Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package at.tuwien.aic; import at.tuwien.aic.db.Database; import at.tuwien.aic.preprocessing.Stem; import at.tuwien.aic.preprocessing.StopWordRemoval; import at.tuwien.aic.classify.ClassifyTweet; import at.tuwien.aic.twitter.DefaultTweetHandler; import at.tuwien.aic.twitter.TweetCrawler; import at.tuwien.aic.twitter.TweetHandler; import at.tuwien.aic.twitter.TweetScorer; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.DB; import com.mongodb.DBCollection; import com.mongodb.DBCursor; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import com.mongodb.Mongo; import com.mongodb.QueryBuilder; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import weka.classifiers.Classifier; /** * * @author 1027822 Klaus Harrer * * This is the main entry point for the stage 1 program You can run the various * actions from the commandline */ public class Main { private static Properties _prop; private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Main.class.getName()); /** * Main entry point * * @param args */ @SuppressWarnings("empty-statement") public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException { try { System.out.println(new".").getCanonicalPath()); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Main.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } TweetCrawler tc = null; try { tc = TweetCrawler.getInstance(); } catch (UnknownHostException ex) { logger.severe("Could not connect to mongoDb"); exitWithError(2); return; } int action; while (true) { action = getDecision("The following actions can be executed", new String[] { "Subscribe to topic", "Query topic", "Test preprocessing", "Recreate the evaluation model", "Quit the application" }, "What action do you want to execute?"); switch (action) { case 1: tc.collectTweets(new DefaultTweetHandler() { @Override public boolean isMatch(String topic) { return true; } }, getNonEmptyString( "Which topic do you want to subscribe to (use spaces to specify more than one keyword)?") .split(" ")); System.out.println("Starting to collection tweets"); System.out.println("Press enter to quit collecting"); while ( != 10) ; tc.stopCollecting(); break; case 2: System.out.println("Enter tweet"); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; String tweet = br.readLine(); //double prediction = ClassifyTweet.classifyTweets(c, tweet, 2); System.exit(0); //classifyTopic(); break; case 3: int subAction = getDecision("The following preprocessing steps are available", new String[] { "Stop word removal", "Stemming", "Both" }, "What do you want to test?"); switch (subAction) { case 1: stopWords(); break; case 2: stem(); break; case 3: stem(stopWords()); default: break; } break; case 4: //ClassifyTweet.classifyTweetArff(c, "resources/unlabeled.arff", "resources/train.arff"); ArrayList<String> tweets = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<String> processedTweets = new ArrayList<>(); //Positive Tweets tweets.add( "#Office365 is the fastest growing business in Microsofts history, one out of four enterprise clients owns #Office365 in the past 12 months"); tweets.add("oh yeah back to microsoft word it's great haha"); tweets.add( "Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate: excellent tool, but a bit pricey at $13K -"); tweets.add( "Apple 'absolutely' plans to release new product types this year - Design Week: Design WeekApple 'absolutely' p..."); tweets.add( "RT @ReformedBroker: \"Apple can't innovate.\" Motherf***er you're watching a movie on a 4 ounce plate of glass."); tweets.add( "What's the best brand of shoes?! Lol. There's too damn many, what do you prefer. Me is some Adidas."); tweets.add( "I want ?? @AdorableWords: Tribal/Aztec pattern Nike free runs ??"); tweets.add( "I achieved the Streak Week trophy with my Nike+ FuelBand. #nikeplus"); tweets.add("RT @DriveOfAthletes: Retweet for Nike! Favorite for UA!"); //Neutral Tweets tweets.add("This site is giving away Free Microsoft Points #XBOX LIVE"); tweets.add( "How To Save The World: 1. Open Microsoft Word. 2. In a size 12-36 font, type \"The World\". 3. Click save."); tweets.add( "Microsoft Special Deals for Education: Microsoft special deals for Students, faculty and staff:"); tweets.add( "Microsoft is about to take Windows XP off life support On April 8, Windows XP's life is coming to an end. On that d"); tweets.add("Microsoft open sources its internet servers"); tweets.add( "The Apple Macintosh computer turns 30 - ... #CarlIcahn #IsaacsonIt #SteveJobs #WalterIsaacson"); tweets.add( "News Update| Samsung opens 60 dedicated stores in Europe with Carphone Warehouse"); tweets.add("I posted a new photo to Facebook"); tweets.add( "Brand New Men's ADIDAS VIGOR TR 3 Athletic Running shoes. Size: 11.5"); tweets.add("I just ran 2.58 mi with Nike+. #nikeplus"); tweets.add("Why is facebook still a thing"); //Negative Tweets tweets.add("Thank God for microsoft programs....."); tweets.add( "RT @verge: UK government once again threatens to ditch Microsoft Office"); tweets.add("Apple charge far too much for very poor phone cases"); tweets.add("Here's Why Everyone Is Worried About Apple's iPhone Sales"); tweets.add("Is Apple Ready to Disrupt Another Industry? via @zite"); tweets.add( "Tim Cook Officially Admits iPhone 5c Didnt Meet Expectations #iPhone #Apple"); tweets.add("@MushIsAJedi @HeyItsAmine i dont rlly like samsung that much"); tweets.add("twitter facebook die shit"); tweets.add( "I am thinking of