPosition.setAltitude(vehicle.getPosition().getAltitude()); currentPosition = node.getTopicMessageFactory().newFromType(LatLngAlt._TYPE); currentPosition.setLatitude(vehicle.getPosition().getLatitude()); currentPosition.setLongitude(vehicle.getPosition().getLongitude()); currentPosition.setAltitude(vehicle.getPosition().getAltitude()); velocity = configuration.getVehicleSimulationDetails().get(vehicle.getVehicleId()).getAverageSpeed(); startTime = clock.currentTimeMillis(); endTime = clock.currentTimeMillis(); for (Location location : configuration.getLocations()) { List<LatLng> boundaries = location.getBoundaries(); for (LatLng position : boundaries) { if (position.getLatitude() < minLat) { minLat = position.getLatitude(); } if (position.getLatitude() > maxLat) { maxLat = position.getLatitude(); } if (position.getLongitude() < minLng) { minLng = position.getLongitude(); } if (position.getLongitude() > maxLng) { maxLng = position.getLongitude(); } } if (location.getMaximumAltitude() > maxAlt) { maxAlt = location.getMaximumAltitude(); } if (location.getMinimumAltitude() < minAlt) { minAlt = location.getMinimumAltitude(); } } } /** * @return the associated vehicle. */ public Vehicle getVehicle() { vehicle.setHeading(heading); vehicle.setPosition(currentPosition); vehicle.setTimeStamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); vehicle.setTaskId(currentTaskId); vehicle.setTaskState(busy ? Task.TS_IN_PROGRESS : Task.TS_NONE); vehicle.setVehicleState(busy ? Vehicle.VS_BUSY : Vehicle.VS_IDLE); return vehicle; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void update() { if (startTime >= clock.currentTimeMillis()) { // do nothing, wait for new task. node.getLog().debug("Waiting for new task."); busy = false; } else if (endTime >= clock.currentTimeMillis()) { busy = true; currentTaskId = newTaskId; heading = newHeading; double completion = 1.0 - (endTime - clock.currentTimeMillis()) / (double) (endTime - startTime); CartesianCoordinate cp = distanceVector.multiply(completion * completion * (3 - 2 * completion)) .add(cartesianStarPosition); PolarCoordinate pos = geodeticSystem.rectangularToPolarCoordinates(cp); currentPosition.setLatitude(pos.getLatitude()); currentPosition.setLongitude(pos.getLongitude()); currentPosition.setAltitude(pos.getAltitude()); node.getLog().info(String.format("VehicleData.update() %f %d %d", completion, (endTime - clock.currentTimeMillis()), (endTime - startTime))); } else { newTaskId = incrementTaskCounter(); currentTaskId = 0; node.getLog().info("Generate new task. " + newTaskId); startPosition = currentPosition; startTime = clock.currentTimeMillis() + (long) (MAXIMUM_WAIT_TIME_FOR_NEW_TASK * RandomUtils.nextDouble()); busy = false; double latitude = minLat + (maxLat - minLat) * RandomUtils.nextDouble(); double longitude = minLng + (maxLng - minLng) * RandomUtils.nextDouble(); double altitude = minAlt + (maxAlt - minAlt) * RandomUtils.nextDouble(); targetPosition.setLatitude(latitude); targetPosition.setLongitude(longitude); targetPosition.setAltitude(altitude); PolarCoordinate s = new PolarCoordinate(startPosition.getLatitude(), startPosition.getLongitude(), startPosition.getAltitude()); PolarCoordinate t = new PolarCoordinate(targetPosition.getLatitude(), targetPosition.getLongitude(), targetPosition.getAltitude()); cartesianStarPosition = geodeticSystem.polarToRectangularCoordinates(s); CartesianCoordinate target = geodeticSystem.polarToRectangularCoordinates(t); distanceVector = target.subtract(cartesianStarPosition); distance = distanceVector.norm(); endTime = startTime + (long) (1000 * distance / velocity); if (Math.abs(t.getLatitude() - s.getLatitude()) < 1E-6 && Math.abs(t.getLongitude() - s.getLongitude()) < 1E-6) { newHeading = 0; } else { newHeading = (float) Math.atan2( (s.getLongitude() - t.getLongitude()) * Math.cos(t.getLatitude() * PI180TH), t.getLatitude() - s.getLatitude()); if (newHeading < 0) { newHeading += 2 * Math.PI; } newHeading /= PI180TH; } } } /** * @return true if vehicle is busy. */ public boolean isBusy() { return busy; } private int incrementTaskCounter() { synchronized (VehicleData.class) { ++taskCounter; } return taskCounter; } }