leaving Facebook for a while... To much spying going on.. I am sick and tired of thinking about... http:/)/"); tweets.add("RT @OfficialSheIdon: RIP Facebook, too many of our parents joined."); StopWordRemoval swr = new StopWordRemoval("resources/stopwords.txt"); for (String t : tweets) { t = swr.processText(t); processedTweets.add(t); } for (int i = 0; i < 28; i++) { if (i != 4) { ArrayList<Integer> results = ClassifyTweet.classifyTweets(processedTweets, i); int correctCount = 0; int positiveCorrect = 0; int neutralCorrect = 0; int negativeCorrect = 0; int falsePosNeu = 0; int falsePosNeg = 0; int falseNeuPos = 0; int falseNeuNeg = 0; int falseNegNeu = 0; int falseNegPos = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 30; j++) { int pred = results.get(j); if (j >= 0 && j < 10) { if (pred == 1) { correctCount++; positiveCorrect++; } else if (pred == 0) { falsePosNeu++; } else if (pred == -1) { falsePosNeg++; } } else if (j >= 10 && j < 20) { if (pred == 0) { correctCount++; neutralCorrect++; } else if (pred == 1) { falseNeuPos++; } else if (pred == -1) { falseNeuNeg++; } } else if (j >= 20 && j < 30) { if (pred == -1) { correctCount++; negativeCorrect++; } else if (pred == 0) { falseNegNeu++; } else if (pred == 1) { falseNegPos++; } } } System.out.println("Correct Predictions: " + correctCount + " / 30"); System.out.println("Correct Positive: " + positiveCorrect + " / 10"); System.out.println("Correct Neutral: " + neutralCorrect + " / 10"); System.out.println("Correct Negative: " + negativeCorrect + " / 10"); System.out.println("False Positive as Neutral: " + falsePosNeu); System.out.println("False Positive as Negative: " + falsePosNeg); System.out.println("False Neutral as Positive: " + falseNeuPos); System.out.println("False Neutral as Negative: " + falseNeuNeg); System.out.println("False Negative as Positive: " + falseNegPos); System.out.println("False Negative as Neutral: " + falseNegNeu); } } exit(); case 5: exit(); } } } private static String getNonEmptyString(String msg) { return getNonEmptyString(msg, ""); } private static String getNonEmptyString(String msg, String defaultValue) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; String ret = defaultValue; print(msg, ret); while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { ret = scanner.nextLine(); if (!ret.equals("")) { break; } print(msg, ret); } return ret; } public static void exit() { System.out.println("Application is exiting - Goodbye!"); System.exit(0); } public static void exitWithError(int errorCode) { System.out.println("Exiting with errorCode " + errorCode); System.exit(errorCode); } private static int getDecision(String input, String[] options, String output) { System.out.println(input); int c = 0; int action = -1; for (String option : options) { System.out.println("\t" + ++c + ". " + option); } System.out.println(""); while (action < 0 || action > c) { try { action = Integer.parseInt(getNonEmptyString(output)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } return action; } private static void print(String msg, String ret) { if (!ret.equals("")) { System.out.print(msg + " [" + ret + "]: "); } else { System.out.print(msg + ": "); } } private static String stopWords() { String text = getNonEmptyString("Enter the text to be StopWordRemoved"); try { StopWordRemoval swr = new StopWordRemoval("resources/stopwords.txt"); text = swr.processText(text); System.out.println(text); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Main.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } return text; } private static void stem() { stem(null); } private static void stem(String text) { if (text == null) { text = getNonEmptyString("Enter the text to be stemmed"); } System.out.println(Stem.stem(text)); } /* private static void classifyTopic() { String topic = getNonEmptyString("Enter a topic you want to query"); Mongo mongo; DB db = null; try { mongo = new Mongo(_prop.getProperty("db_host")); db = mongo.getDB(_prop.getProperty("db_name")); } catch (UnknownHostException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Main.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return; } Classifier c = ClassifyTweet.loadModel(0); TweetScorer scorer = new TweetScorer(); DBCollection tweetCollection = db.getCollection("tweets"); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^.+" + topic + ".+$"); DBObject query = QueryBuilder.start("text").regex(pattern).get(); DBCursor resultSet = tweetCollection.find(query); int count = 0; double value = 0; double cValue = 0; double tweetClassifiedScore = 0; double tweetPosUserScore = 0; double tweetNegUserScore = 0; while (resultSet.hasNext()) { try { DBObject obj =; String tweetText = (String) obj.get("text"); cValue = ClassifyTweet.classifyTweet(c, tweetText); System.out.println(tweetText); System.out.println(cValue); tweetClassifiedScore += cValue; double score = scorer.scoreTweet(obj); if (tweetClassifiedScore > 0) { tweetPosUserScore += score; } else { tweetNegUserScore += score; } ++count; } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Main.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (JSONException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Main.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Main.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } // Normalizing between 0 an 1 value = tweetPosUserScore / (tweetPosUserScore + tweetNegUserScore); System.out.println("This topic has a sentiment value of: " + value); } */ }